Blind side (Tronnor AU)

Por blablbl

61.6K 3.3K 2.5K

Connor thinks that Troye is a narcissistic asshole who only does one-night stands. Troye thinks that Connor i... Más

1. Bland
2. Attractive
3. Irritating
4. Intriguing
5. Sad
7. Matching
8. Beautiful
9. Unattainable
10. Different
11. Coward
12. Away
13. Close

6. Cute

3.8K 223 74
Por blablbl

Troye entered the coffee shop, his eyes wandering over the group of his friends, occupying the table in the further corner. Ricky and Zoe were laughing to the point where they were red at something Tyler was saying, while Connor hid his face in his hands from embarrassment. Troye smiled when he noticed that tips of the boy's ears were blushing along with his face.

"What's up?" Troye asked curiously, his eyes settling on Tyler, waiting for the response.

It was Zoe who squealed loudly instead, "Guess who has got himself a hot date?"

At that Connor groaned, and buried his face deeper, "Sometimes I hate you guys."

Troye cocked an eyebrow inquisitively, shifting his gaze to Zoe, "A hot date?"

From his hidden position, Connor countered, "It's not a date! I haven't agreed to anything!" before ducking his head shyly again.

"Only the hottest guy ever just asked Con-Con out in the middle of the coffee shop, no big deal," Zoe was ecstatic about it. "I mean, he is handsome, and sweet, and artsy, and smart, and superfit, and he seems so much into Connor already," she trailed off dreamily.

As Troye looked over at Ricky and Tyler, both guys in question just nodded in confirmation.

"I haven't agreed to anything," Connor repeated indignantly, peeking at Troye from behind his palms.

"Why not?" Troye asked, meeting his gaze for the first time.

"You think I should?" Connor replied quietly, looking back.

Tyler helpfully intercepted, "Well duh! I mean, Joey is the hottest piece of ass in this hellhole." He winked at Ricky, "Present company excluded."

Troye frowned, "Joey? As in Joey Graceffa?"

Connor perked up at that, glancing at Troye worriedly, no traces of previous mirth, "Wait, do you know him?"

Troye could have sworn that he detected a hint of disappointment on Connor's face. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably, as everyone at the table, including even Ricky, gave him an awkward look.

"Sorta." Troye answered curtly, not really understanding what the big deal about it was. Everyone knew everybody in college.

Tyler, who was also frowning, asked him, "When did you?.. I mean, how do you know him?"

Connor seemed positively mortified, his face no more flushed, as he waited for Troye to answer.

"I don't understand, is something wrong?" Troye was getting increasingly confused. "I mean, we are both assigned to the music department," he looked over at Ricky, who was also one of the music majors, but the boy just stared back at him, "So he hangs out a lot in the studio."

"Oh, so you are just acquaintances?" Zoe piped in, pointedly looking at Connor.

Troye nodded, his eyebrows still knitted, "Is there a problem?"

"No, not at all," Connor replied abruptly, rising from the table and picking up his paper coffee cup. He looked at Ricky, "The practice is in half an hour, and I wanted to talk to the coach before, remember? We should probably go."

Ricky seemed a bit deflated, as he picked up his books and stuffed them into his duffel bag, "You are talking to him today?"

Connor looked down to the ground, and nodded silently, before turning around and leaving, Ricky in tow.

"Well, awkward," Troye questioned sarcastically, "What's that about?"

Tyler and Zoe exchanged uncomfortable glances.

"What?" Troye asked almost aggressively, mysteriousness of his friends aggravating him to no end. "Why does everyone keep looking at me today as if I offended their great ancestors?"

"It's nothing," Zoe smiled at him gently.

Troye was beyond the point where his irritation could be dialed down, "Clearly, it's something. His majesty Connor Franta has a fucking problem with me again, and so do you. All of you."

Tyler gave him a cold look, scrunching his nose in distaste, "Oh my god, twink, get a grip."

Both Zoe and Troye couldn't help but laugh a little at that label, which shifted the mood slightly. Zoe changed her seat so she could hug Troye and rest her head in the crook of his shoulder. "For a second here, we all thought that you slept with Joey already."

"I barely know the guy," Troye mumbled offendedly.

Tyler snorted, "That never stopped you before." He looked at Troye sharply, when the latter tried to object, "And no one judges you. God knows, I certainly don't. It's just that Connor looks for something beyond one-night stands."

Troye couldn't believe his ears, as he inquired indignantly, "What are you implying?" Zoe hugged him tighter and gave Tyler a warning look.

"Girl, I ain't trying to throw shade here, stop twisting my words. Apples and oranges. You go for your rock star types, but Con is more, I don't know, tame. And both are fine. So you do you, and hopefully, Connor does Joey. Or Joey does Connor, whichever floats their boat."

Tyler was interrupted by simultaneous 'ew' from both Troye and Zoe.

Troye looked at Zoe, "Do you agree with Tilly?"

She looked at him, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead in a gentle, almost mother-like fashion, "About what?"

"Am I not good enough?"

Zoe looked ponderous for a second, "Of course you are, silly." She looked at Tyler, pursing her lips, "And he knows it too."

Troye wasn't sure whether she was talking about Tyler or someone else entirely.

I told you I don't do nice

After Troye hit 'send', he immediately regretted his decision to text Connor. It was crazy on so many levels that the word 'wrong' couldn't even start to describe it.

Okay, I guess? was the only reply he got.

Troye could easily imagine the other boy's confused expression, his pretty eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed.

Just thought you should know. And Joey is certainly a nice guy

Connor didn't reply for a long time. When he finally did, Troye smiled, despite his best efforts, upon reading the text.

I see what you mean. Thank you

It seemed like Connor was intent on thanking Troye for literally every text he wrote. You can take a boy out of Minnesota, but you can't take Minnesota out of a boy, as Tyler once said.

From what Troye remembered of Joey, the guy was so incredibly good to the point where Troye's teeth ached from his excessive sweetness. Maybe, they would make a great couple, indeed.

Soooooooo Connie, when is your date then?

Troye himself was bemused with his own obnoxious tone, clearly seeing an irritated eye roll from Connor, as the boy typed back a sassy reply.

I guess the same day you are gonna ask out this checkout boy

Troye scoffed irritably.

You seem to think about him so much that I'm starting to get jealous

Troye preferred to think that the double-entendre in the message was unintentional. Connor's answer was quick.

Ohhh, don't be. He only has eyes for you. Btw, he just asked me why you stopped coming to the store

Troye did a double-take.

He just what?

He would fucking kill Connor Franta, his cute smile be damned.

I'm at the store atm. Anyways, I gave him your number and told him to ask you himself) you're welcome

Troye couldn't believe his eyes. He was so done with Connor. Why on earth did he think it was a good idea to play a wingman for Troye?

As if on cue, his phone received another text. Without even bothering to read it, Troye blocked the contact, sending screenshot of his blacklist back to Connor.

How I am gonna shop there now? Poor kid. Troye boy, you have no heart.

He stared at the text, suddenly feeling frustrated.

You have no idea, Connie

Since Connor didn't reply, all Troye could think of was whether his notoriety was becoming more of a burden than a blessing.

A/n I swear this is not going to be your classic love triangle 

Next chapter - "Matching"

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