Arianna's Daughter

By msccool

8.6K 369 75

Meet Arianna Jones, a successful black woman harboring a sixteen year old secret. While in college she met an... More

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

958 45 13
By msccool

After that night, Arianna and Jason started to see each almost every day. When they were both done with classes, she was not at work, or he didn't have lacrosse practice, Arianna spent nearly every waking moment with Jason. During Thanksgiving and Christmas, Jason spent the holidays with her at her parents' home. Arianna's parents didn't react the way she expected when she brought Jason home for the first time. If they were shocked, they didn't say anything to Arianna, and they always made Jason feel welcome and part of the family when he was in their home. She had never brought anyone other than a Black boy home before, so she was scared and nervous of their reaction. Her parents grew up in an era where the races didn't mix, especially not in the "Deep South" in states such as North Carolina, but they had never taught that same poison and prejudice to their children. Katie and Richard Jones raised their three children to love everyone regardless of the race or any other differences they might possess. Arianna didn't know how Jason's parents would react to meeting her. She thought it odd that Jason didn't want to spend the holidays with his own family, but she never voiced her thoughts to Jason. With all the things that they talked about, Jason had never talked about his family much, only Michael, and Arianna never really asked. In fact, Jason never really shared much of anything about his personal life with her. For all she knew he could have another girlfriend somewhere. But she didn't care. For the entire six months they were together, Arianna hardly saw her friends or family because all she wanted to do was be with Jason.

It was one night in December, a little over a month into their relationship that Arianna decided to finally invite Jason back up to her apartment. She had a very special evening planned for the two of them. This would be the first time that he had ever really been inside her apartment. Jason knew where she lived because he had been there several times to pick her up or drop her off, but never insisted on coming any further than her apartment door. Arianna wasn't in the habit of having casual sex, nor was she in the habit of inviting guys back up to her apartment. She and Jason had planned to go to the movies to see A Time to Kill, and then they would have a quiet dinner. After dinner she would suggest they go back to her apartment for some alone time. Arianna had decided that tonight was the night that she and Jason would make love for the first time.

The first time she kissed Jason she knew that she wanted to make love with him. She had wanted to almost since that first night, but knew that it was way too soon and that they didn't know each other well enough. Not to mention the fact that she had only once ever been with a guy like that before. It was prom night, her senior year in high school, and it was the most awful experience she ever had. But her make out sessions with Jason were becoming so much more bold and passionate, that she could no longer deny her body what it wanted and craved so badly.

Because of the low self-esteem that always plagued her about her weight, Arianna had always taken care to make sure she looked her very best every time she went out. Even more so after she started dating Jason. So that night she kept her makeup simple with light powder foundation, shiny kissable cherry flavored lip gloss on her luscious lips, and onyx colored eye shadow on her brown, almond shaped eyes. Her hair, usually held back in a ponytail, hung long and loose at her shoulders. She always kept her hair long because she felt that it gave her face and neck an slimming effect and she would take all the help she could get in that department. To highlight her generous curves, she decided on wearing a blue denim mini skirt with black tights, and a black sweater with black ankle high boots. Since she got off work an hour before the movie started, she told Jason to pick her up at the pastry shop and they could go to the movie from there. The movie theater was only a block away and it was more convenient.

After the movie, they ate dinner at a near-by Chinese restaurant. At dinner, Arianna could hardly sit through the meal. She was so anxious and nervous because she had decided tonight would be the night they would make love for the first time that she was irritable and edgy all through the meal.

Jason too seemed to be a little on edge. When the waiter left them alone to go get the dessert Jason asked, "Is something wrong Arianna? You haven't said much since we left the movies and you hardly touched your dinner."

"I'm fine. Just tired I guess. And I could stand to skip a few meals don't you think?" What is wrong with me, she thought bitterly.

Jason clenched his jaw. He knew that Arianna had always struggled with issues about her weight but he didn't like it when she put herself down. She was beautiful and he wanted her to see herself through his eyes. "I hate when you do that. But I think you're right. You're tired, obviously, and I should take you home. I'll pay the check and then we'll go." Jason motioned for the waiter to come with the check. He paid the bill and stood to leave.

Arianna stood there looking confused. I know he doesn't like it when I say things like that, she thought. She was worried about her surprise. Did he somehow guess what she had in mind for them tonight and he doesn't want to do it?

When they got outside to Jason's car, he opened the door and Arianna climbed in the passenger seat. Jason closed the door and walked around the front to the driver's side. When he got in he didn't say anything or look at her at all.

