You're My Bullying Cure

By Love_Fantasy123

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When Noelani was six years old her family were involved in a serious car accident which sends her to a care h... More

1. The Crash
2. Arriving At The Hospital
3. Waking Up
4. The Social Workers
5. Saying Goodbye To Natalie And Nate
6. First Flight
7. Arriving At The Care Home
8. Playtime, Ouchie.
9. Playing Is Tiring
10. I Don't Like Being Locked In
11. Quiet Weekend
12. First Day of School
13. Smelling Like YogHURT
14. The Bullying Carries On
15. Seeing The Other Kids
16. The Late Bloomer
17. New Neighbours
18. Introducing Me
19. You're So Annoying.
20. Shut Inside
21. Fixing What Was Broken
22. Painful Pressure
23. Hospital Rejoinment
24. Full of Mistakes
25. Closing Up Again.
26. Confrontation
27. When One Becomes Four
28. A Hard Phone Call
29. Drunken Threats
30. What Is This Feeling?
31. Movies and Blanket Forts
32. Roaring Fire
33. Coming Home
34. Connor's Birthday Present
35. Body Negativity
36. Connor's Birthday Party
37. Nonnor, Troyler And A Bunch Of Guys.
38. Performing In A Bar
39. Not So Different
40. Square One
41. Not What I Wanted
42. Forgive Or Not To Forgive
43. Long Runs
44. Too Much Information
45. Mike
46. Temporary Family
47. Going Home To A Little Sister
48. Moonlit River
49. Weird But Personal
50. Seeing Him Again
51. Final Goodbye
53. New Years Like Never Before
55. Turning Sixteen
56. Surprise!
57. Going Back To Michigan
58. Reunion
59. Not My Family
60. True Family Never Leaves You
61. Accepted
62. Telling Connor
63. Broken Frames
64. Back To How It Was
65. Graduation

52. A Christmas Like No Other

14 2 0
By Love_Fantasy123

Songs for this chapter:
White Winter Hymnal - Pentatonix
Winter Wonderland/ Don't Worry Be Happy - Pentatonix ft Tori Kelly
That's Christmas To Me - Pentatonix


Noelani's pov
I say goodbye to Scarlett and Maggie as they go to spend Christmas with their families. It's the night of Christmas Eve and I will be spending it alone as planned and said by myself and many. It should be okay though. I mean, it'll be weird but I am going to carry on with mine and Mike's traditions like I had promised. It'll just me and a quiet house.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Scarlett asks me.

"Yes! Now go! I want to go to bed!" I say pushing her out the house.

"Okay, I hope tomorrow is nice for you. Merry Christmas sweetheart." She says, kissing my cheek and running to her car.

"Bye!" I call as I wave goodbye to her.

They both drive away and I close the door and lock it behind me. I get changed into my pj's and do the first thing me and Mike do on Christmas Eve. I set out cookies, milk and a carrot for Santa! I giggle to myself, almost sixteen years old and I still leave things out for Santa Claus and his reindeer. I have done it since forever, I don't want to stop just because of a number or a fake belief. I leave out a chocolate chip cookie, half a glass of cold milk and a small carrot. I go into the quiet room and lay on the couch when I get a text from Tyler.

'Hey gorgeous! I hope you have a nice Christmas! I love you lots, sugar plum! ~Tilly xx'

I giggle as I also get text messages similar to Tyler's but from Troye and Connor. They have all gone away for Christmas so I will be alone, no friends coming round and no kiss under the mistletoe from Connor, another year of not having my first kiss under the mistletoe. I sigh and text them back wishing them a Merry Christmas and that I love them too. I lock my phone and go upstairs. I shut all of the doors and and turn off the lights. I go up to my room and shut my bedroom door, grabbing my journal and writing in it quickly. Nothing too important though.

I put my journal away and turn my lights off and lay in my bed. I cuddle Mr Teddy and wish him a Merry Christmas. I sigh slightly as I get comfy with no heartbeat to listen to and I fall asleep, wondering how weird Christmas is going to be tomorrow.

I wake up and it's eight in the morning. I sigh to myself. No Mike jumping on my bed like a child, squealing for me to wake up and to open our stockings together. I go to my bedroom door and unhook the stocking hanging on the door handle. I sit back in my bed and take out all of the small presents. I unwrap them all revealing candy, fluffy socks, a new journal and some fancy pens. I put on my fluffy socks that have a cute cow pattern on them as my feet are cold, as usual.

