The Girl with Cat's Eyes

BethAlden द्वारा

6.9K 313 9

Kat is a seventeen year old girl, found naked in a wood. She remembers nothing of her past life, except that... अधिक

Authors note
C H A P T E R 1
C H A P T E R 2
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Kat's Poems

C H A P T E R 20

154 8 0
BethAlden द्वारा

I don't know who you are

Why you're here

But I can feel your need

For a fairytale

So maybe I can help you out

I'll bring you whatever you want

If it helps you survive

C H A P T E R  20

I first met Josh the same day James asked out Emma. The school seemed busier than usual, and Jesse and I were trying to leave those old crowded corridors to get back in time for my second lesson on signing. Sarah had asked around and found someone to teach me. His name was David and he was really friendly and nice. His sister was deaf, and so he knew what he was doing. Jesse and Sarah were also in the lessons because what was the point in me knowing it but no one else?

Any way, we were weaving through the masses of students, trying to get out of the gates where the crowds would thin out a little at least, and also while I tried to spot Sam, Lilly, James, and most of all his new girlfriend Emma, who seemed pretty nice, and I decided I liked her, she didn't seem to talk about me either, which I appreciated.

I lost Jesse in the crowds though, as people managed to separate us. I weaved in and out deciding to get out of school then text them. It was hard but I managed to get through the teen population of the nearby towns and villages. I managed to get outside the gates and walked a little down the hill, as the people started to lessen. Finally I could think. I looked around then decided that the bench round the back of school would be a good place to meet. I moved around the outside, over to the picnic tables just outside of the premises.

Reaching the old tables and benches, I sighed, but didn't sit, leaning on the fence of the school instead. I was just about to text the others when I heard a sound coming from the trees nearby. There was shouting, a string of colorful, extremely homophobic words, and some other, more muffled yelps. I walked over to the trees, through the first few and saw some boys, looks of disgust spread across their features as they kicked and beat what looked like a person, curled up in a ball on the ground. They weren't fighting back, just laying there, letting these boys beat the crap out of them. I guessed they were male, as I hoped to God these horrid boys had at least enough morality not to hit a girl.

The boys saw me then, standing by the trees, my hands bunched into fists. They looked at each other and sniggered.

I glared at them.

'Alright?' said one.

I didn't say anything, just kicked him in his crown jewels, and then punched another one, while the first lay on the ground clutching his man parts. I guess I'd learned something from my so called father.

I shooed them away with my hand.

'I won't hit you 'cause you're a girl...' The one I punched said then the three of them lumbered off into the trees. I glared at their backs, then turned my attention to the boy on the ground. I crouched over him. He opened his eyes and smiled weakly.

'Saved by a girl... Nice... Beaten up by my three so called best friends 'cause I tell 'em I'm gay... And then saved by a girl...' He sat up slowly.

'Thanks, I'm Josh, and you're...' He took a better look at me. 'The mute one... Kat... Right?'

I nodded, and then slid down the trunk of the tree next to him.

'I only came out yesterday and I've already been beaten up twice... I'm so weak...'

I pulled out my board. Not weak. There were three of the guys!

He smiled again. 'Still, saved by a girl...'

And so we sat there, by the tree, in comfortable silence, until Jesse, Sam, Lilly and James' shouts started to echo through the trees.

I stood, and helped up Josh, who was still rather beaten up. I waited for the others to get to us.


'Where have you been, Kat? I was looking everywhere!'

God, you're so over the top! I'm fine, I was going to call you, but I found Josh.

'Why are you with him anyways? He's one of Them.'

What do you mean one of Them?

Then Lilly, who had been previously silent, piped up. 'Boy, you have a lot to learn.'

Whatever, he was beaten up by his best friends, what was I meant to do, leave him there?

'I don't know...'

Look, if I tell you what happened to him, and you tell me why you guys are so resentful of him, then maybe we can get past this and he could sit with us for a few days, just until this blows over?

We helped Josh to his car where his mother was waiting. We'd called her, knowing he wouldn't be able to walk home, being as beaten up as he was.

As soon as he left me, Jesse, my, normally mellow, kind Jesse, came up to me.

'Why did you help him?' He hissed in my face. 'He's one of Them, Kat, they don't deserve help.'

What ever he has done in the past, it's the past, and any way I have no idea what you're on about...

'Guys, calm down, look, lets go get something to eat and discuss this over a coffee.' said Sam, forever the voice of reason.

I looked away, tears in my eyes; how could he talk to me like that? He knew I knew nothing, and he knew my past... There was no cause.

Sam, and Jesse walked off, Sam gestured to Lilly, me, and James to follow. Lilly did, and James was just about to when he noticed I wasn't following. Then he did something unexpected.

He gave me a hug.

I wiped a tear away, knowing I was crying about the most stupid things these days.

'Leave him time to cool off... It's just... Well, I expect they'll tell you more when we get there, but... Our group and Josh's old group have... history.'

I smiled at him.


The cafe was humid, and smelt weird, but it was nearby and we were all hungry. Jesse ordered while I texted Sarah that we were going to be late home, though we should have been arriving back by around then.

We were all seated and I looked at them all expectantly.

Jesse sighed.

'We used to be one big group, the bad kids, we were popular, everyone knew our names. It was always me, James, Sam, Josh, Luke, Angus, and Lilly. But then, well...'

Sam took over. 'Luke Thompson happened. He's a bloody idiot who-' Lilly cut him off with a glare. I was surprised at Sam's outburst, because he was usually the quiet one.

'It was in year nine,' lilly started. 'It was in year nine, we were going on a field trip, and we were all going caving. Jesse and Luke were messing around, and they got split from the group. Only we never realised 'till we were all out the caves. I... I'm not sure what happened down to the finest detail, but Jesse and Luke got lost, for a couple of hours, and no one knew where exactly they were, but were sure they would all come out in the end. So we all waited at the entrance and the instructor went back in to search for them. Jesse got his arm stuck, between some rocks, but Luke just wanted to get out of there; those caves were really creepy. Anyways, Luke left Jesse stuck there to try and find a way out...'

'Yeah, he left me there, the bastard, and it got colder and I got more and more creeped out, and was still stuck. I managed to move the rocks off me after what seemed like hours. And then I too, tried to find a way out. And I did, before Luke in fact, and had a broken arm because of it.'

He was just a kid, Jess, you both were, can't you just forgive and forget?

'No, I bloody well can't, maybe, maybe, had that been all he did, I might have been able, but after all he did, after he left me in the cave, he claimed it was the other way around, that he got stuck, that I left him, He said I must have broken my arm on something else. And every one fricking believed him, except James, Sam and Lilly. And I mean every one, Kat- teachers, Josh, Angus, every one at school. They all thought I was the one that left him, not the other way around. No one would listen to my side of the story, to the truth.

Well, then they're idiots, but don't punish them forever, please. Just give Josh a chance.

'I guess he can sit with us for a few days... why did he get beaten up anyways?'

He's gay.

There was silence, and then Sam spat out his coffee. 'What?'

He's gay... I said this already...

'I know but... gay? I never though Josh Mure would... wow...'

So he can sit with us?

'Course he can. His best friends beat him up for such a stupid thing as that, maybe we can be his new besties... I always wanted a gay best friend.'

Leave it to Lilly to lighten the mood.

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