Prison Chic #1st book of the...

By RedNos

578K 12.5K 1.9K

#26 in Action on 7/3/2016 Joanna Blake is a reckless girl who wished to be normal all her twenty-one years bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10-2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Frienship... Forever?
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
A dark, dark Past
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
I Guess I'm Stuck With You
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- part 1
Chapter 26- part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Loyalty is... hard to get
Over and over, your son.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Final Chapter 55 (Part 1)
Final Chapter 55 (Part 2)
BONUS Ending

Death.. and Love

8.4K 170 35
By RedNos

 The picture on the right is how I picture Sara Lazar!

Kevin's special chap... continues...

Kevin finally found out which jail Sara was kept in. he got inside to see her.

“Kevin!” Sara called when she saw him approach her cell room in the temporary jail.

“What the hell, Sara?” he asked as he reached her behind the bars.

“I was careless, I know. I’m really sorry.” She said, her eyes genuinely apologetic. “Please get me out, Kevin.” She begged.

“I don’t think I can do that.” Kevin said, shaking his head while rubbing it with his palms.

“How’s daddy?” she asked, her tone softening.

Kevin was silent for a moment, not really sure what to say.

“Kevin?” she urged.

“He.. He’s not doing very well, Sara.” He told her sympathetically.

“Oh, no!” She said and covered her mouth with both hands, tears started dropping violently.

“Please, let me go see him.” She begged again and he wished that he could help her.

“Did you have your hearing?” he asked.

“Y.. yeas.” She said with shaky voice, trying to wipe the tears out of her face.

“what happened.” Kevin asked, referring to the hearing.

“Umm,” she started, trying to focus, “they referred me to a trial.” She said and he sensed that she didn’t know how bad that was, for her situation that is. Kevin cursed softly.

“What?” she asked, picking up on his mood.

“How’s your lawyer?” he asked her.

“I don’t know. He was assigned to me. I guess he’s close to my age.” She said, trying to remember something useful.

“Shit.” Kevin muttered. Of coarse they’d assign a straight-out-of-college rocky. She had no hope. Unless!

Kevin got an idea. It wasn’t the brightest one, but it was the best he could think of.

“What? What is it?” she asked when she saw his calculating eyes.

“I don’t really know if I can get you out. But I’ll try.” Kevin said and turned around to leave.

“Kevin.” She called and he stopped. “Why are you helping me?” she said.

He had to look at her for a moment before he answered, “I seriously don’t know, Sara.”

And with that he left. He had to work fast because Ray had so little time left.

Kevin reached the hospital Ray was in, but instead of going to Sara’s dad’s room, he went straight to the room Mark Boyd was in.

When he reached the room, he didn’t find the usual blonde girl who never spoke. But there was an apple in her place on the ground.

He went inside the room and halted at the scene in front of him.

Mark was sitting on the chair, grief so obvious on his frame as he bowed his back forward and held his head between his hands, his nose almost touching his knees. The woman in the bed was covered in white sheet. Even her face was covered.

The worst timing ever, but he couldn’t just leave.

“Boyd.” He said softly and Mark raised his head at him, his eyes and face were wet.

“I’m, really sorry man.” Kevin said, and he meant it.

“What, are you stalking me now, Clark?” Mark said and looked away.

Kevin didn’t take offence. He had to stay on the lawyer’s good side. “Actually. I need something from you.” He decided to go with honesty. Will, blunt honesty.

Mark looked at him again, and instead of snarling at him or glare, he looked hopeful. Hopeful?

Kevin decided to take that as an invitation.

“Look, I know this isn’t the best time,” Still, he couldn’t feel ok when a dead person was in the room with them, but Mark appeared like he was listening.

“Remember when you said that you believe in second chances?” Kevin continued and Mark nodded slowly, not really sure where was this going.

“Will, I guess I understand what you mean.” He said, and he did. “I need you to get someone out of jail. And I need it to be fast.” He knew he didn’t have the right to ask so commandingly, but Mark didn’t comment.

“You want me to help you?” Mark finally said.

“That’s what I said.” Kevin replayed.

“Will, good. Because I need your help too.” Mark suddenly said.




Mark couldn’t believe the chance he just got.

“What do you want?” Kevin, the police officer said to him eagerly. For some reason, Mark thought that if he asked him to dance twist to him right now, Kevin would comply.

But that wasn’t the case.

“My cousin..” Mark said and he couldn’t help the lump that was on his throat. He scarcely swallowed it. “She’s gone missing.” He said quickly.

“What, you mean the little girl who was sitting outside.” Kevin asked, obviously surprised.

“That’s the one.” Mark said, albeit not really concern about how Kevin knew her. Maybe the cop was really stalking him.