I grab Mr Teddy and make my way downstairs. I look at the plate and cup for santa and it's been untouched. I let out a sad breath and look at Mr Teddy.

"No one else is going to eat or drink it..." I say, grabbing to cookie and milk and eating and drinking it.

I go into the living room where all of my presents are. This feels so lonely... I actually hate this a lot. I sit on the floor, placing Mr Teddy next to me. I look round the room, decorations that are new and old. Looking at where Mike would be sat if he was here and the small space that we left for him to be sat in. I take the first present which is from Maggie. I open it and it's my traditional new Christmas jumper. It's red and white and knitted. Snowflakes, zig zags and reindeer patterns. I like it. I sit it down behind me and take the next.

By the time I have reached the last few presents I have received clothes from the other kids that live here, jewelry from Scarlett and Maggie. Some floral vans from Jack and Finn, makeup from Zoe and Naomi and some cute things for my bedroom from Joe and Caspar. Me, Connor, Tyler and Troye are going to exchange presents when they come home in a few days. I have no idea who the last presents are from. I have had presents from everyone already... I take one and read the label.

"To my little girl, Merry Christmas! Love from Mike xx" I read out loud

I frown a little and unwrap the package. Inside is a book, not an actual book, a scrapbook. I swallow hard and read the cover.

'Memories of Noelani Bungay so far...'

I open the first page and it's a photo of me as a baby. I smile slightly as the next photo is me as a new born baby but I have my mum, dad and Jessica holding me. I read the little caption made.

'The day our angel was born, 14th January 2000.'

I giggle slightly and turn the page. It's me at one years old. Me and Jessica hugging and me frowning my baby frown at my dad who was bopping my nose. I giggle at the photo and the next one is my mum sticking her tongue out at me and me laughing. My smile grows a little as tears fill my eyes. I flick through, looking at me getting older. Then six years old hits and it's my birthday... Also known as the day my family left me. This was the last photo we ever had together. Tears roll down my cheeks and I bite my bottom lip. I read the caption.

'The day four became one.'

I turn the page and it's my first time coming into the care home. I giggle slightly as my face looks scared as I was stood in front of loads of kids I had no clue about. The photo next to it is me and Mike.

'The day one became part of a partnership.'

I choke up with tears.

"Bloody hell Mike..." I say silently.

I look through at me getting older from then on, me with the other kids, group photo's and photo's of me and Mike. Photo's that captured me smiling. But on in particular really gets to me.

'The day you found your passion.'

It's a photo of me playing the piano and singing. One next to it is me and a guitar. I smile slightly and turn over to me still getting older and silly photo's. I reach the last few pages. There is a polaroid of me and Connor. I smile as it's our first photo taken together.

'The first time you have ever fallen in love.'

I smile to myself as tears leave my eyes. I look at the picture next to it and it's me and Connor kissing and one of me and Connor hugging. I turn over and it's me, Tyler and Troye. I giggle as the photo's are silly but there is one really nice one of the three of us.

'The day you made your first best friends.'

I giggle and turn over. It's me and the three boys this time.

'The day you became part of your own family.'

I cry stupidly and I turn over and it's more of me and the boys and the other's. There is one final picture in the book. A few pages left behind with captions. But the last picture. It's me and Mike hugging.

'The day the partnership went back to a one person.'

Our last photo together. I feel my heart sting and I look at the other pages.

'First kiss under a mistletoe', 'Graduation', 'Getting your acceptance letter for college'.

They are all waiting to be filled. I close the book and wipe my eyes, putting it to one side. I take a deep breath and take the next present. It's also from Mike. I open it and it's a box full of video tapes. I read the note on top.

'Watch these when you feel alone. Hopefully they will make you smile. We all love you Noelani! xx'

I put the lid back on and move it to one side until a little later. I take the final present. This last one is from Mike too. I open it and inside are things I thought I would never see again. I sit up more and pull out my mum and dad's wedding rings. I read the note attached.

'Their last words were to make sure you had their rings. They want you to have them until you can pass them on to your own children.'

