Prison Chic #1st book of the...

By RedNos

578K 12.5K 1.9K

#26 in Action on 7/3/2016 Joanna Blake is a reckless girl who wished to be normal all her twenty-one years bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10-2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Frienship... Forever?
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
A dark, dark Past
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
I Guess I'm Stuck With You
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Death.. and Love
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- part 1
Chapter 26- part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Loyalty is... hard to get
Over and over, your son.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Final Chapter 55 (Part 1)
Final Chapter 55 (Part 2)
BONUS Ending


8.7K 165 14
By RedNos

Hi again. Please don’t think I’m a freak for uploading two chapters in one day, because guess what, the third one is on its way   XD

But seriously,

This is a special chapter that I have divided into two. Kevin’s story –yes, it’s Kevin’s story- is so long and I didn’t want you to get bored.

Wait, are you bored O..o please don’t be. LOL

Kevin’s picture is on your right >>>>

Ok, now enjoy...

Lots and lots of love <3

It was about eleven P.M. and Kevin was late again.  it had been like this a lot lately ever since Joanna came to this prison two months ago. Even though he wasn’t able to check on her these past two days, but he had a lot of paper work that he missed doing because he had to keep an eye on her before.

Unlocking the door quietly, he stepped inside his one bedroom apartment and headed straight to the bedroom. Once he got there, he sighed with relief at the site of the brunet woman sleeping in his bed. He got in quietly and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Hey.” Said Sara in a sleepy voice.

“Hey sleepyhead.” Kevin said softly caressing her hair that was so long right now. Four years ago, it was so short. Almost like Joanna’s.

Sara propped her self up and wrapped her arms around Kevin’s neck, nuzzling his nose with hers. God, he loved this part of the day.

“You are late, again.” She said as she tilted her head to the side and looked over his broad shoulders at the clock on the dresser.

“I know. I’m sorry.” He said, barring his face on the knock of her neck. “I want to say it wouldn’t happen again, but this is how my work is.” He said to her neck, and Sara giggled at the sensation.

“It’s ok.” She said and he pulled away from her neck just to look at her petit face and downed his mouth to claim hers and started with a soft kiss that become a hungry one afterwards.

Sara suddenly pulled away. “I made you dinner!” She said excitingly like she just remembered, and Kevin laughed at how cute she looked.

“It’s you favorite.” She beamed, her eyes shining. “Really?” he said. “Umm hmm, I made stakes with mushroom sauce!” she sang.

“It’s cold now though.” She frowned at him.

“It’s alright. That’s why they made Microwave!” Kevin said slyly and she punched his shoulder slightly.

“That won’t do!” she said, giggling. “The sauce will become oily. I’m going to have to reheat it the old-fashion way.” she said before she sneaked out of his hold and Jumped cheerily from the bed. Kevin looked with fascination.

He could never get enough of her. Who would’ve thought the Sara Lazar would turn like this four years ago? He certainly didn’t.

They both moved to their small kitchen and Sara switched on the lights. He looked at her small frame that was now bouncing around the kitchen and smiled proudly. This was his Sara, the love he never anticipate.

2009- San Francisco

“Hey, stop right there!” Kevin yelled at the convict who was selling drugs across the street. He was wearing black hoodies that mad impossible to see his face, and he had a very small figure that Kevin thought he was a young kid!

The small body stopped when he heard the snap of Kevin’s gun.

“Turn around!” Kevin ordered. “NOW!” he yelled at the boy’s back who started turning slowly.

Kevin walked closer to him cautiously and continued ordering him; “ hands above your head!” the kid did as he was told.

Once Kevin was close enough, his curiosity beat his professionalism and he moved his free hand to remove the hoody from the kids head who tried to stop him but was two late. When Kevin finally removed the damn hoody he was momentarily shocked at what he saw. It was a girl! A very petit girl.

The girl took advantage of his shock, and kicked him hard right on his left knee. Kevin cursed loudly and she swiftly jumped to his right side and started running again.

Kevin wanted to run after her but his knee was refusing to help. And he only sent multiple curses in her direction.

“Case number 9843. All raise.” The man who presented the judge yelled. Kevin was a tad late because of his earlier encounter with drug girl, and the judge didn’t look the least bit happy about it. On his left was the accused and his barrister.

Kevin had to hold himself from glaring at the accused’s lawyer. It was the same from the last two cases, Mark Boyd. Kevin thought that he was cursed to have to see Mark again.

He was really good at getting criminals out of the case as ‘not-guilty’. Somehow he had a charming power and a very good persuasion abilities. And Kevin hated him for that.

