Live While We're Young (Boyxb...

By stylesplus

256K 5.1K 589

One direction scored a gig at the best club known to earth, all the celebs go there. After they finish aroun... More

Live While We're Young (Boyxboy) (Lilo Tayne) (Mpreg)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Last chapter :)

Chapter 23

5.5K 144 9
By stylesplus

Nialls POV

“He didn’t know what we were doing! It’s not like you told him that we were in the middle of making babies.” Harry, Tommy, Liam and Louis hand pulled Zayn and I into the lounge room after Jeremy had had his birthday cake and now they are lecturing us letting an innocent boy see us make babies! I really don’t get it because only a few months ago Louis and Liam were like bunnies on steroids up in their room while Jeremy was in the lounge watching TV.

“You should have locked the door! The poor kid is going to be scarred when his old enough to understand what you were doing.” Harry protested

“There is no lock on the door dumb ass.” Zayn snapped. “So what we are in a relationship that only involves the sexual part of a mature relationship, at least we didn’t get so drunk we didn’t know what we were doing and ended up getting one of us pregnant!” Louis and Liam cringed. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it, I'm just mad because it’s okay for you two to be so active with a little kid is down stairs and Niall and I can’t.” Louis shook his head.

“I deserved that, but to tell you the truth we weren’t as drunk as we made it out to be, the sexual tension was getting to us. And Bentley is the best mistake I’ve ever made.”

“Where’ve ever made; I Love you Louis.” We all went silent, Liam was staring into Louis eyes and Louis stared back. It was so sweet, Louis had tears slowly dripping down his cheeks and a smile as wide as a plate spread across his face.

“I Love you too, Li” Liam swooped down and kissed Louis while putting his hands on their baby. I want a relationship like that. I felt tugging at my hand and I looked over my shoulder to see Zayn pulling my hand to try get me out of the room, Harry and Tommy had already left. We walked into the kitchen hand in hand, but stopped when we got to the door way as it was quite disturbing, Tommy had Harry pressed up against the wall with one of Harrys legs wrapped around his waist, Harrys hand where up the back of Tommy’s shirt pulling it up so he could get his hands further up, Tommy’s hand s where on Harrys Bum grinding him into himself. Zayn and I quickly left and ran upstairs away from the love fest, and they say we should keep in our pants when the kids are home, even if were in our room.

Sexual Content, if you aren’t really into that type of thing you can skip it because I will put a warning before it. If you report me I will hunt you down and kill you while you sleep and trust me I know 101 different ways of killing someone without getting court :D other than that enjoy.

Louis POV

Liam and I were in the middle of our sweet and gentle kiss when there was a sharp pain to my lower abdomen; I gasped and pulled away from leave to wrap my arms around my stomach. A few minutes later it passed and I was fine again; I looked at Liam and he looked concerned. “I'm fine now no need to worry your pretty bum off.” I chuckled and grabbed his hand. We slowly made our way up stairs to go to bed as it was getting late. I put on my usual sweat pants and left my shirt off so that it would be easier for Liam to rub my belly. Liam pulled the covers down so that I could get in bed with no hassle but before I could lie down that pain came back, it was like a cramp and I remember reading a book about getting cramps that are called contractions when the baby is on its way. . . Then it clicked.

“The Baby is coming.” Liam jumps up and rushes to my side.  “It’s too early Li, what if something is wrong?”

“Don’t worry, we will get you to the hospital and the baby will be fine.” He cooed. I know he was trying to make me feel better but it doesn’t work like the for me, once something in in my mind it doesn’t go away, no matter how much I believed him. Liam grabbed my to go bag that we packed at the start of the month just in case the baby came early and by the looks of things it is. I grabbed my jacket just as another contraction hit and I grabbed my stomach in pain. Liam ran over to me and rubbed my back until the pain passed enough to get me to the car.

Ten Minutes later we pulled into the hospital and Liam carried me bridal style while another contraction hit. He ran me carefully into the hospital to the reception desk to tell the nurse I'm in labour. They took me to a room but it wasn’t the delivery room.

“I'm Having a baby don’t we need t-“  I got cut off by another contraction.

“I'm sorry to say Louis but this is false labour, if it where the real thing than you would be screaming the hospital down by now.” I groaned in annoyance.

“You mean the real thing is ten times worse?” She nodded and did a sad smile. “Is there something that will help?” I asked, well pleaded.

“There is but I just want to let you know that seen as you are going through false labour now, your baby should be arriving sometime in the next two weeks.” I shook my head no.

“He can’t, I still have just over four weeks left and my other doctor told me that if I could hold on at least another week after that I should because it would mean that there is a slightly less chance of problems.” I argued back not wanting it to be true.

“Yes but now we know when you don’t wear protection it helps your baby grow, so all you need to do is do it as often as you can but no more than three times a day.” Liam and I both blushed at the thought of everyone knowing that we can grow a baby through sexual activities. “I would start on it right away while you are going through your false labour because it will stop it” We both nodded and Liam helped me up again to take me home.

“I'm sorry for being a pain.” I mumbled into Liam’s neck later that night.

“It’s ok, I know you don’t mean it” I kissed his neck softly. “How about we go for a second round?” I chuckled and nodded.


Liam grabbed my chin and kissed my mouth softly but after about thirty seconds it turned more heated. Liam rolled my body so my back was facing him but he was still kissing my mouth hard. He ground his lower half into my butt and I moaned loudly into his mouth. “Just do it Li” I was already loose from our last round so I didn’t need preparing like I did on the first. He slid into me making me moan again and rock back and forth against him. “Yess Li…..Right there.”

“How are you still so tight?” He groaned in pleasure. I rocked harder against him; he slid a hand over my hip to my stomach and rubbed gently. “Together?”



OMG My first ever naughty scene………I'm not experienced so it’s not all that good but it will do until I work up the courage to write more and practice. Sorry this chapter took forever but it was my sisters birthday yesterday and today I walked in on my brother getting ready to do my gay best friend so I'm a little bit behind……….I Hope you enjoyed and feedback would be appreciated :D                                 

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