A Royal Match (Mericcup)

By fioleefannumber21

49.2K 1.2K 682

Hiccup, Toothless and Stoick are in Dunbroch to talk about the new 'trade alliance' with the Scots. Hubert, H... More

Starting Off
When First They Met
Elinor's Plan
The Triplets Strike
Astrid and Adair
The English and the Future
Lilias MacIntosh
The Cure
A Very Strange Morning
The Wedding

The Lords and their Heirs

3.1K 76 26
By fioleefannumber21

Merida's POV

We left Toothless- and my brothers- in the woods, getting back around nightfall. "The clansmen!" I whispered, noticing for the first time that I hadn't let go of Hiccup's hand yet. Aw well. He's not complaining. I pulled Hiccup into the Great Hall. Mum was not there, and it was a mess. The Vikings Stoick had brought were over in one part with our clan, the separate clans all barricaded off with tables again.

There were the MacIntoshs- Lord MacIntosh was waving a chicken leg threateningly at Lord Dingwall, before realizing what it was. And there were the Dingwalls- Cawley was sinking his teeth into anyone who came near, while his father was arguing redfaced with Lord MacGuffin and ignoring MacIntosh. There were the MacGuffins- Morven throwing bits of wood and mumbling.

Lastly, there was our clan and the Vikings. Dad and Stoick were arguing with each other. I sighed. "Hiccup, whatever you do, stay close to me." I let go of his hand and walked in, head held high, just like Mum. Where I walked in between, the clans stopped fighting. Lord MacIntosh, Dad, Stoick, Lord Dingwall, Cawley, Lord MacGuffin and Morven all came over to me.

"Princess, where's the queen?" MacGuffin asked.

"Princess, why are the Vikings here?" MacIntosh added.

"Merida, whose that behind you?" Cawley asked, peering around me. I looked over my shoulder. Hiccup wasn't completely behind me, he was just standing in a way that was more to the side of me than behind me.

"That's my son, Hiccup." Stoick said. Hiccup shot him a look, like, these are murderous clansmen who DON"T like Vikings, and you'd like to point out your son to them?! Instantly, the lords started talking all at once- including Dad. Hiccup and Stoick started talking too, then the whole Great Hall.

"SHUT IT!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Everyone went quiet.

"I don't know where my mother is, but rest assured, she will most likely return soon."

"Where's Adair?" MacIntosh asked.

"He was in the forest last I saw him, with Astrid Hofferson."

Stoick's eyes widened.

"Why are the Vikings here?" Dingwall asked suspiciously. Stoick and Dad started to growl and mutter, even Hiccup glared.

"The Vikings of Berk are here to establish a trade alliance with us- perhaps it would benefit everyone if you set one up with them as well." I said smoothly. 

Cawley looked at Hiccup, the most interested I'd ever seen him. "Are you and Hiccup in a relationship, Merida?" Hiccup and I looked at each other. Oh dear. I wish we were, but if I say yes, the lords will go crazy, you think this Viking is better than our sons, blah blah blah.

"Hiccup and I are friends at the moment Cawley, though I don't see it as any of your business."

"Oh. Because I could have sworn you two have this... look."

"What would you know of love?" Morven asked him curiously, comprehensible for once.

Cawley grinned goofily. "Met this girl. She rides a dragon, and her name is Ruffnut!"

Hiccup and Stoick stiffened, then looked at each other and nodded. So they know this... Ruffnut.

"Of course Cawley likes her." Hiccup muttered.

"And Adair likes her friend Astrid. He said as much himself." I said.

Hiccup rolled his eyes. "What Adair likes is being a lady killer." He murmured, so Lord MacIntosh couln't hear him.

"So, Lords of the Clans, what brings you to Dunbroch? Adair and Cawley have demonstrated that the treaty allowing us to pick whom we please is still in balance." I said.

"We recieved reports of a Viking war!" MacIntosh said.

"Well, Lord MacIntosh, I assure you that these were only rumors, which fuelled the almost arrival of war on your doorstep." He grimaced. Hadn't thought of that, had he?

"Lords MacGuffin and Dingwall, were these your reasons for coming as well?" They nodded sheepishly.

"Well, Dunbroch thanks you for coming to our aid- even if not needed at this time." I said.

"Hey lads! I've got an idea! Why don't we have another Highland Games- just for fun? Not to marry off Merida?" Dad suggested. The lords and Stoick mumbled their agreement, then started to put the Great Hall to rights.

"Come on, Hiccup." I said, pulling him up the stairs, Cawley and Morven watching me.

"Ruffnut and Cawley? Why can I see that happening?" Hiccup muttered. I shrugged. With a name like 'Ruffnut' I can only assume she's very tough- and very violent.

