Trying To Forget

By Alexis4815

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When 15 year old Holly finds her boyfriend cheating on her she winds up storming into the downtown area where... More

Trying To Forget
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

1.6K 18 5
By Alexis4815


Inside the door it was black except for a small flame light in the corner, whic allowed me to see the gray concrete walls with something splattered on them that im praying to god isn't blood. I was about to walk away, deciding that the room really wasnt important at all, until i heard a beautiful, angelic voice.

"I'm all done now Deven. You can open you eyes." Holly's voice was soft and caring, but underlined deep with concern.

How could she be concerned for anyone in this horrible place? She should only be caring about herself. I didnt dwell on the question long because the second i heard her voice a feeling of need and love ran through me. Withought thinking i yanked myself up to the window ledge, ready to save my love from the villan.

Chapter 16


 The amount of relief on Devens face when I walked through the door was surprising. I mean, I know he likes me, As a friend. Maybe even more, But the pur admiration and love that shone through his eyes stopped my heart for a second and then run into over-drive. Then my mind snapped back into reality, I have to get us out. Now. 

Running over to im I gace him a huge hug. 

"God, You took so long I thought he hurt you." Deven mummbled into my shoulder. "I thought you left me for good."

"I would never leave you." I reassured him.

"Good, But that's enough sappy-ness for me. Get me out of this so we can get out of here." He said while pulling us apart.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm sure. I want to get us out of here, And I'll do watever it takes to do that for you." Deven said while looking straight into my eyes. I could see the complete honesty in them.

"Fine then. Lay back and put these on your leg. I'll get the blow tourch." I got up and walkedd into the weapon side of the room.

I shudderd as I looked at all the weapons. Images of people being tourchered with them flew through my mind but I quickly shoved them away. Trying not to dwell on the un-known past.  

Grabbing the tourch I hurried back over to Deven, Not wasting anymore time looking at the weapons.

"Are you ready?" I asked once I reached him.

"Yes... I..I.." He stuttered for a second, Then looked into my eyes. "I am." He said after fixing the gloves one more time.

Closing my eyes, I took one more calming breath before I opened then and turned on the tourch. Slowly bringing it closer to his leg till it touched the metal of his chains. He flinched and sucked in a breath, But he never screamed or made any sounds of unberable pain, Which I'm glad for because I don't think I could continue if he had of. When I was almost his knuckles were white and he was making whimpering noises that were breaking my heart. (NOTE* I'M HER COUSIN AND I WAS EDITING THIS AND WHEN I TOLD HER YOU CAN'T MELT METAL, SHE IGNORED IT. SO, IT MAY BE A TAD BIT STUPID. KTHANKBAI. Love,DawnPower.)

(A/N:She just sofened the metal enough to pull it off easily so if my cousin would please not intrudeon MY story life would be better. :P)

"It's  gonna be okay Deven. I'm almost done. It will all be over soon" I cooooooood softly, Wishing all his pain away. A few minutes later I pulled the tourch back and turned it off,Looking at his leg. 

"Does it hurt too much?"

"N-No. I'll be alright. Just give me a second." He grunted through the pain.

"Can I pull the chain&Gloves off?" I asked slowly.

"Y-Ya. Just be careful.."

With tat I reached down and carefully PEALED (Not Peared...) The chain off and dropped it to the ground. It hit with a sickening Clunk.  

Then I pealed the gloves off. At the edges some skin started to melt and stick to the side of gloves. It was sickening. I can't imagine how painful it must have been for him, Even though e didn't show it much..

Once I had both gloves pealed off I checked his wounds more closely. It seemed pretty burned around the edges and tender. The ares the gloves covered looked nothing but sore. Tose gloves really did their job, I can only hope they do it a second time.

"Okay" Deven said, "I'm ready for the second time."  I nodded my head, turned othe torc on and brought it to his other leg, after putting the gloves on it.

If you think the secon time would be easier, its not. My heart still broke at his painfull whimpers and grunts, and my hands shook with the torch in them. Once it was over again I turned the torch off and pushed it as far away from me as possible, hoping i would never have to touch one of those again in my life.

Same as last time I waited a few minuets before prying the chain off. The gloves came next,  but this time underneath them looked worse then the first. it was more red and sore then the other leg, probably because the gloves were already used once so they didnt have the same strenth as before. The skin outside where the glove was, was the same as the other leg, tender and pretty burned. 

I finished the assesment of the wounds and sat back on the ground. "I'm all done now Deven. You can open your eyes."

He slumped to the ground to the ground and grunted out a response that i couldnt quite hear. I was really concerned about him, but i decided he needed a bit of rest after what he just went through. I'll wait a half hour to make him get up, so then he gets some rest but we still have time to get out before Evan wakes up, i thought to myself.

Just as I leaned against the wall, preparing to wait it out, the loud sound of glass shattering filled the hallway and startled me to my feet. Deven was awake and alert now too, but i could still clearly see how much pain he was in on his face.

"Deven, you stay here and rest. I'll go check out what that was." I told him while walking to the hall, not giving him the chance to answer.

