Chapter 2

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Jades POV

"What ??? Can you umm say that one more time " I was the only one who spoke the rest were all frozen or making mean faces at the boys .

Simon : " you need publicity ! I know your songs have gone very well but that's only in the UK , America needs to here your songs THE WHOLE WORLD must here your songs and that's where the boys come in . You must each choose one boy I really don't care which one it is and they will be your fake boyfriend got it ? "

Amy got up and left she seemed mad , who could blame her instead of being famous for our talent . We have to get publicity off of a boy band !

Simon : " oh and there's one more thing "

Everyone looks at him " what is it ?"

Simon : " to make it look more realistic you girl are gonna live in there flat "

Sierra : " NO WAY "

Emily : " NOT HAPPENING !"

Fae : " do we get our own rooms "

Simon : " you will have to share with one of the boys " . From the outside you can hear a loud bang , it must be Amy .

^^ at the flat I didn't want to write about them meeting . Or the car ride . All that you need to know is that Amy is really really mad and they already know there names . ^^

Sierras POV

Harry :" welcome to your new home girls" he was smirking . That bitch , he enjoys this !!!!!!!

" do you think this is funny ?" He looked at me .

Harry : " not at all darling " he was still smirking . " not at all "


He got scared and just opened the door the boys and the girls were laughing and I just cooled off and walked in .

_______________________________Next is Amy's part I've been waiting to do that !!! Ha c: then faes part .

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