Kevin was merely the informant and his presence was a must since the convict pleaded “not-guilty”, which was bullshit since Kevin himself saw him shoot another guy.

Mark winked at him in a provocative manner and Kevin fought the urge to jump from his uncomfortable seat and go punch the guy.

Thirty minutes later.

“So as you can see, your honor, since there’s no solid evidence, my client is not entitled to be arrested in the first place.” Mark the lawyer was saying and Kevin felt his blood boil. He felt even more outraged when he saw the judge nod in total agreement at Mark.

“That’s bullshit!” Kevin shot up from his chair, and Mark didn’t phase one bit. He only turned his head towards him and smirked slyly.

“Mr. Clark, sit. Down!” the judge ordered harshly, and Kevin shot daggers at Mark who was still smirking at him before he sat down slowly.

“The accused, James Brown is to be released as not guilty. Dismissed!” the judge said and banged his wooden hammer to announce the end of the trial.

“Hey, Boyd!” Kevin ran after Mark when they were out of the courtroom. Mark only glanced at him and continued walking.

“I said wait!” Kevin said as he grabbed Marks shoulder, forcing him to stop.

“Technically, you never said ‘wait’!” Mark started as he turned to face Kevin.

“Oh, don’t give me the lawyer Crap!” Kevin bellowed at him. “I just want to know, why do you do this? This is the third time I’ve seen you defend a convict whom I am pretty sure was guilty as shit!” Kevin said fiercely, genuinely curious.

“I do it for money, ofcoarse.” Mark said mockingly, his smile widening.

“Well, that’s just sick.” Kevin said, disgusted, but before he could finish reading his anger at the guy, Mark’s phone interrupted them.

“Hey, cousin, what’s up?” Kevin said cheerily as he answered his phone, gesturing his hand for Kevin to wait. “Calm down Jo, What happened?” his cheerful tone faded quickly and was replaced with a worried one.

“Ok, I’m coming right away.” He said and snapped his phone shut, his eyes looked distant and all the humor faded away from them.

“What’s wrong?” Kevin said frowning.

“I’ve got to go.” Mark said and started walking but stopped suddenly and turned his head back to look at Kevin, “I do it, because I believe in second chances.” Mark told him, dead serious, before he stormed out of the building.

It took Kevin a few moments to register that he was answering his original question.

Mark walked quickly through the ER hallways before he spotted Joanna standing behind one of the curtains that surrounding a patient’s bed. She wasn’t aware of his presence, and he heard her speaking to the woman who lay in bed.

“Untie, I’m so sorry?” she was sobbing. “I wasn’t good enough, was I?” she asked but there was no answer.

Mark interred quickly and saw his mother lying on bed, motionless.

“What happened?” he asked Joanna whose eyes were so red and glassy, threatening to throw out tears. It was the closest he saw Joanna to crying.

“Ummm, I don’t know. I was in the house, I swear!” Joanna said defending her self. Like always, she assumed he would accuse her of any problem that would happen. This girl was so missed up.

He would’ve tried to sooth her but there were much bigger crises in hand. Joanna apparently noticed because she draw the usual mask up and spoke again, more flatly this time.

“She.. umm.. She was crossing the street to reach the house, but a car hit her before she got there. I was setting on the porch so.. I.. saw everything.” She was struggling to say the last bit.

Mark knew she had seen her mother and father die in front of her before; this must have been a huge reminder of that dark time for her. He knew that he had to say something to her to ease her conscious. That she had nothing to do with this or with what happened to her parents, but seeing his mother unconscious and dying like that made it hard to form words.

“Mark! I’m so sorry.” Joanna struggled a whisper.

“Wait outside Joanna.” He said, not looking at her. He’d have to calm her down later, after he deal with this situation.

Joanna left the room, saying no other word.

Kevin was so mad. He had been like this for a while now. Maybe he should resign from being an officer and become something else. A prison guard, maybe? He chuckled at himself bitterly as he downed his last drink and stood up to leave.

Once he was outside in the street, he shivered at the cold night. He was heading to his car when he heard suspicious voices. He was going to ignore it, being drunk and all, but his justice instinct wouldn’t leave him alone. So with a low groan he turned and went toward the small alley where the voices came from.

To his surprise, he saw the same hoody guy –no. Girl- dealing with some larger man. He was about to jump them both but stopped immediately when he saw the large man taking a knife out of his pants and pointe it at drug girl.

“Hey!” he shouted. “Police!” He said as he pointed the gun at them. Kevin realized too late that it wasn’t a good move only when the guy grabbed the small girl by her neck and pointed his knife to her neck.