"And what was that?" He asked me.

"What was what?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"That! You walked through a battlefield- and yet you don't have a scratch on you. Those three would have killed me- now we're all going to play games."

I sighed. "The trick is acting just like my mum. This is basically where I take everything she's ever told me and use it and become her."

"Merida, that's the coolest thing I've ever seen! Well, actually, you'll probably do something like take on a whole army by yourself and win tomorrow, but this will still be cooler."

He grinned at me, and I couldn't help but grin back. "Really?"

"I think they're going to launch a 'I Love Vikings' campaign." Hiccup laughed.

I laughed too, but said seriously, "Do you think the Lords will think of you differently after Astrid and Ruffnut?"

"How did you-"

"Hiccup, you and your father looked at each other when Cawley mentioned Ruffnut, a sign that you know her. Besides, no one here rides dragons, and no one here is named Ruffnut. Therefore, and I'm just going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing Ruffnut is a Viking."

We grinned at each other again, and I kissed him lightly. Though Hiccup is very tall (and thin) I still managed without getting a stepladder. I'm only up to his shoulder, after all. Suddenly, I heard someone coming, and muttering in Gaelic.

I stepped away from Hiccup and said, "Good night." Before heading to my room, my cheeks burning.

-Hiccup's POV-

It was Cawley and Morven who had made Merida run off like that. I tried to wipe the goofy grin off my face, but this was too good to be true for me. "Hey, guys." I still couldn't get rid of the grin. Cawley shot me a look, but Morven nodded and mumbled something.

"Thank Goodness Merida stopped them from killing you." Cawley said.

Morven nodded. "We couldn't."

"And it would just be bad for everyone if we fought you." Cawley continued.

"Uh, why?" I asked, suddenly nervous.

Cawley shot me a look. "I'm not as stupid as I let people think I am, Hiccup." True, he was looking much more alert and much less stupid.

"So...?" I asked. The hatred of Vikings they seem to have... or had...

Cawley sighed. "Hiccup, stop playing dumb. It doesn't suit you. I know you're a Viking, I'd have to be stupider than I pretend to be to not know that. And Ruffnut is one as well- it's impossible for her not to be one. And when Merida said Astrid is Ruffnut's friend, it was obvious she was also a Viking. that makes three of us. Morven, go fall in love with a Viking."

"What?" Morven asked.

"No more Viking girls our age. And what do you mean- three of us?" I asked Cawley, who shot me a look. "You're blinder than Mor'du if you can't see it. Morven, you can see it, right?"

Morven nodded. "Obvious."

Cawley nodded. "Yes. Merida has a thing for Hiccup, he has a thing for her. That makes three of us: Ruffnut and me, Astrid and Adair, Hiccup and Merida." Cawley said confidently.

I felt the goofy grin return. "She really likes me?"

Cawley shot me a look. "I suppose so. I don't see why, since you seem to be simpler than people think I am."

I sighed. "Sorry."

"Let me guess, you don't trust us- because we tried to kill you earlier and because we once wanted to marry Merida." I shot him a look, like, you better not try that again. Whoa, possessive much, Hiccup? Shut up, I told myself.

"No, of course I trust you. I trust you completely, never mind that you were ready to stick a sword in me." I said sarcastically.

Cawley grinned. "So you are smart. Good on you. C'mon, Morven. Let's go see if Adair is back yet, or if he and Astrid are still sucking face in the forest."

"You saw them?" I asked.

Cawley nodded. "The Queen isn't an idiot- she wouldn't let Adair off on his own. He wouldn't get anything done."

"He told us you were here." I said.

"Yes. Surprisingly enough. But he didn't mention why we're here."

"Of course he didn't. He wouldn't be kissing my ex right now if he had." I pointed out.

Cawley looked surprised. "Your ex? Oh... right... five minutes. That was you?"

Morven sighed, and mumbled something.

"I am not nearsighted!" Cawley hissed.

"You can understand him?" I asked, surprised.

Cawley nodded, before he and Morven left.

Okay, now I had time to process all of this. In my room, of course. What, you think I was just going to wait in front of Merida's room all night? Why is your opinion of me so low? First, I sorted out the whole thing with me and Merida- actually, not really sorting it out, just replaying it in my head and grinning like an idiot.

Then I thought about the lords. I know that we've had a lot of bad blood with them, but seriously. Everyone except Morven has already aligned themselves with us- especially Merida. I get why she didn't say anything, she didn't want the lords getting jealous (believe me, I understand how crazy they are) that she didn't choose one of their sons, but what about the others?

