Caught In Snowflakes {Slow Up...

Par TakenOverByZoe

1.3K 88 50

"Never thought I would meet the girl who almost killed me." He sarcastically said while sending me a flirtati... Plus

•« Intro »•
•« The Cold Always Bothered Me Anyway »•
•« Do you want to build a snowman? »•
•« Hey Geroni-noooo »•
•« Cause it's too cold for me here »•
•« She wants to dance like Uma Thurman »•
•« Kiss me, Kiss me, Kiss me... Well preferably not »•
•« Can't you see? You don't belong with me... »•
•« Where do we go when the christmas tree is calling? »•
•« 'Cause without you I wouldn't have been a lost girl »•
•« My enemy's bitching 'cause I talk to "his" girl »•
•« I'm caught in snowflakes... »•
•« Like angels can fly, we'll never die... »•
•« We let in light and we banish shade »•
•« Nobody can cure my sickness »•

•« Juliette, snap out of it... »•

79 3 1
Par TakenOverByZoe

Avery's Point Of View

''I have a feeling that this holiday is going to be very awkward now these four boys are around,'' I chuckle when we're back in our room. We've finished the breakfast process, and now it's time for us to get ready for a nice day in which we're going to ski. I'm actually very happy that we're doing this again, it's nice to have something to do while being here in the middle of nowhere. Not that I don't like it here, it's just... So empty.

I change into the extra warm pants and put on some super thick socks. I hate having cold feet, so I might wear them all day when I'm home again. ''I'm so excited for Christmas,'' Juliette says while happily looking at the presents in her suitcase. ''I'm sure you're going to like your presents,'' I smile at her excitement. ''I'm sure you're going to like mine as well, I carefully picked them,'' I say while tying my hair in a ponytail, so it won't become fluffy and all that jazz.

We walk to the little basement when Juliette's also done, to put on our special shoes and grab our skis. They are so heavy, so lifting them and walking to the lift is really hard. But I guess you have to put some effort in it to get the final result, which is going down the hill with a lot of speed. I'm glad I became a little better at it, otherwise it would be very boring for Juliette. All she'd have to do is waiting for me to finally come down, and that seems annoying to me. But of course I don't know how she experiences it, maybe she doesn't really care.

I suddenly almost slip on the frozen ground, and I have to grab Juliette's shoulder to prevent myself from falling. Of course this wasn't the best idea, because Juliette didn't expect me to grab her shoulder, a lot of weight joining me in that process. She loses her balance and falls, which causes me to fall anyway. ''Well, that went well,'' she mutters while trying to get up again. ''I'm really sorry!'' I apologize while getting up easily and pulling Juliette up after that. ''It's good that you're so clumsy,'' she sarcastically says, and I smile an angelic smile. ''I'm sorry,'' I repeat. She shakes it off, and there we go again, on our way to the ski slope.

I hope we don't bump into Aiden on our way, I think I've had enough awkwardness for today. Not that it would be very awkward for me, because I didn't do a thing, but Juliette... I wouldn't know how she would respond if we bumped into Aiden.

I don't get it, I was so convinced that she liked him. Everything in her screamed: ''I'm into him'', but when she got the opportunity, she let it slip... He tried to kiss her, and she tried to stop him. What's going on in her head? Why are my suspicions not right? What's going on in my head to think that? Because if it was so obvious for her, what was my mind doing?

I wonder if I'm an open book as well. I wonder if she knows I can't get that blonde guy with the blue eyes out of my head. I don't know why he's stuck in my head, I don't like him, do I? He's just a guy that I haven't properly met, so Avery, cut the fucking bullshit.

''Ave, what the heck are you thinking about? You seem so absent,'' Juliette complains. I know she hates it when I'm being vague about something, she just can't stand it. ''Nothing,'' I reply. She sighs and shakes her head. ''You're annoying,'' she states before returning to her walk. We're almost there I see, I hope it won't be crowded with people, so we can go our own way. We decide to go to the Hochmoos again, because it's the easiest thing for us to do.

And just like I hoped, there's almost nobody in here. We can immediately get in the lift, there's no line. I still think it's a bit scary, I mean, you don't get scooped up by a chairlift every day. When I'm in it's not that bad, but the process of getting in is just not that nice. Anyway, I probably shouldn't worry too much, it makes no sense. I actually kind of like the height, it's like an attraction in a amusement park. The silence is very silent -duh- and we're the only two persons in these chairs, so I start humming a song to cut the silence.