He knows, she thought. He knows and he doesn't want to make love with me. Arianna turned to look out the window and she silently started to cry. An involuntary sob escaped Arianna's lips causing Jason to glance at her bemused.

"Arianna why are you crying? What's going on with you? Tell me," he asked her clearly frustrated.

Sniffing she replied, "You're mad at me. And I don't know why. I had a special surprise planned for us tonight but now I'm not so sure."

Jason bit back an angry curse. "I'm not mad with you Arianna. But you're acting so weird. I don't know how to fix what's wrong if you don't tell me what it is," he replied impatiently. Then trying to tame his rising anger he asked softly, "What's the surprise?"

Arianna burst into sobs at that moment. Jason pulled his car over in front of the pastry shop.

Arianna looked up when the car stopped and noticed that he had taken her back to her job. Probably to pick up her car.

"Ari are you going to tell me why you're crying or not," Jason asked when she went to reach for the door handle to get out the car.

All the emotions that she had been trying to keep in check all night came bubbling to the surface. "I'd planned to ask you to come back up to my apartment. I wanted us to..." she stopped to embarrassed and afraid of his reaction to go on.

"Wanted us to what?" Jason asked softly.

Arianna reached for the door handle then and jerked it open. She got out the car and then she turned to Jason and yelled, "I wanted us to make love tonight! But obviously you don't!" She slammed the door and ran across the street to her car. She unlocked the door and climbed in and took off in the direction of her apartment.

Instead of getting out and running after her, Jason followed her back to her apartment. When she got out, he got out behind her and called her name.

"Arianna! Wait!"

Arianna stopped just before reaching for the door handle. Before she could turn around, she felt Jason's hands grab her shoulders and turn her around to face him. When she wouldn't look up at him, he put his finger under her chin and gently tilted her head back to look up at him.

"Look at me Ari. Why did you run off like that? You could have gotten hurt or anything. And why are you crying?"

Arianna closed her eyes. She couldn't look into those deep blue eyes of his knowing that that she would be able to read in their deep blue depths that he didn't want to share any intimacy with her. Then he kissed her. At first she did not respond. But he gently coaxed her lips into motion. The kiss was long and deep and unlike any kiss he had ever given her before. An involuntary shudder went through Jason's body.

When she was able to open her eyes and look at him, he said to her, "How could you ever think that I didn't want to make love to you? I have been waiting for you to be sure you were ready before I even mentioned it. How was I supposed to know that was what you wanted if you didn't tell me?"

Arianna laid her head on his chest. She could hear the rapid beating of his heart. Its rhythm matched that of her own.

"I was scared. Scared that you didn't want make love to me. I have wanted to for so long, but I didn't know how to tell you. So I was going to surprise you. I was going to ask you to come back here after dinner so we could be alone. But I was so anxious and nervous at dinner that you thought something was wrong and I lost the nerve to bring it up."

Jason pulled back and brought her face back up so he could look into her eyes. He looked at her with such love and tenderness that she started to cry again.

Jason gently wiped the tears that were streaming down her brown sugar colored cheeks with his thumbs.

"I want you so very badly Arianna. I have since that first day I walked in the pastry shop." He paused to kiss her tenderly. He chuckled softly and said, "Nobody eats that many blueberry muffins or drinks that much coffee. Couldn't you tell how attracted to you I was? I was scared out of mind. I came back every day on the hopes that we might strike a conversation, but you were always so professional and polite that I didn't think I had a chance." He paused again searching her face. "The few times Michael came with me, I thought you were attracted to him." He paused and snorted. "He was the one that told me that it was me you were interested in and not him. Then I finally got up the nerve to talk to you," he sighed. He rested his forehead against hers. "Tonight, from the time I picked you up from work, I wanted to say the hell with the movie and bring you back here and make love to you. But I didn't know if that was what you wanted. Then you were acting so strange at dinner I knew it wasn't what you wanted, but I thought you could somehow read my mind and knew it was what I wanted and you were angry with me." Jason paused and took a deep breath. Exhaling slowly he said quietly, "I love you Arianna and I would never do anything to hurt you. So I was prepared to wait for as long as was necessary for you to be ready."

Arianna smiled a wet, teary smile. "I love you too Jase."

Jason let out a deep breath that Arianna didn't know he was even holding. He held her close to his heart as if he never wanted to let her go.

