The Seven Month Trial (Sequel...

Kaisa-Chan tarafından

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“Seven months… that’s how long it’s going to be before we see each other again correct? Well in those seven m... Daha Fazla

Chapter One: After the Wedding/Engagement
Chapter Two: Day with Alex Gaskarth; Enter: Jealous Fluffy
Chapter Three: A New Deal?
Chapter Four: I Hope You're Happy
Chapter Five: Uhh.... What?
Chapter Six: Winning Her Heart Isn't A Game
Chapter Seven: Taking Care of a Drunken Bride
Chapter Eight: Hospital Visit
Chapter Nine: If Only She Knew
Chapter Ten: I Guess You Could Say That It Was Just Like Old Times
Chapter Eleven: A Day With Andy
Chapter Twelve: Wedding Bliss
Epilogue: The Final Page
Story-shot Extra: Seven Years Later

Chapter Thirteen:News

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Kaisa-Chan tarafından

                A sigh left my lips as I moved out of my-sorry- our room.  Andy was busy with the guys getting ready for a concert which left me at home all alone. Andy and I had a wonderful honeymoon in Cancun for about three weeks before deciding that it was time to go back home to our family. Of course I hadn’t been feeling well lately and I had a feeling of why.

Of course I didn’t want to tell Andy until I was completely sure so I had told him I wasn’t feeling well again and decided to just stay home tonight to get better.  The idiot nearly cancelled the concert to stay home and take care of me but Tessa stepped in on that account. A few of her usual threats and he was all but pushed out of his own house with the door slammed in his face.

“Are you sure of this sis?” Tessa asked once again as I locked the front door.

“Yeah, I need to know so that Andy and I can start to prepare a room if need be.”

“Do you even want a kid? I mean I know that you were always afraid of somehow, though I’m not sure how that could ever happen, like mom and dad.”

I stopped cold. Tessa had hit the deepest fear I had and made it verbal. Yes, I was completely and without a doubt afraid of having a kid because of my parents but… still. Looking down at my stomach I rubbed comforting circles. Images of what our kid might look like through the years brought a smile to my face, “Tessa… I think… I mean if I am pregnant then… I want this kid. I don’t think Andy would ever allow us to turn into our parents with this child and the more I think about having children… the more I want to keep it.”

Tessa chuckled, “You don’t even know if you’re pregnant yet!”

“I think I am, sometimes you just know these things,” We got into the car, “Still, it is a good thing to find out for sure.”

Strapping ourselves in I started up the car and we were on our way toward the supermarket to get a few tests.  It had been so long since I’d driven in the car with my sister that I’d forgotten how annoying she could be. The entire way there she wouldn’t stick with a song to the end! Just when we were getting there she turned it to another one! Eventually I just banned her from touching the radio.

Of course that didn’t really do much since I couldn’t enforce that rule and drive at the same time. When she wasn’t messing with the radio she was just gabbing on about everything I couldn’t care less about. Once we were in the parking lot of Target I all but hurled myself out of the car and with brusque steps made it into the store before she had even exited the car.

Heading straight for the isle with the pregnancy tests I grabbed two or three different brands. Going up to the counter I felt like chocolate so I grabbed a Milky Way Midnight bar as well and tossed it on the counter along with the boxes. “Ooooh, chocolate! Can I get some?” Tessa asked as she came over.

“If you buy your own then sure.”

“Aw, come on sissy!”

“What are you five?”

She pouted, “If I say yes then do I get a candy bar?”


“Then no.”

                Tessa huffed but dropped the conversation while I finished paying for our stuff. Taking the bag we both exited Target and made our way home. Of course the ride back was just as much the same as the ride to Target but this time Tessa was attempting to steal my chocolate. That didn’t fly with me, you don’t take my chocolate! I was worse than CC with someone taking my food.

                Pulling into the driveway I exited the car and unlocked the door in a swift manner. Without even waiting for Tessa, I went into the bathroom to do the test. Those five minutes of waiting were perhaps some of the excruciating ones. It was like being on a diet where you have to wait fifteen minutes to eat the small bit of chocolate you’re allowed to have, utterly horrible. However once they were done I checked them.

A resounding scream rang through the house.

 Andy’s Pov

                Andy and the BVB crew were on their way back from the concert completely wiped out.  The night had been good but in the back of his mind the BVB front man wouldn’t help but think about if Senna was alright in the very back of his mind. Of course when one is singing a concert they can’t be too horribly distracted.

“Hey man, what’s up?” Ashley asked as he sat down.

“I’m worried about Senna; I know she hasn’t been too well lately.”

“I’m sure she’s on the couch watching Pokémon or something with Tessa.”

Andy chuckled, “That I actually wouldn’t doubt. They do love those movies.”

                It was a short time of just random chatting before the guys arrived back at Andy’s house. Just as they all got out of the car and were on the front porch there was a high pitched scream. Fear shot through Andy as he recognized the scream to be Senna’s. Shooting through the door he was up the stairs and down the hallway to where the screams were coming from.

“Senna!” He yelled and burst into the room. There he found Tessa and Senna hugging and Senna in tears. “Are you alright?” He asked as he rushed over.

Tessa excused herself as Senna dried her eyes, “I-I have something to tell you…”

“What is it? Are you okay? Is this about your parents? How are Val and Chance-?”

Senna put a finger on his lips to quiet him, “I… we…” She grabbed his hand in hers and walked to the bathroom, “I-it’s… easier if I-I show you.”

When they came into the bathroom Andy’s eyes widened to see several sticks lined up on the sink counter. Andy wasn’t stupid; he knew exactly what those were. Unfortunately his brain was refusing to make words. In fact all he could think of was that he wasn’t even twenty-five and was going to have a kid. The thought scared him more than Andy thought it would.  “Andy? Please say something.” Senna whispered, her eyes big and worry was evident.

