Love Interrupted

By SinS30

934K 20.3K 1K

After having a miscarriage and being asked for a divorce by her husband. Elizabeth builds her life from scra... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

60.1K 1.3K 50
By SinS30

I feel cold. Maybe I must go to bed for a little nap before dinner. Yes that would be good. I try to open my eyes but they just refuse to cooperate. I try again but fail yet again. A small sound escape my throat out of irritation. I mean really what the hell why can't I open my eyes? I feel something gripping my hand something warm. And then I hear that familiar voice again.

"Liz honey please wake up. Please please don't leave me. Lizzy I love you I always have and I always will. Please come back to me." Dilton but....but he was with a mistress that is what Mark told me. Then I feel something wet on my hand. Is Dilton crying? Why would he be crying?

"Lizzy please wake up. Why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant. We have been waiting so long for this. But we will try again Lizzy we will try until I can give you what want. I am so sorry Lizzy." What does he mean we will be trying again. I am already pregnant. I can get pregnant again can I. I am really confused now. Dilton is seriously not making any sense right now. I need to open my eyes but they just don't want to. I try again but instead of my eye twitching I feel my pinky move. Dear god what is wrong with me am I brain dead? Why would my pinky move when I try open my eyes? I try again but shit the same thing happens. You got to be shitting me.

"Liz can you hear me. I felt your pinky move please move it again if you can hear me." So ni did it again tried to open my eyes but my finger twitched.

"Nurse, Nurse please come quick she is responding!" What the ...... I am responding. Why wouldn't I be responding do I look like a retard? And Nurse, why the hell would he call a nurse if I am home? This man is really confusing. And it is really making me tired. Slowly sleep consumes me again and I dream of water, and the calmness thereof.

It felt like I was slowly waking up when I heard voices again.

"Oh honey she will okay. Just don't tell her about the baby. For now we need her to get better." My baby, what mustn't they tell me about my baby and how the hell did they find out u only heard two weeks ago and I told no one.

"It's just that I avoided her the past few months. I feel so bad for not being able to give her children. She would be an excellent mother Mrs. Cage. And I love her so much I was afraid that she was going to leave me." What the hell is Dilton going on about.

"Now dear your are like my son so stop with the formalities and please call me Maggie. And Elizabeth over you very much she will never leave you for that there are lots of other way to start a family." My mom always has such wise words. If only I could open my eyes. But I am so tired, slowly their voice fades and slept takes over.

"Dilton,honey I have very good news for you" we are lying on our bed wrapped in each others arm. We just had the most amazing sex ever. And Dilton treated me like a queen.

"Mmmm what news do you have honey?" He asks as he trails kisses down my neck. I am so glad my marriage is still safe. Yesterday I bought baby shoes and wrapped them up. Let's hope he gets the picture. I stretch towards my nightstand draw to get the small box.

"Here,I hope you like it" Dilton looks at the small box then up to me with a confused look on his face. He slowly starts to rip the wrapping paper off. Please be happy, I chant in my head. As he opens the box I look up to see his face but it's blurry.

No no no Dilton.



"Lizzy oh god Lizzy I am hear open your eyes love." I feel his lips again my forehead. His here? Where is here? I slowly open my eyes but the damn light is to bright so I shut them right away.

"Sorry Liz give me a sec to dim the lights then you try again" why is he here isn't he suppose to be with his girlfriend. I open my eyes to see him next to my bed. He is such a beautiful man. Don't tell him I said that. His back hair with those bright blue eyes and that strong jaw. Shit when last has he shaved. And why does he look so tired.

I slowly take in my surrounding. Where am I. Last I remember I sat in the sun room mesmerized by the water fountain. I hear a beeping noise coming from my left, but the beeping noise can't keep a even pace it's going faster first when u heard it its was like. Beep........beep........beep........beep the intervals was all the same but it's going beep beep beep beep .........why is the pace faster.

"Lizzy calm down honey your in the hospital. Take deep breaths and calm down. I am right here." My eyes follows his voice. I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves. When I have my heartbeat under control I lay there just staring at him. What must I say to him.

"Lizzy please talk to me. I have missed you so much" I see the something in his eyes but I don't have a clue what it is. I simply shake my head and turn my eyes to the ceiling.

"Elizabeth Maria Kingsley what is wrong with you I haven't seen you awake for 3 days and now you ignore me. Look at me.!" I have been here 3 days this is bad what happened. I refuse to look at him maybe he will get the picture that I don't want to talk to him.

"Elizabeth look at me." He commands but I still don't look at him. Why must I he is a cheating lying bastard. Why would he care. Maybe to safe his public image.

"Lizzy please look at me." Now he is begging. How low can one person go. But I am stubborn I will not look at him. I turn my head to where the nurse call button is. But I am to weak to push the button. Dilton notice what I am trying to do. But when he reaches for the button I bump it off the bed. I don't need his help maybe the noise will get the attention of the nurses.

"Elizabeth stop with the stubbornness. Let me help you." I just ignore him. As if Murphy is on my side I hear a noise from the door.

"Mrs Kingsley your awake. Let me call the doctor then we will be with you."

"Nurse be remove this visitor and I am miss Cage please change the relevant documents." I say to the nurse just before she left.

"Certainly ma'am. Sir please follow me."

"Elizabeth. Honey why on earth would you want me to leave? I have been sitting here for 3 days waiting for you to wake up please don't do this." I can hear the sorrow in his voice but it's all an act. I kept on ignoring him.

"Sir please just follow me." The nurse forced him to leave. As soon as I heard their footsteps I turned my head towards the door to look at their backs as they left.

He expects me to look at him after what he did to me. He is a real fool thinking that.

The door to my room opening took me from my thoughts. When I glanced over I saw a very handsome doctor coming my way.

"Ms Cage I am Dr Wilkens I have been attending to you for the past three days. Would you like me to share my information with you" he asks with a raised eyebrow. I just nodded my head in agreement.

"I am very sorry for your loss ms but we were not able to safe you babies life. You had miscarriage that cause you to loose lots of blood. If you have any question please call me."

"Thank you" I whisper and nod my head

I lost my baby,I lost my baby no no please don't be so cruel. And I silently sobbed myself to sleep that night.

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