She took his hand and led him to the elevator. In the elevator they kissed each other some more. Slowly, gently anticipating what they were about to do. When the elevator stopped on her floor, the door opened and they stepped off, still hand in hand. She led him the short distance down the hall to her apartment and unlocked the door. This was the first time Jason had been inside her eccentrically decorated apartment. Arianna had made sure to clean up before she left for work that day and light some scented candles so there was a romantic glow and ambiance about the room. She walked over to the entertainment center and turned on the stereo. The vocal harmonies of Boys II Men singing I'll Make Love to You, drifted throughout the room. As she moved around the room Arianna could feel Jason's fiery gaze following her as if it were a tender caress. She turned around to face him and without speaking Arianna took Jason by the hand and led him to her bedroom. The lush deep purple bed covers were already turned down on the king-size mahogany canopy bed, and candles were lit all around the room. The scent of Japanese cherry blossoms and almonds filled the air.

Arianna did not know what to do. She stood by the small steps at the foot of the bed with her back to Jason. Butterflies were fluttering around in her stomach and words seemed to be stuck in her throat. She was so scared and nervous that she didn't hear him come stand behind her until she felt his arms circle her waist. He nuzzled her neck before he turned her around to face him. The look in his beautiful blue eyes held a mixture of hunger and love so intense that it nearly stole her breath away.

"I love you Ari. Now with my body, I'm going to show you how much."

And he did. Jason led Arianna up the small stairs to her bed. He laid her on the bed and looked down into her face. His blue eyes blazed with a need and a hunger that Arianna had never seen before. He kissed her, gently at first, and then his kisses deepened to mirror the hunger that blazed in his eyes.

Neither one of them said a word. They gazed into each other's eyes and their hearts made a pledge of undying love, one to the other.

They undressed each other slowly, taking time to stop and kiss each other in the new places they had not seen or kissed before.

Arianna suddenly became aware of her half nude state, and fear and panic flashed in her eyes. Jason paused as he was about to relieve her of her tights and panties.

"Arianna. You are beautiful. Every single part of you." And to make sure she understood his meaning, he kissed her stomach, moved up to suckle her breasts, first the left, then the right. Arianna could feel a hot, dampness between her legs. She moaned and arched her back to give him easier access to feast on her bosom. Then Jason eased down her tights, and moved his hands up her thighs and pulled her underwear aside. He began to stroke her with such tenderness that it drove her wild with want. She grinded and moved to the rhythm of his probing fingers. He stopped his assault on her center long enough to help her fully rid herself of her panties.

The look he gave her as she lay naked beneath him was one of such tenderness and need that Arianna no longer felt awkward and nervous, but she felt truly beautiful and wanted for the first time.

After Jason shed the last of his clothes, he half climbed on top of Arianna and trailed kisses all down her body. When he got to her belly, he moved down further and Arianna gasped with shock and wonder as his mouth trailed hot kisses down her thighs until her reached his prize. He claimed her wet, hot, throbbing center, circling his greedy tongue round and around her clitoris. He used his tongue to worship her. "Oh so sweet, my beautiful girl," Jason murmured as he continued to lick and suck her clitoris. Inserting first one, then a second finger inside her, he continued his sensual assault as Arianna squirmed and writhed with a need so intense she was sure it must be some sort of torture.

Arianna felt wave after wave of ecstasy wash over her until she thought she would faint.

"Jase I never knew it could be like this," she breathed between gasps and moans of pure pleasure. Something inside her pulled together tightly and time seemed to stand still. Then like a volcano erupting, her release came, and she arched her back crying out his name.

When the bed stopped spinning and Jason came up to kiss Arianna he looked down at her and smiled, "That was just the beginning beautiful girl. It's not over yet."

He took her hands in his and raised one to his lips. He kissed and sucked each one of her fingers.

Arianna could feel his manhood pressing against her stomach. Jason released one of her hands and put himself next to her, ready to enter. Then his eyes locked on hers and he said,

"Oh Arianna you're so wet, so ready. Look into my eyes beautiful girl."

And then he entered her. Even though she was technically not a virgin, the pain shocked her and hot tears stung her eyes. Arianna gasped and Jason lay there unmoving until he felt her grip on his hand loosen. Then he began to slowly rock back and forth on top of her until he could feel the tension drain from her and she began to move in tune with him, her rhythm matching him thrust for thrust. Soon they were in perfect harmony with one another.

Arianna could feel a strange tingling raise up from her toes until it reached her wet center and she arched her back and cried out his name once more. At the same time, Jason increased his pace and threw back his head and cried out her name as he came inside her.