“Stop!” Kevin said.

“I will if you throw that gun away.” The guy said and Kevin’s eyes narrowed in anger. But he had to comply. So slowly, he lowered his gun to the ground.

The man quickly pushed his captive to the ground and made a run for it.

Kevin cursed softly before he started to run after the guy, but he stopped immediately, thinking of his easier target and turned around just as the girl started standing up. Her hoody was fully down and Kevin swore at the look of her.

She looked so harmless except for the proud glare in her eyes. She started running and he quickly followed her. She was so damn fast and considering his drunken state he knew he wouldn’t be able to get her.

He changed his plan and jumped inside his care, starting the engine and following her with it. He knew that there was a big chance he wouldn’t be able to catch up to her, but he wasn’t going to stop trying.

She ran through different alleys and he tried hard to plot where she would stop next, but after a few minutes he realized she wasn’t actually running away from him. Apparently she thought he gave up on following her when they first parted. So he tried to keep it this way and followed her discreetly.

She was heading toward a hospital, he noticed. So to the hospital he went. Once he reached there, he waited for her to go inside first before he got out of his car and followed her.

She went up the stairs, then to a quiet ward that read, “ICU”. Kevin was getting more and more confused.

The girl got into one of the rooms. And he stood outside. After about half an hour she went outside and he stepped in front of her, arms crossing against his chest and he was glaring down at her. Her eyes widened with surprise, she didn’t see that coming.

“Hey little girl.” He said. She was about to bolt but he instantly grabbed her hand. “Let’s talk!” he ordered and pulled her out of the ICU rooms and toward the waiting area, which was empty at this time of the night.

“Let me go.” She jerked her arm away from his grip and he let her, knowing that there was no way she could escaper right now.

“You are too young to be doing drugs.”

“I’m not young or using drugs.” She exclaimed, crossing her arms.

“Don’t lie to me, young girl!” he ordered in authority which only made her snarl more obvious.

“I am twenty three!” she yelled, throwing her hands up in exagration.

Kevin’s eyes widened at that, she looked more like sixteen or seventeen by far. He narrowed his eyes in disbelieve and she rolled hers.

“I am not lying.” She said, pulling her ID out of her pocket and giving it to him.

Kevin took the small plastic, never looking away from her face before he looked down at the ID.

Sara Lazar’, it read. And it was real, Kevin thought. She was twenty-three.

“What about the drug bit?” he asked, keeping the ID with him.

“I’m not using...”

“But you are dealing!” he bellowed. “Aren’t you?”

“I..” she started to say, looking past him at where the ICU ward was.

“No.” she lied and it was obvious. Kevin narrowed his eyes at her.

“Then you wouldn’t mind me searching you.” He said and saw he eyes widen with horror.

“Please don’t.” she said in a pleading tone.

“I am not going to sympathize with you if you cry.” He said firmly, and she squirmed.

Sara took a few steps back and sank down on one of the chairs. “Fine! I am, okay!” she exclaimed. “But I’ll stop, I promise.” She said sincerely, but Kevin couldn’t believe her, and she noticed it.

“My father is over there.” She said, pointing at the ICU. “He’s dying, ok!” she said, acting tough and fighting with herself not to cry. “I know it’s wrong and…”

“That’s not a good enough reason to do it..”

“You think I like doing this?” she exclaimed, grabbing her hoody to the side. “You think it’s fun to run away from cops and druggies?” she continued, and Kevin felt… well, he didn’t know what he felt.

“But,” she started again, looking down, “it’s the fastest way to get you a shit load of money.” She said softly. Kevin’s stare never leaving her.

“I’ll stop I promise, as soon as…” she stopped suddenly, a tear finally escaping her right eye.

“As soon as what?” Kevin asked slowly.

“Look, he doesn’t have much time.” She said, apparently talking about her father.

“My house is not really a house, and I don’t want him to.. You know, die there.” She struggled to form the words.

“They make the pain less here.” She continued explaining.

Kevin sighed loudly. This was so damn difficult. He didn’t want to encourage her to sell drugs, and he didn’t want her father to suffer. Damn it.

Suddenly he turned back and started walking out of the door.

“w.. where are you going?” Sara stood up and asked him.

He stopped at the door of the waiting room, not turning to look at her. “I’ll visit him, everyday. When I don’t find him here anymore, and if I saw you continuing what you do, I won’t hesitate. I’ll not be nice.” He said before he left the room completely, hearing her running after him and yell, “Thank you.” As he descended down the stairs.

