Vegas, Baby (Jerrie Fanfictio...

By VasZappeniin

162K 5.5K 1.4K

Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne do everything they can to help Perrie get over Zayn as much as possible. OR in whic... More

The Morning After
Time for decisions
Public Relation(ship)s
Catching Feelings
The Queen of Breakups
Public Display of Affection
Guessing The Truth
Interlude: Moving On
Where The Lines Overlap
The Next Big Step
To Be Continued
Right, Left, Right
No Place Is As Good As Home
Like A Married Couple
Coming Out
The Night of Nights
The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Twenty - All of You
Chapter Twenty-One - The Night Before


8.1K 258 81
By VasZappeniin

"I can't believe I'm back here," Perrie murmured as she pushed her suitcase through the door of Jade's – their – home. It was quite a big house for one person alone and they had bought it together initially. Of course Perrie had visited a lot and they spent time together even when they had their days or weeks off (even if Zayn just wanted to stay in some days Perrie would find a way to go and see the girls sometimes) but it felt different to be stay for good again.

Jade nodded as she came back from her bedroom, where she had positioned one of her own suitcases for now. "Yeah, it's kind of weird but also very nice. I'm glad to have you back here with me. It's nice to have company in this big house."

Perrie laughed but nodded her head as well, looking around. She had known Jade hadn't changed much except using Perrie's old bedroom as a guest room as well as the two spares that were upstairs – it really was too big for one person alone. Jade just thought it had never felt right to sell it and look for something smaller because maybe deep down she had hoped Perrie would move back in eventually even if she wouldn't admit to it now.

"Well, uh, you know where your room is. If you need anything –" She moved to go to the kitchen but stopped when Perrie called out,

"Wait what?" The look on her face seemed sad although Jade couldn't really figure out why. She had dropped her suitcase by now and was standing next to it with her arms crossed over her chest. "My room?"

"Um... yes?" Jade replied although it was more of a question than a reply, really. "Do you – do you want me to help you... or, I don't know?"

Perrie considered for a moment before she shook her head no. Then she picked up her suitcase and stomped off into the direction of her old room, leaving Jade clueless in the entrance hall. Frowning she considered walking after her because she hated when Perrie was angry with her, especially when everything had been so lovely lately.

But she had no idea what to say and she thought maybe she could make Perrie talk better if she gave her something to eat first, knowing how easy it was to bribe Perrie with a plate full of fattening foods. As unfair as it was, Perrie could eat whatever she wanted especially on their days off when she wasn't required a lot of stamina for the dancing rehearsals.

Walking into the kitchen she quickly pulled out the few utensils she needed for a simple pizza and chips, which she both pulled out of the freezer with much difficulty – knowing they would be gone for a while the only foods Jade had left in her home before leaving where now frozen so they wouldn't go to waste.

After nervous twenty-two minutes Jade finally managed to balanced the two plate (one filled with chips and the pizza on top of the other) into Perrie's room. She pushed the door open with her hips and then sat down on the edge of the bed next to Perrie, placing the plates between them. "You want to tell me what's wrong? I brought you food."

The blonde tried to stay sad but couldn't help the smile twitch the corners of her lips upward for a second before grabbing one of the chips. "Nothing's wrong," she told Jade with a pout, causing the brunette to giggle.

"You're a terrible liar. I won't let you finish this food all alone if you don't tell me what's bothering you, okay?" She grabbed one of the pizza slices and bit into the top where cheese was threatening to drip into the hand she held beneath to make sure she didn't spill grease all over Perrie's bed.

Perrie sighed and grabbed another chip, biting off it before nodding. "It's just... I'm a little stupid, okay? And like... it's not your problem to deal with, it's mine."

"Well, if something is bothering you it also affects my mood so it is my problem too," Jade told her while chewing on her food. "So of course I want to help you solve it."

Perrie pursed her lips and looked away awkwardly. "Well, it's just – because. Well, we've been sharing a bed for quite a bit now and, like, I don't know. I guess I expected us to continue this here but of course we wouldn't because the hotel room was kind of only because Clark told us to get a room with only one bed so we didn't really have a choice. But here we can have our own space. I get it and I was silly to simply... I don't know."

Jade looked at her stunned for a few seconds because as much as she probably should have expected this, she never in a million years would have. After a few awkwardly silent seconds the only thing she managed to speak was a quiet, "oh."

"And now I've made it uncomfortable," Perrie sighed and looked at the pizza she was holding in her right hand. "It was stupid of me to assume and I get that you need your space after all this closeness lately."

