Some People Fall Into Love Bu...

By ClarissaAnn

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Gretchen made the mistake of a lifetime. She moved halfway across the country to go to college. Being super s... More

Some People Fall Into Love But It Fell Onto Me. Literally: Part 1
Some People Fall Into Love But It Fell Onto Me. Literally: Part 2
Some People Fall Into Love But It Fell Onto Me. Literally: Part 4
Some People Fall Into Love But It Fell Onto Me. Literally: Part 5
Some People Fall Into Love But It Fell Onto Me. Literally. Part 6
UPDATE *7/11/14*

Some People Fall Into Love But It Fell Onto Me. Literally: Part 3

391 9 5
By ClarissaAnn


I lead Aiden all the way up to my fourth floor dorm room. We took the elevator and of course we got stuck in the one with a top sorority girl. The sorority had the fifth floor all to themselves. You can’t even get on that floor without swiping a membership card inside of the elevator. I have never seen the floor and I doubt the regular janitors have seen it. All of the members are so high class and rich, they have their own maids and bathrooms. Not fair. We had fellow students cleaning our communal showers and the bathrooms because it was the only job that fit their schedule.

The girl was wearing a frilly, revealing pink spaghetti strap top and Daisy Duke booty shorts with high heels. That’s normal sleeping attire though, what those girls wear to school are much, much more tighter and shorter. The girl had boobs that needed their own area code. She made an attempt to hit on Aiden. I honestly think it would have worked if Aiden wasn’t blind. She “dropped” her phone in front of Aiden.

“Oops,” she said. “I dropped my cell phone.” She made puffy lips and said it like a 5 year old girl.

Aiden just stood next to me, with Roger’s harness in one hand and my hand in the other. Boobzilla huffed and bent over in the cramped quarters directly in front of Aiden, shaking her butt a little. I was about to call her out for doing it when the elevator doors opened and Aiden started walking forward, running into Boobzilla and causing her to fall flat on her face. She screamed a blood curdling scream. I let go of Aiden’s hand and fell over laughing.

“What?! What happened?!” Aiden was shouting.

“You jerk!” whined the sorority member. “Look at what you did to me!” Her nose was bleeding and her shorts had split right down the middle, showing off her bright blue granny panties.

“I can’t look! I’m blind, woman, blind!” Aiden was frantic, sweat was forming under his brow. “Gretch. Gretch! Where are you??” He sounded really worried.

I tried to pull myself together as best as possible. I stood up and averted my eyes from the flabbergasted girl. My abs were hurting; it felt as if I laughed up a six pack. I dried the tears from my face and answered Aiden.

“I am right here, Aiden, right next to you.” I grabbed his hand. “I will tell you later what happened. I don’t want to piss myself from laughing so hard.” I started chuckling at the memory.

Roger started barking as the overly made up girl stepped back into the elevator. Just as the doors were closing, she flipped me the finger and stuck her tongue out at me. Mature.

We walked down the hallway, away from where the cry baby took her spill, and to my door.

“What in God’s name is that noise?” Aiden asked me.

I couldn’t hear anything; I pressed my ear up to the door. A muffled groaning was going on. I took a step back and sighed. It was normal for Makayla to “study” on Friday nights, but Saturday afternoons? This was new and I hoped it wouldn’t become a regular thing. I didn’t want to open the door. Horrible images flashed in my mind from my first, and what I wanted to be last, run in on her “study dates.”

“Maybe we should come back later. I think she’s busy right now.” I said as I started walking away. I was yanked back by Aiden’s toned arms.

“No. We came here to end this and so we are. I am going to help you.”

“You don’t understand! You never saw what I had to see!”

“You’re right I have never seen anything, I honestly wish I could. Even something as terrible as you make this scene seem to be. Just open the door, point me in the right direction and I will handle this. But you’re going to speak once I finish. Deal?”

I thought about every night I had to sleep in the pet shop. I thought about the night I ran in on Makayla. I thought about rude and obnoxious she was and how she expects to be treated like a queen. I took out my key.



The fight was quick and pretty much helped with nothing. I have had better moments in my life, way better. It felt good to stick up for myself and have someone holding my hand on the side.

Aiden had lead the way and started of by blindly yelling (no pun intended) at the two figures under the sheets of the twin sized bed. Makayla was screaming at me to get out, Roger was barking and the person stayed under the covers, hiding their identity. Aiden kept on saying “Shut up! Shut up! I am trying to speak!” Eventually, all was quiet. He went on ranting about how I needed to be treated better and how I didn’t deserve to be bossed around. Then he nudged me to talk, and I pretty much choked on my words. I started stuttering and fidgeting with his sweatshirt that I was still wearing.

“Makayla, we have known each other, uh, a year now, I guess. And I, um, am not a doormat. We each pay for this room and so I get to control who comes in and out of it, too. I really hope you are willing to cooperate.” I smiled slightly, still feeling awkward about talking her after we had interrupted her doings.

“Ha ha ha! There is no waaaaaaaaay, Miss Wills, we are cooperating on this one. I have already reported you to the school Dean about you’re “study time” and you have until,” Makayla looked at her Gossip Girl calendar that hung on the wall, while I stood dumbfounded by her words. The stranger was still under the covers as quiet as death itself. “Oh, sorry, you have until today to completely move out or your scholarship will be given to someone who actually wants it for learning.” She smirked at me.

“But, you, you, you can’t do this! I am not the one hooking up every weekend with someone new! I sleep in a pet store when YOU do that for crying out loud!” Tears formed in my eyes. Aiden squeezed my hand and I started to calm down a little. I knew that was his way of showing support; reminding me that he was next to me and believed in me.

“Alright, I am glad you have done me this favor!” I started taking out the folded cardboard boxes that were underneath my bed. “I hope you enjoy paying full rent all by yourself!” I let go of Aiden’s hand and walked past Roger. I began throwing my personal items into bags an taping up cardboard boxes.

“I hope you enjoy living in the street!” Makayla sneered.

“I hope you enjoy living in hell!” I retorted.

After ten minutes of having the death glare from her, I sat down on my bare bed. Aiden had stood in the center of the room, holding Roger’s harness, perfectly content. He was very patient. Looked at all of the bags and boxes I had managed to pack up. I was glad the dorm building provided the little furniture we had; it was less things for me to take wherever I was going.

I walked next to Aiden and put my head on him. His hand started brushing through my hair. I tried to hold back the tears, knowing that Makyala and her creepy partner were still present in the room, doing nothing, thankfully, but my salty tears still managed to silently fall.

“Aiden, Aiden, Aiden. I don’t kn-know what I am going to d-d-do.” I stuttered.

“Shhhhhh, do not worry about it. You can stay with me.”


Author's Note (:

i hope you enjoyed this little predicament! it's midnight here and i am posting this. sorry if there's sentences that make no sense what so ever. i is tired. but i felt like typing more for you guys (:

please, comment and tell me what yo u think so far! (:

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