“Ok, I’ll find her.” Kevin said deciding.

“It’s not going to be easy.” Mark told him. “She kind of ran away.” He said, hating himself even more now.

“How come?” Kevin said confusingly.

“She thinks she was the reason my… mom died.” He said, trying to restrain his grief until he finished his deal.

“Was she?” Kevin asked and Mark looked up at him ridiculously. “No!” he exclaimed.

“She is, kind of has this past that’s hunting her. My mother tried to help her, but..” he trailed off before he could say ‘but died in the process’. Damn it, he should’ve stayed with Joanna, he should’ve eased her. he should’ve told her that it was going to be alright, that it was absolutely NOT her fault.

“So she ran away and she doesn’t want to be found.” Kevin said in conclusion, snapping Mark out of his resentment. And although Mark didn’t want to admit it, he nodded.

“I’ll find her. But you have to promise that you’ll get Sara out of jail before her dad dies.” Kevin said quickly and Mark arched a brow.

Sara? How passionate!” He smirked at the big guy.

“It’s.. It’s not like that!” Kevin exclaimed.

“Fine, give me her name and her file. I’ll get her out by tomorrow.” Mark said with filled confidence. Yes, he was that good.

“Already have everything.” Kevin told him and Mark noticed for the first time that the cop had a file with him. He handed it to him and turned to leave. Obviously to fulfill the part of the deal.

“What’s her name?” Kevin turned around abruptly before he got out.

Mark looked up at him. “Joanna. Joanna Blake.”

And with that, the large man bolted out.

Kevin was furious. He had no idea what he was doing and how will he do it. It was a good thing he knew how the girl looked.

He sat down on the side of the road and tried to gather his thoughts. A teenager, no, a messed up teenager with a dark past, her only guardian just died horribly, she disappears, where would she go?

Kevin thought about it for a moment before he concluded. She’d try to run away mentally as well, and what could do that more than drugs.

He bolted up and started to move to places he knew too well for having this kind of situation.

Two hours later:

So maybe he didn’t really know this kind of situation, Kevin thought when he almost gave up on the search. He remembered old Ray and Sara and decided to keep on it.

Before he could leave the ally he was now in, he heard a small moan. He turned around quickly and headed toward the soft voice.

He saw two figures, a man and a very tiny woman, or should he say ‘a girl’. His attention was snapped quickly when he noticed her sunlight colored hair. You don’t see this kind of hair everyday.

Damn it, it was her. Joanna Blake. And there was a man on top of her with his tongue down her throat. She didn’t seem to mind him though.

“Hey, you two!” he shouted as he drew nearer to them and the man lifted his mouth up from hers. Kevin noticed how old he was for her, probably in his thirties. Shit!

The man straightened up quickly and stepped a few steps back. Joanna though didn’t move from the floor.

“Leave!” Kevin ordered the man who squirmed and ran away.

He then walked slowly to the little teenager. “Are you alright?” he asked her but she only looked at him sideways, her eyes half closed. Damn it, she was stoned.

“Don’t touch me!” she growled at him as she sat up when he got near her. It was so obvious now that she did take drugs.

“Relax, Mark sent me.” He thought her cousin’s name would sooth her but apparently he was wrong, because her eyes were wide with terror now and she was struggling to stand up.

“No.” she only said, sadness washing over her.

“It’s ok, he’s not mad at you.” He decided to say.

“How’d you know?” she asked lazily.

“Because, he is worried sick about you.” Kevin told her gently. She didn’t seem convinced.

“He even refused to help someone until I agreed to find you.” He thought that would help. It did, because she laughed.

“he did?” she sounded hopeful.

“Yeah.” Kevin said, smiling at her. “Now, come on. Let’s go back. You don’t want him to be worried.” Kevin said, extending his hand to her, but she backed a few steps.

“I don’t want to.” She said. “I thought..” she chocked. Kevin couldn’t help but feel sorry at her. She was to young to be this troubled.

Joanna swallowed and tried again, “I thought that if I end it here, He would be happier.” She finally managed to say.

“How could you think that?” Kevin told her. “He cares so much for you.”

“I know. Untie did too. I… I just don’t deserve it.” She choked out again. “I drag bad fortune with me.” She said finally.

Kevin stepped closer to her and despite her frightened look, he grabbed her shoulders gently and looked deeply onto her deep green eyes.

“Drugs won’t solve it, Joanna.” Kevin said fiercely. “it’ll only make things worse.” He told her seriously and was startled when she started shaking under his hands. He was shocked when he realized that she was shaking and tears dropped from her eyes at the same time.

“You think I don’t know that?” she spat. “You think I like this shit?”

Kevin was confused. What was going on?

