Does Anyone Know What Time It...

By wesleywinters

406 34 10

After a small arguement causes deadly accident, the two lovers have to forgive eachother, but first they have... More

A Breif Prologue
Chapter 2: Living On
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1: The Loss of a Love

89 8 1
By wesleywinters

an: yay, it's here! I worked really hard on this one. Okay, If you read the author note last chapter I said this was going to take place 10 years after. I felt that my charaters should be younger, so as far as today, it's been 5 years since the prolouge.

Also Arin is used sorta of a antigonist, just remember this is an AU they aren't married or even dating in this.

Chapter 1 Part 1: Falling Out

Suzy woke up. She was reminiscing about her first day of college. She looked across the room into the bathroom where Holly was using the neti pot in the bathroom. The noise of Holly's snorting out mucus is what woke her up orginally. "You are just as beautiful as the first time I met you." Suzy says half romanticly half joking. "Ha ha, very funny." Holly and Suzy are just now getting used to living together after 4 years after Holly finished college. Since then they have been dating and in love. Like a fairy tale, as Holly would always say. "Well I have to go to work!" Suzy grabbed her laptop bag. "B-Bye sweatheart." Holly smiled. Suzy looked at her a little longer than normal then smiled. She walked out the door.

"Okay, I suppose I should get back to work on this" she said outloud. "Eh, nah" Holly went back the bed and laid there thinking. Eventually she went over to Lieutenant Birb her bird friend. She, with nothing to do, or at least nothing that she wants to do she desided to watch game grumps. Holly grabs her laptop that her and suzy now share. Then logs in. Hm, Holly knows that she shouldn't snoop but she can't help herself. After all it's not Holly fault that Suzy left her facebook acount open. She scrolls through her friends list and pauses on one name Arin Hanson. She's heard that name before.

She clicks on his name, opening up the message box. She dares to scroll through their most recent messages.

"Hey! Suzy you doing anything this weekend?"

"No, I am just going out with my girlfriend. Same ol' you know."

"Oh" "well I haven't seen you since college ;)" "Maybe we can catch up some time."

"Yeah, maybe we can go out tommorow 9:00, drinks on me"

"Okay, 9:00 sounds good to me."

read Sunday 10:30pm

"Monday..." Holly thought. Today was wednesday. She racked her brain to think about where Suzy was Monday at 9:00. Wasn't she working late that night? Part of Holly wanted to be mad at Suzy, that part wanted to call Suzy and give her an earful for lying to her. However, the other part of her wanted crawl up in a ball the entire day, her entire life out of fear. What if it wasn't just a friendly meet up, why would she lie. These questions spiriled in her head like a tornado her stomache was doing summer-saults. She cried. She turned off her laptop she pushed her art supplies off the bed, she laid in bad and wondered what she was going to do.

Hours flew by in seconds, and Holly felt sick. She didn't even read the earliest messages, did she want to see the earliest messages? No, she is just being stupid, Suzy just forgot to tell her, that's it. She eventually calmed herself down and awaited Suzy. She always made things better, but Suzy has never been part of the problem until now. It's just a misunderstanding, It's just a misunderstanding, she told herself over and over again. Suzy was going to come home and we can be happy again we don't even have to aknowlage the messages. It will be just like a fairy tale.

7:00pm earliest hour Suzy comes when she's feeling homesick. 8:00pm she should be here any moment. Holly didn't dare text Suzy, not yet if she seemed to worried then Suzy might know about the snooping. 9:00 Suzy is working late today. If she is, working... of course she is. 10:00pm, Holly grabs her phone. Then dials Suzy's number. riiing... riiing... riiing... ... riiing... your call has been forwarded to a voice message system please record your message after the tone. ...beep

"Suzy honey, it's getting late and I'm getting worried about you. Please call back. I love you."