''When I was younger I saw, my daddy cry...'' I softly sing, not knowing the rest of the lyrics. ''Hey,'' Juliette suddenly says, and I look up at her. ''Wha?'' I ask. ''I didn't know you knew the only expection by Paramore,'' she says with a confused expression on her face. ''That was the song!'' I suddenly exclaim. ''I couldn't 't figure it out, because I don't really know it. I must've heard you sing it or something like that,'' she nods understandingly, until we both get silent again.

When we're up in the mountains I see that everything up here is literally still covered in snow. It's quite a beautiful sight, because there's a nice layer of snow in which you can ski perfectly. ''Do you like the snow when it's like this?'' I ask Juliette, and she looks at me with a surprised expression. ''Like it? I don't like it, I love it,'' she says, and I start to awe. ''What?'' she asks me in a indignant voice. ''Your excitement is so cute,'' I squeal. She sighs once more, this is one of those things that annoys the crap out of her as well. I just think she's cute sometimes, and I don't like it, I love it.

I click my shoes into my skis and slowly stroll forward. Like I said a billion times, I'm excited to go skiing again. It just feels good to be doing this after not doing this for so long. ''You ready?'' Juliette asks, and I nod, I'm completely ready. She takes the lead and skis in front of me, I follow. There's not so many people on the slope at the moment, but still, there are some. I think you could call it a good sign, because it means that it's actually safe.

''You okay?'' Juliette asks when we've reached the bottom of the first hill. ''So far, so good,'' I reply before I take the lead this time. I want to know what it's like to be in the front. It's actually going pretty well, until there's a branch in the way, I stroll over it, but because of that I lose my balance and fall. I faceplant the snow, not that hard fortunately. I have to say that it's pretty cold, and not such a nice experience. Juliette stops next to me, and helps me up. ''And that's why I always take the lead,'' she jokes after I've burst out in fits of laughter. It must've looked very stupid and clumsy, I hope nobody saw it.

''Nice trick miss Clark,'' I suddenly hear behind me. Uh-oh. I turn around and see a person with a helmet, with three other persons with helmets behind him. The voice reminds me of the boy with the crazy hair, I didn't catch his name though. I see Juliette's head snaps up as well, also recognizing the voice. ''It's the crazy haired boy,'' she whispers for she's close enough to do that. ''Uhu,'' I reply, before turning my attention to him. ''Thank you, mister...?'' I hope he'll finally say his name now, because then I'll know it. ''I'm Michael Clifford,'' he introduces himself. I can't feel anything but embarrassment. I just wiped out in front of four celebrities, can it get any worse?

This time I fully realize that I've just wiped out in front of the person that may be my crush, kind of? I see him strolling down a bit, but stopping when he's near Michael. ''What happened?'' he asks, and I think of a way to explain it, without making it even more awkward. ''I accidently hit her with my ski stick,'' Juliette suddenly lies, probably realizing that one of them is my crush, kind of. She doesn't know which one though, which maybe is a good thing.

''That's why she fell,'' I silently thank her for sticking up for me, as I nod in agreement. ''Yes, that's what happened,'' I repeat. ''Well, are you okay?'' These are the most words he has ever said to me, wow. ''Yeah, I'm fine,'' I say with a small grin. We both awkwardly smile at each other, and I can see a large grin grow on Juliette's face. Well, fuck.

''Paying attention isn't really your thing, is it?'' Michael asks Juliette, and she throws him a glare from underneath her skiglasses. ''This is the first time it's my fault,'' she says as she tells him off, he wants to shoot something back, but the blonde haired boy stops him. ''What's the use of turning this into a fight?'' he asks Michael, and Michael shrugs.

''Nice seeing you girls again,'' Calum says with a grin. ''Had a nice party last night?'' Juliette guiltily nods, and I just smile. ''Amazing,'' I say after which I add something really irrelevant and stupid. ''Danced with a cute boy,'' Oh boy, why did I say that in front of the person that might be my crush? I'm so, so, so very stupid. I'm internally facepalming myself as I see his mouth slowly open in... What is it exactly? Dissatisfaction? Or is he just surprised that I actually could find someone to dance with? Why am I even thinking about this? He might be just burping or yawning, I wouldn't know.