“I just….” She looked away, “I just want to end it, right here!” she said desperately and Kevin was so shocked that he released her shoulders and straightened and without thinking…… he slapped her.

Joanna stood there shocked, her hand raising slowly to touch her reddening cheek.

“Don’t speak about giving up on life so easily, Kid!” Kevin said fiercely.

“What do you know about life?” she snarled at him.

“I had two brothers!” Kevin never shared any of his past before. “They both died because of drugs!” he was shouting now, it wasn’t a pleasant memory.

“You say you want Mark to be happy, well, guess what? He will be miserable for the rest of his life if you did this!”

Joanna’s eyes were wide with shock. “I… I didn’t..” she stuttered, and Kevin stood there, waiting for her to continue.

“You didn’t what?” he urged her when she said nothing.

“I.. didn’t think of it like that.” She said in realization and Kevin relaxed for a bit. “That’s because you are still young and stupid.” He decided to say and she laughed.

“I will never do that again.” She said mostly to her self and nodded.

Kevin felt relieve wash over him. He then led Joanna to his car, she was still stoned and barely managed to walk, but once they got in the car and drove away, Joanna fell asleep. And Kevin was happy. He hoped Mark would be able to finish his part of the deal.

“Oh, my god! Thanks man.” Mark Boys told Kevin softly when he placed Joanna on the small sofa.

“She’s a bit fragile, try to not overwhelm her in the morning.” Kevin told him.

They both walked out of the living room. They were now in Mark’s apartment.

“So, what about Sara?” Kevin asked quickly when they were away from where Mark’s cousin was sleeping.

“It’s an easy one. But I couldn’t find a trial date closer than after tomorrow.” Mark told him and Kevin felt his heart go cold.

“But she needs to get out like, now!” he bellowed at Mark.

“I tried and pulled every string I know to move her trial to Tuesday. She was going to have it in a week.” Mark explained.

“Damn it!” Kevin said, deciding that he should go stay with Ray now. If his daughter can’t be with him, he won’t let him die alone like this.

“I got to go.” He muttered and turned to leave.

“I’m really sorry man.” Mark said after him before Kevin slammed the front door behind him.

“Hey, Ray.” Kevin said to the old man as he wiped his forehead with a wet rag. Ray was burning up.

“Where’s Sara?” Ray husked out breathlessly and Kevin felt his heart sank.

“She will be here soon.” Kevin told him, hoping that she would be able to make it before Ray.. Die.

At the day of the trial:

Kevin was late. He was with Ray all day and the man’s end looked like it was getting closer by the minute. He only left after he promised the old man that he was going to pick up Sara. He hoped that this trial would finish quickly.

He opened the courtroom door slowly so he wouldn’t disturb the trial. He saw Mark Boyd on the stand, giving his speech the way he knew best. He also saw Sara’s back as she sat on the front stand.

She turned around to face him and her eyes flashed with hope. He only nodded and sat on one of the rows.

The trial went on and on, time seemed like years. And eventually, Mark’s famous charm won once again. But this time, Kevin was so happy it did.

Immediately after the judge called out that the accusation were dropped, Kevin rushed and grabbed Sara’s arm, dragging her quickly out of the court.

“How’s he?” she asked as they ran to the car.

“He’s.. He wants to see you.” Kevin decided to say.

Sara kept silent; apparently she knew something was wrong.

Once they reached the hospital, Sara ran upstairs, not even waiting for the elevator and Kevin decided to stay back. It wasn’t his place.

“Kevin!” he looked up the stairs when he heard Sara called him in exasperation. She waved her arms for him to come with her, and he happily did.

When they reached Ray’s room, they both cought their breathing when they saw a stream of nursed coming out and going in the room.

Sara gulbed and grabbed Kevin’s hands in hers for support. He pulled his hand away just so he could rap it around her shoulder and push her gently forward into the room.

Ray wasn’t dead.. yet. Sara walked to him and lowerd herself so she could face her distressed dad.

“Daddy,” she sobbed, “I’m so sorry.” She chocked out, tears streaming out of her eyes.

“what for, doll?” Ray said to her, barely getting the words out. But his expression showed relieve.

“Oh, daddy. Don’t leave me.” She begged.

“don’t cry sweetie. Please, let me see that smile.” He said, and she forced her self to smile a very wet smile.

“I love you, bud.” He said to her, his breaths quickening.

“I love you to, daddy.” Sara sobbed, but managed to keep her smile.

Kevin wanted to leave them alone, it was a personal moment. But before he could leave, Ray called him in. he walked to him and crouched next to sara.

“you promised..” Ray began to say before he coughed viciously, he looked at him again and tried again, “You promised me you would take care of her.” he said to Kevin who nodded.

