Cowboys and Angels (A Dean Wi...

SilverRaine द्वारा

296K 7.4K 1.9K

Grayson had always preferred hunting alone. Ever since her family was killed long ago, she knew she wouldn't... अधिक

Chapter 1: Hey Pretty Girl
Chapter 2: Headstrong
Chapter 3: If You Ever Get Lonely
Chapter 4: Move Along
Chapter 5: I Dare You
Chapter 6: Why Am I The One
Chapter 7: My Sacrifice
Chapter 8: 21 Guns
Chapter 9: Stay
Chapter 10: The Great Escape
Chapter 11: Wherever I May Roam
Chapter 12: For My Sake
Chapter 13: Carry On
Chapter 14: Miss Murder
Chapter 15: Some Nights
Chapter 16: A Little Faster
Chapter 17: Just One Yesterday
Chapter 18: The Phoenix
Chapter 19: Apocalyptic
Chapter 20: Dust
Chapter 21: September
Chapter 23: Nashville Without You
Chapter 24: Angel with a Shotgun

Chapter 22: Dirt

2K 93 16
SilverRaine द्वारा

Chapter 22: Dirt

I went to bed not long after that exchange. I knew at some point during the night, Dean joined me. I decided against sleeping in my room—the effect of just walking in there was enough to convince me it was a bad idea, so I opted for sleeping in the guest bedroom down the hall. I would've taken my parent's bedroom, the master bedroom, but that would just be another grim reminder of what happened.

I was somewhere between restless and rested most of the night, switching between periods of deep sleep and periods of being unable to fall back asleep. It wasn't until Dean had slid in beside me and pulled me against him that I finally relaxed. But, even then, I only slept for a few more hours.

The sun had just risen over the horizon, bathing the sky in shades oranges and yellows unlike any other, when I opened my eyes. I laid there for a bit, deciding whether getting up at this hour and leaving the warmth of Dean's embrace was worth it. It was when my stomach growled that I decided it was worth it, and that going to the store before the boys got up was something that needed to be done.

I skillfully slid out from under Dean's arm, glancing back as I padded across the room to the door to make sure I hadn't woken him. His soft snoring indicated my efforts were successful, and he hadn't been disturbed. Slipping out of the room, I quietly tiptoed down the stairs and through the living room to the back hallway, making my way to the garage door and out into the garage to my car.

Popping the trunk, I grabbed my bag containing my clothes and other assorted things, slinging it over my shoulder and heading back inside to change. I chose a plaid button down and black skinny jeans, slipping my combat boots and leather jacket on as I headed back into the garage and plopped down in the driver's seat of my car.

Just as I started the car and opened the garage, the passenger side door opened. I looked over, raising an eyebrow when Cas gracefully sat down in the passenger seat, his deep blue eyes boring into me.

"Mind if I join you?" I shook my head.

"Please, be my guest. At least, as long as you plan on helping me carry the groceries back in," I teased, and the fallen angel smiled.

"I'll assist in any way that I can," he replied curtly. With that, I pulled out of the garage and down my driveway, looking both ways before pulling out onto the main road and speeding down the highway.

Cas and I sat in a comfortable silence for most of the ride—I focused on the road and he kept his gaze glued to the scene outside the window. Eventually; however, the questions he was harboring became too much. He glanced at me.

"Were you ever planning on telling us that that was your house," the ex-angel asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I told Dean, but I assumed that you and Sam could figure it out like the somewhat observant hunters you usually are," I quipped, shrugging. There was a long pause, the only sound the music from the radio.

"Does it hurt to be back," he asked suddenly, looking over at me almost worriedly. My breath caught in my throat, and I choked, turning rather sharply into the parking lot of the grocery store. Parking, I unbuckled, but didn't get out, just stared out the windshield rather absentmindedly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offe-," but I cut him off with a shake of my head.

"Yes, it hurts. Which is funny because humans tend to avoid things that scar them—because that's something they remember and learn a lesson from," I sighed. "But I had to come back here one day. It's hard to stay away from home for too long." Popping the door open, I stepped out, and Cas followed suit, walking at my side as we proceeded across the parking lot.

"I know that feeling." I looked up at him somewhat shocked as we passed through the doors into the store, grabbing a cart on our way.

