Divergent without war

By Kiitten24

816 17 2

Tris and the squad live the lives the way they should've had before the war. Everyone is alive except for Al... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Three

107 2 0
By Kiitten24

Four POV

I pulled back to hear the smart mouth gasp as she witness her best friend kissing her instructor with the bug eyes

"Tris Prior!" She shouts and I look at Tris and she blushes "you have a lot of explaining!"
The smart mouth takes Tris always from me and Tris mouths to me to save her but I told her I couldn't and she glares at me.

I take a seat next to Zeke and Shauna and they look at me strange.
"What?" I said breaking the silence
"What was that all about?" Zeke asks "you just kissed an initiate, a female initiate,"
"What was what?" I said and he gives me a bland look
"Let him be Zeke," Shauna says "our little Four is growing up! We're so proud of you,"
"Shut up," I said and she laughs
"So when are you gonna introduce us to her?" She asks
"Never," I said
"That's cool cause I can just talk to her through Lynn and Marlene or just approach her," she says
"You wouldn't," I scowled
"But I would watch," she says
"Fine I'll see," I said and she smiles "is she always like this when she's home with you man?"
"Even worse," Zeke says and I laugh as he gets hit "even when she doesn't get her way,"
"One of the reasons she's our friend," I said "she's very..."
"Very what Four?" Shauna says and I gulp
"Intimidating," I said and then I glance at my watch and maybe I should go look for Tris.
"Hey me and Uriah are throwing a party tonight at eight," Zeke says "why don't you invite your girlfriend too and her friends,"
"Sure I'll see if she wants to," I said and he nods "I see you guys later,"
"Bye man," Zeke says
"See you later Four," Shauna says and I nod and made my way to the dorms.

As in walking through the halls, I made it to the doors and they're slightly opened, hearing two voices which belongs to Tris and smart mouth.

"When did this start?" Smart mouth asks
"At the end of stage one," Tris says "but it wasn't like we were exclusive,"
"So you knew you have feelings for our instructor but didn't tell me? Why? I told you about Will and me," Smart mouth says
"Because I didn't want Peter and his minions to know about it and think my rank is in Four's favoritism," Tris says and I smile. "Look Chris I'm sorry you're my best friend and I know I should've told you forgive me?"
"Fine I do but you owe me a shopping day okay?" Smart mouth says and I can hear Tris sigh
"Fine," she says and I hear a squeal.
"Can I ask you something though?" Smart mouth says "what do you see in him?"
And I try to get as close as possible without being seen or heard
"He's really nice," she says and smart mouth smirks "he is to me at least,"
"Yeah no I still see him as the scary instructor," Smartmouth says and Attis laughs
"You just need to get to know him more," Tris says
"Yeah no thanks," Smartmouth says and then I decided I should do something so I knocked on the door
"Who could that be?"
"I don't know," Tris says and the door opens showing the candor opened it and I see Tris sitting down cross crossed on the bed
"Look who's here," candor muttered and I rolled my eyes as I join Tris's side
"Hey I was wondering," I said and she looks at me as I sit down next to her "do you want to go to a party tonight? My friend and his brother are throwing a party for you guys and well he told me to invite you,"
"Oh when is it?" She asks
"Around eight," I said and she nods and then her eyes gazes to the candor
"Is Christina allowed to come?" She asks and I sigh
"Yes she is," I said and Tris smiles and gives me a hug
"I'm gonna go get ready maybe it'd be smart if your friend takes you shopping for clothes. At the end of the party there's a candor or dauntless game played every time there's a party," I said and she nods and the candor squeal "I'll be back for you around eight,"
"Okay," she says and I lean in to give her a chaste kiss and then I leave.

Tris POV

It's been 2 hours of torture going up and down the aisles
"This should do for now," Chris says and then she pays for the clothes and drags me back to the dorms.
It's only 7:30 and we have a half an hour before Tobias picks us up.