What I saw in the hallway froze me in my tracks. Ho-ly shit! It was Dylan standing by a window at the end of the hallway with glass all around his feet. Once he saw me he smiled and ran over, giving me a hug.

"I missed you." He whispered in my ear, but I didnt answer because the situation finally clicked with me.Dyan was here, in a house full of guys in the Mafia, probably trying to save me, and he just made enough noise to send every guy in this house running over here.

With that thought in mind I grabbed his arm and yanked him into the room where Deven was waiting for me.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" i whisper yelled at him.

"Im here to save you" he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the word. Ya right, like he could save me from these people.

"I was just about to escape, but seeing as you made such a loud entrance, we will have to speed things up a bit." I stopped talking for a second and heard voices of the guys in the house coming close. "Make that a lot"

"What do you mean? I dont see anyone here to stop us."

"No, but I can hear them coming now, so if you will just shut up and follow me we might actually live." I snapped walking over to Deven and sitting down, dylan followed and sat next to me. I didnt realy mean to snap at him, but im so stressed out right now with the millions of questions about Dylan being here and our escape swirling aorund in my head. Then both boys stiffened, probably noticing eachother.

"Who is he?" They said at the same time. In any other situation is would have laughed, but right now im to worried.

"Deven meet Dylan, Dylan meet Deven. Now follow orders and shut up until i tell you otherwise." I snapped again. They both listened because of the voices right outside the door.

"What the hell happened here?" One guy said.

"Someone broke the window, dumbshit, what else do you think this is?" Another yelled.

"We shoud go tell Evan" Someone else said.

"Ya lets go" They agreed and all walked away.

When we couldnt hear their footsteps anymore I turned to the two boys. "Okay you can talk now. Just be quite about it."

"Damn," Deven said smirking, "Asertive Holly is sexy. You should be her more often." I giggled but Dylan didnt find it so funny.

"Dont talk to Holly like that" he growled, "And dont look at her like that either. Shes a human beinig not a piece of meat."

"I'll talk and look at her anyway I want" Deven replied.

This was'nt leading anywhere good so i had to interupt, "Guys, guys! Calm down. Theres no time for this. If we're ever going to get out of this place now would be a good time to try since they are distracted with Evan."

"Okay, so whats the plan now that overprotective guy over there is here?" Deven asked, glaring at Dylan when he said overprotective guy.

"Same as before only Dylan will help you out of the window insted of me, seeing as hes stonger. I'll be a little bit ahead of you guys so i can make sure the path is safe." When i said i'd be a little ahead of them both guys stiffened. "Whats wrong now?" I sighed wishing they would just go along with it.

"Its just that if your ahead of us then it wwill be harder for us to make sure your ok and take care of you." Deven said nervously, knowing that i would ave many problems with that statement. Then Dylan chimed in, "Ya what if you get hurt?"

Oh my God. Are we really going through this? After all this time of me taking care of myself they still think i cant do a good job?! I guess i'll just have to set them straight i thought to myself, "Seriously guy? You should be thinking of your own safty seeing as your both handycapped with Dylan having to help Deven and Deven being burned. Im perfectly fine with taking care of myself seeing as i've been doing it for the past few month or so now and i will continue doing it when i get out of here. Im no longer going to be the girl you have to protect, i can do it myself."

After that rant the guys shut up pretty quick, i guess they weren't expecting it from me, but whatever we got work to do."Dylan, you brought your car here right?" i asked wanting to get a move on.

"Ya, its like 3 or 4 houses away from here." He replied.

"Okay good. Once we make it to the car we will drive to my house and figure everthing else out there." With that i turned and walked to the door.

"Wait Holly!" Dylan yelled, i turned back. "Do we really have to take him? What if hes dangerous or their spy or something?" He asked while motioning to Deven.

"Yes, hes coming with us" I answered sternly.

"But - "

i cut him off, "Theres no 'buts' about it. If he doesn't go neither do I." I crossed my arms, daring him to say no. I looked over at Deven to see him smiling hugely at me for defending him, i gave him a small smile back then turned back to Dylan.

"Okay, but i still dont trust him" Dyaln grumbled.

"Thats fine, now let move." I said walking to the door again. This time Dylan helped Deven up and we all made our way to the hallway. 


Hey guys!

Here comes a big apology letter.

Im soooo sorry i havent updated in ever but i had good reasons why:

1) I had to study for exams

2) I had to do exams

3) I had end of the year partys and stuff

4) I went stright to my cabin after that which had no internet so i couldnt upload.

Sooo since it is summer now i promise i will upload every time i have internet, but sadley i will be at my cabin most of the summer which doesnt have internet, but i will update once every one or two weeks!

Anyway, what do you think of the chapter?

Do you think they will escape this time?

And if they do what do you think will happen between Deven and Dylan?

Also thanks to my cousin Danielle for editing and posting half of this chapter because i got lazy!! :D

As alway Vot\Comment\Fan!!! :D ;P <3

<3 Alexis4815

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