"No, that's not it," Jade replied and set her food on the plates. Wiping her palms against her thighs she spoke with so much strength in her voice that Perrie couldn't help but look up even though she had wanted to avoid Jade's stare. "I just thought that's what you wanted. That's why I suggested you go to your own room. The last few weeks have been very hectic for you, even more for you than me or Jesy and Leigh-Anne. The four of us have been practically living inside of each other's pockets and I just thought you might want to think about everything for a bit."

Perrie was surprised but didn't avert her eyes. "That might sound like I'm a coward but in all honesty, I don't want to be alone. I don't want to think about everything that's happened. I don't want to think about Zayn and why or how he broke up with me and I don't want to think about him at all. If I'm let alone I know I will think about him, about us and about you and I and how weird everything's become. Truth is, I like your company and the girls' because you make me feel safe and like I needn't worry about yesterday and tomorrow, just this minute I'm currently living in. With you I don't have to worry because I just live."

The heart within Jade's chest was beating heavily and although she didn't quite understand what exactly Perrie was trying to say, she felt somewhat relieved. She made Perrie feel safe and like she didn't have to worry – those words definitely didn't hurt her ego.

"I just want to live in the moment right now and do what feels right. Is it weird what I'm saying? I don't really make sense."

"No, no, it's fine," Jade smiled at her. "I'm just... surprised, is all. I didn't know that's the way you felt."

Perrie shrugged and smiled nervously as she ate another chip. "I'm really thankful you understand."

Jade nodded and then picked up her pizza slice again. "How about today is a Netflix and chill day and we just stay in bed all day? You can pick the room," Jade laughed and felt her insides relax – she hadn't even noticed how tense she had been until now.

Perrie grinned and stuffed three chips into her mouth at the same time, "Sounds like my kind of date."

Jade was shocked for a second but quickly plastered on a smile as she took a bite off her pizza – she had surely misheard Perrie and the blonde had surely said 'my kind of day'.

Nothing to freak about, Thirlwall, she thought to herself as the two of them leant back against the headboard of Perrie's bed and turned on the TV.


"You fell asleep."

"That's the point."

"Wake up, I'm bored."

"Go watch another movie," Jade yawned and kept her face hidden in the pillow. "'m still tired."

"C'mon," Perrie whined and shook Jade's shoulder neither lightly nor really aggressively. "It's four AM and I can't sleep because of the damn jet lag. How can you sleep?"

"Dunno," Jade sighed and turned her head so she could look at Perrie. The only light in the room was coming from the muted TV, which was probably still showing different episodes of Game of Thrones (Jade's pick, of course). "I'm comfortable in a bed, that's probably why."

"Beds aren't only for sleeping," Perrie giggled and poked Jade's waist, causing the brunette to twitch on the bed and whine,

"Don't tickle me when I'm half awake."

"Well, I'm trying to get you fully awake to entertain me," Perrie muttered and poked Jade between the fingers of her hand she was holding to the spot the blonde had just poked.

"Perrie," she sighed and sat up, grabbing the blonde's hand to keep it from tickling her sides. "Please don't."

"Entertain me."

Rolling her eyes in annoyance Jade asked, "How? I'm not capable of doing anything exciting just now."

Perrie pursed her lips considering before she nodded her head with a mischievous smile. "Okay, then, I know what to do." She shuffled closer on the mattress and grabbed Jade's cheeks, pulling her closer. Their lips brushed and Jade didn't find the strength within herself to deny her a kiss even though she had just woken up.

"I taste horrible," she murmured against Perrie's lips, her eyes closed.

"Never," Perrie replied without pulling back; in fact she was moving even closer on the mattress and put her hands on either side of Jade's hips, her body hovering a little over Jade's, who was sitting still. She pulled one of her hands up and placed it on Jade's chest, just below her collar bones and above her breasts.

When Jade noticed Perrie was trying to push her down, she complied and sighed contently into the kiss, loving the feeling of Perrie almost lying on top of her. The blonde's legs were bent on either side of Jade's thighs, straddling the older female without disconnecting their lip contact.

"You awake yet?" Perrie mumbled and put her hand on Jade's waist, where her shirt had rippled up. The cool finger tips on her warm stomach made Jade gasp and unintentionally she arched her back and hummed at the contact. Perrie giggled and tapped her fingers rhythmically against Jade's darker skin.

"Nah," Jade replied cockily and craned her neck up as she grabbed the blonde's neck to pull her down into a kiss again. She knew that this didn't mean anything but she still enjoyed the feeling of Perrie everywhere and she wouldn't want to change it for anything in the world now. "To be honest, I feel like I'm still asleep."