"Here try this on," she says handing me a black dress, which is sheer in the midsection and laced up and she passes black heels.
I head inside the bathroom and changed quickly and then the door opens and Chris passes me a cardigan.
"You want to make sure you wear some layers for candor or dauntless," she says
"Chris wait what's candor or dauntless?" I asked and her jaw drops "what? I'm from abnegation, we don't play games,"
"Okay long story short," she says "if you pick candor you answer truthfully, choose dauntless you have to do the dare and if you don't do either one of them you take off a piece of clothing, socks and shoes don't count,"
"Maybe I should go with shorts and a shirt," I said
"No you look amazing in that dress," she says "and you'll have Four all over you,"
"Ew no," I said and she smiles
"Let's put some makeup on," she says and I groan as she sits me down and puts in some foundation, then a dark eyeshadow then eyeliner and then mascara and for the final touch she puts on red lipstick.
"I look...." I said
"Striking," Christina interrupts and I smile and then there's a knock on the dorms door and Chris went to get it.

I hear voices from the other side of the room and I give myself another look in the mirror. The dress does look good on me, it stops halfway to my thigh and with these damn heels, I feel a lot taller.
Someone clears their throat and I turned around to see Tobias in jeans and a shirt and he doesn't say anything but stares and I blush
"You... You look good Tris," he says and I smile
"You don't look not bad yourself," I said
"Ready to head over?" He asks and I nod and then Christina follows as she grabs her purse and follows me and Tobias to the party.

Tobias lets me and Christina walk in first and it seems like everyone stops what they're doing and stares at us
"What are they staring at?" I asked
"You silly!" She whispers and then she goes off to join Will and Tobias clears his throat an everyone stops staring
"I'll be over there with Zeke if you need me," he says and I nod.
I head over to Will and Christina when I was stopped by Uriah
"Hey you made it!" He says and I smell the alcohol in his breath "I meant to ask you earlier but I got carried away,"
"It's fine. Nice party," I said and he smiles and gives me a hug and I awkwardly hug him back.
We chat for a little and then I join Christina and Will.
"Here drink up," Christina says and she hands me a red cup and I already know its alcohol. "Cheers to our new lives!"
"Cheers," me and Will said in unison and clink our cups.
"So where's your scary boyfriend?" Will asks and I shrug
"He's not scary and I don't know he said he was with Zeke," I said and he nods.

** 2 hours later **

It's been only a couple hours and me and Will and Christina have been having a good time, dancing laughing drinking and hanging out.

"Alright everyone get out unless you want to play candor or dauntless then form a circle." Uriah shouts and pretty much everyone leaves except for Uriah Zeke Four Marlene Lynn a girl who looks like Lynn and me and Will and Christina.
I sit between Christina and Tobias and I can feel his arm wrap around my waist.
"Everyone knows how to play?" Zeke says "alrighty then I'll go first, Uriah my dear little brother choose your fate,"
"You know me mam I ain't no pansycake," Uriah shouts "dauntless bro!"
"I dare you to lick peanut butter off the toilet seat and then you have to kiss your crush with that mouth," Zeke says and I made a face.
"Your disgusting," Marlene says and he shrugs and then Uriah removes his shirt
"I agree with her," he says "Hmm Tris candor or dauntless?"


"Dauntless," I said and he smirks, yeah I'm so gonna regret it
"I dare you to run around the pit shouting you lost your head and you have to keep going until someone asks if you cray cray," he says and I shrug
"Okay easy enough," I said "who's coming?"
Christina and Tobias jumped up and we walked out the doors while I get into character.

As we approach the pit I start to get second thoughts about what I'm gonna do.
"Is it too late to back out?" I asked
"Stop being a scared and run your ass off you're dauntless bro," Christina says and I nod.
"Uriah's dead when we're going back," I muttered and they start to laugh as I start to run.

"Help! Will someone please help me!" I shouted "I lost my head and I can't find it! Sir will you help me look for my head? Apparently I lost it will you help me look for it?"
The old ignores me and I run and up and down the halls and then I stop an old lady
"Excuse miss will you do me a favor?" I asks and she nods "I lost my head and I need help looking for it can you help me look for my head? Please?"
I get down on my knees and the lady shakes her head
"Are you crazy honey? Your head is attached to your body! You can never lose it because that's be impossible!" She says and I smile then I stand up and kissed her cheek and jogged back to Tobias and Christina who are laughing their asses off
"I hate you guys," I muttered and then I had to drag them back to the apartment.