"From what I've heard, Heaven seems a lot like Hell—I can't imagine how you would want to go back there." The fallen angel shrugged, his blue eyes reflecting his conflicted feelings.

"It wasn't always a mess—and I left behind a lot of friends, even if many of them became my enemies."

I nodded, putting the conversation to rest, and began coming the aisles for things we could bring home. After about 45 minutes and one full cart later, we checked out, and toting our bags out to my car, Cas specifically asking to carry the one with the cherry pie for Dean in it. Opening the trunk, we shoved it all in there, playing Tetris with all of the bags for a good 5 minutes before it all became less of a hazard.

Closing the trunk again, Cas and I reestablished our previous seating arrangement and took to the highway again.

"I have one more stop to make. Do you mind," I asked, and Cas nodded graciously.

"As long as we make it back with the pie." I let out an amused huff, pulling off on a dirt road half hidden by thick vegetation. Eventually, we passed a sign engraved with the words 'Thousand Acre Farms' with a small horse and rider engraved next to it.

Once we rounded the next bend in the road, a large, red farmhouse came into view, with green fields extending out behind it, horses and riders crisscrossing the grass back and forth behind the pristine white fences.

Pulling into the parking lot, I gestured towards the steering wheel, looking over rather mischievously at Cas.

"You can drive, right," I asked, raising an eyebrow. Cas' brow furrowed, and he nodded rather hesitantly.

"I can. But what are you up to," he asked, confusion apparent in his blue eyes. I smiled, unbuckling and getting out of the car.

"Just make sure Dean's awake and dressed when you get back to my house—tell him to put some of the food we bought in a basket and to be outside waiting. That's all I ask," and with that, I turned and headed towards the entrance to the main office of the stables. Cas got out of the passenger side seat, walking around the car and sitting down in the driver's seat, glancing at me through the rear view mirror as he pulled out of the parking lot.

I padded rather quickly across the gravel covered ground towards the entrance to the office, looking around, a small smile creeping onto my face as memories came flooding back to me—good memories this time, or mostly good anyway.

Pushing the door open, I approached the front desk, finding the chair empty. Leaning against the counter, I crossed my arms across my chest, my eyes travelling over all of the pictures and awards on the walls, the ribbons glowing in the lights from the ceiling.

The door behind the desk opened, and I turned, looking up as a woman of about medium height, with dark brown and gray streaked hair and a light complexion passed through, her gaze resting on me. I turned towards her.

"How can I-," but she never finished, nearly dropping the stacks of papers she was holding when she recognized who I was. "GRAYSON!" I smiled, opening my arms and embracing her when she raced around the counter to hug me.

"Mrs. Cambell, it's nice to see you again," I gasped as she squeezed me. She released me, her eyes filled with tears and a smile on her face.

"Oh my god, Grayson, how are you sweetheart," she said, trying to keep her composure, but her body quivering with excitement. "Where have you been?" I forced a small smile, running my hand nervously through my hair.

"I'm alright. I've been... travelling. Thought I'd visit home for a while and see how things were going. How're the kids?" The woman nodded, returning to her seat behind the counter and organizing the papers she had just thrown down on the surface.

"They're great. Logan just started his freshman year of high school and Sophie's in her senior year. I'm not ready for her to graduate, but I suppose they have to move on," she replied earnestly. "How're your parents?" I lowered my gaze, drawing my arms closer to my body.

"Dead, actually. That's part of the reason why I'm back," I responded, my voice almost cracking. "My dad had a heart attack while we were in Germany and my mother grieved herself to death."

I felt bad for lying to her—she used to be a good family friend, and was like an unofficial second mother to me when I was younger. She took good care of me when my mother was off on business trips, and occasionally gave me riding lessons when my instructor was out.

I saw her face fall, and her eyes teared up again, but she pushed them down, extending her arm and gently taking my hand.

"I'm so sorry, honey. Are you doing okay?" I nodded, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm doing alright," I replied, forcing a smile. "Anyway, how's my girl doing? It's been a long time." Mrs. Campbell's face lit up, and she released my hand.