Perrie removed her lips from Jade's mouth and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Then she placed her lips over the sensitive skin on Jade's neck where the bruise had gone blue and lilac and sucked. The brunette gasped and her breath got caught in her throat at the feeling. "Oh my God," she managed to breath out and curled her toes. It was ridiculous how turned on she got by something as simple as a love bite.

"What about now? Still think you're asleep?" Perrie breathed over Jade's skin and she felt a shiver run down her spine. This was just too much for her in her half-awake, half-asleep state.

Jade didn't react physically and stayed still as she replied, "It kinda feels like a dream."

The blonde giggled and then leaned down again to bite some more marks into Jade, loving the keens and gasps that the brunette released. "You sound so nice," Perrie hummed and in this moment the older female didn't even care anymore – if Perrie liked it, she would keep making sounds like this for the rest of her life.

"I'm overwhelmed," she admitted and only now realised that her hands were holding onto Perrie's bottom, which was covered by nothing but her underwear. She vaguely remembered Perrie taking off her pants some point earlier when she wasn't fully asleep yet.

"Mhm," Perrie hummed and let her pointer finger skim across Jade's torso on the revealed skin. "Can I take this off?" She asked quietly and almost shyly, her left hand tugging on the fabric of Jade's shirt.

"Oh my God," Jade whispered and nodded her head eagerly; she couldn't believe this was actually happening right now. "Yah, take it off." She sat up to make it easier for the blonde to pull the shirt over her wife's head and then she put both her palms on Jade's stomach.

"Your skin is so soft." Jade had no idea what to reply but she could feel her body catching fire wherever the blonde's fingers danced over her skin. "Can I kiss you?"

"You can do whatever the fuck you want," Jade replied and if she hadn't known she had spoken herself she wouldn't have recognised her own voice. It was raspy and breathless as if she had been running a marathon and screaming the entire time.

Perrie took a deep breath and her eyes flickered over the brunette's features at the sound of her voice, seemingly surprised by the tone as well. She couldn't believe she had this kind of effect on Jade. Leaning down again she pressed her lips to Jade's, who arched her back to kiss her better, giving her as much access as she could manage with Perrie pressing her hips into the mattress by keeping her position on her thighs.

In this moment Jade didn't care about being too desperate because she felt fuzzy and warm and Perrie was actually wanting this so what did it matter if she showed her that she wanted this just as much. She had been naked in front of Perrie just a couple of days ago so it didn't bother her that she was now wearing only a bra and her knickers.

"What about your shirt?" Jade heard herself mumble against Perrie.

Without hesitation the blonde broke off the kiss and pulled her shirt over her head, revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra anymore. "Yours now needs to come off, too," she whispered and reached around Jade's back to unclasp the bra. Only need two tries she managed to get it off and then Jade hurried to slip her arms through the straps. It landed somewhere on the floor besides their shirts but Jade could worry about that later.

"What is happening?" Jade asked with big eyes and examined Perrie's body.

The blonde shrugged and leaned down again to reconnect their lips in a heated kiss. In all honesty, Jade felt like everything was heated in this very moment because everything was just so much and she never wanted this to end.

"Do something," she murmured and shifted her hips on the mattress. The warmth in her stomach was agonising and Jade just wanted to feel Perrie. "God, please."

Perrie giggled and shimmied down Jade's thighs until her hands could grasp the material of Jade's white underwear, pulling it down her legs. Without questioning anything she grabbed Jade's thighs and pulled them apart and positioned herself between them instead of putting her legs on either side of her body like she had done earlier. "What do you want me to do?" Perrie asked, running her hands up and down Jade's smooth skin.

"Just – I don't know." She was breathless and stretched her back towards Perrie, her eyes wide open. "Something."

"So eager," Perrie murmured with a grin and raised her brows. "I've never done this to a girl so I'm just going to try this..." Considering, she moved her hand down Jade's inner thigh, causing the older to gasp loudly, and bite her lip. Perrie giggled again and pressed her thumb against Jade's clit, circling it around and the smile on her lips broadened at the stuttering intake of breath coming from Jade.

She saw the brunette's hands ball into fists, clinging to the linens. "Fuck," she breathed out and gulped to try and contain her excitement – this was one of the best feelings in the entire world and she couldn't believe this was actually happening right now.

Perrie slipped her index finger between Jade's folds, testing the waters by slowly pushing it in and out to make sure Jade felt comfortable. She clenched her walls around Perrie's finger and breathed heavily. "More," she begged and shifted her hips, thrusting into the blonde's fingers.