"That was so wonderful. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better," Arianna whimpered.

Jason lay next to her, stroking her head and chuckled, "You were pretty wonderful yourself. It's never felt like that for me before. I don't know what it is you do to me Arianna, but whatever it is, I like it." Jason got up and walked naked into the bathroom and Arianna watched the play of his sinewy muscles as his lean nude body disappeared. He came back and took her hand and pulled her to him.

"I've got the bath water running. You might be sore in the morning if you don't take a nice warm bath right now", he said.

Arianna kissed his chest and sighed. She let him lead her to the bathroom where he helped her into the bath and gently washed her. Arianna watched in wonder and amazement as Jason lathered her body down. Then Jason got in the Jacuzzi sized tub with her and they bathed each other. She could feel heat building between her thighs again and she wanted him to take her right there in the tub. Prodded by the intense, heated look in Jason's eyes, Arianna moved towards Jason and began to lather him down. When she reached his throbbing manhood, she squeezed it tightly and then ran her hand up and down the length of him. She looked up at Jason with sultry eyes and licked her lips. Reading the meaning behind that look, Jason relaxed in the tub so that his manhood was standing at attention out of the water. Arianna leaned down and placed a tender kiss of the tip. Hearing Jason sharply inhale, she took him fully in her mouth. She made love to him there in the tub with her mouth, licking and sucking him until he could take no more. He came wetly and loudly in her mouth right there tub. Afterwards, they rinsed and toweled each other off and he took her by the hand and led her back to the bedroom. They made love twice more, each time with Arianna becoming more bold and wanton in the love game they played. And then she fell contently asleep there in his arms.

It wasn't until the morning when she woke up that it dawned on her. In their haste to fulfill their burning desire for each other, they didn't use any protection. Arianna never had a need for the pill because the thought of ever being with anyone in that way again never crossed her mind. And she was so anxious to be with Jason that she didn't bother to ask if he had a condom.

"You're worrying for nothing," she chided herself. "Nothing can happen on the first time out." And she pushed the thought out of her mind and settled back into Jason's arms.

Then she felt Jason starting to stir. He woke up and smiled down into her face.

"Good morning beautiful girl, sleep well?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Very well thank you. And you?"

"Even more so," he laughed.

They got out of bed and took a shower together after Arianna fixed them both a hearty breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice and coffee. After their first night of lovemaking, they continued to explore new ways to love each other both in and out of the bedroom. Jason became a regular fixture at Arianna's parents' home, much to everyone's surprise including Arianna's. Although her family liked Jason, they finally expressed to Arianna that they had concerns about their relationship. It wasn't just the cultural differences that bothered them, but the amount of time that they spent together, and the fact that Jason never seemed to talk much about his family or his life. This bothered Arianna too, but she never voiced her concerns to anyone, not to Jason or her parents. Not even to her best friend, Kiara. And this always made Arianna feel as if Jason kept a part of himself separate from her and the life they shared together, as if he didn't give all himself to her.

Their relationship lasted for another three months. It wasn't until their last month together when Arianna starting having bouts of nausea in the early mornings and afternoons, that Kiara suggested she see a doctor or take a home pregnancy test.

Arianna was at work and had been feeling lousy all day. Kiara noticed how tired and weak she had been looking lately and questioned her about it.

"Ari what's going on with you lately? You're tired all the time and I have to cover for you with Ted every time you get sick and have to run to the bathroom. Are you pregnant? When was the last time you saw your period?" Kiara asked her suspiciously.

Arianna rolled her eyes at her and replied, "Kiara girl don't be silly. For your information I think I'm coming down with a stomach virus. There's one going around campus and I must have picked it up. And furthermore, with my weight always up and down, my periods have never been regular, so it's perfectly normal for me that I have not had one in about three months."

"Oh yeah you have a stomach virus alright. But not the kind you think. You need to go to the infirmary and take a pregnancy test. You look tired and run down all the time," Kiara quipped. "I wonder what the "Golden Boy" will think about that. How will he tell his rich white folks about his black baby," she said sarcastically.

"There won't be anything for him to tell them because there is no baby, black or otherwise. But just to ease your crazy mind I will go and take the test," said Arianna as she walked away shaking her head. That girl must be crazy she thought. I can't be pregnant she wondered to herself, right?

But that next day after she left the infirmary, Kiara's suspicions were confirmed. The doctor at the campus clinic advised her that she was indeed pregnant.

"I'd say you're about ten to twelve weeks along Ms. Jones," the doctor had said.