Damn it, he was lost. How could someone get lost in a freakin hospital? He followed the arrows to the ER, and saw the big gate leading outside outside. Finally.

He stopped to a halt when he saw a girl sitting in front of one of the closed curtains that was surrounding a bed. The girls looked a lot like Sara Lazar, but this one had a long, bright blond hair, like sun light. She looked so distant and blank, looking forward at one of the beds but not seeing anything.

He looked at the man who was sitting inside the curtain next to the bed that had someone on it and his eyes widened in surprise. It was Mark Boyd. What on earth was he doing here?

He remembered the suspicious phone call that interrupted their conversation earlier that day.

“Hi.” He found himself saying and realized that he walked toward the lawyer without noticing.

Mark looked up at him slowly, no trace of cockiness in his expression now, Kevin thought. He looked at the person on the bed and saw a woman, in her late forties’ it seemed, and it was obvious that she was beyond treatment.

“What happened?” he asked Mark who looked at the woman in bed again.

“Ummm. Car accident.” He answered automatically.

“I’m sorry, man.” Kevin said.

“ummm hmmm.” Mark said distantly.

Kevin realized that he wasn’t helping the guy so he decided to leave, once again noticing the young girl who was staring at the direction where mark was sitting but not really seeing him. Kevin knew that she was lost in her own world.

With that, he turned into the large sliding glass door and got out.

Four days later:

Kevin have been visiting Sara’s father every day as he promised. He found out that the guy was a kind old man who obviously was oblivious to what his daughter was doing to keep him comfortable. He also noticed that, as Sara had told him, this man’s remaining days were countable.

“Kevin!” Sara’s father called cheerfully as Kevin stepped into his hospital room.

“Hello Ray.” Kevin said kindly before he noticed that there was a third party in the room.

“Sara,” he nodded at the female convict in agreement and she only scrunched her nose in disgust.

“You two are friends now?” she asked looking from Kevin to her father and back to Kevin again.

“This young man have been visiting me everyday for four days now. He’s never late.” Old Ray told his daughter in excitement.

“I brought you fruits today, Ray.” Kevin said, smiling when he saw how Sara looked furiously at the small basket.

“Apples? Really?” she said, raising her brows.

“Oh, it’s all right sweetheart. I asked him to bring me some.” Ray said softly to Sara whose feature softened immediately at her father.

“Daddy, you could’ve asked me. You know I’d do for you. I’d do anything for you.” Sara said softly, stroking her father’s shoulder.

“I don’t want you to worrying about anything. You have more than you can handle, bud.” He assured her. “Besides, Kevin here is a real gentleman. He did a lot of things for me these past four days.” He said and Kevin almost laughed when he saw how Sara was fighting not to frown.

Instead, she turned her head at him slowly and smiled, not really reaching her eyes, as she said, “thank you, Kevin.” She said and Kevin realized it was the first time she’d call him by his name considering he never gave it to her. “You are a real hero.” She said mockingly, but Kevin noticed that her father was oblivious to the sarcasm in her voice.

“I love to be of help, Ms. Lazar.” He told her, mimicking her sarcastic tone and Ray was still oblivious to the spark of war that was traveling between them.

“Look how a gentleman he is.” Ray said, pocking his daughter’s arm, and she struggled not to roll her eyes.

Suddenly, her phone rang and she looked quickly at it.

“I’ve got to go now, daddy.” She said as she placed a kiss on his forehead.

“Already?” her father asked, disappointed.

“I’m so sorry. I promise I’d be back tonight.” She said, as she started moving toward the door. Kevin knew exactly where she was heading to and he didn’t like it one bit. When she was close to the door, he stepped right in front of her.

“Move out of my way!” she whispered between gritted teeth. Kevin didn’t move, although he knew he had too. She needed to take care of her father.

She gave him a fierce look.

“I can help you, you know.” Kevin whispered back, somehow desperate to reach out for her.

Apples won’t take his pain away!” she noted harshly and stepped around him. This time, he didn’t stop her, but every muscle in his joy flexed, threatening to snap. He had a bad feeling about this.

“I’m sorry about my Sara.” Ray said, snapping Kevin out of his deep thoughts. “She can be so aggressive sometimes.” He continued. “But she really have a good heart.”

“Don’t worry about it, Ray.” Kevin said soothingly to the old man.

“I have put her through a lot, you know.” He said to Kevin. “Maybe when I pass away, she’ll have time to enjoy her life.” He said distantly.

“Don’t say that, Ray. Your daughter loves you, she’s happy to help you.” Kevin said, and he was positive that this was what Sara felt. After all, you wouldn’t turn to drug dealing for the fun of it.

