Burning Bright

By sara_czarina

598 13 19

On the world of Pangear, there are five clans; the Water Clan, Terra Clan, Sky Clan, Earth Clan, and the Fire... More

Burning Bright
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five

Chapter Four

48 1 5
By sara_czarina

sorry for the long wait on uploading guys, but i've been more busy with school than I thought. trust me, me and lyricaljade have been swamped, espescially with algebra. thanks for everyone whos been following me.  you guys just completely make my day. oh, and check out the stuff ruthlesswriter has written. hes one of my friends from school, and he's awesome. talk to you after chapter four of burning bright!


  Dari sat at the vanity in her bedroom, the party below in the main hall blaring dance music. She suspected at least half the city had shown up by now, and it was only 6:30! She was supposed to make an entrance at 6:45, and the crowning would begin at 7:15. They'd originally planned for her to come down to the party at 7:00, but due to all the people who had arrived so early, they'd had to have her come out early.

  She rubbed a little bit of brown powder onto her eyelid, smoothing out her hair that hung loose down her back. The red hair was her trademark, and she'd decided she wanted it undone and out of the bun her mother's stylist had recommended. She thought it had looked better that way with the dress Lydia had given her.

  Suddenly, she heard a knock at her bedroom door.

 " Come in!"

  Star pushed inside, smiling as she saw her sister in her gorgeous outfit.

  " Hey Dari!" she said, coming over to sit on the bed. She wore a flowery yellow dress that hung down to her tiny little ankles. The top was bejeweled with silvery beads that worked well with the warm toned dress. The sleeves puffed out, then went straight along her arms. Below, she had accessorized a pair of metallic silver flats, since she was too young for heels. All in all, the little girl looked adorable.

  Star swung her legs back and forth, looking at her big sister in awe. " Dari, you look like a real princess."

  Dari nodded at her sister. " Thanks munchkin. Guess that's what I'm gonna be after the ceremony, if everything goes well." She plucked at the string on her strappy golden heels. She'd had to practice a whole day just to stand up in the torture devices, much less walk in them. But Mother had said they went perfectly with the dress, as did Lydia (and Nicklus, who only wanted to see Dari walk in the ridiculous things), so she'd been overruled. She still didn't like the idea of wearing them in front of the whole city. Even if they weren't all attending, there were still VidScreens hanging from the central tower.  It was only used for important events like the crowning, and they were yet another invention the other clans didn't have.

  Star looked at her sister again, sighing. " I wish I could be like you Dari."

  Dari stopped, turning to face the little girl. " W-what?"

  Star looked up at her again, giving her a shy smile. " I want to be just like you. You're beautiful, and strong, and kind. You're perfect in every way."

  Dari walked over to the bed, sitting by her sister. " Thank you Star." She ruffled the little girl's hair, grinning as she giggled, amazed at how wrong the little girl was.

  " Am I really gonna get to serve by you?"

  Dari laughed at Star's anxiety. " Yeah, totally. Whatever I do, you get to approve. You'll be like, my right hand girl. You and me, we'll get to travel all over the Fire Clan cities and see everything. Won't it be great?"

  " But Dari?" Star asked. " Will I see you? I mean, I'm not a princess for another eight years. You get to help Daddy and travel with them until then. What if I lose you forever?"

  " Has Nicklus been telling you about my amazing trips into the Water Clan capitol again?"

 Star shook her head. She'd knew about Dari going into the Water Clan capitol for awhile, but had kept it secret from her parents.

  " I just started thinking about it logically, and I think that's what might happen."

  Dari smiled at the little girl, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. " When did you start thinking logically?"

  " I've always thought logically. I'm unusually smart, remember?"

  Says the girl who thinks unicorns are real, Dari thought inwardly.

  She hugged the little girl, her head pressed against Dari's dress. " I promise you something Star, I won't leave. I won't. Got it?"

  " Got it."

  Dari tucked a stray strand of chocolate hair behind her sister's  ear. " Now get going munchkin. Mom and Dad want you down in the main hall before I come in."