''The party was okay,'' Juliette saves the day, and she exchanged a quick look with the Ashton guy. How much did he tell his friends? Do they know everything, or didn't he tell a thing? I know the blonde haired boy was there when it happened, but what about Michael and Calum?

''Yeah, you're lucky that you managed to get rid of that crazy guy,'' Calum says with a small smile, and something tells me that it wasn't the right thing to say. Juliette still cares for Aiden, even though it's not in the way he prefers it. ''He's not crazy, he just thought I liked him back,'' the girl shrugs. I think she did well, I expected her to go nuts to be honest, but she's pretty chill about his comment.

''Well, you don't,'' Michael shrugs. ''So tell me, why are we having this conversation with a girl that's as good as a stranger to us?'' he asks the other boys, who shrug their shoulders and just plainly look at us. I don't know what he means, doesn't he want to talk to us? I would completely understand because we're kind of annoying, and why would you waste your time on two girls that only cause you trouble?

''What do you mean Michael?'' the blonde haired asks him, and I kind of nod as a sign that I don't really catch his drift as well. ''Well, why wouldn't we get to know the two of you better? You both seem nice, and we keep meeting up anyway. Why not make it official?'' Michael asks, as he looks at the three other guys, who hesitantly nod.

''I think it's cool,'' Calum is the first one to speak up. ''You're right, they clean our room, they stumble upon us on the slope. Why not get to know them?'' Juliette and I are just standing here like a bunch of statues. I don't really know what to say, is this a good idea? I barely know these guys, even though they're famous, and suddenly they want to get to know us? I look at the blonde boys and catch him staring at me.

''Luke, what do you think?'' Calum asks the blonde boy, and he looks up in confusion. Luke, that is his name. It sounds nice. ''What?'' Luke asks Calum, still a bit flustered. ''Do you want to meet the girls officially?'' Calum puts it shortly. ''Sure,'' Luke says, and he looks at the ground ashamedly. They don't even ask Ashton for his opinion, he hasn't said anything at all in the time that they're here.

''So, what do you think?'' Michael asks us, and Juliette and I exchange a quick look. We both don't really know what to say. What do you say when four celebrities ask you to hang out with them, because you'll be seeing each other anyway? ''I think it's cool,'' I shrug. Juliette squints her eyes at the four boys, and knows she can't say no anymore now I said yes. I poke her with my ski stick since she's not saying a thing, and she finally speaks up. ''Okay,'' is all she says. ''Because you're Aussies, and I've never really met Aussies here in Lermoos,'' I'm silently cheering for her, and I'm not really sure why.

''Why don't we meet up in the recreation room? It's close and it's cozy,'' Calum proposes, and we nod approving. ''Sounds cool,'' I say. After that a silence follows, and Juliette decides that we've had enough of that. ''Shall we go further?'' she asks me, and I nod. ''Okay,'' I say this time, and we quickly say goodbye to the boys before skiing off.

I'm silently grinning to myself as I know that Juliette doesn't like this idea at all. She's mentioned multiple times that she found everything we had experienced with the boys so far awkward, and now we're just casually going to hang out with them.

''Thanks for that,'' Juliette says with a sigh when we're back at the bottom of the slope. ''Why did you say yes to hanging out with four boys we barely know, who also happen to be really famous?'' she asks while throwing her hands up. ''I just thought it was nice to get to know them a little better. We're stuck with them for Christmas anyway,'' I shrug. ''Why not make the best of it? What would you rather want? Bump into them for a whole week, and making it more and more awkward, or just hanging out with them for once, to cut the tension?'' I ask. She shrugs, I know she agrees with me, she just won't admit it because she doesn't like admitting her wrong.

''You know I've had a past with that Ashton guy,'' is her last argument. ''A very short past that only lasted like two days, get over it,'' I say while playfully pushing her, receiving a glare in exchange. ''I just don't want to get too close. We might start hanging out more this holiday, and they're just going to forget us when they're gone,'' she states. ''Of course they won't, if we become friends, which we probably won't, they won't forget us,'' I assure her.

''Ave, they have millions of fans. They might have a new friendship every day, of course they don't remember any of them,'' I just don't think that's going to happen. If you become friends with someone you don't just let that bleed to death right? Or am I the naïve person right now? ''And besides, I don't really think that Ashton dude even wanted us to hang out with them, did you see his face?'' Juliette asks while sighing. ''No I didn't, because I didn't pay attention to his face,'' I joke, after which I receive a grunt in response. I'm getting high points today.