And who sent for the lords, anyway? I don't think it was the triplets, they seemed as confused as anyone when Adair showed up. But they couldn't have known we were here unless someone told them... who? None of the royal family- what about that nursemaid, Maudie? What if she sent a messenger? Wait, that's ridiculous. The triplets accost me, not the other way around.

-The Triplets-

Harris was slowly lowered down the empty kitchen chimney to eavesdrop by his brothers. Maudie's voice was suddenly high and clear. "-and so I called the lords here, Rhona."

"Maudie, you almost started a war!" Her friend said.

"I know, Rhona! I know. I never meant for it to go that far. I just... I just don't like how much time the young Viking is spending with Princess Merida."

Rhona sipped her hot water [historical note: tea did not reach the U.K. until the Stuart Era. In the movie, Merida is shown pouring her mother something from a kettle- hot water? I don't know. Blame Horrible Histories for this theory; they're the ones who taught me] passively. "Well, no harm done. But all the same, Maudie. What's wrong with this boy?"

"The wee princes don't like him, and that's good enough for me. There must be something wrong with him. Something big." The words sounded vaguely familiar to Harris, but he let it slide.

"He's scrawny as they come. Not really the murderous stereotype. Does that count?" Rhona asked.

"Rhona, it's a point in his favor. The princess is starting to fall for him. And I thought it my duty to serve the royal family as best I could."

Suddenly, the door banged open, and Elinor walked in, shivering, through a cloak was pulled around her. Harris noticed the pouring rain for the first time. "Your majesty!" Maudie and Rhona said together, worried, as Elinor begna to cough. But nothing could stop her sharp eyes, and she noticed Harris. "Come here, wee one."  She pulled Harris onto her lap, and Maudie and Rhona, well trained, put their hands in the fireplace to catch the other two, and bring them to the Queen.

"Wee ones, I'm not well." Elinor told her sons.

"What's wrong?" Hamish asked. Elinor smiled weakly. "It seems I've been working too hard. I went to bargain with my Aunt... no one."

"Aunt who?" The triplets asked as one.

"Maudie, Rhona, may I have some time alone with the boys?" Elinor asked. They curtsied and nodded, leaving quickly.

"Aunt Eiric was my mother's sister. She was older than Mother, but like Merida, she went and forged her own path."

She coughed, then continued. "But unlike Merida, Eiric became a witch- and made sure to turn the power of the kingdom over to her sister. You see in our family, the oldest girl becomes Queen, which is why Merida and I spent so much time training. This is why I believe in magic, why I know it exists. Aunt Eiric lost contact with us after a while, and she resurfaced a few weeks ago."

The boys nodded. Where was she going with this? "Aunt Eiric had been studying the forces of time under her mentor, and had met with Mor'du while he was in human form. But... she always had a fondness for bears, hence our transformations into them." The boys' eyes widened. The witch- was their Great-Aunt? And a time-traveler?

"Does Merida know?" Hubert asked.

Elinor shook her head. "I went to bargain with Aunt Eiric for her though- I went to bargain that Merida would find her true love within a week. I have a feeling she's going to fall hard for this Viking- it's better to cut it off now while she can't get hurt by the lords forcing them apart."

So she knew. "Merida fixed it though." Harris said.

Elinor sighed. "The lords like to fight, wee ones. They'll fight anyone they can- even each other. They won't just take this alliance lightly. If only, wee ones, if only. But still..." 

She sighed, before breaking into another fit of coughing. "No mother wants to break her daughter's heart. No one wants to see that pain on the face of someone they love." Hamish and Harris looked at Hubert. No one?


You know, I was oringinally going to have the English attack, and this whole 'spy' thing, but then I thought- why? Oh, and while Ruffwall is an actual ship, I didn't know that until I went looking for it. Congratulations, Internet people. You've proven my theory that people on the Internet think like me sometimes.

Eiric is a feminine form of Eric, and it means 'ever powerful'. Interesting fact: It comes from the Norse. You know what? Merida's whole clan is descended from the Norse. Evidence? Longer swords- *Merida rips tapestry* and (most importantly!) archery. Thank you, Viking invaders. Now the Scots need dragons. Of course, this was while they were still Celts in chieftainships (real word?). 

Okay, that stuff Elinor told the twins? I got it from this site (I'll post the link below). Basically, there are a bunch of 'Brave' theories, like the succession is matriarchal (I'm going with this) and that Elinor is the Witch's daughter- so she believes in magic. Yeah, but then the first one wouldn't work in this story, so I made Eiric the Aunt. And a Time Traveler. I think my favorite is that the Witch is a Time Lord. Or related to Miracle Max's Wife (From the Princess Bride).


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