  Star nodded a yes. " Alright. Good luck Dari."

  " Yeah," Dari muttered as she left, taking the stairs downstairs.


 Fifteen minutes later, and Dari was due for an entrance.

 With a final flounce of her dress, she stood up from where she remained on her bed, deep in thought and wondering. She'd thought about everything Star had said, still in awe that a girl that small could be that wise. Though she had to admit, her little sister usually was more logical than she was, though it never seemed that way. Dari had always been a bit rash in her desicions.

 There was a quiet knock at her door; her mother no doubt. She always got all mushy about this kind of stuff. But what really surprised her was who did walk into her room.

  Her father.

  He smiled at her, clad in the traditonal robes of the clan leader; red robes edged with golden flame designs, gold slip-on shoes on his feet. His fiery red hair was topped with the clan crown, a piece of perfection with gold crafted from the forges of the Southern Fire Cities, and amber and ruby gems pounded into it, glimmering against the shiny gold. His brilliantly warm smile outshined it all though. Everyone had said she took after her father, and Star took after her mother. They'd been true, of course. Dari's personality was nearly identical to Edric's, except less rational and controlled, since he had had to keep a cool head as a clan leader.  As much as he helped in Dari's life, she hadn't expected him to be here. This was something she thought that her mother would be involved in.

  " Dari, you look beautiful," he gasped, tears welling up in his eyes. Ugh, did all parents get all soft about this stuff?

  "Thanks Dad," she replied, a smile crossing her lips. She rolled her eyes at her father. " I still like pants better though."

  Edric laughed, grinning at her. He looked at the dress she wore, his expression going solemn. " I was just coming in to tell you you're supposed to come down now."

 " Ok Dad," she smiled, nodding her head toward the door.

  He just kept looking at her, not believing his eyes. Before he left, though, Dari heard him say "Where does the time go?"

  Dari felt her smile dip into a frown as she thought of her father's expression. Maybe things were happening to fast. What if she wasn't ready for this? This was going to jump-start her reign, and once her father relinquiested the throne, she'd be ruling a whole clan. She wasn't sure if she could handle it.

  Oh get a grip, she thought to herself. What's wrong with you? Of course you're ready for this. You've spent your whole life getting ready for this. There is nothing you can't handle.

  Standing up from the bed, she confidently pushed open the doors, and walked toward the stairs, looking down into the party.

  The crowd was chattering excitedly, holding goblets of wine and spirits and bearing their best clothing. The main hall had been decorated magnificently, with the brightly colored balloons and streams of shining gems. Dari was taken aback by it all, it was so beautiful. Her mother and father stood by the stairs, waiting for their daughter to make an entrance. Dari pressed herself against the gold railing, trying to get their attention. Finally, she waved her hand, sending a tiny drop of fire down onto her father's shoulder. He winced, turning his attention up toward his daughter. She smiled down, giving him a thumbs up. He winked back, turning to speak.

  Clink clink clink!

Edric tapped a small spoon against his glass goblet. The gathered crowd fell silent, turning to look toward him. Clearing his throat, he began to speak.

 " Thank you all so much for coming tonight. Not only are we gathered for the crowning of the empire's newest princess, but also for the birthday of my eldest daughter, Dari." The crowd clapped politely.

 " As a father, I haved watched her grow up into the beautiful young woman she is today. I know most of you have too, of course. And it pleases me greatly now to announce the heir to the throne, if you all so choose so, Dari Lavat!"

 Realising this as her cue, Dari descended the stairs, feeling the eyes of hundreds completely focused on her. She forced a smile, her insides burbling nervously as she walked. No one said a word, completely stunned and entranced by the girl they knew as the city's biggest tomboy.

 Her dress was a deep ruby, skin-tight along the top before billowing out into multiple layers at the waist. It flowed down her lower body, stopping to float a little below her ankles. Gold jewels were embroided along it, glimmering in the chandelier light. Her eyes twinkled, the flecks of gold and red shining with the jewels. The transformation was amazing.