"She's been great. We've been using her for newer riders, so they can get a feel for the reins. Would you like to see her?" I smiled and nodded earnestly, and she pushed herself up from her chair, heading out a door near the back of the room and out to the stables. I followed closely behind, my nose wrinkling when the familiar smell of hay hit me.

Opening the gate that lead to the stalls, we headed down the aisle, my boots leaving imprints in the soft dirt floor. We passed several other horses, and their riders taking care of them, until we reached the final stall. I stepped forward, peering into the corner of the cubicle, smiling when I laid eyes on the beautiful black Andalusian mare that stood there, her jet black mane flowing over her back, her muscles rippling under her shiny black coat as she turned towards me.

My parents had gifted me horse riding lessons when I was 10—the perfect present for a horse obsessed child who had requested a pony for her 6th birthday and consistently watched My Little Pony every day when she got home from school.

I remembered walking in on my first day, cowering behind my instructor when she ushered my towards the then 1 year old mare, already fully suited up in her riding gear. Eventually, I had gotten the courage to approach the beast, extending a hand, gently petting her head before being lifted into the saddle. From then on, she and I had been inseparable.

"Tenebris... Do you remember me?" I extended a hand towards her, and there was a short pause as she sniffed my hand. Next thing I knew, the mare shoved her face into my hand, neighing. I smiled, reaching up and wrapping my arms around her neck. Mrs. Campbell smiled.

"Of course she remembers you. Horses are much smarter than you might think." I released the mare, turning towards the woman.

"Mind if I take her out for a ride?" She nodded happily, motioning towards the animal.

"Go for it. She doesn't have any appointments today—just make sure she's back here before nightfall." I nodded excitedly, opening the door to the stall as the woman walked away.

Five minutes later, I pulled myself up into the newly placed saddle, steadying myself and getting a feel for it again. It was exciting being back here—as much as I missed my parents, I had missed my horse, too.

Guiding her out into the riding fields, I picked up the pace a bit, moving at a quick trot, across the grass towards the gate at the back that lead to the riding trails. Getting down to open the gate, I pulled myself back up into the saddle again, heading out onto the trails as the gate closed behind me.

Tenebris' hooves padded against the soft ground, her gait full of energy. I rubbed her neck, giving her a small, loving pat.

"I've missed you girl, but time to meet someone new," I whispered, gazing up at the trail ahead of us, veering off onto a trail on the right. Coaxing her a bit, her pace picked up from a trot to a canter, and eventually into a full on gallop, the trees flying past us. This feeling, being atop my favorite horse and riding towards my house, felt almost too familiar, but it was very comforting at the same time. It was nice to be back.

Eventually, the trees thinned out, and my house appeared over the small slope ahead. Tenebris' hooves pounded on the hard ground, guiding us over the hill and down into my literal backyard, where I slowed her back to a trot, making my way over the currently covered pool that at one point was filled with water, but now sat empty.

Heading towards the front of the house, I saw someone leaning against the Impala (with my Camaro, thankfully, parked behind it) a basket sitting on the hood beside the figure, looking up as I approached. Dean's eyes grew wide when he saw me, and he pushed himself into a standing position, grabbing the basket.

"Hop on," I giggled, bringing Tenebris to a stop in front of him, motioning to the space behind me.

"Are you supposed to be my knight on a white horse here to save the day," he asked, smiling wider than I'd seen him smile in a long time.

"I'm the heroine on a black horse here to whisk you away because fuck stereotypes," I laughed, grinning and patting the saddle. The older Winchester handed me the basket and pulled himself up behind me, settling in and wrapping his arms around my midsection.

"And you're in for the ride of your life."

A/N: Tenebris is Latin for 'darkness', in case anyone was unaware /(._.)/

Hello there all. I hope everyone is doing well, and happy 2016! It's been 4 months of practical hell, but I managed to finish this. Since we've had a lot of rather heartbreaking chapters lately, I figured I'd try a nice uplifting chapter this time ;u; The song that this chapter's namesake is based on is kinda important, so feel free to listen to it if you'd like. I feel like it kinda sets the scene.

Now, I can't promise another update any time soon. I wrote this chapter on a whim and a sudden burst of inspiration, so I hope everyone enjoys. I'll try my best to update, but no promises.

Anyway, as always, don't forget to vote and comment, and constructive criticism is always welcome~


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