Live While We're Young (Boyxb...

By stylesplus

256K 5.1K 589

One direction scored a gig at the best club known to earth, all the celebs go there. After they finish aroun... More

Live While We're Young (Boyxboy) (Lilo Tayne) (Mpreg)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25 - Last chapter :)

Chapter 24

5.5K 132 10
By stylesplus

Louis POV

A few days after the last chapter.

The water in the bath is warm around my skin and it was peaceful, the radio in the background. My big baby bump was sticking out the top of the water; I had to put a face washer over it so that it didn’t get cold.

“Would you let me see beneath your beautiful?

Would you let me see beneath your perfect?

Take it off now boy; take it off now girl,

I wanna see inside

Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight?”

I sang along with the radio, the door squeaked and I looked up, it was Liam again checking if I        had drowned yet. “You don’t have to keep checking on me every five minutes you know?” I pointed out      obviously annoyed at him. He walked closer and sat on the edge of the bath.

“I heard you singing and you know I love your voice, so I was coming in here to hear it better.” I knew it was just another excuse like the last time, he told me he was looking for his grey hoodie but him being a horrible liar he was wearing it.

“You could just turn the radio on or put our album on, and don’t tell me you lost it because I saw it sitting on the bench in the kitchen before I got in the bath.” He sighed; taking off his clothes so he was naked, he sat me up and then slid in behind me. I leant back into him. “It’s nearly time for Bentley to be born.” I murmured quietly closing my eyes.

“We haven’t even bought a cot or a changing table, I know we got nappies and blankets and clothes and bottles and the car seat the day after your appointment, but they are all the small things, we need the big things as well.” I nodded; we still have time so there isn’t need to panic about this.

“We should go tomorrow, I know we should go today but my feet hurt and I'm tried.” Liam kissed my head and rubbed my shoulders. “Let’s go to bed, the waters getting cold.” Liam got out of the bath and then helped me out to; I'm about the size of an elephant and weigh as much as one too. I still can’t believe that Bentley will be in the world in less than two weeks, it’s just so surreal. No matter how many times I say it feels like a dream the only thing that’s letting me believe it is reality is the aches and pains I get.

After drying off I slipped into my night wear and then slowly got into bed, I propped a pillow under my belly for extra support and it helped quite a lot. The one thing I miss about sleeping is the part where I can sleep on my stomach or my back but being pregnant has it disadvantages with sleeping, like lack of sleep and un- comfy sleeping positions.

I woke up twice in the middle of the night because I needed to pee and it wasn’t much fun because I had to flap like a beached whale until I could get up wit out Liam’s help. I feel like I'm putting too much weight on his shoulders, even though he said to tell him everything and let him help I feel like I’m using him. I woke up again at seven am to see the bed empty but still slightly warm meaning Liam didn’t leave that long ago. I heard Harry’s giggles through the wall, the first thing I thought was great they are at it again but then I heard Jeremy.

“Daddy when is Uncle Lou having the baby?” I smiled, he really is a sweet child, I heard Harry say something but it was too muffled by the wall to understand.

“Hey handsome, I made us some breakfast in bed.” Liam’s happy smile appeared from the door.

“I'm starving thanks beautiful.” He giggle glared at me.

“Pancakes with syrup and strawberries and apple juice on the side.” I moaned in approval  and grabbed my tray out of his hand. Liam can’t cook for shit but when he makes pancakes they are the most fluffiest and delicate tasting pancakes ever made, I really don’t know how he does it, maybe next time I should sit and watch.

Later that day…

I finished off my packet of chips and went to put the rapper in the bin, as I looked down I saw a packet of pancake mix? I can’t believe that lying little rat.

“Liam baby?” I called out putting the lid back down on the bin and sitting at the kitchen table. I heard footsteps coming from the lounge.


“I feel like Pancakes again can you make me some?” Liam’s eyes flashed to the bin and then to the cupboard before flicking back to me.

“I think we are out of eggs………Yeah we are out of eggs I used them all this morning.” His voice sounded a little bit weak in the middle of his sentence.

“Or maybe you are just out of pancake mix?” He gave me an innocent smile and fluttered his eye lashes.

“I’m sorry but you know I can’t cook.” I didn’t even blink an eye.  I stood up slowly making sure I had my balance before walking over to the guilty looking Liam.

“You should of just told me you dope, I wouldn’t of cared, I love you for you not your cooking.” I leant up to kiss him but then the pain hit. “Liam I think it’s time” I groaned out clutching my stomach. “Grab the hospital bag, Bentley is coming out.”


Next chapter is the big one and i think the last  :D Can’t wait. I know this chapter is kind of boring but the next one won’t be :D Dont worry there will be a sequal, i have even started to write it :D

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