I look at the two rings in my hand. I have my parents wedding rings... I put them on a chain that was attached to the note as well. I put the necklace on which is now bearing two rings. I have Mike's and Maya's safe in my room. I take out the next thing which is my sisters bunny teddy. She loved this toy like I love Mr Teddy... I hug it and cry into the soft, barely touched fur. I look through the rest and it's family albums and cherished things from my parents and sister. I cry as I look at them all... I may be alone today but I don't feel as alone as I did a few minutes ago.

I pack the things back in the box apart from the rings and teddy. I put all of the wrapping paper in a bin liner and leave it by the back door. I carry up my presents in a few journeys. I line them against a wall and slowly finding them homes. I have a shower and a wash then go back up to my bedroom. I get changed into a pair of light blue skinny jeans. A dark red and blue tartan shirt and put on my new Christmas jumper from Maggie. I put on a new pair of fluffy socks to carry out the tradition me and Mike have. I do natural make up and curl my hair once I have dried it.

Now to watch Christmas movies... I don't feel like it though. Instead I get the box of tape recordings from Mike and carry it downstairs. I go back into the living room and turn the tv on. I put in the first tape. The screen goes fuzzy and then a video comes up. I sit on the floor, against the coffee table and watch the video. It's me and my sister. My dad recording as we play together. I have Mr Teddy in my hand like I do in the recording and Jessica has Ms Bunny in hers, I get Ms Bunny and hug her too. Tears fill my eyes as it's the two of us playing together. My parents then come in and tickle us both. I giggle at the recording and I get lost on old home movies that I had no idea about.

There's a knock on the door and I pause the tapes. I walk to the front door, wiping my eyes and trying to stop my crying. I unlock the front door, not knowing who it is. Probably just a charity person. I open the front door as I finish wiping my eyes.

"Merry Christmas!" I hear people squeal.

I jump and my eyes focus on everyone around the front door. It's Connor, Tyler and Troye and their families. I have to be imagining this...

"I thought you guys were away..." I stammer.

"No! We tricked you! We are spending Christmas with you!" Jackie says.

I start crying as they are really here.

"You are really here... I am not alone?" I cry.

Connor scoops me into his arms and hugs me tight. I giggle into his neck as Troyler join our embrace.

"We couldn't let you spend Christmas alone." Tyler says.

I can't say anything but cry and my best friends are with me and so are their families. People I see as my family. I let them all inside and they all come with gifts. We go into the living room and they all smile when they see the home movies. I smile shyly and I get more seats for everyone. Everyone has somewhere to sit.

"Merry Christmas." I say as I finish crying.

"Merry Christmas." They all sing.

I chuckle slightly and I excuse myself. I go up to my room and get the three huge bags of presents I have for them all. I carry them downstairs and sit them with the presents they have all brang round. I sit on the floor, next to Connor and Troye. We all smile at one another and I feel really weird. I normally have Mike on Christmas day. I started the day with no- one and now I am sat in a room full of people I love.

"Should we start opening presents?" Jackie asks.

Everyone cheers and I stay silent, taking in this new Christmas feeling. I look at what everyone is wearing. A christmas jumper and they are all cute. I like Connor's, it is similar to mine but dark blue and white, not red and white. He looks down at me and I smile and rest my head against his shoulder. His head rests against mine as Tyde opens his present from Jackie and Tyler, revealing some new headphones for his DJing. He thanks them both and he seems really chuffed. We go round in a circle, each of us opening a present at a time.

I drawn family portraits for Cheryl and Peter, Laurelle and Shaun and one for Jackie. They all really like them and I am glad. I got Sage some makeup and a denim jacket and I got Steel and Tyde some SuperDry and Hollister tops. The three of them thank me with hugs. I got Nicola a red coat that I know she has been really wanting, I got Brandon a few video games and I got Dustin some movies he has been wanting. They hug me too and say that they really like them.

Tyler opens his presents from me and I got him two new shirts, some skinny jeans, some dark grey Toms and cute black hat. He thanks me for his new outfit I got him and he kisses my cheek and hugs me tight. Troye opens his present from me and I got him some jumpers with funny captions on, a pair of black converse with chunky soles that I have seen him eyeing up and a phone case that has him and Ty on it. He giggles and kisses my cheek and hugs me too.