''I wish you'd just given me a choice, that's all,'' she eventually decides, and I look at her in mock confusion. ''You could've said no,'' I tell her. ''You know I couldn't have after you already said yes. You practically already made the decision right there,'' she sighs, clearly a bit agitated, I don't know why she is. ''What should I have said then? Maybe? We'll see?'' I ask her in confusion. ''Yeah! That would've been perfectly fine!'' she says. ''Well okay, I'm sorry, do you want a hug?'' I ask her. ''No,'' she says, and I chuckle.

Why I'm chuckling? Well, I know Juliette doesn't like physical contact, like hugging and stuff like that. Well, not with me at least, or anyone else. Maybe if she finds a boyfriend she'll finally get into it, or not of course. If we're really sad she will accept a hug, but that's it. Let's say that Juliette is not a people person, while I especially like to cuddle and stuff like that. I'm a very cuddly person.

''Shall we get something to drink here?'' Juliette asks, just to end the conversation. We're still at the bottom of the first hill, and there's like a big snow platform here with a nice restaurant. It's also the place where you can take a lift, or where the lift arrives from down the hill. It's a really good idea to have something like that here, so people can rest after skiing for a while.

I nod as a response, and we do as told. We undo our skies from our feet and set them down in front of the restaurant before getting in to order something. ''What would you like?'' Juliette asks me, and I don't have to think for that long. ''I would like an Iced Tea please,'' I say. I've gotten really hot from all the skiing, and this clothing doesn't make it a bit easier.

''Hey, I was going to take that as well,'' Juliette says with a smile, and she walks to the bar to order us our drinks. The bartender is a really nice person, and immediately helps her, and within seconds we have our drinks and paid for it. ''Thank you,'' Juliette says before walking out the restaurant, followed by me. We're sitting down on the terrace, since the weather is flawless today. You almost won't believe there has been a blizzard not too long ago.

I enjoy the sun shining its warm rays in my face, and hope that it will stay for a while. I like the sun, even though it's supposed to be snowing here at this time of the year. Christmas is not too far away anymore, and I'm still stoked for it. I don't really know what we're going to do for Christmas though.

We are either going to a restaurant or just stay at Greta's. I don't really care, everything goes if you ask me, as long as it's fun at least. Christmas isn't about what you're doing after all, it's about having a good time and being thoughtful, something which is very important to me. Without having a nice time together Christmas isn't complete for me.

''So, you and that Luke guy, huh?'' Juliette suddenly speaks up. I look up at her in surprise, and know that she knows it. She knows who I'm kind of crushing on, and I know that she enjoys it. ''What's with me and that Luke guy?'' I ask her innocently, even though it's useless. ''That's what I'm asking, you're kind of into each other, aren't you?'' she asks me, and I shake my head. ''I've barely even met the guy Juliette, I don't know if I'm into him,''

She slightly chuckles. ''Well, he's definitely into you,'' okay, now she can have her little moment in which she thinks a boy is into me. But this boy is a celebrity, he'll never like an average girl like me. Get real Juliette, get real.

Michael's Point Of View

I watch the two girls strolling down the hill together, and a smile appears on my face. ''That Avery girl is so into you Luke,'' I tell him while softly poking him with my ski stick. ''She's not,'' Luke mutters as he looks down at his skis. ''Haven't you noticed the way she looked at you? So shy,'' I shake my head. This isn't anything new for me, I'm kind of used to girls being into Luke. Everyone's always into Luke.

It must be the lipring that drives girls crazy. Ever since our career really started all the girls immediately went for Luke, because of his cuteness. He's the youngest member of the band, and therefore also the most approachable one. I guess Ashton really as bad luck when it comes to that.

Let's not talk about Calum, he's got all those girls wrapped around his finger, or should I say weener? Well, he definitely learned that he shouldn't send nudes through Snapchat... Or no nudes at all would be even better than that. Yeah, it would probably be better if he wouldn't send or make any nudes at all.

We've come across those girls so many times now, I didn't see any option than inviting them for a little hang out. I mean, none of the boys seems to have any problems with it. Luke get's to see his crush again, so he can be happy about it. Calum was wrong though, he said Luke was never going to see the girl again, but he did, multiple times. I don't really think this is going to be a thing though, we're only staying for Christmas and the other girls are probably gone soon as well.

