Nerd (kellic)

By pineapplevic

201K 11.2K 14.5K

who said geeks couldn't be cute too? More

-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-
Chapter 8
-Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-
-Chapter 20-
-Chapter 21-
-Chapter 22-
-Chapter 23-
-Chapter 24-
-Chapter 25-
-Chapter 26- (final)
[] Authours note []

-chapter 1-

13.4K 565 1.1K
By pineapplevic

-Vics POV-

"How the fuck does his brain even function that fast?" Mike whispered to my table, as we all watched Kellin scribble answers to equations on the chalk board that just looked like random letters and numbers to us.

Kellin Quinn.

The school nerd.

Slicked hair, thick glasses, sweater vests, khakis, and brown dress shoes. This kid is smarter than god damn Einstein.

Constantly had his face buried in a book, or was writing maths equations on any writeable surface. Everyone thinks he's super weird and hates him. Everyone but me.

There's just something about his passion for learning, and how timidly he carried himself. So what if he's a little geeky? I find it cute.

From other peoples stand points, Kellin and I are polar opposites. He's a nerd that lacks social skills, I'm popular and socialize with everyone, he's shy and timid, I'm confident and outgoing.

Opposites attract, I guess. This was also some seriously cliché shit.

"I don't know, man. Dude's a fucking genius," Tony said, looking down at his paper in frustration, and dropping his pencil on the table in defeat.

My eyes fixated on Kellin, as he pushed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose, smiling shyly as the teacher praised his good work. He started walking back to his table, Steve whispering 'faggot' as he passed him.

I felt anger boil up inside of me. That word gets me pissed in ways words can't describe, and when they're directed at Kellin, I get really fucking mad. The poor kid was constantly insulted.

Kellins table was right beside mine. I crumpled a piece of paper and threw it at Steve's head. He whipped his head around, about to start cussing out Kellin, thinking it was him.

Rolling my eyes, I snapped my fingers to get his attention. 'What the fuck' I mouthed, creasing my face in anger. He shrugged, smirking at me.

I swear all of the jocks at this school are pricks. Trust me, just because I'm popular, doesn't mean I'm friends with everyone. Most people just enjoyed talking to me.

Sure, I know everyone, but a lot of them really aren't worth my time. Most of the girls just flirt with me, and try to get in my pants, and most of the boys are douche bags that try to impress people by making fun of others.

Society really is fucked.

I snapped back into reality, turning to Kellin, who was looking down at his notebook, writing something really quickly yet graceful at the same time. He looked so into whatever it was, I thought it was really cute.

He bit his lip in concentration, making my eyes linger there for longer than what would have been a normal way to look at someone. I couldn't help myself, his lips are so pink and plump, and bow shaped. The way his glasses kept sliding down his nose, and he had to push them back up, drove me crazy.

You're probably thinking, why the fuck would you like the nerd? Well, I honestly don't care what he's classified as, I still like him. Nerdy wasn't really my type until I saw Kellin. I guess Kellin is just my type.

Usually, it's the other way around where the nerd likes the popular guy, but not this time. Funny thing is, I don't even have the balls to ask him out. Hell, even talk to him. I'm Vic Fuentes, no one makes me nervous.

I sighed dreamily, keeping my gaze on Kellin, and Kellin only, smiling to myself as he sneezed gently. God, even his sneezes are cute.

"Mr Fuentes, would you mind repeating what I just said."

Kellin eyes met mine, as well as the whole class. Tony and Mike stifled a laugh. I shook my head, pulling myself back into reality. I looked back to Ms. Thompson.

"Mr Fuentes, would you mind repeating what I just said." She gave me an unimpressed look at my answer, while some kids snickered.

"You did say repeat what I just said." I wasn't trying to be cool or anything, I was just being a smart ass.

"I'll let you off with a warning, pay attention in class." The bell rang, making me sigh in relief.

Kellin caught me staring, and it was actually kind of embarrassing. At the same time, I kind of wanted him to notice me. Maybe one day I'll get the nerve to really talk to him.

I flinched at Mikes voice, "Yo, Vic. Come on, class's over."

Gathering my stuff, I slung my bag around my shoulder, and followed my friends to lunch. My close friend group was, Mike, Tony, Jaime, Frank, and Gerard. They're the only people at this school that I wanted to hang out with all the time. Not including Kellin, because if I knew him I'd be at his side all the time.

Once we got to the lunch room, we got food then went to our usual table. The food here was pretty shit so I picked up my Jell-O first, slurping it out of the little plastic container, not even bothering with a spoon. The regular chatter flowed through my table.