I feel nervous when Connor opens his. He looks at me grinning and I smile shyly and he peels the wrapping paper. I bite the inside of my cheeks when he looks at it. I got him a dark grey polaroid camera, an old fashioned one because they look 'Tumblr'-y to him. I also painted him a canvas of us both as he asked for another painting and I made him a CD of me singing and playing that he has also been begging me for. His eyes well up with tears and he kisses me firmly and I kiss him back. I giggle slightly and he pulls away slowly and kisses me once more.

Now it's my go. They pass me a few presents. I open them and they are from Jackie, The Mellets and The Franta's. Inside are over sized sweaters, skinny jeans, an old fashioned styled baby blue and white polkadot dress. I go around hugging them and thanking them. Tyler passes me a present and he is grinning quite a lot. I look at him suspiciously and I open the present. Inside is a photo frame collage, full of pictures on me, Tyler, Troye and Connor. I chuckle as they are mostly stupid photo's. I lean over and kiss his cheek and hug him tight.

Troye passes me a present and he smiles and I open it revealing a box. I take off the lid and inside contains an entire outfit and a little more. I saw it in a shop and I fell in love with it. There is a light pink pleated skirt with a grey lace like top that fades down. It sounds gross but it is gorgeous. And he also got me a pair of light grey heels. They look so good together. He also got be a black skirt with dark pink and purple flowers and it is Ted Baker... With that he has paired it with a black spaghetti strap floral vest which is a similar style to the skirt. I am in love with these clothes. I kiss his cheek and hug him tight, thanking him and kissing his cheek a million more times.

Dustin and Brandon carry over quite a big present. I look at it confuse as that can't be for me.

"Now, I know I have been giving you an excuse of not being able to see you. I know you have hated it but the truth is I got a job and I was working my ass off to get you this in time for Christmas. I know it doesn't repay you for my birthday presents and now my Christmas presents but I hope it can be a start of paying you back..." Connor says. "I really hope you like it..."

I look at him a little worried and I stand up. I find the folds and carefully peel them apart. I rip the paper down in strips and I gasp and tears fill my eyes.

"Connor..." I say shocked.

In front of me is the most gorgeous cello I have ever seen. It's dark grey, polished and the most gorgeous shape I have ever seen for a cello. On the neck of the cello is a silver engraved floral style and it goes all the way down the neck. It is so incredible.

"Connor..." I repeat as tears dribble down my cheek.

"Yes?" He asks me.

"Connor... This is incredible... You didn't have to get me this..." I say in tears.

"I did... You deserve this more than anything and I know how playing the cello makes you feel. You adore playing it and it takes you away for a few hours. I had this made just for you. I really hope you like it." He says, walking behind me.

"Like is an understatement... I love it so much... I can't thank you enough for this... I love you so much... Thank you..." I cry as I am speechless.

I kiss him with all my words and he kisses me back. My arms wrap around his neck and his hands rest on my waist. I pull away and look into his eyes.

"Connor Franta... I love you so much... Thank you..." I say, looking into his dark green eyes.

"Noelani Bungay, I love you so much too. Thank you." He says, looking in my eyes.

We kiss again and everyone cheers. I giggle against his lips and I hug him tight as I feel embarrassed as I forgot that other people were here. I go and get the bin liner that I put all of my wrapping paper in an we all put the rest of the torn up wrapping paper inside. I knot the bag and put it by the back door again. Everyone has put their presents into bags and they are by the front door. I tuck mine in the corner so I can carry them up later but I can't stop smiling as I look at my cello.

"What are you watching?" Tyde asks me.

"Oh... Um... Mike left me my old home movies... I can put on Christmas movies if you want?" I say fidgeting and moving to take out the tape.

"No! Can we watch them?" Sage asks me smiling.

"Um... Okay... I guess..." I say, feeling a little embarrassed.

I press play and everyone settles and watches the screen. I make us all tea and coffee. I hear them all laughing in the other room and I carry in a tray full of mugs of coffee and tea. I put it on the coffee table and everyone helps themselves. I look at the tv and a recording of me and my sister is playing. We were both telling stories as we pretend to be in a jungle which was actually our garden. I smile slightly as we both held hands and the little chubby me racing after my sister. I was only one and a half... I only just learnt how to walk and talk. Everyone giggles when my dad recorded me talking about a 'tiger'. Hearing his voice makes my insides hurt.

I look away from the screen and I make neat piles of my presents. I sense someone sit next to me and it's Tyler.

