
By DeaMongkar

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Samantha knew she's a vampire. But she knew little of what being one meant. As she escaped her past in search... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Eleven

69 3 0
By DeaMongkar

I spent the last two hours mostly motionless in the corner of the Cullens' living room. There wasn't anything we could have discussed that could lead to a final conclusion. I can feel everyone else is agitated as well. Apparently, the Cullens are not particularly fond of the Volturi.

You're right about that, Edward's voice speaks up.

I don't turn my head to him but I reply. About you guys and the Volturi?

Yes, he answers.

Why aren't you? I mean, I've seen news about governments in the human world and they're not very pleasant and a few are quite troublesome. Is it like that with the Volturi? I ask, still curious. A part of me wants to learn as much as I can about this world. Clearly, I am not knowledgable about the world that I'm a part of.

Not pleasant is an understatement, Edward tells me and I can see flashes of images playing like a movie trailer in his head.

The first one is the worst. I see the two vampires I saw in Alice's vision, Aro and Caius, and another seemingly older and calmer one. They were each sitting on a grand, sturdy looking chair, in a large hall, all made of marble. Standing in front of them, looking like guards, were two young looking vampires, both in very dark cloaks. Their eyes were deep red, one was a boy and one was a girl. By human standards, they couldn't be more than thirteen. They looked very similar but something about them felt eerie.

Then I see Bella walking alongside of me, her skin still flushed with rosy colored, heart still beating. She was still a human. Then I realize I am seeing everything through Edward's eyes. Moments later, he caught the eyes of the girl. Jane. Her name was Jane. Her eyes squinted and unbearable pain suddenly surged through my body. Before I can digest it, the image change.

I see another young vampire in regular clothes writhing in pain. Jane was looking at her. The torture came from her. Then, a large man come and tore her limbs, killing her. I cringe. But the flashes are not over.

The last one I see is an army of dark cloaked figures. In the middle were Aro, Caius and the calmer looking vampire. Marcus. Jane and the similar looking boy were there too. They were there for Renesmee. They were going to kill her.

I gasp.

Bella is the first to notice.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

I look at her and before I can answer, Edward speaks up.

"That would be my fault. I uh... gave her a few reasons why we are not quite fond of the Volturi," he says.

Bella looks at her husband and without asking, she seems to know what he showed me.

"Carlisle's here," Alice announces suddenly and a second later, the front door opens.

He joins us a second later. Rosalie and Emmett are the only ones not around. Edward had told me earlier that they are going to hunt and perhaps spend a few days away. The rest of the family is in the room.

Without Carlisle having to ask, Edward gives him a quick explanation to him. When he's updated with everything, Carlisle clears his throat.

"Samantha, I take it someone has explained to you about the Volturi," he says.

I nod.

"Good. So you know why this is a very serious matter," he continues.

I nod again. I don't know what to say.

"Carlisle, do you think Aro is trying to get her to join him?" Bella asks.

"I'm afraid so. You and Alice can do something he doesn't have in his coven. But Samantha?" Carlisle answers and when he says my name, he looks at me and continues, "You can do something no one in the world has ever seen before."

I suddenly feel an unseen force weighing me down, trying to unite me with the gravity and the ground.

"What... what I can... do?" I stutter. I almost never stutter.

"I've thought about it, and I think you can do more than just copying other's powers. You copy the way their brains work. The brain controls everything that your body does. Therefore, by being able to copy the way someone else's brain, you also get their powers and special abilities. That's the only possible explanation to you doing what Edward, Alice and Bella can do and also being able to morph into a wolf. You do this involuntarily, giving you no control as to whose power you are currently copying," Carlisle explains, his tone serious, fearful but with a hint of excitement.

"You mean, she replicates our powers by copying our brains?" Edward clarifies.

"That is my current belief, yes," the young vampire doctor says.

What do you think? He asks without saying the words aloud. He knows I can hear him. Edward looks at him then me, a sign that he too is listening.

"You might be right about my brain copying others. I can feel it change and imitate someone else's. That's what happened when I turned into a wolf and that's what happened every time I'm around Edward," I tell him.

"Imagine having you as one of the Volturi guards. Aro will have two Janes to torture a big mass," Jasper whispers, loud enough for everyone to hear.

He imagines it briefly and I can see the flashes of images as clear as with Edward.

The thought chills me to my core even though I know my body temperature is low.

"But I don't want to join them, Carlisle. Surely, there is a way to resist his offer," I say, pleading.

There is a dark cloud casting over Carlisle's face.

"When Aro wants a talent, he will do everything to get them. He will create an issue with the talent's coven until the Volturi has a reason to... eliminate the other members," his usually voice is colored with sadness and disapproval.

I lift my hands to cover my mouth. I don't want to go. I have to stay here. Seth... my mind trails off at the thought of his name. If the Volturi takes me, I doubt they will let me date Seth. They seem, at the very least, old-fashioned and conservative. A werewolf, being a vampire's natural enemy, is not exactly a companion they will appreciate. I don't need anyone to explain this to me.

"So, what do you propose we should do?" Carlisle's wife, Esme, who hasn't spoken since the arrival of her husband, asks.

Carlisle looks at her and thinks for a moment. At this moment, I'm able to hear him. My best guess is my brain is now copying Bella, which cuts away people's thoughts from mine and also protects my own mind.

I glance sideways for half a second to spot Bella with Renesmee, her beautifully sculpted face serious and deep in contemplations, while her arms are wrapped around her daughter.

Alice suddenly exclaims, "Oh!"

We all turn to look at her.

"Maybe..." Edward whispers, mostly to himself.

He must have known what she just saw or thought about.

Without anyone having to ask, Alice says, "I think Samantha should practice on her power."

Carlisle's eyes lights up.

"You mean, like I practiced with mine?" Bella confirms.

"Yes. We don't know what Samantha is really capable of. Right now, she can't copy others' powers voluntarily. With practice, I'm sure she can control it," Alice chirps.

Already, the mood in the living room is better. A weight has been lifted from the air.

"And maybe, you can also learn to project the powers of others, without them having to be around you. Essentially, you are copying the way someone's brain works, right? You can practice to memorize it, and hence having a lot of powers at your disposal," Edward says.

"The possibility will be limitless," Jasper is amazed.

"It sounds great, but don't get your hopes up. For all we know, I might just be a broken anomaly," I shrug.

What they're saying sounds hopeful and amazing and awesome. But honestly, I don't have that much faith in me. How am I supposed to do all those things when I can't even understand how I work now? What I actually am? What makes me tick?

"There is no pressure on what you should be able to do, Samantha. We will help you practice, first and foremost, to control your power. If it is destined to expand, you will do so naturally," Carlisle speaks to me, his voice is, once again, calm, collected and wise.

I weigh in the offer. Nothing bad will come out of me practicing on my power, right? No harm will come to any of these people around me, right?

"Okay. When do we start?" I ask and smile.

* * *

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