''And none of you boys decided to discuss this whole thing with me,'' Ashton suddenly speaks up, after being quiet the whole time. ''You're asking for everyone's opinion except for mine,'' I know this was pointed towards me, I'm the guilty one here.

''I'm sorry,'' I shrug, not really caring that much either. ''I guess I forgot,'' I lie, I don't know why I didn't ask Ashton, probably because I automatically assumed that he was fine with it, for no reason. ''Michael, I have a past with that girl,'' Ashton says, and I know that it's pointed towards the other girl. Why don't I know what her name is? Have I never asked? How rude.

''That's a really small past Ashton, it's no big deal,'' Calum says, not really caring as well apparently. Luke is the only one who strolls over to Ashton and pats his back. ''I'm sorry Ash, I wasn't really thinking. I thought the two of you were cool though?'' I turn my attention to Ashton as well. ''I was thinking the same thing,'' I join Luke. ''You two ended up having a nice conversation after the whole punching thing, right?''

''I don't know if you could call it nice,'' Ashton hesitantly says. ''I guess we're kind of cool now. But everything's just a bit awkward. I mean, I punched a guy for her and she didn't want me to, how do you not find that a big deal?'' I shrug once more, since it's my only answer if I don't know what to say.

''Well, awkward is the new flirting, isn't it?'' Calum asks, and we all shake our head in response. No, awkward isn't the new flirting, otherwise I would have had ten girlfriends by now, and I don't. ''Do you even know her name?'' I ask Ashton, and he shakes his head again. ''No, I don't, she wouldn't tell me back at the guesthouse,'' I softly chuckle. ''That's probably because you were being a dick to her,'' I say.

''How was I being a dick?'' Ashton indignantly asks. ''I'm the nicest guy ever, I punched a guy for her!'' Now it's our time to chuckle again. ''Well first, you called her a stalker, second, that guy was her friend or so,'' Luke sums up. ''Well, that wasn't very nice of him, right? You don't kiss a girl without her permission, that's disrespectful!'' Ashton exclaims. ''And besides that she also bumped into me a couple of days ago,'' the poor guy should just get over himself, none of it matters.

''Ashton, relax. The two of you just didn't get along so well so far, but that might change tonight. I mean, what could possibly go wrong by just hanging out with the six of us? Nothing right?'' I ask him while softly patting his back. ''You might fall in love,'' he bursts into fits of laughter. ''Okay, that's enough of that Michael. It would be a miracle if she would even talk to me,'' he chuckles. ''Shall we continue skiing now? My toes are freezing,'' we all agree on that, and there we go with the four of us.

This is something really different than the things we usually do, which mainly exists of making music and listening to music. Now I'm doing this I actually realize how much of my time the tour has taken, and I'm glad to have a little break. I might start liking it here, and that would be great for Christmas. Calum still doesn't look that keen on that idea though, but he should just get over himself, cause life goes on.

It's not all about Calum, it's about us, as a band. We needed a little break with the four of us, doing something different than making music, and now we have one. This is good for us, he just needs to realize that.

When we ski past the little restaurant on the platform I see the two girls sitting there, one of them nameless. But I decide not to care, and just continue with what I'm doing. I'll get to know these two beauties tonight, and that's somewhat satisfying, seeing that they're the only cute girls that I've seen so far. Luke's lucky, one of them is into him, even though he doesn't see it himself. The poor boy still thinks he isn't handsome enough to get himself a pretty girl. Well, he couldn't be more wrong. Look at that quiff, look at those eyes, every girl wants it. If not, they're crazy in my opinion.

I can't seem to figure the other girl out yet, I don't know her name, I don't know what she wants. She seems like a real bitch so far, but I'm probably very wrong. Ashton is being really strange about her, and I wonder what's going on with him. He doesn't have a crush on her, right? Because then all the pretty girls here would be taken, and that sucks for me... And for Calum of course.

Not that the girl likes him back, she seems to hate his guts so far, but I might be wrong again. She'll most probably end up with the guy she was almost kissing last night. It would make sense... Right? Probably not, but it makes sense in my world and that's enough for me. I'm just going to act like I don't care, as always, and blame Luke..

Continuer la Lecture

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