
By mealle

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Imagine, not having your parents around while your growing up and never having the chance to learn right fro... More

Chapter 1-The East Side
Chapter 2- Leaving
Chapter 3 - The West Side
Chapter 4- The Truth
Chapter 5 -Visiting
Chapter 6 - Mint, Anyone?
Chapter 8- Ready,Set, Don't Get Caught
Chapter 9 - Old Man Stan
Chapter 10 - What Would My Brother Think ?
Chapter 11- Babysitting
Chapter 12- You, Me & Charlie

Chapter 7 -Wanna cheat with me?

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By mealle

“Hey how did you do that” Aiden chased after me.  His blonde hair bouncing against his forehead. He had his bike beside him which seemed to have two flat tires.

“Do what”  I had no clue of what he was talking about.

“How’d you get away with being high, and having it in your backpack”

“I didn’t get away with it, I am suspended for the rest of the day, and probably grounded for life.”

“But how did you just get that, and not get arrested?”

“You cheat the system, learn the rules and bend them, don’t break them., that wasn’t marijuana it was Sylvia a type of mint leaf that can get you high.”

“So you admit you cheat?” He asked me. Why was he asking me so many questions, what was this an interrogation?

“I cheated the system” I stated bluntly again.

“Want to do me a favour?” Again another question. I knew this was leading up to something. 

“What do you want?” I really didn’t want to be associated with him since him and Michael don’t get along. 

“Want to help me cheat?”

“On what?”

“The science test”


“C’mon  I need a good grade  to play football and  you need a good grade so you don’t get suspended again or expelled, and you said you cheated” Aiden pleaded. This is why I don’t tell people things, then they can use what you say against yourself. But his point is good I do need a good grade.

‘Fine, do you have a plan?”

“Yup” he said popping the p

“Are you going to tell me it?”

“After foot ball practice  we will come back into the school. I’ll go to the office looking for Mr. Kimble  and he’ll get called down to the office. You’ll sneak in and take picture of the test answers.” For a West sider his plan wasn’t that bad. I found it amusing  how I had  to do the actual stealing of the test answers.

“Okay meet me at my locker  tomorrow after school.” I said I went to my locker to collect my stuff.  I didn’t want to tell him but he missed his house while we were  walking and we weren’t even talking at that point. Wow what an idiot. 

I got away with being high without the cops getting called , I pretty much got away with it  with the school, but now I have to face  my aunt Judy. This is going to be one long hard night.  I walked in the door  waiting to be  yelled at. I even opened and shut the door again in case they didn’t hear me  After a few minutes went by I realised  no one was home.  I figures I would jump in the shower. After that I just sat there and watched T.V. Looking for anything  to keep me entertained. I wanted to punch a few cones but I didn’t want to  be under the influence when my aunt came home.  Good thing I didn’t because I looked out my window to see everyone arriving home.. With ice cream. I went down stairs to greet them at the door. They all entered and finally my aunt came through the door. We made awkward eye contact, until she finally spoke up.

“Cassandra, Max why don’t you go to your rooms. I have to talk to Jennifer”

“Okay” They replied like little goody two shoes. My aunt motioned for me to follow her into the dinning room, and told me to sit down. She kept pacing around the table, rubbing her temples while whispering “Jenny, Jenny, Jenny” hey at least she was calling me Jenny.

“What were you thinking” She asked me

“ Well, um” Then she interrupted me

“ I can tell you, you weren’t thinking. Who in the right mind would get high little lone go to school high?” I thought she was done speaking but then out came more

“ I don’t know what influence Josh had on you, but obviously  not a very good one. Gosh I told your mother he wasn’t responsible enough when she made her will” She paused “Do you want to end up like your brother, do you want to go to jail cause that’s where you’ll end up.” I was mad at her cause she dissed Josh, he did more for me then she ever did, and she never even called us.

“Josh has nothing to do with this” I argued

“I’m not finished Jennifer, under my roof you follow my rules. Your going to give me your stuff and I don’t think you should be visiting the East side anymore.

“ I don’t have anything, I got it from a kid at school, I’ll never do it again I promise” That was a lie, but the only way I’d give her my stuff  is when hell freezes over. 