Arianna was terrified. She did not know what to do. She knew her family would be disappointed in her, but that they would support her no matter what. But she did not know how Jase, or his family for that matter, would take the news. Sure he loved her now, or he seemed to, but babies have a way of changing things. Not only that, the baby would be half black. Arianna had never met Jase's family and she wasn't even sure they knew about her, let alone her skin color. And she certainly didn't want this to be the way she was introduced to them for the first time.

When she got back to her apartment, she called Kiara.

"Well. What did the doctor say," Kiara asked but already knew the answer.

"Dammit Kiara I hate it when you are always right. What the hell am I going to do now?" Arianna asked her best friend.

"Oh I know what I would do. I would go to the other "clinic" first thing in the morning and have this little issue taken care of real quick. Think about your future Ari and all your plans. Your parents worked really hard so that you could go to Carolina."

Arianna knew that what Kiara said made sense. But she didn't believe in abortion and she loved Jason and she would not kill a baby that she made with him out of love.

"I hear you Kiara but I could never have an abortion. I don't believe in abortion and I love Jase and he loves me. It will work out alright. Just wait and see," Arianna said with a whole lot more conviction than she actually felt.

"Well for your sake and the sake of that little bun in the oven I hope you're right about ole blues eyes."

So do I, Arianna thought, so do I.

Arianna knew she needed to call Jason and tell him about the baby, but she wanted to tell her family first. She needed to know that they would support whatever decision she made about the pregnancy. Instead of calling her mother and father on the phone and telling them about her predicament, Arianna made the short drive home to Smithfield. It was only about an hour and a half's drive from Chapel Hill and that would give her time to think on the way.

Katie Jones was outside in her flower garden when she saw her youngest daughter's car pull into the drive way.

"Hey baby. This is a pleasant surprise. We weren't expecting you until the weekend. Is anything wrong?" her mother asked with a worried expression on her beautiful brown sugar complexioned face.

"Hey Ma. How you doing? Why don't we go inside? I have something to tell you guys and I would rather not do it out here in the front yard," Arianna said all in one breath.

Katie lifted her hefty frame out of her gardening chair and followed her youngest child into their home. "What is it baby? Are you sick? Did you and Jason have a fight?" Katie asked.

"No Ma it's not that. And where did that come from? I didn't say anything about Jason or us having a fight. Actually, to tell you the truth it's much worse. Is Daddy home?"

"Yes he's here. Probably out there in that shed of his pretending he's fixing something when what he's really doing out there is drinking beer and watching ESPN. Like I don't know. I'll call him." Her mother walked through the kitchen to the back door and opened it calling, "Richard? Where are you? Ari's here and she want to talk to us." Turning around she came back into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "He'll be here in a minute honey. You know how your daddy is," her mother said and laughed.

Arianna always wanted to be a strong black woman like her mother and marry a strong black man like her father. That is, until she met Jason. And all that changed in an instant. She still wanted to be a strong black woman like that women in her family. But now it didn't matter to her if her husband wasn't black. Love has no color.

Richard Jones was a tall cuddly, teddy bear of a man with the biggest heart of anyone Arianna knew. Her daddy loved people, no matter what creed or color. She knew that he would not be happy about her circumstance but he would love and support her no matter what.

"Hey baby girl. What you doing home? Didn't think we'd see you till the weekend. Is Jason with you?" he daddy asked as he gave her one of his big bear hugs.

"Hey Daddy. No Jase is not with me, but that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you guys about. What I have to tell you may hurt and disappoint you, but I hope that you will be able to forgive me," Arianna said as silent tears started falling down her down turned face.

"Whatever it is honey we love you matter what. Has he been mean to you? Did he hurt you in anyway?" Richard said in his 'if he hurt my baby I'm gonna kill that boy' voice.

"I'm pregnant," Arianna replied still unable to look at her parents.

"And that white boy is the daddy?" her mother asked.

"Now Katie. Is that anyway to talk? Arianna look at your daddy," Richard said.

Arianna raised her head and looked at both her parents for the first time since dropping her bombshell on them.

"It's gone be ok baby girl. He just gonna have to marry you that's all."

"I haven't told him yet. I wanted to tell you first," Arianna replied.

"Richard you know as well as I do that that no account white boy is not gonna marry this girl. His richer than rich white folks aint gone allow it," her mother stated.

Arianna said nothing. The truth is she was thinking almost the same thing herself.

"Whether he marries me or not Mama I'm keeping my baby," Arianna vowed.

