Illuminate [In The Dark -Sequ...

By chrisybabez

15.7K 408 94

*COMPLETED* When Nathan rediscovers Heather in someone else's body, he doesn't have to do much to rekindle t... More



1.2K 43 9
By chrisybabez

Nathan's POV

We arrived at our destination. We were back at Pickhill in the garden of Julia's house. We laid the three bodies there... along with Max's head, which laid above his neck. It's not the easiest sight to gaze upon when it's your best mate in that position.

I laid Heather down onto the ground. She kept her eyes on me, and I kept mine on her. "It's the soul mate bond starting up again," Phoebe said walking up to Heather. "She can't stop thinking of you and you can't stop thinking of her. You're both mesmerized by each other. Maybe this way she'll remember you."

"Because she's in someone else's body, she won't remember anything about her actual life?"

"I wouldn't call it a life considering that she was a hopeless vampire, but yeah."

"She's in pain, Phoebe. Fix her already," Julia ordered.

Phoebe rolled her eyes. She got down on her knees while next to Heather and placed both hands onto her stomach. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly, she traced her hands around Heather's stomach and then came to a halt. Heather closed her eyes.

Phoebe's eyes reopened and she stared at Heather, anticipating a response. "When healing a person, a witch needs herbs. But since I'm currently containing so much power, I doubt I need anything."

I could hear Heather's rib cage repairing itself. Phoebe removed her hands from Heather and stood back up. "She'll be fine," she said.

"Great! Now focus on getting her soul back into her own body and bringing back Jay and Max," Julia ordered.

"You better watch the way you're talking to me. I don't obey anyone but the almighty."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you just do it?"

"I'm not going to raise anyone from the dead."

"Why not?" I asked. "Come on. Please do this! We need the boys back," I whined.

"You have absolutely no idea about what you are requesting. Raising someone from the dead brings about horrid things."

"Like what?"

"Ghosts that can harm the person who's resurrected, and possibly the people around them, bring about a slightly or completely different personality, and don't even get me started about upsetting the balance of nature."

"Alright. I give up. There's no hope. The boys are gone, and we can't bring them back."

"Yes we can, and we will," said Julia. "And if Phoebe here won't do it, she can say goodbye to her family."

"You don't know my family or their whereabouts!" Phoebe shot back.

Julia gave a mischievous smile. "Or do I?"

"You don't!"

"I've gotten around a lot during my years of being a vampire. I've learned a lot too. And you know what else? I met a lot of people, especially witches. They've always been on top of my list for people to know and use. Because you have such a strong bloodline, your ancestors, you, and your family have always been in my sights. In fact, I've even gotten help from your great grandmother."

"Well, I'm not my great grandmother or anyone before and after her. I'm me, and I don't know why you vampires don't see or understand that."

"Oh no honey, you're the one who's misunderstanding it all. Your ancestors are apart of you; every inch of you. You obtain their power, which is a tiny bit of their soul. Yes you are you, but not completely."

Phoebe took her gaze off of Julia. Her face gave off a look of contemplation. "Yes, you should believe me," Julia said. Phoebe looked at her in astonishment. "Yes I can read minds," Julia answered to her thoughts. "Now do as I say and bring the boys back."

"Over my dead body!" Phoebe replied, practically growling.

"That can be arranged."

"You wouldn't dare. You need me. All of you do."

"Actually no, no we don't. I know other witches who far are more powerful than you. And rest assure, I wouldn't waste a moment in getting rid of you, because I've got other witches in line and ready for use."

Phoebe scrunched up her face, her aura drowned in anger, quickly surrounding us. "You're going to regret this," she warned.

"Trust me when I say I won't. Now get on with it. We haven't anymore time to waste. I'm not in the mood to wait until their corpses give out a revolting smell."

Phoebe turned away from Julia slowly. I could see the hatred building up in her eyes. She lifted her arms and head up to the night sky. Her mouth fell open as she stared up at the clouds and her eyes followed there movement.

"I'm waiting," Julia said impatiently.

Phoebe began chanting in another language. She went on and on. Her arms began to tremble along with her voice. I soon found a tear trailing down her cheek. Then I turned my attention to Max who's head was reconnecting to his body.

"It's happening," Julia whispered with a smile growing on her face. Her eyes were glued onto the scene. Several seconds later, Phoebe dropped her arms, and then came the gasping of Jay and Max. They shot their eyes open.

Tom rushed to Max's side and I rushed to Jay's, excitement boiling inside me followed by a sense of relief. We sat the boys up. They looked around. Jay was much paler than he originally is because of all the blood he'd lost."Welcome back!" I said cheerfully. Jay's face turned red with anger, and I was a bit taken back by it. "What's wrong?" I asked, my voice filled with worry.