“I-I… have… I really don’t know what you want me to say…”

Senna backed away from him slightly, “I thought that you would be excited… I mean we did talk about having a family before.”

“I… I need time to think about this…”

“Andy, what is there to think about? This is our child here! What is there to think, because I can’t undo what is happening here!”

“I just need some time alone.”

“Then take all the time you need here… Tessa help me pack my suitcase for a few days!”

Andy’s head whipped around to look at her, “Senna-!”

“I don’t want to hear it Andrew.”

                Andy stood there watching as his now pregnant wife and his sister-in-law packed her suitcase. His feet refused to move even as they exited the room and left the house. Only when he heard the door shut did his legs finally give out. The singer hit the floor still in a trance, all he could think was my wife is gone… my pregnant wife is gone…

“Andy? We heard yelling and then Tessa and Senna stormed out… What happened?” Sammi asked gingerly.

“Senna’s pregnant…” He blurted out.


“Senna’s pregnant… and I didn’t… I wasn’t jumping around happily and I… I’m afraid of being a parent. We fought and she… left with Tessa.”

Sammi kneeled down and brought him into a tight hug, “Why did you do that?”

“How should I know if I’m going to be a good parent? I’m twenty-three and a rock star, How do you think that will be on Senna and our child? I won’t be able to be there all the time and what about her? She’s in a very successful band too, will she just give that all up? We don’t know how this is going to go and I don’t want to have a kid only to have them be ignored or we have to give up what we love!”

“Andy that’s understandable. You want the best for the child you and Senna will have. That’s a natural parental instinct. I can honestly say that you two will be amazing parents and it’s natural to be worried, this is your first child after all. Besides you have me and all of the other guys to help out.”

As Andy listened to her he realized just how stupid he had been, “I’m sorry, yes I know I need to go and find her.”

Andy got up but Sammi put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him to sit on the bed, “I think that you might want to wait until tomorrow. Senna isn’t the most forgiving and with her having all of those hormones shooting through her body now she’s even more unforgiving than usual. Let her sleep on it and cool off before you go off to Oli and Tessa’s to fetch her.”

“I really don’t want to wait.”

“Trust me.”

Senna’s Pov

                I laid there on the couch with my ice cream and spray can cheese and an old Pokémon movie playing. Oli had been more than welcome to allow me to stay the night and even though I knew the two just wanted to be alone.  Actually right now Oli was sitting on the couch with me lying on him and I had my feet in Tessa’s lap. The third movie was over when my stomach lurched.

                Slamming my bowl down I shot off to the hallway bathroom. Ripping the door open I just made it to the bathroom when my guts decided to spill. Tessa came in not too much later and rubbed my back soothingly while she yelled at Oli to get some cool water. I groaned when the thought of nine more months of this crossed my mind.

“Here babe.” Oli said as he handed over the water to Tessa.  She in turn gave it to me and I greedily slurped it.

“Perhaps we should get you to bed.” Tessa suggested.

I nodded as she led me up the stairs with Oli close behind. She got me into the guest room at the end of the second stairs hallway and tucked me in. “If you need anything we’re on the opposite end of the hall.” Tessa said. I bid them both a good night and curled up into the bed; hoping to put this horrible day behind me.


“Senna wake up right now!” Tessa yelled.

                My eyes cracked open wide at the sensation of my younger sister jumping up and down on my bed. Hissing I was about to curse her out when a familiar black-clad figure entered into the room. Anger flowed through my veins, “What do you want Andrew?” I hissed.

“Tessa, give us a moment please.” Andy asked.

Tessa exited the room and shut the door behind her, “What do you want?” I snarled.

Andy walked over to the bed and sat down on it, “I wanted to talk to you because yesterday wasn’t one of my best achievements.”

“You think dumbass?”

“Senna, I know that you’re hurt at thinking that I don’t want this kid but you’re wrong. That is our child here in your stomach and I can say that I’m looking forward to seeing it a few months from now.”

“Oh? What’s with the change of heart now? You didn’t seem all that thrilled yesterday.”

“I was in shock yesterday. Yes I knew that one day I wanted a family with you but I didn’t expect it so soon. It’ll take some getting used to but I’ll learn to adapt. I love you Senna and I love our child as well. I know it won’t be a perfect life trying to make a rock career with a kid but I’m willing to give my best try.”

I looked at him to see that he was being truthful and all of my anger abated, “Andy…”

                I didn’t say anything else but rather I kissed him strongly. Andy chuckled in his throat as his hands wove into my hair, “I love you.” He whispered once again. Our lips had barely separated before they were melded together again. The temperature was raising as Andy pushed me down onto my back on the bed and kept the kiss up. Just as things were really getting serious the door burst open. Oli and Tessa leaned against the frame, identical smirks on their faces.

“So does this mean I get my house back now?”

“Yeah, but don’t think we won’t bring Nico back here often.” I replied.


“Our child, that’s what we’ll call him or her.” I decided, “Right?”

Andy smiled and kissed me lightly, “Of course babe.”


Well, this is it. WIth this the 7 series is over! Gah I really didn't want to finish this but I owe it to all of my characters and you guys to finish this! T.T

Thanks for all of the guys that stuck with me through the two years it took to write this series and a big thanks to JnxxieMonroeGriffis and Uchihababe3769 for being the ONLY two that commented last chapter, YOU GUYS ROCK!

Anyways, I just wanted to thank you guys for all of the reads, encouraging comments, and all of that stuffs because without you guys I would never have finished this and it would just be another unfinished story in the recesses of my computer ^_^

Okumaya devam et

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