Something Different: Jason Mi...

By KoldKilla

10K 475 153

Jason wanted a change. And got one. A BIG one.... More

Still Cruisin'
Car Trouble
Can't Trust Thots.
The Date
The Date Pt.2
Do It Again.
Dangerously In Love.
Let's go to the mall.
She Knows.


773 44 3
By KoldKilla


Asia's P.O.V

"ASIA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" My dad screamed as soon as I stepped foot in the door. He always does this. I'm 19 but he won't let me move out or stay out past 10 pm.

"I was with my friend." It's not a lie. He stomped his way into the front walkway, where I was taking off my black Tims.

"A friend? Since when did you have friends." He smirks as he pulls me into a hug. I start to hug him back but he then pulls away. I look at him puzzled.

"You were with a boy! I knew it. And don't try to lie and say you weren't because I can smell his cologne on you!" My dad sounded so disgusted. I sniffed my jacket and smelt the faint smell of cologne, it was a nice scent.


"It's none of your business. I'm almost 20 you can't keep treating me like I'm 10." I keep my voice low not wanting to get into another screaming match.

"You're going to end up like you're mother if you keep staying out with all these boys. I just want to protect you, I lost her but she chose to sleep around and look where it got her! I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO!" He cries.

"I don't have time for this right now. I'm going to bed." I push past him and ran to my room that was on the other side of the house.

"You always do this! Just run away from your problems like your mother!" My dad screamed from the walkway.

I slammed my door and locked it.  I slid into my bed and curled up into a ball under the covers.


My mom's name was Adriana, she and my dad dated for a long time and married after they graduated from college. She was a college professor at Howard University. My mom and my dad were a happy couple until I started high school and they started to have more fights and become more and more distant. My mom would stay at work late, spend weekends at her moms house, basically doing anything to stay away from my dad, however she always made sure that I knew she loved me and that would never change.  I didn't know what was going on, and then one day she left, I was 16. My dad told me that she had been cheating on him for a while and he had only just found out. I guess she was fed up with my dad never always having to be gone for work and she needed some company, or at least that's what my dad tells me. On my 18th birthday my dad told me that she died from HIV. Ever since my mom left, he's been super strict when it comes to staying out late and especially boys. He always talks badly about her whenever I bring her up and never forgets to remind me of my mothers infidelity. I still don't think that's the full story...


I thought I would start crying but I just sat there. I was depressed and desperately needed something to cheer me up. then the best idea popped into my head. I hopped up and put on some black leggings and a black crop-top. I pulled my hair up into a high pony and slipped on some black hightop converse. I went over to my window. Grabbing my keys off the window seal, I opened the window and slid out. I make my way to my car and quickly hop in. I start it and stomp on the gas wanting to hurry and get to my destination.

I pulled into the empty parking lot of the dance studio I practice at, happy that there isn't anyone in sight. I go up to the back door and unlock it. I walk inside and instantly feeling better, being in my safe haven. I turn on all the lights and walk over to the stereo and press play and  "Down" by Jay Sean comes on. I let the music take over. I feel free and in my own element.

I felt like I'd only danced for 3 seconds but then i check the clock and see it's already 6 am and my dad would already be awake and notice my car isn't there. I quickly turn off the stereo and run to my car. I try to start the engine but nothing happened.

"FUCK!" I screamed and slammed my fist on the steering wheel making my car horn echo through the early morning air. I try to start it again and again only to have the same results. I felt like giving up on everything, I just wanted to go home and now this happens.

"Stupid piece of junk." I scream as i smash the head board. It was a silver 1997 Jaguar xk8. It was my baby but sometimes I want to just smash it into the ground. I try on last time and she starts.

"Atta girl." I pat the dash board and start the smooth ride home. At least it was smooth until I got home.

"I can't find yo house I need the info.." The weekend.



I love all the positive feedback!! Keep referring to friends and voting and commenting all the good stuff. There isn't a real update "schedule" We'll post as much as possible until we can't write anymore. Go follow my partna jasonmitchellsbae101 she's also writing part of the story so yeah. The more love y'all show for the book the more we'll post :)

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