“So peer pressure, maybe you and Cassandra should go to a boarding school.”

“No, I like it here. 

“ I don’t think it’s a good influence and  I don’t like your boyfriend Michael either.”

“He’s not my boyfriend”

“Whatever he is, your boyfriend, boy toy, friends or enemy  I forbid you to see him”

I didn’t say anything. 

“You got that Jennifer?” 

“Yeah” I replied as I walked up to my room. 

I was still going to go to the East side every weekend. My aunt just wouldn’t know.  My aunt knocked on the door and mentioned I was grounded.  Yea right, me being grounded, I don’t think so.  I opened  my window  climbed down and started walking down the street.  I didn’t want to be around anyone in this house and I didn’t want to be trapped in my room, so this seemed like the best idea. I didn’t want to go to the diner cause Maddie may be working. I just didn’t feel like being around anyone. Well except Josh. I considered going to visit him in jail, but the truth is I just don’t think I could face him.

Instead I walked around, the West side. Looking around and just thinking. I wasn’t thinking about anything particular, just random things that came  my mind. I walked till it got dark and decided to go home. I turned the corner and walked up to my house. To see Michael standing there throwing rocks at my window. I snuck up behind him.

“Your going to wake Max up if you keep throwing rocks at his window”

“Oh, shit You scared me” he proclaimed.  Then blushing a little he added “ I thought it was your window”

“What are you do doing here?”

“Breaking you out, I figured you’d be grounded after what happened today”

“How do you know about what happened today?” I asked him

“Well I was at the school slashing that douche’s bike tires and I over heard some guy talking”


“Yeah, so come party with me, I parked at the end of the street”

“Okay, where’s Stan?” I wondered

“He’s busy tonight something about being in a band. Which I don’t get cause I think he is tone deaf”

“I know!” I replied laughing. I started to feel nervous because I never hung out with Michael by himself. I guess we weren’t going to be by ourselves for long since we were going to a party.  I hoped it wouldn’t be at Allie’s and that she wouldn’t be there. We pulled up to a house with raging music. I couldn’t remember who’s house it was but I did remember being there before.

As we walked in I saw pictures of the family on the walls. This  Just wasn’t anyone’s house. It was the one and only Drew Campbell’s house. Drew Campbell is only the hottest guy in Bellville. Notice I didn’t  say East r West. This is because he can date on both sides, that’s how hot he is. It also helps that his house in  no man’s land between the two sides, but when you get technical he is still in the East.Then I realise this isn’t just any party it was his annual big bash, This was one of the biggest parties of the year. Drew’  parents allowed him to party, just no drugs. Lots of drinking though.

We walked in the crowded house, making our way over to the drink table. Michael grabbed two shot glasses and poured whiskey into them.. Passing one to me he smiled. Then he tapped his against mine well saying “Cheers.

Then I heard a familiar voice, “Michael!” I looked behind me to see Allie. She grabbed him pulling him away from me. I didn’t mind that he left me alone, cause I could find plenty of people to talk to but it bothered me that he went off with Allie.

I looked around for people to talk to but didn’t see anyone I really knew or wanted to talk to. My thoughts were interrupted by.” Jenny right?”

I looked up to see a muscular body, ocean blue eyes and a messy but yet perfect dirty blonde hair. It was Drew Campbell. It was an understatement to say he looked god like.

“Yep” I said smiling

“Can I get you a drink?” The number one rule at parties is always get your own drink or watch them make it.

“Sure I replied. It wasn’t like it was a tool I didn’t know. It was Drew, not a mass murderer or pedophile.

He left fro a second and came back. He had a shot of whiskey in one hand and  a fruit little drink in the other. I guess he figured I couldn’t handle the whiskey cause he passed me the fruity little drink. Not that I don’t like fruity drinks, I just prefer hard liquor.

I took a  sip, and the drink seemed to be a mix between peach schnapps and peach juice.

“So, who’d you come with? I heard Josh is in Jail, and you moved to the West side.

“Yea that’s true and I cam with Michael.””

“Your not  going out with him are you?”

“No he’s with Allie. Why?”

"Your to good for him, you deserve better”

"Like who? You?”