Before he could respond, Phoebe collapsed onto the ground. "Phoebe!" Siva called out. He rushed to her and picked her up. "Just go lay her down on the sofa inside," said Julia. Siva nodded and did so.

"The power use was kind of too much for her, but she'll get use to it." Julia smirked. She picked Heather up and brought her to Jay. "Go ahead. Have a drink," she said offering Heather's wrist to him.

"I'd rather not. Hasn't she been put through enough pain with the accident?" Jay's voice was deep and filled with anger he was trying hard to hold back.

"Just broken ribs, but Phoebe repaired them. Drink up."

"No, Julia. I'd rather starve."

"Just do it."

"No! Heather's supposed to be dead, and so are Max and I! We should be finding a way to die again.

Why would you even resurrect us?"

"Because we need you two to help us fight against what's left of the council! And, Nathan needs you in his life."

"We were dead, Julia. You can't bring us back just because of Nathan and two old idiots in the council. You could've easily gathered vampires to take them down. They no longer have a witch, right? So you would've been perfectly fine."

"Why are you so upset about this?" I asked.

"I was in total bliss on the other side. I was free! Everything was so peaceful. My soul felt so light. But, then I got dragged back down here. I fought with all my might against Phoebe, but she was too powerful."

"Max?" said Tom. Max was looking ahead into nothing. "I hear whispers. So many whispers. Angrily screaming whispers," Max replied.

"Angry witches," said Julia.

"You knew exactly what would come about, didn't you?" I asked growing a bit angry.

"Well, you didn't stop me from forcing Phoebe to do the spell. She did say nothing good would come from this."

"You didn't tell me a bunch of angry witches would be the cause."

"They're not the only things that might cause trouble."

"Ugh! Why must you always do things like this! You always get us tangled in a mess, because you always hold information back!"

"That's the only way to get people to do things."

"Well, that's a horrible way!"

"Okay, calm down. Phoebe can fix all this stuff with the witches on the other side."

"And what about the other horrible things?"

"Umm... we'll just have to see about that. Until then, I'll go fetch some animal blood since King Jay here won't drink from a peasant."

"I don't drink animal blood, and I won't drinking any blood. Do you know why? Because, I should be dead!" Jay replied.

"Starving yourself won't kill you. You'll just fall asleep from extreme starvation, but you already know that. You say you want to die when you don't even have the guts to kill yourself. Looks like little Ms.Vampire Slayer has bigger balls than you."

Jay glared at her. "I've got balls big enough to kill you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"It's sad that you doubt me."

"From what I can see, you're all talk, so everything your saying is just a load of crap."

"You really want me to prove you wrong, don't you?"

"Would you guys quit already!" I yelled frustratingly. "Julia claims she only brought you guys back because of me and the council, but she honestly just felt sorry for the both of you. She knows you guys didn't deserve to lose your lives the way you did."

"Especially when it was for some girl who'd end up killing you all anyway. And how would you know that, Nath?" asked Julia.

"Because, I know you. I don't have to be a mind reader to know how people feel. I still have some humanity left in me."

"And I don't," she replied, her voice low and her eyes looking down to her feet.

"I didn't mean it-"

"Whatever. I'm going to hunt for supper. Lay Heather on my bed." She left instantaneously.

I sighed. "Jay, she means well. She's still Sweet Juliana deep down inside, and she's trying hard to be that girl again."

"Sweet Juliana?"

"Her human days," I explained. "She's trying to be the girl she was before she turned. She's drinking animal blood now and attempting to do all those things that good vampires do."

"She doesn't seem like anything remotely close to you, so the good vampire thing isn't working out well for her."

"I'm not a good vamp, Jay. Not one bit."

Jay looked at me with question and then removed himself from the ground. "I'll uh, I'll go find myself a drink. Would you like to join me, Max?"

"Yeah," Max replied. Tom lifted him up. He was still kind of out of it, and it worried me a bit. "I'll join you boys," said Tom. They all left.

I picked Heather up and went to go lay her down on Julia's bed. Once I did, she opened her eyes and I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders.

She looked at me, her eyes now a different, familiar pair. "Heather?" I said looking at her now emerald eyes. The girl's body now had Heather's eyes, and now all I could see was Heather rather than some girl's body she's taken over.

"Who's Heather?" she asked, her voice sweet and soft. I chuckled a bit and then felt a tear fall from my eye. I was crying out of joy, a joy I thought I'd never feel again. "No one," I managed to say. "Just get some rest," I said, compelling her.

I heard footsteps coming into the room. I turned around and saw Siva. "I'm going to get some food for her and Phoebe. Just try not to turn her while I'm gone."

"I can't make any guarantees," I said jokingly.

He shook his head with a smile and took off.

Sorry for the slow updates. I'll try to be faster. I've got tons of ideas for the story; I'm just having trouble finding a way to put them together

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