“Will you take care of her?” Ray suddenly said and Kevin raised his brow, not knowing what he should say.

“You seem like a good guy.” Ray said softly to Kevin’s confused look. “Please, Kevin. Do it for an old man.” Ray said with a small smile, almost pleading.

“Umm. Yeah, sure, don’t worry about it.” Kevin stuttered, not sure if it was a good idea to promise the old man that.

“Good. Now I can die in peace.” Ray said happily.

“Let’s not talk about death right now, alright?” Kevin said as he started to peal the apples and cut them into small pieces so it’d be easy for Ray to eat.

Kevin got out as Ray fell asleep. He walked toward the elevator. But before her got out of the ward, he saw the exact same girl who was sitting in the ER area close to Mark and his dying mother. Apparently they had moved them to the ICU now.

She was sitting on the floor this time, in front of the room that had Mark’s mother. Her eyes were still distant and blank.

“Hi.” He said softly, but the girl remained silent, facing forward. “Ummm. Is Mark inside?” he asked her, hoping she’d say something, but she wasn’t going to respond to him anytime soon, he thought. He straightened up, pulling an apple that he took for himself from the basket he’d given to Ray, and handed it to her, and when she didn’t make a move to take it, his placed it in her lap before he left to the elevator.

Mark was still sitting by his mom’s side. She wasn’t making the slightest move and Mark knew that she was probably never going to. He sighed again and held her bruised hand in his.

“Mom,” he said to the empty room, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed Me.” he stroked her hand with his thumb.

“Joanna is so sad, mom.” He said, looking at her face. “I’m sure she’s remembering her past. I want to go calm her down, but I don’t know what to tell her.” He said, turning his face toward the door of the small room and saw Joanna setting on the floor outside their room and staring blankly to the ground.

“What would’ve you done if you were here?” He was chocking the words out now. He laid his head on her cold palm and drifted to sleep after a while.

Two more days past since Kevin saw Sara. Ray was acting weird. Kevin thought that his condition was getting worse by the hour and he didn’t understand why wouldn’t his daughter stay with him instead of selling drugs? The man was going to die, shouldn’t she worry about the money afterwards?

“Kevin!” Ray heaved as he called his name, and Kevin jolted up and stepped closer to the old man, who was struggling to talk right now.

“Sara..” he said.

“Yeah, what about her?” Kevin asked urgently.

“I.. she haven’t been here for two days now.” Ray said painfully, and Kevin held the curses he was about to utter.

“I am sure she’ll come today…” He couldn’t help but to assure the guy.

“She never misses a day!” Ray cut him before he could continue. “I’m worried, Kevin. What if something happened to my Sara.” Ray said, almost chocking the words, and Kevin didn’t know what to say to him.

“Please look for her.” Ray begged.

“I.. I’ll see what I can do Ray.” Kevin tried to sooth the man.

“No, please. Look for her.” Ray was begging now as he grabbed his arms tightly, and Kevin felt sorry for the old man.

“Ok.” He said slowly.

“Promise me, Kevin.” Ray said, his voice shaking weakly.

“I promise. Now rest, Ray.” Kevin said quickly, not wanting to give the man a heart attack.

When Ray finally calmed down and fell asleep, Kevin got out. He passed by the weird girl who was still sitting on the ground and resembled Sara somehow, but he didn’t stop this time. Something was a miss about Sara’s disappearance, and he wasn’t going to rest until he found her. He owed it to Ray.


“Hey! You piece of shit!” Kevin yelled at the druggie who was half stoned and pinned to the wall by him.

“you going to talk?” Kevin asked threatingly.

“Why would I do thaaat?” The drugged man said lazily. Good point, Kevin thought.

“If you tell me, then I’ll release you!” Kevin knew it was way out of profession, but he had a mission now.

“For real?” the man said in surprise.

“TALK!” Kevin twisted the man’s arm tighter behind his back and he groaned with pain.

“OW, ow ow ow. Okay, ok!” The man exclaimed. “She was captured!”

“By whom?”

“By the police, who else?” the man said in a-matter-of-a-fact way.

“Shit!” Kevin muttered. “When?” he shouted at the mans back.

“I.. I don’t know, ummm, about two days ago, maybe?” the man stuttered.

Kevin cursed loudly and released the man who quickly ran away. Kevin didn’t care. The situation had gotten worse.

P.S. to readers:

I love Kevin, don't you. LOL

So what did you think of Sara Lazar? and did you ever think that Kevin would be this caring? the rest will be coming next. look forward to it.

Comment and vote lovelies.

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