Holly pulls her knees up to her body. 11:00pm Holly should be asleep by now. She can't. Suzy has probably abandoned her. "Almost 5 years, that's all it takes. I loved her so much" ding ding wissle, ding ding, wissle.... Holly sat up like a bolt. She grabbed her phone at lightning speed. "Hello? Hello? Suzy? Hello?" A mummer in the background. "Suzy honey are you alright?"

"OH, HAYYY!" Suzy yells in the phone. "what you doin calln me so, lat"

"Suzy! Are you, drunk?"

"Maybe a lil'" If Holly wasn't mad before she sure was now.

"Suzy, I'm coming to get you. Stay. Where. You. Are. At. Do you understand?"

"Okay Mommy love you too"

"Where are you at?"

"BLAAAAA-" the call ends.

Holly is worried, she doesn't know where Suzy is, and she's drunk. Her anger meant nothing now. She thought through all the places Suzy could be. Well, she was drunk, so that means she must be at a bar. She calls Suzy again. Riiing... your call has been forwarded to a voice messaging system. It went straight to voicemail. Ugh. There was an applebees next to her work. She got in a cab and went there. The entire 20 minutes there, Holly was running her fingers through her hair. She runs inside the building.

After her releif of seeing her love, the anger comes back to Holly. She walks in on Suzy sitting next to Arin. Holly doesn't say anything. Arin notices Holly staring at Suzy first. "Hey. Uh, what are you doing?" Arin says protectivly. Suzy turns around, "Oh, Holl'! Wans upm." Suzy exclaims happly. "Oh, is this her?"

"Suzy, we have to go home now." Holly demands

"Nah, I go homen in 10 minun'... or hourns." Suzy erupts in laughter.

"Suzy you are drunk, you lied to me, and it's too late to be out."

"I don'tn have ta go to workd tomorro'"

"Suzy. I want to be with you, okay please come home"

"Hey, just back off." Arin protests. "she really is as uptight as you said." he says to Suzy.

Holly no longer can do anything to get Suzy home. She didn't want to leave her either, she might try to drive home. She waited on a booth on the other side of the resturant. She waited for what felt like years. By this point Suzy and Arin forgot that Holly was there. They were back to drinking and laughing. Suzy was happy without her. Holly feel asleep at her table.

She woke around 2:40am Suzy and Arin were gone. Holly was too dazed and half asleep to register that they might've gone off together. Not like it would've mattered anyway. She got into another taxi, who wasn't too happy because the taxi man was getting home. Lucklily it was on the way. Holly got to the apartment door and opened it and feel to sleep again.

Holly woke up later than normal. Normally by this point Suzy would've woken her up somehow. However, Suzy was nowhere to be seen. A post-it note was stuck to the tv. "Sorry about last night! Came home to find you sleeping and didn't want to wake you up so I slept at Arin's" See ya at 8:00.

Holly wouldn't care if she came through yelling she would've have cared if Suzy came in when she was sleeping and punched her in the face. She just needed her to come into the room and sleep in her bed, she wanted to be happy with Suzy. Holly was beggining to worry that Suzy could be happy without her.

8:00 rolls by, fortunately Suzy arrives on time.

"Hey honey!" She says.

"You didn't have to sleep at Arin's you know."

"I didn't want to wake you up."

"I miss you this is the second time you 'worked late'"

"What were the air quotes for? I did work late you know."

"I saw you last night, at applebees."

"Whatever, I worked late and had a rough day so I went for a few drinks."

"Yeah, with Arin."

"Yeah with Arin. Whats the big deal?"


"Fine, be moody"

Holly turned around in her bed. Suzy was upset herself. Who does she think she is? He's just a friend, even if he did try to make a few moves on her. That was a while ago anyway. Suzy still loved Holly, but things were cold between eachother. They didn't sleep next to eachother that night, they slept on the oppisite side of the bed. At the end of night however, Suzy's head ended up under Holly's out of habit. In the morning tensions settled down.