"You were one cute baby." He says silently.

"You mean I was one chubby baby." I say, still concentrating on my already neat piles.

"No, you were cute. You even had a crazy imagination as a young baby... I guess it gets to you... Hearing your parents and sisters voices on the recording." Tyler says, holding my hand.

I nod a little and look at him, smiling weakly.

"They would be proud of you right now, so will Mike." Tyler says, looking at me.

"Thanks Ty... I just wish they could be here... I wish I could have one last Christmas with them all. But I am glad I have you guys. Today would have been crap if I was alone. Thank you for the surprise." I say, hugging him tight.

"What kind of family would we be if we left you by yourself on a time that should be spent with family? A crap one." Tyler asks and answers.

I laugh a little and hug him tighter. I hear Mike's voice and I look at the screen to see him and me. He is hugging me and I am laughing as he is tickling me. I am also begging him to stop recording. He tickles me and records me laughing. It then switches to our last Christmas together. I walk over to the tv and kneel down as I watch it. My eyes on Mike as I notice his constant smile and his eyes on me. I smile slightly and a tear leaves my eyes. He walks away, with the camera and he vlogs himself.

"Noelani this is our last Christmas together... I wanted to record this so you can remember our fun Christmas days. I have cancer and I won't make it next year..." He starts saying.

I stare at the screen, my ears ringing and tears leaving my eyes. I stand up and walk out the room, leaving everyone else in complete shocked. I go into the garden and sit on the old swingset, sitting there shocked that he knew for over a year. A year... He knew he had cancer for over a year... I never noticed... I hide my face with my hands and cry. I feel arms wrap around me and I can tell it is Shaun.

"I am sorry... That must have been such a shock..." He says as he hugs me.

"He knew for a year... He knew he had cancer for a year and he never told me..." I cry.

"I know sweetie... But he is better now." Shaun says softly.

"If I found out sooner he could still be here... We wouldn't of had to have our last Christmas together last year..." I say in tears.

Shaun hugs me tight until I have stopped crying and I have recovered. I thank him and he kisses my forehead and we go inside. Jackie and Laurelle are cooking and I go into the living room and all the kids are playing games. I sit on the single couch, watching them all. I grab a blanket and rap myself in it and lay curled up as I watch them play video games. Connor comes over and he kneels down in front of me. I look up at him and smile and pucker my lips. He kisses me and I sit up slowly.

I pull away and my hands hold his face. I look into his eyes and I smile at him. He grins and I kiss him firmly. My fingers gliding down his jaw. His hands rest on my waist as we kiss.

"I love you lots." I tell him.

"I love you lots too." He says, looking at me.

I smile and kiss him again. We both pull away and I stand up and I walk over to my piles of presents and grab a few piles and carry them upstairs. I see the necklace with my parents wedding rings on and I put it on and tuck it under my christmas jumper. I look out the window and I see it snowing outside. I smile slightly and I feel hands round my waist. I tense up a little until I realise it's Tyler.

"Hey Tilly." I say as I hold his hands that are wrapped around me.

"Hi gorgeous." He says, hugging me a little tighter.

I rest my head back against his chest as we both watch it snow. My first white Christmas. I feel Tyler kiss my cheek and I giggle as it tickled ever so slightly. I turn round in his holds and hug him tight, still peeking at the window to watch it snow.

"Can you play for us soon?" Tyler asks me.

"Of course." I say looking up at him.

He smiles and kisses my forehead. I kiss his cheek and we both go downstairs. I sneak past the other's as Tyler goes to the bathroom. I grab my cello and carry it into the quiet room. I take it out of the case and I fall in love with it all over again. I set the stand to the height I need it and I take out the bow. The horse hair is black and the bow is a dark grey to match the cello. I keep on falling in love with it. I varnish the bow and I get comfy in the quiet room on my own.

I rest the bow against the strings and I start playing. The most incredible sound comes from the instrument between my legs. My heart thuds as I play, falling in love with the amazing sounds it is creating. My eyes close as I start playing 'Chandelier' by Sia. My eyes stay shut as I play. My fingers working up and down the neck of the cello as my body sways slightly as I feel the instrument. I change into 'See You Again' by Wiz Khalifa ft Charlie Puth. I go through songs one at a time, getting lost with my new friend as it takes me to a meadow with high grass and me on my own playing to the atmosphere and letting the cello break the silence of the meadow. I change to 'Love Me Like You Do' by Ellie Goulding but I sing as well.