Perrie took a deep breath, thoroughly turned on by the way Jade was moving around her finger and decided to add a second and quicken the pace. She leaned forward again, kissing Jade on the lips while thrusting her fingers into her a little harsher. Jade did the best she could to reciprocate the kiss but she was struggling to breathe and instead put one hand on Perrie's back to pull her close. The blonde winced at the feeling of Jade's nails digging into her skin but it only served to make her push and pull her fingers harder into the writhing woman beneath her.

The blonde couldn't help but thrust her hips down into Jade's thigh and cursed herself for not taking her underwear off along with Jade's as she felt the fabric between her hot wetness and Jade's warm leg.

"Pez, not gonna-" A thrust broke her off midsentence and she arched her back again, trying to get the blonde's fingers even deeper into her. "Long. Not long. Don't stop." The words came tumbling from her lips and she moved her second hand to Perrie's cheeks, grabbing it hard.

"Fuck," Perrie murmured into Jade's shoulder and started thrusting her hips into Jade at the same rhythm she moved her fingers inside the brunette. "Do that again."

Jade squeezed her ass cheek again, relishing in the sound that came from Perrie's mouth. She could feel her stomach was warm and fuzzy and knew she wasn't going to last much longer. "Pez, so close." She stuttered the words as the pace Perrie had going now was driving her mad and she could feel herself being pushed into the mattress with every thrust of Perrie's hips. She could feel the fabric of Perrie's knickers against her palm as she squeezed her bum again, her eyes rolling back into their sockets at the sound that followed from Perrie.

"Me too," she told the brunette and tried kissing her again, although more sloppy on both behalves this time. The blonde sat up and let the hand, which wasn't pleasuring Jade, slip into her underwear where she rubbed herself. She moaned at the contact and closed her eyes, moving both her hands, although the one she was using on herself a little clumsy.

"Let me –" Jade murmured and moved her hand away from Perrie's bottom, slipping it under Perrie's knickers. The blonde pulled out her own hand and almost cried out at how good it felt to have Jade's hand rubbing against her. "Fucking hell, Jade," she gasped and let her head fall back, rocking her hips up and down to meet Jade's fingers.

"Don't stop," Jade told her and shifted her own hips against Perrie's fingers, which were moving less rhythmically now. "Please."

The blonde groaned and tried to focus on her hand inside of Jade but it was just so difficult when she could feel her own orgasm building inside of her. "Stop," she told the brunette and pulled her hand out. "You first."

Jade let the hand drop to her side and groaned when Perrie leaned down again to push her fingers into Jade with more force. She bit the brunette's stomach lightly, sucking on the skin before moving her head up until it was right between Jade's breasts, her nipples hard and erect.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Jade scream-whispered as the blonde attached her lips to one of her breasts, biting around the hardened nub and sucking it into her mouth.

With a squeal she came, her legs clenching around Perrie's arm. The blonde kept moving her fingers but moved her head up again to kiss Jade on the lips, helping her through her orgasm. "So pretty," Perrie told her without stopping her movement. "So good."

Jade could feel a tear spill from her eye at the overwhelming sensation of this orgasm and stilled her hips, letting Perrie carry her through it. Her mouth didn't move but she didn't mind Perrie kissing her as she slowly came down, her walls still pulsating.

"You now," she said breathlessly, her thighs shaking slightly. Her fingers were quivering as she pushed them against Perrie's chest to help her sit up again and then they moved down between the crease of Perrie's breasts. Jade's finger glided over the scar on her stomach, the one the blonde had always been insecure about and as Jade slipped her fingers between Perrie's folds, she leaned forward and pressed kisses right onto the scar.

The blonde didn't seem to realise as she rocked her hips up and down eagerly, chasing her orgasm. She had thrown her head back, her eyes closed and Jade couldn't help but admire the sight of her like this, so ready, so gone. "You're so close, babe," Jade told her and thrusted her fingers into Perrie rapidly. "I know you can do it, come for me."

"Fuck, Jade," the blonde breathed out and Jade's breath got caught in her throat as she felt her walls clench around her fingers. The younger singer dropped forward and when her breathing normalised, Jade pulled her fingers out, feeling the slickness around it.

"You just fucking came because I told you so," Jade whispered in shock and gulped.

"Sorry," Perrie breathed out and pushed some hair out of her face.

"No," the brunette told her, "that was the hottest thing I've ever seen."

Perrie giggled and snuggled into Jade, their warm bodies so close that Jade felt like she had never been more content in her life.

The blonde told her quietly when she was almost asleep, "You know, this is the first time that I've had sex in this bed."

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