Mixed Melodies

By BabeHoran567

182 11 2


Chapter 1 : Simon
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Mixed Melodies

114 4 0
By BabeHoran567

This is a warning !!!!

This might be a very sucky story but I try my best :'c

Not hate comments please

If you don't like one Direction DON'T READ THIS WATTPAD BOOK !

That is all thank you


Amy's POV

" congrats Amy you passed the first stage I-"

" yay thank you ! So much I promise I won't let you down :D "

" umm Amy I was about to say that we'll uh how do I put this your gonna have to be in a group in order for you to pass "

I froze a group ! Really my dream was to be a solo singer not a band member . Whatever Amy whatever is best for your career . Thank you Simon Cowell thank you very much * note the sarcasm *

" ah okay I can deal with that "

"okay they already met a couple days ago so I will send you to there flat an you will meet there dose that sound good ? "

" ya okay".

* at the flat *

Okay breathe Amy you are gonna live here these are gonna be your band mates BFF 's . Well at least I hope .


Hmm maybe I should knock again *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK *

" hello " said a voice I never heard " I will be there in a minute"

" okay " my hands are sweating ALOT ! -the door opens-

there was three beautiful girls staring right at me " um hi I'm Amy "

" HI ! " said the blond one wich I think her name is Emily by the name tag stuck on her forehead " my name is EM-ILY " she was pointing to her forehead as she said it .

" hi " another one said " my name is Fae " she stuck out her hand I shook it . She had brown hair it was curly but u couldn't notice it because it was in a messy bun .

The next one had blue hair and her name is jade " hi my name is jade umm welcome to the band our name is Mixed Melodies just in case you wanted to know " she smiled . " that's Sierra over there passed out in the couch " jade pointed to a girl with red hair sleeping on the couch " come in " .

I walked in and wow it was messy !! But it reminded me of home already .

* ring * * ring * * ring *

I answered my phone " hello ? "

" hi Amy did you met the girls yet ? "

" yes I did and they are very lovely "

"Okay good we need all of you in my office now pronto please "

" why what happened ? "

" you will find out when you get here "

" okay how will we get there ? "

" I sent a drive he should probably be out side by now so go get on you way "


" umm Simon said to his office and he sent a limo so we can get there "

Emily : " okay ill wake Sierra up "

Fae : " I'll check if the limos here "

Jade : " lets go ! "

Sierra : " hey umm Amy right ? My name is Sierra "

" ha I know lets go ! " I ran out the door and into the limo .

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