I glare at Uriah as I walk in and he looks scared. I take my seat back and then I choose my victim.
"Will candor or dauntless?" I asked and he smiles
"Candor cause you scare me," he says and I laugh
"What's your fears in order?" I asked he takes his shirt off and chooses Uriah.

While Zeke is making Uriah's drink, I start to think about what kind of job I want, since our ceremony is tomorrow and we'll be full members of dauntless.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Tobias asks as he nudges me and smiles at me
"Just thinking about what kind of job I was gonna choose," I said and he nods "what do you think I should do?"
"Well that's up to you but I think maybe you can be an initiate trainer for the transfers. We could work together and scare the new transfers," he says and I smile
"I like the sound of that," I said and then he leans in and just when he was gonna kiss me
"NO PDA!" Uriah shouts and I blush "Four candor or dauntless?"
"Dauntless man," Tobias says
"I see you to tell us your fears," Uriah days and then Tobias takes his shirt off and my eyes are automatically drawn to his stomach area
"Zeke my best friend candor or dauntless," Tobias asks
"What you got Four," Zeke says and Tobias smirks
"I dare you to ask your crush out right now," Tobias says and Zeke's face went white.

Zeke gets up and then walks over to the girl who's sitting next to Lynn and Marlene and he asks for his hand
"Shauna, we've known each other since forever and well I suck at these type of things so Shauna will you go out with me?" Zeke asks and she bobs her head up and down
"Yes! I will!" She squeals and hugs him tightly.

The game went on for a couple of hours until everyone was either missing a shirt or pants but unfortunately for me I'm still in my dress. I did all my dares and truths except for when I took my cardigan off when they asked if I knew Tobias's fears and I told them yes but I wouldn't tell them.
I look up at the clock and its 3:30 on the morning!! I start to yawn and sleep is trying to kick in but I ignore the feeling and yawned again
"Wanna go home?" Tobias says and I nod my head.
Tobias helps me on my feet and I said my goodbyes to my friends and then we head to the dorms.

"Tris do you want to stay at my place for the night? It's much closer," Tobias says out of the blue
"Okay," I said and I see him smiling as he leads me to his place and then I start to lean on him so he picks me up bridal style and carries me.
Tobias puts me on my feet as we approach his door and opens the door and then he carries me inside. He closes the door with the heel of his foot and leads me to his bedroom.

Tobias carefully lays me down on his bed and takes my heels off.
"Do you want one of my shirts and shorts so you won't have to sleep in that dress?" He asks and I nod and he tosses me a shirt and shorts and then he leaves the room. I quickly change into the clothing Tobias loaned me and I made myself comfy in his bed.
"Are you fully dressed?" Tobias says through the door
"You can come in," I said and he does
"You can sleep on the bed I'll take the couch," he says and I frown
"No Tobias stay here," I said and I pay the side next to me "just sleep with me well not..."
"You sure?" He says and I smile and nod
"Yeah," I said "this is your apartment, so you should sleep in your own bed Tobias,"
"Say that again," he says
"You should sleep in your own bed Tobias," I repeated and he smiles
"Sorry I just like hearing you say my name," he says and I smile as he strips his clothes down to no shirt but sweatpants, he slides next to me and wraps me in his arms "I have something to tell you,"
I run my hand up and down his chest and I feel his breaths against my forehead as he kisses me there.
"I might be in love with you," he smiles a little "I'm waiting until I'm sure to tell you, though."
"That's sensible of you," I said smiling too"we should find some paper so you can make a list or a chart or something,"
I feel his laughter as his belly rises and falls and I laugh a little.
"Maybe I'm already sure," he says "and I just don't want to frighten you,"
"Then you should know better," I said laughing a little
"Fine," he says "I love you,"
He picks my head up and fits his mouth to mine and I moan slightly as he rolls his tongue into my mouth. He's the first to pull back only to kiss my nose, my cheeks and my forehead
"Get some sleep my first jumper," he says "we have a big day tomorrow,"
"Good night my number boy," I murmured and then sleep starts to take me away.

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