Suzy left in the morning as usual. She took the cloth off the painting and began finishing the outline of the rough draft. Meanwhile Suzy was running a fashion designing busniess. Fairly stressful work for a party girl as herself. Arin walks in her office.

"Hey babe." Arin says smiling.

"I told not to call me that."

"C'mon, don't tell me last night was a one time"

"Arin, I was drunk. It wasn't right of you to take advantage of me like that"

"I-I didn't think of it that way. I thought we were starting something."

"I already told you, I'm in love with Holly."

"I'm sorry, I just- I'm starting to get feelings for you."

"Get- get out of my office."

"I don't want to."

"get out"

Arin leaves. Suzy is too busy for this thing, and she was not instrested in being in a love triangle. Arin was actally a good guy he was easy and fun to talk to. Suzy couldn't deny that he found him attractive, but her heart belonged to Holly and it always will. Hopefully. She looks at the ring in the dawer under her desk. It's been in there for 2 months, and Suzy is starting to think it will be in there forever. Not unless, she grabbed it now.

Chapter 1 Part 2: The Fire

* * *

Today is the day. They just made it over a rough patch and their relationship was never stronger. At least thats what she thought.

This Afternoon

Despite Holly's best attempt she could help herself. She spent almost the entire second half of her day reading converstations with Arin and Suzy. How stupid she feels now. She read every half flirty conversation, every line Arin used to hit on Suzy. This blew up in Holly's mind from worrysome, from a full blown anxiety attack. She stopped ignoring the signs, she stopped dening and lying to herself.

Holly no longer cared, she brought Suzy's wisky up to her lips and drank. The famliliar burning feeling at the back of her tounge brought her back into her earliest college days. She was 19 too young to drink but she took beers from her first roomate's boyfriend. Who were good friends at the time. Her grades sank as low as her depression. After she met Suzy, her life cleaned up an her smile alone brought her inspiration for art again. Without Suzy, nothing mattered anymore and she began drinking as hard as when she stopped.

She spent the rest of the day drinking and crying. BOOM!... BOOM!...BOOM!...BOOM! Somehow, the entire street's transformers went out. Of course turning off all power. Holly drunkenly lit a candle. A knock on a door. It was Suzy. It might be a good time to explain that Holly was not a happy drunk. She was even angrier than she was before getting drunk. She opened the door.

"Whater you doing here?" Holly asks.

"Um, I live here?" Suzy is confused, she of coarse has never seen Holly drunk.

"Get out I don't want you here!"

"Holly, I'm confused."

"Why don't you go to Arin's house? You love him so much more!"

"Holly, are you drunk?"

"Get out!"

"No, Holly let me in we can talk."

"Shut up!" Holly was now trying to shut the door.

"Holly, let me in" Suzy the much stronger one was pushing herself in.

"Stop it, stop it, stop it" Holly protested

Suzy pushed herself in. Holly was blistering angry. "I said get out" Holly hit Suzy with a empty bottle. "Ach!" Suzy falls back into the lit candle. Holly freezes in disbelief of her own actions. The candle tips over and falls on spilt wiskey. Then a fire is erupted. Suzy hits her head and is knocked out. Holly panics and runs out of the room. She remembers Suzy, and runs in to save her. The fire has multiplied into the entire apartment.

BOOM! A firey explosion.

an: well that's that. I wrote this one the day after I wrote the last one so if anyone left any comments I can't reply to them here. I felt as this part was a little sad, but I didn't get to do a good job of showing it. Plus the fire thing seems kind of rushed. Other than that I am pretty happy with it. I was able to turn my 2 lines in my rough draft into 2000 words. So that's a plus. I will admit that writing this wasn't as fun as writing the prolouge but the prolouge had more cute-sy stuff in it. Im not making any promises, but this next part might have some cute-sy stuff in it. I'm writing the next part right now, and I already like it more.

Also, on the account that I'm not sure how good this is, I am going to finish the story even if it become harshly lashed upon incase somebody wants to know the whole story. Speaking of which, the next part coming out Friday!

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