Just another lil snupe love s...

By duh_meeee

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This story is about a girl named Treasure Brown who lives a wonderful life with her husband Christopher Brown... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

99 1 1
By duh_meeee

Treasure P.O.V
After the park we went to go get icecream and royalty fell asleep "it's getting kinda late I should be getting home "he told me I pouted a little "iight just tell me how to get there "I mumbled I really didn't want him to go to be honest I miss having attention like this me and Chris never hang out like this anymore he just ..so focused on his career he never have time anymore we finally got  to his street it looked familiar but I can see he lived in the hood "you live around here ?" I asked "yeah.."he said a little embarrassed "...right here" he said
Lil snupe P.O.V
"Right here..." I told her she probably REALLY not go talk to me now she see how I live "here's your stuff " she looked at me and smiled "thanks " I told her about to get out the car "...hey" she grabbed my arm "yes treasure?" I asked with a little attitude because i know how this go end look the way she live and dress she ain't about to just stay around "I was wondering if you free Saturday my bestfriends having a party " she asked letting go of my arm I was kinda surprised when she asked that I sighed  "...I dont shawty i really don't do party's like that " I told her she rolled her eyes "come on have some fun please "she begged I rolled my eyes "I'll think about it " I told her "here's my number "she said giving it to me "iight see you later I guess "I told her getting out the car I watched her drive out I looked down at the numbers and smiled "nigga what chu smiling at ?" Dlow asked walking up "nothing "I told em "where you been at I been looking fo you "he told me "fa what?" I asked "C4 locked up "he told me "the f***what happened? " i asked mad as hell "mane Peso snitch on em nd gave him 15 years I think bruh " he told me "Damn thats fucked up we go have to find that nigga " I said shaking my head walking in the house "Where the hell you been snupe ?" My mama yelled coming towards me " ma I was at a friend house chill  "I told her "aye snupe I'll just catch you later bro "Dlow told me "iight " I said walking to my room "snupe didn't I tell you NOT to hang around them type of people anymore?"my mama told me I sighed "yes ma but dlow good people he aint like that " I told her she sighed "snupe...i-" I cut her off "yeah yeah you just trynna protect me ma I know but I'm 21 now I ain't 16 no mo "I told her and got up to walk to the restroom I heard the door close and I walked back out and fell asleep

Treasure P.O.V
After I drop Darren off at home I stop by the store I wanted some Reese "mama can i come" royalty asked "of course baby" I smiled at her I got out and got her out the car and close the door and walked in we walk to where the candy was at as we was picking out the candy somebody called me by my old name I use to go by "dime?" I looked up and seen a unwanted face mannn I felt sick asf "no no no no no baby go over there "I mumbled under my breath then made her walk over there  .."long time no see " he said walking up to Me I stepped back  "..Wh-what do you want peso.." i told him "the fuck you mean what do i want you took my shit then disappear I ain't seen you since " I stayed quiet I was  scared as hell this nigga was so dangerous he looked at royalty and smiled "I see you got a little girl huh ?" He asked "ye- yeah...look peso I gotta go"I told him trying to move "go where baby girl you OWE me nd i want my money you aint getting away this time ma " he said getting closer "I dont OWE you nothing you the one set me up to get jacked the fuck was I suppose to do?" I said with a attitude he pushed me into the wall nd started to choke me "look I dont give a FUCK what happened YOU lost it so i better get it I'm not fuckin playing with you I'm watching yo ass " he told me "mommy!" I heard royal he let go as I was trynna catch my breath "are you okay?" She ran over to me "yea baby I'm okay " I told her "who's this ?" She asked looking at me peso "mommy's  old friend " peso answered "okay baby lets go " I said picking up royal I bought the candy and speed walked out the store I put her in her seat built in got in my car and drove off I was shaking your probably wondering what's going on well back then I use to sale  drugs and all that stuff because i didn't have any money and my Mom died and my dad  ...well ...he left and i had to go to foster care  I had no other choice I didn't realized how dangerous it was
Into peso fake ass got me jacked for some money just because i wouldn't fuck him man that was a sneaky ass move so i stop messing with Them and stayed low and Dlow and dice helped me out they was like my big brothers they just wasn't blood but it felt like it but I moved out of foster care because my stuck up auntie wanted to take me in so yeah anyway  I drove home and just shook it off so Chris won't worry I walked in with royal but once I saw this ANNOYING as assistant of Chris's Mann   I was pissed "where is Chris "I said she looked up "up stairs " she told me I started walking up stairs then I noticed something "...is that my robe?"I asked through my teeth "oh yeah girl "she told me not noticing how pissed I was I walked up stairs and slammed the door "Chris why tf this bitch IN my house and WHY TF SHE GOT ON MY DAMN ROBE ? " I asked " same reason why you bring that nigga in here wearing MY shit the fuck "he told Me "BRUH .OKAY HE NEEDED SOME WHERE TO SLEEP BUT THATS YOUR ABSENT SHES NOT SUPPOSED TO WALKING AROUND IN MY DAMN ROBE DOING YO BULLSHITY ASS WORK YOU ALREADY KNOW I DONT LIKE THE BITCH AND YOU GO BRING HER INTO MY FUCKIN HOUSE ?" I told him " okay and you brought that nigga IN MY DAMN HOUSE " he told me " IS THIS WHAT THIS ABOUT ? JUST BECAUSE OF ADARREN YOU BARELY HOME ANYWAY WHY TF WOULD YOU CARE ALL YOU CARE ABIUT IS YO DAMN CAREER NOT THE FUCKIN FAMILY YOU HAVE BUT IM THE BAD PERSON RIGHT .? YOU DONT EVEN GIVE ME ATTENTION ANYMORE UNLESS YOU JUST TRYNNA BUST A FUCKING NUT !" I told him walking out I walked to the restroom and he followed he pushed me into the wall "you aint about to be talking to ME like that don't nobody give a FUCK about yo damn attitude "he said"Get the fuck off of me Christopher !"I pushed him off of me and he slapped the hell out of me and I fell to the floor "Lower your Damn Voice  when you talking to me and dont put yo fuckin hands on me !"he said and walked out I just sat there and cried  after all the arguments he has never put his hands on me"mommy..." I heard a soft voice "yes baby "I said "why you and daddy yelling at eachother again and why are you crying ?."she asked " it's nothing baby when we argue that means we love either "I told her" what about you crying. ?" She asked I got up and wipe the tears off my face "come on baby lets get you to bed you got a party to go to tomorrow "I smiled "YAYYY" she ran to her bed  after i got her into bed I walked to our room to get my clothes
After I slapped her I felt guilty as hell but she shouldn't be yelling at me like that I'm not no damn dog the fuck I walked down stairs " I see you having wife problems "  Keisha my assistant smirted at me I smiled " Yeah but I need you to fix another problem for me " I told her " She smiled "let me give ya girl back her robe and you can drive me home " she walked up stairs as I watched her ass shake
Treasure P.O.V
After I got my clothes I walked to the restroom when I bumped into his assistant " hey I wanted to give you your robe back" she said with a fake ass smile  handing me my robe I looked down at it "...keep it " I said with a attitude and walked towards the restroom I heard her foot steps walking down the stairs and she finally made it to the floor " I thought you was go give it to her " I heard Chris I walked towards the stairs and listened " nah baby she said I could keep it" I peaked around to see them "welp lets go " he said slapping her ass and she laughed and they walked out I could feel the hot tears coming down my cheek I walked back to the restroom and took a hot shower  after i got out and looked at my self in the mirror maybe my dad was right  .... i got dressed and i walked out and go in the bed and cried myself to sleep

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