"Well baby," her mother said wiping tears of her own from her eyes, "I hope you know that you and that baby are in for a rude awakening. But we love you and its gone be okay."

Arianna spent another couple of hours with her parents and then she headed back to her apartment. When she pulled up outside she noticed a sleek black limousine parked outside her apartment building. I wonder who that could be, she thought as she got out her car. When she got off the elevator on her floor, a tall, handsome, middle aged white man was standing outside her door. He was dressed in a well tailored, expensive looking suit and he had well groomed golden hair, just like Jase. A feeling of uneasiness settled on her as she walked to her apartment door. As she got closer to the man, she began to notice something familiar about him but she didn't quite know what it was. And then it hit her. His eyes. Not quite as vivid, but blue just the same. Jase's blue eyes. She didn't know how she knew it, but in that very moment she knew this man was Jase's father and that somehow it was over between her and Jason Williams.

Jackson Williams was watching her with cold, indifferent eyes. He had a large manila envelop in his hand. So this is her he thought. She wasn't what he expected at all. This young woman appeared to be from a decent, if somewhat middle class background, and an innocent, not the sort of girl Jason, or Jackson himself for that matter, typically sought amusement with. But that was no matter. He had Jason's life all planned out and he wasn't going to let anyone, not even her offspring, get in the way of his plans.

When Arianna reached her door, she smiled at the man. He did not return her smile and her smile waivered. Instead he looked at her as if she wasn't even there. Great, she thought. He hates me.

"Hello sir. Are you looking for someone? Can I help you?" she asked politely.

An emotion flickered in his eyes just then that she didn't have time to recognize.

"Yes miss I believe you can. But perhaps we should step inside and not discuss this matter on your doorstep so to speak. Discretion in this situation is key," he said flatly.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" Arianna asked.

"No we have never met. But I believe you know my son, Jason Williams," he replied coolly. "I'm Jackson Williams, Jason's father."

Arianna unlocked the door and walked in. Mr. Williams followed her inside.

"Well won't you sit down Mr. Williams? Would like something to drink?"

Jackson Williams eyed her coolly. "I think not Miss Jones. This is not a social call, but more a matter of business."

"I don't know what business you could have with me Mr. Williams. If it's about Jase and me then I'd say that it's none of your business." She was not going to let him intimidate her.

"Whatever concerns my only son is my business Miss Jones. Especially when his whole life, his whole entire future is at stake." Not to mention quite possibly mine, though this he didn't add.

"Look Mister Williams I don't know what you're talking about," Arianna said. "I don't know how you found out where I live but I love Jase and he loves me. And frankly I don't think he would approve of you coming here like this."

Jackson Williams gave Arianna a sadistic snort. "What Jason does or doesn't approve of is immaterial," he said. Then he opened the envelope and pulled the contents out. Inside were pictures taken of her and Jase while they were out and with them entering and leaving her apartment. There were also pictures of her parents' home and of her leaving the campus clinic earlier that day. There were also pictures there of another girl with Jason. Jason was smiling and laughing and looking deeply in love with a beautiful girl with jet black hair and a model-slim figure,. He threw them on the table at her.

Arianna was furious. "Have you been spying on us? Having us followed? Stalking my parents? What is this?" she yelled. She picked up the pictures and threw them back at him.

Jackson laughed sardonically, "So are you denying that you found out you were carrying his child earlier today, and that you went home to tell your parents. It's a shame really. If Jason had not tried to hide his relationship with you from his mother and me, then it might have turned out differently. He never has done so before, with the right sort of girl, I mean. One can only assume that his interest in you is merely one of a physical nature," he sneered.

"And by right Mr. Williams you mean white is that it? Is that why you're here because I'm not white? Or is it because I don't look like Miss America there in the other pictures? Is that it?" Arianna cried.

For the first time since he arrived Jackson looked ashamed. His facial features softened and then she could see the strong resemblance Jase had to his father. He couldn't meet her gaze. "No Miss Jones. I'm not that man. I see nothing wrong with amusing one's self with a variety of pleasures, but Jason is my only heir and he has certain responsibilities. He is not ready for a wife and family Miss Jones. Were it not for the investigators I hired I would not even have known that you existed," Jackson said. "I'm sure you are a nice young woman, but Jason has to consider his future," he finished.

"So that's it. I'm not good enough for him, am I right? And I thought you said you weren't 'that man' Mr. Williams," Arianna said with angry tears in her eyes.

