Our Eternal Ruin (Auslly)

By JoanneRauraAuslly

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You don't want to fall in love but you just do . Love's just unexpected. Especially when the girl you love's... More

2. The beginning
3. Lamb
4. What If
5. My Life
6. Blow the Whistle
7. Sacrifice ? I'd rather not
8. Frat Party
9. The Note
10. Let me Save You
11. Stay
12. That's my girl
13. To-Do List
14. Be my Saviour, Not my Ruin
15. Getting Ready
16. Kiss a hot guy ? Check
17. Something's wrong with Austin
18. Will you be my Girlfriend ?
19. Dez knows
20. What could go wrong ?
21. Meet the parent
22. Three Weeks
23. Friendly Sleeping
24. Learn how to swim, Check
25. Skinny Dipping, Check
26. Everything's going to be fine
27. I'm sick, Ally. Really sick !
28. Face your Fears
30. Ruin
32. Don't be dead
33. The beginning of forever
34. The ring on her hand
35. We're Fearless
36. She held my heart
37. A brand new start
38. The wedding
39. The blindfold
40. A story that would never end
41. Our night

31. You're my favourite

173 8 0
By JoanneRauraAuslly

I dreamt of my mom. Of her long blond hair and happy hazel eyes. She was so beautiful. She asked me if I was scared. I told her no. We were sitting on the red swing set my dad had bought me for my sixth birthday. She lifted my hands to her lips and kissed my fingers and told me that it would be okay. For some reason, I believed her. Before she disappeared, she pressed her hands to my chest and closed her eyes.


"Austin," Angela murmured. "It's time to get up, sweetie. We've got to get you prepped."

I yawned and nodded then nudged Ally awake. She clung to me for a few brief minutes before leaving the room.

I'd see her right before I went in, and I knew she wanted to go get changed since the surgery was going to be at least ten hours.

"How do you feel?" Angela asked like she always did.

"Good." My eyes narrowed. "So strange. I had a dream about my mom. You look a lot like her."

"Really?" She tilted her head. "I imagine she was beautiful, so I'll take that as a compliment."

I laughed as she helped me into the hospital gown. "Oh, she was, believe me."

Once I was in the gown, Angela hooked up my IV again and gave me some anti-nausea medication. It was over really quick.

My dad came in to give me a hug. Cassidy strolled in with a balloon and a teddy bear.

I took the gift and gave her a hug.

The football team didn't know I was in surgery. My professors didn't know. But Coach did, so when he walked into the room bawling like a baby, it didn't take me by surprise. We'd been through hell and back. It was surreal seeing a three hundred pound lineman cry — he'd played for Florida State around twenty years ago. He shook his head and grabbed my hand.

"You beat this and I'll let you play in the bowl game."

Laughing, I squeezed his hand. "You better let me play. I'm the star quarterback after all."

"That you are." He chuckled and patted my hand. "See you when you wake up."

"When I wake up," I repeated after him as he walked out of my room.

Dez showed up soon after that.

He sat down in silence.

"You okay, man?" I asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He still refused to look at me.


"I asked God to give me the cancer. I still wish He would. You're too good, man. You don't... I just—" A string of curses poured out that shocked even me. "My mind still can't comprehend it."

"Stop trying." I sighed. "And remember what I said, let it make you different."

"I've been clean for three years." Dez rocked back in his chair. "This is the first time since then that I've been tempted to throw it all away. The pain is too much and then I feel selfish for thinking about myself. I'm not strong like you."

"You are," I argued. "I know you are."

"Thanks." Dez stood and walked over to me. "Thanks for being my friend."

"Well, Cassidy did pay me..." I joked.

"Good to know you still have a sense of humor, jackass." Dez smacked my shoulder and hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. "You beat the hell out of this cancer or I'm hunting you down, got it?"

"Got it."

Dez started walking out of the room when I called him back. "Dez?"


"Be my best man?"

"Best man?"

"Yeah, in three hundred and sixty-six days, I'm getting married to Ally. Be my best man?"

"You've got yourself a deal." He chuckled. "Does Ally know about this?"

"Of course. She loves me, you know."

"Yeah, I know." Dez laughed again. "See you on the other side, man."

Ten minutes went by and then Ally walked in.

She was wearing a white dress.

"Sorry. This was all I could find on short notice."

"You're wearing a—"

"A wedding dress." She laughed. "I thought it would give you some much needed inspiration. Now you can dream about me in a white dress — you taking me out of said white dress — me saying yes when you ask me to marry you... yes to all of the above."

"Come here." I lifted my hands to her. In an instant she was in my arms, her head buried against my chest. "I love you, my Little Lamb."

"I love you too, Wolf." She sobbed. "You're my favorite."

"Favorite what?"

Ally drew back her eyes wide with hope. "Favorite everything. You're my favorite. Out of all the things I could have in the world that would be my favorite, you win. You win all of it."

"Wow, pretty high praise." I smiled and dug my hands into her hair.

"What do you love more?" she teased. "My hair or my heart?"

"Why give me only two choices? Don't leave out your legs, your laugh, the way you bite your lip when you're thinking, the feel of your breath on my face, the sound of your voice in the morning, the way you taste, the three freckles on your lower back," Her mouth gapes open, makes me laugh, "the fan of your eyelashes, the caring spirit, the determined soul — so why stop at your hair and your heart? How do you expect me to choose? When what I love the most about you — is you."

I could tell she was trying not to cry. Her face was flushed, her eyes blurred with tears.

"I. Love. You." I looked directly into her eyes. "It's not the end."

"I know," she agreed. "I know it here." She pressed her hand to my chest, "And I know it here." She moved her hand and pressed it to her own chest. "Have a nice rest, Austin, and know I'll be waiting for you when you wake up."

I nodded.

"It's time." Another nurse walked in, one I didn't recognize. She gave Ally a sad smile and escorted her out, just as Angela walked in.

"Alright, sweetie." Angela cupped my cheek. "Time to go to sleep and when you wake up — no more cancer."

Confused, I stared at her, I mean really stared at her, I could have sworn I was looking at my mom. I blinked a few times and shook my head.

"Thank you," I finally said. "You've been a fantastic nurse."

"Remember one thing." She grabbed my bed and began rolling it out the door.

"What?" I asked as she paused in the rolling.

"You may not see every single piece of the puzzle that creates your life — you may not see every move the grand chess player makes — but know, He is in complete control of the game board. Sometimes certain pieces are moved or knocked over to make room for new ones. Other times, things happen because of the world we live in. But everything, in the end, will always turn out for good. It's a nice promise, isn't it? To know that there's a reason for it all? A reason for your cancer — maybe by having cancer you've saved the lives of three of your best friends. Had you not been sick, would you have met them? Had you not been sick, would you have found the love of your life? Maybe it's not in the perfection of life that things make sense, but in the chaos."

She stood and pushed me down the hall. Her words haunted me the entire way. As I was rolled into the surgical room, I reached for her hand. She gripped mine hard within hers.

And then, when I was given the injection to sleep, I looked to my right, at her left hand... on her ring finger was a ring. The exact one my father had given my mom, the one she wore until the day she died... I opened my mouth to say it, but heaviness invaded my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep, a smile on my face.


Wait..So Angela must be..I'll leave it till the next chapter ! LOL, Comment on what you think and please vote <3 =D

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