The Life Saver

By Aussie_Lynch

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Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter Four:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

107 8 1
By Aussie_Lynch

Ross stood with his brothers backstage. The concert was about to start.

"Hang on? So she tried to read your palm and your tea leaves?" Rocky asked his younger brother.

"Yeah." Ross said confusingly. "The whole family are weird." Ross added. "Her younger thinks monsters are small, her Mom is a crazy psychic, and her Dad think he is still living in the eighties." Ross said and paused. "Dude." he said doing a peace sign and acting like he was high on marijuana.

"I wanna get my palm read." Riker complained and Rocky nodded.

"Me too! Can she do our palms?" Rocky asked.

"Fish said it's all a myth." Ross laughed and shook his head.

"Unless you got a really bad fortune and Fish didn't want to tell you." Riker suggested.

"Meh."  Ross said and shrugged his shoulders and picking up his guitar. "It's all stupid. It's not like fortunes are real."

"They are real. Remember that one time we went out for Chinese and we got fortune cookies, and my said I was going to get the job I wanted. The next day I auditioned for glee and got the job. " Riker said and Rocky high fived his brother.

"True dat. I got a fortune cookie as well and my said that all my dreams would come true and R5 got a record deal." Rocky added.

"Yeah, but that was just luck." Ross said rolling his eyes and walking on stage when they were announced.


Fish's POV

I spotted Ross grabbing some ice cream after his show.

"Hey! You did amazing." I smiled at Ross and we exchanged hugs and he smiled.

"I was so nervous. But it was so good." He said grabbing his ice cream. "Do you want anything?" he asked me and I looked over the counter.

"Just a bottle of water." I pointed out and opened up my purse to pay but Ross' nudged me and paid.

"You didn't have to." I said and he shrugged.

"Oh well." Ross said and I followed him down to his car. Majority of his family were either leaning on the car or checking their phones.

"Hey guys, this is Fish." Ross said and I waved smiling. I'm such a people person. I rarely get shy. Hence why I'm a life guard.

"Cool name." Ryland said and Rocky ran up to me and hugged me.

"Rocky!" I gasped and he chuckled.

"You guys were awesome up there." I smiled and Stormie walked over to her son.

"You feeling okay Ross?" She asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah. Don't worry. I took some Panadol. I'm all good." Ross said finishing his ice cream. I took a sip of water and we sat under a tree.

"I love your shorts, where did you buy them?" Rydel asked me as I lay down on the grass.

"From a thrift shop near the tower. It's like a two minute walk from here." I smiled and she nodded. Turns out Rydel and I have heaps in common. We spoke and connection. We pretty much acted like sisters.

"I'm going to go grab something from the tower, I'll be back in two minutes." I smiled at Rydel and started to walk off.

"Hey Fish. Where are you going?" Ross asked as he caught up to me.

"I'm just grabbing something from the tower." I smiled at Ross and I began to run with my brown fringed bag hit against my thigh. I stopped and climbed up the stairs and I heard a shout. I turned around and saw Ross had collapsed on the ground. I gasped and spotted Maxi and I dragged him down the stairs.

"Ross. Are you feeling okay?" I asked me and he shook his head. His whole body just froze and Maxi called am ambulance. "Ross. Blink if you can hear my voice." I said unscrewing the cap off my bottle of water he brought me earlier and using a towel Bono gave me I dried to cool off Ross' face. He is probably just dehydrated. I smiled as Ross gained some consciousness. All of a sudden a yellowish liquid poured from Ross' mouth. Yep, he is definitely vomiting and he doesn't even realise. I used the towel to wipe the vomit off his lap before the ambulance came.

"Oh my poor boy. What happened?" Stormie asked hugging her son.

"He must just be hydrated." I calmed Stormie down and she rubbed Ross' arms.

"Don't do that, you'll make his body heat up again." I said and Maxi grabbed a wheel chair and he wheeled Ross to the ambulance, with some help by me and Bono.


I sat by the Ross' hospital room. Both his parents were side. I tapped my foot gently on the ground,  waiting to hear the results. Rocky was sitting next to me playing with his long hair.

"Aren't you hot?" I asked him.

"I'm always hot." Rocky smirked and I rolled my eyes and untied my hair and gave him my hair tie. "Thanks." He smiled and I smiled back.

"Mom. What's for dinner?" Rydel asked her mother.

"We might just get fish and chips." Stormie muttered as she entered the rom where we were all sitting.

"No! You can't feed Fish fish." Rocky said and I rolled my eyes.

"I've never heard that one before." I bluntly said.

"Serious, that was comedy gold." Rocky said and I huffed.

"How is he?" I asked Mark.

"He is okay." Mark said and I nodded.

"Thanks for helping him out." Mark said and I shrugged.

"It's my job." I smiled and a doctor came out. We all looked up and the doctor spoke.

"Mr Lynch has MND."

"Huh?" Rocky asked.

"Motor Neurone Disease." The doctor told us. I gasped.

"Is it bad?" Rydel asked getting worried and I nodded.

"Ross' body will eventually shut down. There are diseases in Ross' nerve cells which are going to destroy his ability to speak, move, breathe, and swallow undergo degeneration and die." I whispered to Rydel and she gasped.

"Is Ross going to be okay?" Rydel asked and the doctor shook his head.

"He has about eight to nine months to live." the doctor informed us.

Uh oh.

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