"Think whatever you want about me Miss Jones it's of no consequence. But Jason has his whole life ahead of him. It's his duty as my son and only heir to join me in the family business and one day take over. There are certain things expected of him that you couldn't possibly understand. If you love him think about what this will do to his future. And your future for that matter," he stated trying to appeal to her better sense of judgment. "I have seen a change in my son these past few months he's spent with you. And to be quite honest with you I don't like it. He's becoming distracted, still going on and on about this teaching nonsense," Jackson hissed. "Before he met you, Jason was on track to one day becoming my successor. He is not ready to settle down with a wife and child. You are not the first, Miss Jones. Just the now. But with you he's losing focus on what is more important and its time that it stopped," Jackson replied matter-of-factly. He seemed to soften just a bit. "I would hate to see you get hurt. Once Jason has satisfied his curiosity with you, he will lose interest, and he will Miss Jones, it's just a matter of time. Then where would you be, or the child for that matter? Is that a chance that you're willing to take? On the silly belief that 'love conquers all'?" he asked putting voice to her own fears. Her eyes glanced to the pictures of the raven haired girl with Jason. She felt sick to her stomach as she looked at the way he smiled at her.

Jackson watched Arianna as she stared at the picture. A moment passed and he asked her quietly, "You're wondering who she is, are you not?" When Arianna said nothing Jackson went on. "She is an asset. Her father is a very powerful man and a close friend of mine. She is Jason's future," he said as he paused and waited for her reaction. When she still made no comment he continued, "It's nothing personal Miss Jones. Its business. This young woman," Jackson began as he looked down at the picture of the girl with a gleam in his eye that made Arianna feel uneasy, "is a means to an end. I have something she wants, and her father has something I need," he finished.

Arianna was quickly beginning to see that Jackson Williams was a cold and ruthless man who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted, even if it included bribery and blackmail. "I need the backing of her father in order to secure my holdings in a very lucrative venture and knowledge of your liaison with Jason could compromise that," Jackson stated matter-of-factly. Jeeringly he added, "I mean really, didn't you ever wonder why he never brought you around his friends and family? If you mean so much to him why did he keep you hidden from us?" he finished caustically.

Arianna thought she was going to be sick. Like it or not, Jackson was right. Jason had never introduced her to his parents, they didn't even know he was seeing her and they had been together for six months.

"What is it that you want me to do Mr. Williams?" she asked in a defeated voice. "Just tell me what you want me to do," she said quietly, and then looking him straight in the eye, "and then get the hell out of my life," she finished vehemently. Arianna had known almost from the beginning that her relationship with Jason was just too good to be true, as if she were living a dream. And after seeing the beautiful girl in the pictures with Jason, she wondered just how many other secrets he was hiding and keeping from her.

Jackson looked more like the confident business man who had just acquired another weak target.

"Now you're seeing reason. It's really very simple. Break it off with him. Tell him that it isn't working or you've met someone else. I don't know and quite frankly, I don't care. Just end it. Before he finds out about the baby and throws his entire future away. Because make no mistake Miss Jones, if Jason ever finds out, he will be totally and completely disinherited," Jackson said harshly. "But I am not a cold and unreasonable man," he continued, "I will make provisions for the child and ensure that it is well taken care of, so long as you hold up your end of the bargain."

Arianna's blood went cold and she thought she would be sick. "Jason will never believe that. I love him, and he loves me. I don't need your money Mr. Williams. I don't need anything from you," Arianna spit out bitterly.

Jackson was losing his patience. If he couldn't get her to agree, Shelley threatened to make things difficult for him; not just with her father, but also with Vivian and Jason if they ever learned the truth. "Make him believe it. I don't care how or what you have to say. If you really love him, as you say, you will find a way. And if you won't take the money then fine. I'll have a trust set up for the child. On the child's sixteenth birthday the trust will be released to him or her in your name until their twenty-first birthday at which time the trust fund will belong solely to the child. Here's my card," he said as he laid the card down. "If you should ever need anything don't be too proud to call me." And with that he left.

Grief stricken and numb, Arianna made her way to the couch and curled up with her Afghan blanket and began to cry, deep, gut wrenching sobs. For hours Arianna cried. And cried. She must have dosed off because she awoke to find her phone ringing. She reached over to the coffee table and picked it up. "Ello?" she said still partially asleep.

"Arianna its Jase. Where have you been? I've been calling you for hours. Open the door. I'm right outside."