“Well I am better then him”


“Well he is a man whore, and uses girl”

“You two seem the same to me” I smirked

“I have a more sensitive side”

“Oh, do you? What do you write poetry or play the guitar?” I taunted him.

Why was I taunting Drew when he was arguing that I should be with him. I would die to be with him. I think I ‘m a little more buzzed then I originally thought. Weird I can usually take  a lot more before becoming drunk. 

“Follow me and I’ll show you” he said taking my hand and guiding upstairs. . He took  me into a room, it had a couch, chair, more boos and a camera.

“How does this make you sensitive”

“ I do photography” He pulled some picture out of a drawer. They were really good., some were of people but mostly of scenery.

“Wow, these are amazing”

“Here take one” he said passing me a picture of a little girl playing in the rain.

“No, these are yours, I couldn’t”

“How about you take this one and help me take more?”

“ Okay”

I slipped the photo into my bag and he pulled me over to the couch. He told me to do poses, as he walked over to the camera. Normally I wouldn’t do this but I don’t know why I did. It was probably from alcohol. I did a thinking pose, a laughing pose, a hanging upside down off the couch and then one with my hands In my hair making it messy.

“That good but try making it sexier”

“And how do I do that Mr. photographer” I don’t know what hit me but my vision became  alittle blury and I felt drunk out of my mind.

“ Try standing of on the couch” He said

I got up on the couch and redid the pose.

“Mhm, something it missing” he said.

“Is there something I can do” I asked almost loosing my balance and falling off the couch. I was really dizzy. Drew came over helping catch my balance. How about we take these off, he said gripping my pants at the waist.

“Okay” I said while I slipped them off and throwing them at him as he walked away. He looked through the camera lens and stopped. 

“How about you pull your shirt up a bi” I pulled my grey tank top up to show my bellybutton piercing. This allowed all of my  black short styled underwear to show.  

“Good’” he said clicking the  button on his camera. “Great” he announced as I danced on the couch.

“Wow, Jenny” he smirked “Your beautiful”

I couldn’t believe  that drew Campbell just called me beautiful. This gave me confidence almost an adrenaline rush.  I put my arms down,  grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up over my head.  Exposing my black and purple leopard bra. I went with it, by crawling towards  Drew like a cat, playfully roaring. He laugh and said

“We’re almost done., just one more picture”

He clicked a button, putting the camera on timer. He pulled it shirt of, revealing his god like abs and pulled me closer.

“3,2,1” he spoke an then pressing his lips against mine as the camera beeped. He picked me up and put me on the couch. Kissing me passionate. I couldn’t believe I was kissing Drew. He undid his pants and then  someone opened the door.

“Jenny , Oh god” It was Michael. Drew got off of me. He walked over to the camera and pressed a button.

“You pig” Michael sneered  pushing  Drew and picking up my clothes of the ground.

“Jenny get dressed”

“Michael we were just taking pictures, it’s fine”

“No Jenny he was making a video.” Michael grabbed me pulling me down the stair and out the door. We argued past his car, since he couldn’t drive.

“Why would you do that?”

“Do what Jenny, save you?”

“I didn’t need saving Michael”

“He was taking advantage of you, he is not a good guy”

“You two seem alike I sneered turning away from him, but he grabbed my should.


“Look Michael, your not my parents and your not my brother so why do you care?”

“Because” he said looking me straight in the eye. I didn’t know if I was the only one feeling this connection. WE both moved closer, about to kiss one another.

“Michael, where are you going” Allie shrieked

She ran up to him, pressing her body against him, and sticking her tongue down his throat. He pulled away.

“I’m walking Jenny home” he stated

“What about me?” She whined

“You live down the street and you have Sasha” Michael yelled as his walked away.

“Michael if you leave with her, we’re over!” She yelled back stumping away.

“You can walk her home, I’m fine”

“Jenny are you kidding, your drunk out of you mind.”

“But she’ll dump you”

“Ehh, she was getting old anyways”

It was cold so Michael put his arm around me and walked me back to the West side. . IT was a long walk, so I sobered up a little wit  that time and the fresh air. It was a hard climbing up the side and into the window, but I managed. S soon as my head hit my pillow. I feel asleep. 

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