  Step, step, step, Dari thought to herself, channeling all her energy into walking down the staircase in heels. With each step, she kicked out her foot a bit like her mother and Lydia had taught her to do to keep from falling. How someone could walk in those death-traps people called shoes all time, she would never understand.  Reaching the final stair, she gingerly stepped to the ground.  Flashing a dazzlingly warm smile.  She glided over to where her father stood, stopping to stand to his right. Her mother and Star stood directly to his left. As one, the royal family bowed to the assembled crowd, who in turn clapped vigourously.  Edric waved his hands to motion for the citizens to settle down, and the noise died down.

  " Thank you, thank you. I think that's enough." He chuckled good naturedly. " Tonight is very special, as every Fire Clan ruler would know. Tonight, we crown my lovely daughther Dari as the new Fire Clan princess, and my successor to the crown. With the crowd approval, of course. Are there any objections to the crowning Dari Lavat?"

   The crowd cheered in approval as Dari beamed. Not one naysayer was in the premise.

  Edric smiled warmly. " Well, I suppose that settles that. Since there are no objections, we shall continue."

  He motioned, and Star came on stage carrying a plush red pillow. A golden crown rested on top of it, covered in rubies and firestone, considerably smaller than Edric's supreme crown, but impressive all the same. Handing the crown to her father, she smiled at Dari and stood next to her mother.

  Edric continued, holding the crown up. " I crown Dari Lavat, daughter of myself and Aldrea Lavat, as princess of the Fire Clan, heir to the throne, and my royal successor, as current ruler of the Fire Clan."  He turned to face Dari. " Do you swear to protect the citizens of the Fire Clan, and make decisions that will benefit them and the Fire Clan as a whole?"

  Dari nodded. " I do."

  " And do you promise to do all you can for the good of your clan and its people, and act as a benefitial ruler?"

 " I do."

  Edric smiled. " Then I officially crown you, Dari Lavat, as princess of the Fire Clan and heir to the throne."

 The crowd erupted in a roar of approval as Edric finished, setting the crown on Dari's head. She waved to the people, grinning ear to ear. " Thank you!" she yelled over the applause. " Thank you so much!" She and the rest of her family stepped off the stage.

  Edric clapped her on the back. " You did so well Dari. I'm so proud of you."

  Dari nodded. " Thanks Dad. Umm, I'm going to get some air, if you don't mind. It's a little overwhelming." 

  He smiled. " Of course. Go right ahead."

  Smiling back, Dari started into the crowd as her father toasted with some of his advisors. Pushing past the " Congratulations" and " Well dones," she made her way toward an empty hallway where she knew she could find the open balcony she'd always loved.

  Outside, the air was fresh and crisp. Dari took in a deep breath, taking in the night scene. The stars, diamonds on a stip of black, velvety sky, shone like beacons against their backdrop. Touching the crown on her head, she sighed. A lot had just happened, and it was all too much. At least out here, she could breath easy and relax.

" Hello Dari."

 Suddenly, hard arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her around to stare into a pair of dark, cold eyes she'd had nightmares about. She clenched her fists in hate.

  " Blaize."

  The boy chuckled. " Happy birthday, fire girl. I'm glad I got to give you your wishes in person."

  Dari tensed as his hot breath hit her skin. His voice was menacingly icy. She'd thought she'd seen enough of Blaze after he'd tormented her throughout Little School and stalked her ever since. Her red eyes glared daggers at him.

  " Let me go Blaize, or I swear I'll have your head."

   He chuckled, holding her tighter. " Now now Dari, you know you wouldn't do that. I am a dignitary's son, after all."

  " And I'm the princess," she spat back, aiming a kick for his groin. He blocked her with his knee.

  " Is that anyway to treat a citizen Dari?"

  She squirmed, trying futilely to avade his tight grip. " For the last time Blaize, let me go."

  He laughed venomously, leaning in toward her face.  " You still can't beat me Dari. You've never been able to, not when we were little, not now."