I run through songs without even knowing I am doing so. My arms start aching so I stop and I hear loads of people clapping. I open my eyes a little shocked to see everyone has creeped into the room and sat around listening to me play. I blush with embarrassment when I see the smile on Connor's face. They all stand up and clap and my cheeks grow warmer and I look down at my seat with embarrassment.

"You sounded gorgeous with the cello..." Sage says.

"You are so talented... You have to do more gigs or something..." Nicola says.

"Thank you." I say, smiling at them.

"I knew it was worth it. Saving so much money to get you this cello. You literally captured all of us and you went into your own place and played your heart out. You deserve this more than anyone in the world." Connor says, smiling.

"Thank you Connor... I really don't know how I can thank you for this." I say blushing even more.

"You don't have to thank me in a certain way. Just play your heart out with it." He says.

I nod a little and Jackie says dinner is ready. Everyone goes to the dining room and I pack the cello away and rest it against my piano and next to my guitar. Connor takes my hand and I lean up and kiss him. He kisses me back but his stomach growls. I laugh against his lips and we both pull away and go and join the other's. We sit opposite and I sit next to Troye and Jackie.

"I just want to thank you all for coming here and spending Christmas with me. I'm not use to this. I am use to me and Mike sitting and listening to crappy Christmas songs as we talk away. I am glad I didn't have to spend this year alone, eating and listening to the Christmas songs. But thank you for wanting to spend you day with me, making me part of your families. You guys feel like my family now." I say standing up.

Everyone claps and Connor stands up.

"We couldn't let one of us spend a day of family by herself. You are just as much of the family as we all are. No one gets left out on a day like today. But let this day be for Mike. For without him, we wouldn't be spending today here with you." Connor says, raising a glass of wine.

I smile as I raise my own.

"To Mike." I say faintly.

"To Mike." Everyone says as we clink glasses.

We all sit down and tuck into the meal that Jackie and Laurelle prepared. Terrible Christmas songs are playing in the background but it is being drowned out by everyone's conversations. Me and Connor are the only one's staying silent. I tap his leg with my foot and he looks at me. I give him a questioning look and he smiles. I feel his hand on my knee and he gently squeezes it. I hold back my giggle as it tickled and he grins and he shoves a roast potato in his mouth.

We all finish our food and everyone grabs a cracker. I hold one end of Troye's and Jackie's and we all pull on a count of three. There are several bangs and I get a guitar pec but it is a cute one, it is floral. I find it funny how I got it though. I put on the paper hat and everyone else does to, telling each other the joke they got in their cracker and exchanging the little gift inside. I stick to my guitar pec as it is relevant to me.

I help clear the table and I bring out all the trash bags to the bins outside. The snow is settling and it's probably about two to three inches. I come back in shivering and I see Tyler and Troye sharing a kiss under the mistletoe. I smile to myself and take a picture of it and walk away like it never happened. I sit on the couch as everyone else is watching Christmas movies. Troyler come back in blushing at each other and I giggle and cuddle into Connor as Troyler sits next to us. We watch Polar Express, all of us cuddled and Jackie cuddling with Troyler.

When the movie is over, another one comes on but Connor stands up and tugs my hand gently. I follow him, not knowing where we are going. We walk to the front door, he opens it and steps out. I follow him, now scared and worried that something bad is going to happen. He turns and takes both my hands in his. I look up at him and he smiles down at me so I return the smile.

"Noelani you are the most incredible person I know. I love you more than anything else in the world, more than Tumblr, kitties and Nutella. In fact, if they were to go extinct, I would be okay because I would still have you by my side. Noelani you are the girl I have fallen in love with, you're the only girl I will fall in love with. I know we are still young, still just 'kids', but I have never been so sure about anything in my life." He says, looking me in the eyes.

He gets down on to one knee and pull out a small white box, my eyes widen a little and I become blinded with tears but I blink them away as best as I can.

"I am not asking you to marry me, we are still a bit too young for that. But I am asking you to promise you will love me forever and always. Until we do get married and live together properly. I want to start today as our forever..." Connor says, opening the box and revealing a ring with an infinity sign on it with small crystals encrusted in the sign.