Arianna sat up on the couch. Her head was throbbing from crying herself to sleep. She thought she was all cried out, but knew fresh tears formed behind her eyes and they began to sting from the pain of the unshed tears. Somehow she managed to get up and on weak and shaky legs she stumbled to the door.

When she unlocked the deadbolt on the door, Jason walked in. He looked so good. And happy. And now she was supposed to tell him it was over. How was she ever going to be able to do it?

When he got inside, he reached for her to kiss her as he always did. She averted her head.

"Ok," Jason said. "What's wrong with you? What kind of greeting is that for a guy who hasn't seen his girl in two days?" Jase asked and smiled. With his arms around her waist holding her flush against his body, he leaned back and looked longingly into her face. Brows furrowed he asked again, "What's wrong? Have you been crying? Baby talk to me, you're scaring me," he finished anxiously.

Again fresh, unshed tears stung the backs of her eyes. I'm really going to miss his smile, Arianna thought, and the way his eyes became a deeper blue after their lovemaking. She gave herself a stern talking to. Better get this over with quick. You have a baby coming and you're going to be doing it on your own.

Arianna pushed out of Jason's embrace. "Nothing is wrong," she said quietly after a long pause. Then reaching deep within herself, thinking of the pictures Jackson had showed her of Jason with the raven haired girl, Arianna became angry. That was the only way she was going to be able to do what she knew she had to do. "Everything is wrong!" she shouted. Taking a deep breath she stepped away from Jason turning her back on him and stated flatly, "Look Jason, I've been thinking and I don't think we should see each other anymore."

Jason looked as if someone had just punched him in the gut. "Okay seriously. What's wrong? Where is this coming from all of a sudden? Did I forget your birthday or something?" he asked clearing confused.

She stilled herself for the lie. "It's coming from a place that I have been keeping from you for a while. In case you haven't noticed Jason, I'm black and you're not."

"No really?" He quipped sarcastically, "I just thought you had a deep tan." Jason was trying really hard to understand what was going on. He was also trying really hard to control his temper. He had never seen Arianna act like this before and he knew something must have happened to make her act this way. He continued calmly, "I don't care about that, I never have. I thought you didn't either. Race has never been an issue with us before so why are you bringing it up now?" he asked trying to control his mounting anger.

This was going to be harder than she thought. But she started down this road and now she had to see it through. "It's coming up now because I'm realizing I've never met your parents. I don't really know any of your friends, except Michael. You've kept a part of yourself shut off from me and I'm starting to get the impression that I'm some dirty little secret you keep hidden away from all your family and friends," she sneered. Images of the raven haired girl kept racing through her mind, along with all of the hateful things Jackson Williams had said to her earlier that evening. In a full and very real rage now Arianna ranted, "Some twisted and sick little fantasy that you wanted to live out, and that I'm just something to do to pass the time. Well, now you have! You've some coco love and now you can go tell your little friends all about it," she finished hotly.

She turned to walk away. If he didn't argue with her and be his usual stubborn self, maybe she could get through this charade without breaking down. Jason grabbed her arm and tried to force her back. Arianna looked down coldly at her arm where Jason's hand held her tightly. "Let me go Jase," she said harshly. "You're hurting me."

He let her arm go immediately. He paced back and forth running his hands through his golden hair. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt you. But you're hurting me. Is that really how you feel? What you think of me? Of us?" he asked with anger and hurt in his eyes.

That naked hurt she saw in his eyes was almost her undoing. Almost. She looked at him with what she hoped was a blank unreadable look. "Yes Jason that's what I think. We had fun while it lasted but it's over now. Just go. Go now before we both say or do something that we'll regret forever." She walked to the door and opened it for him to leave.

Jason clinched his jaw. His eyes turned an icy cold shade of blue she had never seen until now. "Your right about one thing Arianna. Its past time I left. But this isn't over. So how about I give you some time to sort out whatever is bothering you. Call me when you've grown up and are ready to talk."

Jason stormed out slamming the door. After he left she just stood there watching the door. Goodbye Jase. I love you. Call me, he'd said. But she never called. She never saw him again after that night.

Six months later, she gave birth to a beautiful, blue-eyed light skinned baby girl she named Brianna. Those were long, hard months without Jason. Several times she found herself reaching for the phone to call him, and each time she hung up before she dialed the number. To deal with the pain and guilt that she felt about the part she played in tearing them apart, Arianna convinced herself that if he really wanted to see her and speak with her, he would have made some sort of contact with her. But she never heard from him. Not since that night he stormed out of her apartment and out of her life forever.

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