A New Prophecy(PJO/HP Crossov...

By GreekGeek3

7.4K 325 237

Voldemort has risen again, and this time he has demigods and Greek monsters on his side. It's up to Percy Jac... More

Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

584 25 45
By GreekGeek3

Percy's P.O.V.

"This is Warthogs?" I asked. Wow. That castle is huge!

"It's Hogwarts! NOT Warthogs!" The boy named Harry said sharply. Jeez. What's his problem?

"Same difference." I shrugged.

"Seaweed Brain! Be nice!" Annabeth chided. I smiled guiltily.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" I turned around at the sound of a snobbish voice. Harry glared at the green clothed boy who had spoken. "Oh look! It's Harry Potter and his gang of friends. Oh, and look. He has some new friends too protect him while he runs away and hides. What's your name Princess?" he smirked and turned to Annabeth, running a finger down her arm. Then he grabbed her. "Why don't you come with me? Leave those jerks. I'm way better, I promise!"

"Let go of me!" Annabeth cried, but he wouldn't budge.

"Now, now, that's no way to talk. Come with me, Princess. You'll love me." he smirked again and blew a kiss at her. My vision turned red and I grabbed his shirt.

"Let. Her. Go." I snarled.

"Ooh! Lover boy here's jealous. Why don't you run along with your pathetic little friends. Then me and my princess could...have a little talk."

That was it. I twisted his hand and pulled it off of Annabeth. Then I punched his face and shoved him backwards. He fell and bumped his head on the floor. Then he whimpered and ran off, clutching a hand to his bloody face.

"No one messes with my friends and gets away with it." I said furiously. Then I turned to Annabeth and all my fury drained away. "You ok?"

She nodded and gave me a weak smile. I held her hand and together we walked into the Great Hall.

Harry's P.O.V.

Wow. Percy sure is fierce for a wimp like him. But I'm not afraid of any Death Eater. That boy has to go! How dare he even step foot in this castle after all that happened last year! Still, that was pretty brave of him. Serves that Slytherin right. Wait a minute. Aren't Death Eaters Slytherins? Then why did Percy act that way? Something suspicious was going on and I intended on finding out.

"Hey Percy!" I called after him. He turned back and looked at me. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Annabeth nodded at him to tell him she was ok, and then everyone else left. It was just me and him.

"What do you want?" he asked exasperatedly. 

"Why are you here Death Eater?" I spit out the last two words with contempt.

"What?! Why would I eat Thanatos? I bet he tastes like rotten fish and cheese." He laughed. 

Now I was super confused. Why was he talking about eating someone? I shook my head. 

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but you don't belong here. So you better get out before-" 

"Harry, come on!" Ron called from the hall. I glared at Percy. 

"This isn't over. You and your thick headed friends better leave before I really get mad." 

"Don't insult my friends." he warned. 

"Or what? You'll go call your mommy?" I taunted. "You and all your friends are cowards." I turned and started to walk away, but then he pounced on me and we both fell to the floor. 

"APOLOGIZE!" Percy yelled. I pushed him off me and whipped out my wand. 

"If you're not such a coward, then why don't you fight me?" 

"Percy, no!" Annabeth yelled. She and the other new students, Ron, Hermione, and a load of other people gathered around us. 

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled, and his wand flew out of his hand. He yelled and a stream of water appeared out of thin air and doused me. He picked up his wand and we started blasting spells at each other. A few minutes later, I knew I had no hope of beating him, so I made up my mind. 

"CRUCIO!" The light flew out of my wand and hit him. He screamed in agony and collapsed to the ground. "Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!" 

He kept yelling and squirming on the floor. "Stop! Please!" he whimpered. 

"Crucio!" I yelled again. He stopped shrieking. I looked down and saw Percy's limp body. He gasped, gave a shudder, and then stopped moving. 

"No!" Annabeth pushed through the crowd and shoved me back. "What did you do to him!" she snarled, her eyes smoldering with rage. 

"Everybody, stop!" Professor McGonagall stormed into the hallway, Madam Pompfrey right behind her. Madam Pompfrey waved her wand and Percy floated into the air. She hurried towards the hospital wing, Percy floating behind her. Annabeth gave me one last push then she and her friends followed. 

"Harry Potter! What have you done! How could you perform an Unforgivable Curse? Follow me!" she grabbed my robes and dragged me to her office. 

Annabeth's P.O.V. 

"Is he going to be all right?" I asked nervously. I can't believe Harry did that to Percy. He was supposed to be a good person! Why did he do this. 

"I don't know Annabeth. I honestly don't know." Nico looked at me grimly. 

"Madam Pompfrey?" I asked. She gently placed Percy on a bed and leaned over him. After a few seconds she turned to me. 

"His heart stopped." 


You guys are gonna hate me for this, but I'm stopping at a cliffhanger. I pulled a Rick Riordan. Mwah ha ha! But don't worry, I'll have a new chapter up in, say, 2-3 weeks. Jk, I don't actually know. But I'm going to start writing it as soon as I get 3 comments about whether I should continue or not. If no, then I'll just post the next chapter and stop there. If yes, then I'll post TWO chapters. 

QOTC: What were the last words Iapetus said to Percy and Annabeth? 

Don't forget to Comment! 


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