"I want to start today as our always..." I say to him, never being so sure over something in my life.

"You do?" He asks me as tears fill his eyes.

"I do Connor... I want to be with you forever and always." I say as a tear leaves my eyes.

He puts the ring on my engagement finger. He stands up but before I can kiss him he looks up, smiling a little. I look up and see a real mistletoe just above our heads, snow still falling. I look at him and another tear leaves my eyes.

"A mistletoe." Connor whispers as he looks down at me.

"I have never been kissed under a mistletoe before." I say to myself.

"Neither have I." Connor says, taking my waist.

Our eyes meet and I lean up, my arms wrapping around his shoulders as I stand on my tippy toes. Our lips meet and this is probably our best kiss. Our lips move in sync, his hands moving my hips closer to his. His neck slightly craned down to meet my lips. Our eyes both closed as cold snow falls onto us both. My finger feeling weird with the ring on it. We stand kissing with what feels like forever. I don't care though, this feels magical. I hear squeals and giggles from Troyler and me and Connor slowly pull away. I look over and see Tyler holding my polaroid camera and a photo developing of mine and Connor's kiss under the mistletoe.

"Noelani?" Connor says silently.

I look up at him and he wipes a few tears away from my face.

"I love you." He says, meeting my eyes.

"Forever and always." I say silently.

He smiles and kisses me again. We both pull apart and I shiver a little as it is freezing outside. We both go inside and close the door. Our hands intertwine and I look at the ring on my finger and smile. Tyler passes me the polaroid picture and I smile as I think of the scrapbook from Mike. I guess I can add a photo to it now.

"The ring really does look amazing on you." Tyler says.

"Wait... You knew this was going to happen?" I ask Troyler.

They both giggle and nod. I look at Connor and he is smirking.

"Everyone did." He says. "And they all may have watched..." He says.

I notice them all stood around. I look up at him slightly shocked and also amazed. I don't give a shit, I throw my arms around him and kiss him with my all. He lifts me up so I am in my tippy toes and everyone cheers.

"You are so... I love you so much." I say, not knowing how to describe how I feel.

"I love you so much too." He says.

We kiss again and he sets me back on my feet and we all go into the living room and watch more Christmas movies. It get's late, time ticking closer to nine. I go into the kitchen and make several mugs of hot chocolate. I top them off with whipped cream, a flake, a wafer, sprinkles and grated chocolate. I carry them through on a tray and make sure everyone gets one. They all thank me and I go back into the kitchen where two more are waiting. I grab them and sit on the steps by the back door. I sit one of the mugs of hot chocolate next to me.

"I kept my promise Mike, I made you one too." I say silently.

I giggle to myself and gulp down the hot chocolate to carry out or tradition. I look next to me, at his mug and see the whipped cream has melted over the sides and the flake has melted too, the wafer is soggy and the sprinkles and grated chocolate are slowly drowning in the cream. I take his mug and quickly drink it.

"I'll let you win this time Mike." I say, holding both mugs.

I look up at the stars and one is right above me, twinkling. I smile to myself because of it.

"Hey Mike." I say with a sigh.

I shiver a little as my bare feet are buried in the white untouched snow. I stand up and go back inside. I close the back door and lock it. I look out the window as I soak the mugs in warm soapy water. Connor comes in with a tray full of empty mugs. He places them next to me and I start washing them as Connor grabs a drying towel and dries off the clean mugs and puts them away.

"Who won the race?" Connor asks me.

"What?" I ask a little confused.

"Who won the hot chocolate race?" He repeats.

"Oh... I let Mike win this time." I say, smiling at him.

"Tyde won our race." Connor says.

I chuckle a little and nod.

"I'm glad he enjoyed it."

"We all did, best hot chocolate ever." Connor says, kissing my cheek.

I turn my face and we quickly kiss as we finish the washing up. We go back into the living room and Laurelle asks if we can finish the day with a sing along. I smile and nod. We all go into the quiet room and I sit at my piano and warm up quickly. I start playing 'White Christmas'. Everyone sings as I play and I end up doing a Christmas medley, all of them stopping and listening to the song change and then singing along when they notice what song it is. I laugh slightly when I look and see Tyde and Sage dancing.