Kellin caught my eye as he entered the room, sitting at a table at the back by himself. This is what usually happened. He would come to lunch, but he'd never eat. My heart felt like it was aching for this boy. When he wasn't studying or doing work, he always seemed so sad, like he just wanted to disappear.

He had his chin resting on his hands, looking at other peoples tables sadly. "Vic, what's up with you and staring at poindexter over there?" Mike threw a piece of lettuce at me. I glared at him, throwing my empty Jell-O cup at him.

"Don't call him that," I snapped, making their eyes widen.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, looking back at Kellin. "I'm sorry, I just don't like people calling him names. He didn't do anything wrong."

"Do you like him or something?" Gerard asked, sounding genuinely like he just wanted to know.

I stayed quiet, looking straight at Kellin. "Oh you do!" Jaime shouted, smiling with the guys, yelling 'I told you so'

"Is it really that obvious?" I question, leaning on my elbow and resting my chin on my hand. They gave me a look that said, are you fucking for real ?

"Vic, you're always staring at him, and sighing dreamily, prancing around in your little gay land that's in your head," Frank chuckled, flicking a tomato off his fork at Tony, making him pout. Mike laughed, making me look at him.

"Oh my god, you won't believe how many wet dreams he's had over Kellin, holy fu-"

"Mike!" I whine, cutting him off. They all started laughing, getting some attention from the other tables. "Oh my god, guys. Shut up."

When shit like this happens, usually I'm fine and wouldn't be embarrassed, and I'd just make a witty comeback, but when it's about Kellin everything makes me nervous. "Vic, don't even lie about the wet dreams, you know it's true."

"Okay, fine. It's true." I had a small smile on my face, still slightly embarrassed. Images of my dreams flashed in my mind, making me blush. I can't help it, Kellin's like a sexy nerd and holy shit it makes me hot and bothered.

"Look at him, he's perfect." I nod in Kellins direction, making them look.

"He looks sad," Gerard said, turning his head back to us, looking slightly worried.

"He never eats, man," Mike added, turning to me with a quizzical look on his face like I would know why he doesn't.

I shrugged, watching Kellin run his hands through his hair, and put his head on the table. "Why don't you go talk to him?" Jaime asked, like it was the most obvious thing ever.

I shook my head frantically. "No! I can't," I hissed. They all looked at me with these smug looks on their faces that I wanted to slap off.

"Why not?" Jaime smirked.

"Because I'm nervous..." I mumbled, playing with the sleeves of my sweater.

"Come on, Vic. Go in there and get your man," Gerard encouraged, getting all excited. I chewed my bottom lip, contemplating if I should do it.

I stared at Kellin, giving me some motivation. "Hmm... fuck it," I announced, getting up from the table, smiling at the words of encouragement from the guys, as I walked towards Kellins table. Nerves were building up in me the closer I got towards his table.

Taking a deep breath, I sat across from him. His head was still on the table with his arms in front of him, wrapped around his head.

"Hey, I'm Vic."

He jumped from my voice, making me jump. He looked so scared, probably not expected me to be here. He looked terrified and confused, turning his head left, right, and behind him. Slowly, he pointed to himself.

"A-are you t-talking... to me?" he whispered, pushing his glasses up.

My face fell. The fact that merely talking to him shocked him is sad. "Of course."

He sighed. "Look, if your friends put you up to this then fuck off, coz' it's not funny." He glanced at the guys who were 'discreetly' watching us.

His words slightly took me back, because I knew he had a huge vocabulary but I didn't expect his to be colourful. "I would never do that. I came and sat with you because I wanted to talk to you."

He gave me a sceptical look, before his face softened. "I'm sorry if I sounded rude, it's just I didn't expect anyone would want to talk to the faggot ass pussy."

"Hey... don't think like that. You're fine just the way you are." I offered a warm smile, he returned a small one.


I opened my mouth to talk, but the bell rang, interrupting me. "Bye," he said timidly, rushing out of the lunch room. My eyes focused on his figure as he rushed out.

He looked so cute, I just wish I could have talked to him for longer. Maybe I'll talk to him in the next class I see him in. I walked back to the table where the guys were getting ready to leave. "How'd it go?" Tony asked, walking by my side as we left the lunch room on our way to science.

"I barely got to talk to him, but I can tell he has a low self-esteem, which makes me sad."

Tony frowned. "Don't worry about it, man. You'll get another chance to talk to him."

I nodded my head, thinking about what I'll say to Kellin the next time I see him. Hopefully he doesn't see me as some popular asshole that just wants to mess with his emotions. I'm not like everyone else. I could only wish that Kellin would like me.


Okay so someone requested I make this one shot I wrote into this story, so I did. I hope this is good :) I'll update soon

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