“Make an old man happy, Kevin.” He said before his head relaxed and the hand that was stroking Sara’s face dropped limbly.

Kevin closed his eyes as he heard Sara crying increase.

“No daddy.” She cried out. “Please.” She begged, but ray was gone. Long gone by now.

Kevin took her in a comforting hug as she shook non-stopping. He kept whispering soothing words to her.

In that moment he knew, he could never leave this girl. He was going to take care of her, of Ray’s Sara, Of his Sara.

2013- Early March

Sara was watching Kevin as he ate his stake, all the while grunting at how great it tasted and she would laugh.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Kevi asked her as he took a gulp of water from his glass.

“nop, I already did.” She answered him sweetly.

“Huh!” he said, almost sounding disappointed.

God, she loved him. All of him. She tried everyday to show him that. She tried to show him that she loved him for him and not only because he saved her and took care of her dying father four years ago.

She giggled when she remembered how tough she tried to act. But when he came along, she felt spoiled, she felt like a fragile girl and he was her knight in charming armor.

“What are you giggling about?” Kevin raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

“Nothing!” she said in defense.

“Hmmmm?” he said, a mischievous smile cross his face as he stood up from the table and went after her. She shirked and laughed when he grabbed her waist and flung her over his shoulder.

He carried her easily to the bedroom like she weighed nothing, all the while she was laughing and giggling. Then he lowered her gently on the bed mattress and trailed soft kisses over her tiny face. Her laughter subsided slowly before she grabbed her head in her small hands and pulled him for a kiss. They stayed like that for a moment.

She then pulled away to look at his face and said, “I love you Kevin.”

Kevin woke up the next day at eleven thirty. He grunted when he saw the bedside clock.

He buried his face on the thick brown heir of his beloved woman, who was spooned against his chest.

“Sara,” he kissed the top of her head.

“Hmmmm.” She moaned sleepily. “What?”

“I have to go.” He told her and tried to let her go gently but she clung on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Hey,” he chuckled huskily.

“Already? You said you have the afternoon shift today!” Sara pouted as she rubbed her face against his large chest.

“Sweetie, it is afternoon.” He smiled down at her face as he pulled away slightly. She opened her eyes and sat up slowly. She turned to look at the bedside watch and groaned when she saw it. “Oh, nooo.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll try to come earlier today.” He said as he kissed her on the cheek and got up.

“Say hi to Mark’s cousin for me.” She called after him before she slumped back on the mattress and pulled the covers up.

Kevin chuckled softly. Joanna remained him so much of Sara four years ago. Ok, maybe Sara was less aggressive, but still.

He hoped that one day, Joanna would find someone special who’d change her crazy life to the better. He still couldn’t believe that she didn’t remember him when she first came to prison.

Kevin went to the food hall, looking for Joanna. It’d been a couple of days since the last time he checked on her.

Once he reached the food hall, which was packed with men, he thought it’d be hard to find her among the crowd, so he started to turn around to leave thinking that it’s better to come back when she go back to her cell at night. What’s the worst that could happen?

“HEY!” he heard someone shout behind him.

He turned around to see Julian Drake standing in front of him, his face almost turning red from the outrageous look he had.

“Where the hell have you been yesterday?” he said between gritted teeth, his fists balled at his sides, and Kevin was confused at his attitude. Drake wasn’t one to get mad. He was as smug as ever.

Then a terrifying thought struck Kevin.

“What happened?” Kevin asked urgently, stepping closer to Julian. He saw a couple of guards approaching them in alarm and waved them to leave.

“You ever wonder where Joan is?” Julian said.

“What. Happened. To. Him?” Kevin said, his patience diminishing.

“Your fucked up friends took him straight to the hole yesterday, that is what happened!” Julian said, his frown increasing. Kevin’s eyes widened in terror.

“But hey,” Julian said suddenly, a hint of mockery in his tone, “you should continue your vocation out there. No biggie!” he said to him waving his hands in front of him, his frown never leaving his face.

Without a word, Kevin bolted out of the hall and into the out yard. Damn, that girl must be frightened to death right now. Shit!




P.S. to readers:

I know my fingers will have arthritis soon. LOL. But I had to finish Kevin’s story.

So what did you think about it? Did you like Sara? Kevin will feel guilty later for what happened to Joanna, don’t you think? What did you think of Julian’s attitude when he yelled at Kevin, I personally had fun writing this chap, hope u enjoyed reading it! ^3^

Share your comments so I can know what you guys think.

Oh, one more thing that I’ve been meaning to ask you, who is your fav character? Julian, Hank, Isaac, Mark, Kevin, Uncle Sam, Big Aldo, steevy, Gerry, or simply Joanna Blake. Let me know.

Oh, and vote pls..


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