They all start dancing and Connor sits next to me, admiration in his eyes as he watches me play. His arm holds my waist and he sings with me. The other's have stopped singing and they are more dancing, the room is dark and the only light source that we have are the Christmas lights. Only me and Connor are singing. I look at him and he smiles as we look at each other and sing and I play piano. I change into 'Let It Go' just for the 'banter' as Tyde would say and he laughs at my sing change.

He starts singing with me and he pulls me closer and I look at the keys as I speed up the tune to the song, still making it work. Connor laughs into my shoulder as I still sing. His laughter tickling my shoulder. I feel him kiss my cheek as I sing and play. I look back at him and he has the biggest smile on his face. I lean in and kiss him, still playing the piano as we share a kiss.

We finish our sing along after an hour and everyone announces that they are going home. We all walk to the front door, they are all holding their gifts, all taking turn to hug each other and then to hug me as they walk out the door. Troyler come forward and they both hug me tight.

"We hope you enjoyed today. Today was one of the best days ever." They both say.

"Thank you for the presents and coming round. This is one of the best Christmases I have ever had... I love you both." I say, hugging them both tightly as well.

"We love you too." Tyler says.

They both kiss my cheek and I kiss their's and they go with their families. I feel his arms wrap around my tummy and I giggle.

"Connor, are you coming?" Cheryl asks him.

"Nah, I think I might stay here... I mean it's still Christmas in my books." Connor says behind me.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Peter says with a wink.

My cheeks warm up because of Peter and they all leave, Connor pulling me backwards and closing the door. He locks it and spins me round.

"Now we can cuddle, actually watch shitty Christmas films and maybe make out?" Connor asks with a wink.

"Hm... You may have to get changed though..." I say, grinning.

"Only if I can get changed with you." He says, quirking an eyebrow.

"You are pushing your luck." I say with a failed wink because I still haven't mastered winking.

I giggle and run upstairs with him chasing after me. We make it to my room and he gets out some new sweatpants I also got him for christmas. He has no problem with stripping down into his boxers and pulling his new sweatpants on. He walks over to me as my cheeks are flushed from the quick change he just had. He holds my waist and kisses me gently, I kiss him back and I feel him tugging my jumper up. I pull away and he pulls the jumper off my head.

He smiles to himself more than me and kisses me again. His fingers are slowly unbuttoning my shirt, the cold air hitting my skin and his fingers gliding down as they reach the next button, leaving slight tingles. My eyes are closed, hands on his chest as I try and stay calm. His lips gently working with mine. He pulls my shirt off and leaves me in my bra and skinny jeans. I jump out of my skin when I feel his fingers on the button to my skinny jeans. Making it unbuttoned and he glides the zip down. His fingers gently tug on the belt loops, pulling them down to my ankles. He stops kissing me, he looks at my body, I can feel his eyes on my half naked body.

My heart races as I slowly open my eyes, looking at him as he looks at me. He spots my parents rings, resting just above my breasts. His fingers trace the small chain and rest on the rings. He lifts them up carefully, inspecting them.

"They were my parents wedding rings." I say, my voice trembling because of the position that I am in.

"They are gorgeous." He says, looking at them.

I nod with agreement, still anxious as he looks at my body. His fingers find the clasp and he carefully unclasps my necklace and places it on my bedside table. He looks in my eyes and a warm smile appears on his face. He takes my hand, the one with the ring on. He smiles more as he see's me still wearing it, his lips press against my fingers and I shiver as I feel freezing, sitting here with barely anything on. He passes me some pjs and smiles. I take them and put them on, cautious that he may think differently as if I was to put them on quickly.

"You are so perfect, you know that right?" He asks me.

"I thought I said talking about yourself is rude?" I say, looking up at him.

He rolls his eyes at me and pecks me.

"Come on, let's watch replays and cuddle." He says, taking my hand and pulling me back downstairs.

We lay cuddled on the couch watching Christmas movies. Connor's arm wrapped around my waist as we have a thick, warm blanket over the top of us. We spend the rest of the evening like this, watching cheesy Christmas movies, cuddling and falling asleep.


Hey guys!

I know I haven't uploaded in a week but it's because I have been busy with school and I always wanted a small break from uploading as doing it daily can be quite tiring...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though and if you did make sure to vote for it and leave a comment telling me what you think of this chapter and the story so far!

Thank you!


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