  He brought his face to hers, trying to kiss her, but a sudden defeaning roar that brought him to a halt and shook them both. Dari took the moment to push away him away and move toward the rail, kneeing him in the stomach in the process. He groaned, looking up to where Dari stared dumbfounded.  " What the..?"

  In front of the castle, landed beside the palace, was a huge ship, a silvery gray and looking like something out of a child's space book. Except this one had weapons all on the outside. It was easily bigger than the palace, and menacingly alien. She'd never seen anything like it on Pangear.

  " Oh my God.'

  There was no time to register what happened next. Mass chaos broke out as the ship opened, a ramp descending from the front and beings poaring out.  None of their bodies was visible, covered in silver armor, faces masked by a helmet with tinted glass. Each carried a gun and a belt of weapons she'd never seen. Guards rushed out of the palace to counter the enemy, and all hell broke loose.

 Dari screamed as the first of the guards were easily slaughtered. She jumped up on the rail of the balcony, fumbling to get rid of her heels.

  Blaize grabbed her arm. " What are you doing?"

  She pulled away from him, glaring in despair. " I'm helping my people."

 Then she jumped, feeling the air rush past her as she descended into the carnage. Shooting out fire to slow her descent, she hit the ground running. Alien soldiers charged her, and she easily countered, smoldering them to bits. Narrowly avoiding being hit by a beam of light from one of their guns, she kicked one soldier in the stomach, throwing him or her to the ground. Throwing out bursts of fire, she cooked soldier after soldier, but it was no use. More came, and more guards died, shot before they could use their powers. Her people were dropping left and right. Gathering up her strength, she cleared her mind, then felt energy flow out of her as she threw out a ring of fire from around her. The soldiers near her dropped to the ground as they flamed.

  Suddenly, it stopped.

  The alien soldiers halted, stepping back so that they formed two lines of fighters facing each other as another alien descended from the ship. Stepping forward, he took off his battle mask.

  Dari gasped. He was humanoid.

  The man's hair was cropped short, his eyes a beastly yellow and his jawline sharp and prominant. A scar crossed one eye, streaking across like a lightning bolt. His cruel lips formed a smirk.

  Walking toward the slew of Fire Clan guards, he spoke. " Hello people of the Fire Clan. I am Nero, general of the Delano people, from the planet Sivilus. I am sorry for the attack and unnesisary shed of blood. We mean you no harm." He scanned the crowd. " Who here is the leader?"

  " I am."

  Dari stepped forward, looking a mess. She was barefoot, her dress tore and smoking, her body cut and bruised, and her crown askew. She commanded all the authority within her. " I am Dari Lavat, princess, and heir to the Fire Clan throne, next in line as ruler."

 A chuckle escaped Nero. " A princess?"

 " Dari!"

 Edric rushed forward, not in much better shape than his daughter. He composed himself, addressing the alien humanoid. " I am Edric, ruler of the Fire Clan. Forgive my daughter."

Dari didn't meet eye-contact, stepping behind her father's broad figure. Nero turned his gaze to him. He bowed somewhat mockingly. " An honor, King Edric. I hope you'll escuse this entrance."

 Her father stiffened. " I will try, after we count our dead."

 He motioned to the heaps of lifeless bodies laying crookedly on the blood-stained ground.

 Nero nodded. " Of course. But I'm afraid you and I must meet immediately, to discuss and reason where we shall go from here. I assume you have enough room for a commander and myself in your castle?"

  Edric tensed, hiding an obvious look of hate. " Yes, of course. I'll have two rooms arranged."

  " Very good."

  Nero smirked, coming forward to shake hands. Another officer followed the two as they made their way toward the castle. Before he was gone, Edric mouthed to his Dari " Go to your room and stay there." Dari nodded tersely, watching in horror as her father walked the man who had had her people killed to his room for the night.


hey guys what's up? its been forever, hasnt' it? i will try my best to update more often. hopefully with summer coming, it'll be more regularly, but i just don't know. i hope you liked the chapter! now go read aula storm my other story! thanks guys, you're awesome!





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