Chapter 2: Living On

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an: Friday's here again! Let me tell you somethin' from here. This one is ALL drama.  <--- I wrote that one  summer 2015. I'm writting this down winter 2015. So... oops. I hate to be that fanfic writter. BUT IT IS HERE! Hopefully it won't take so long for me to upload another  900 words.

A crash was heard across the entire street. The large apartment building was falling down due to the room on a lower floor mysteriously having a fire. Screaming people where exiting the building before the room collasped. 

"Last night in Roosevelt Avenue an apartment building caught fire. Officals are saying that 3 died and 15 are injured. The cause of the fire remains unknown..." says the broadcasting lady all over the TV screens of New York.  "There has been confirmed 3 deaths, and 14 slightly injured, 1 permitally injured.

Footage of the fire was live broadcast was played last night. The more exicting parts were being played over and over a various times through the entire 1 hour program. 

12 hours ago

BREAKING NEWS: Major Fire in Roosevelt. BREAKING NEWS: Major Fire in Rooselvelt BREAKING NEWS

Holly heard a boom coming in from the kitchen, she had no time to think. She busted through the door and was trampled by a hearding crowds of people. She fell on the ground and was kicked in the face without warning. Blood came from her eye. She stumbled over towards the exit. A louder crash came from behind her. A roar of screams and the crowd moved faster. It was a place of mass hysteria. Pushing eachother out of the exits. Holly frantically looked around, she was pushed like the people before her outside the door. A firefighter grabs her with a blanket. Holly is hysterically crying. She looks up to see a bird fly through the window. The firefighter tells her to breathe, she calms down. She has came back to her sences. She has lost everything.

Her home, her art, her life, her Suzy. Holly froze. Suzy. "She was drunk, I left her there, I could've saved her. Suzy..." 

"Oh my..." The firefighter put bandages on Holly's face. 

"I left her in there."

Don't worry lady, were getting everyone out if we get anyone named Suzy we'll tell you." 

Holly murmured out a "thanks."

She waited on the bumper of the firetruck. She watched the ashes settle on the ground. She saw the crying families lucky for their life. "I caused this... I killed her." She said to herself. Tears built up into her eyes until she saw sunrise. It has been ten hours since the whole ordeal. She let go, and began to softly cry. 

"Listen lady, we couldn't find a Suzy. I'm sorry."

Holly didn't say anything. She rode in the back with two other survivors. The final firetruck carrying the last few survivors to the hospital. That was it. The last time Holly had sucidual thoughts was, well, college. Right before she met Suzy. Holly wasn't going to commit sucide. Not yet. She was driven to the hospital not saying a word. After sometime of sitting in the waiting room. the paramedics and the nurses fixed the bandages up and let her go. It was now about noon.

"Do you have anywhere to go? You know, to live?" Said a voice behind Holly.

Holly turned around and said the first words she said in 18 hours, "I'm staying with a friend, but thanks anyway Arin."

Does Anyone Know What Time It Is?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant