Short Stories

By GalaxyTiger13

141 15 4

Short stories, some made with friends! Some are based on movies/books/shows/ and music. Enjoy and please vot... More

Beyond the Wall
At You're Own Risk

A Cow's Revenge

45 5 1
By GalaxyTiger13

Hey everybody! My brother @loolkid helped me write this so you should follow him!! Thanks for reading and I hope you like it! Bye ma' peeps!! :D

Once upon a time there was a cow named Frank. He roamed the meadows of an old guy named Ben's farm near the coast of England. One day he was roaming so far he ended up in Bakersfield, California. Once he relized he was in California, he decided he might as well go to Hollywood! So he went to Hollywood and saw a director named Steven Spielberg. He heard about this Steven and knew he was famous, so he went across the street to meet him. He asked for a role in a movie and he got a role as a backround charecter for a new movie he's making. His backround charecter was a cow. In the movie the cow blows up. He was scared about this role because he thought he might actually be blown up! So he went to the studio the next day and did get blown. He got blown up because there were technical difficultys with the fake bomb.

Weeks later the investigators found out that the "fake bomb" wasn't actually fake! It was real, and the people who baught the bomb wanted to kill Frank. The people who baught the bombs wern't in fact people at all! They were cows named Steve and Joe. Steve and Joe have been trying to get the part that Frank got for months! And once they heard someone else got the job they got mad and wanted revenge. The investagators found out who they were, got them to confess their wrong doing and got sentenced to jail for the rest of there lives. This story got around on social websites and such alike and ended up half way cross the world to England.

Mean while back on the farm Ol' Ben was on his laptop looking on Tumblr when he came across this popular story with thousands of notes. He clicked on it and it was the story of how Frank, his cow, got killed. Now some of Frank's family likes to look through one of Ben's windows and look at what Ben is looking at. They saw what he was looking at, which was about Frank. They were very alarmed at what they saw. They ran across the farm to where their family were and told them what happened. Everyone was sad and angry and wanted revenge. But Frank's dad, who just so happened to be the leader of the farm, started talking them out of it, "Now we mustn't do anything rash. And besides who would we get revenge on? They're all ready in jail!" he said.

"That's true." everyone murmered.

"And bedsides, is that what Jesus would've done?" he asked.

"No, no I guess not..."

"Exactly. Now it's time to eat." They all walked to where all the good grass is.

They all were eating and talking and just being cows when all of a sudden they heard a whistle sound. They looked up and saw a huge bomb coming down at them! They tried to run away but it was to late.....They all died........


Now did anyone learn an important lesson reading this?

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