One Direction - Crackfics and...

By WhisperingStars

1.8K 18 7

Collection of crackfics and one shots Strange Little Things-Ziall crackfic: Zayn googles himself, and becomes... More

Another Bad Boy Story: Alternative Chapter
Terrible Horrible Spoons!: Liam Payne Crackfic
Hints of Larry - Larry/Ziall crackfic

Strange Little Things: Ziall Crackfic

250 4 0
By WhisperingStars

Strange Little Things 

Zayn googles himself and becomes jealous when he comes across Niam. Then Niall finds a strange fanfic.  

Have fun reading!  


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Zayn was incredibly bored. So, as normal people do, he decided to Google himself. Typing his name, 'Zayn Malik" into the search bar in the browser on his laptop, he was annoyed when he realized the search bar was set so that his results appeared in Bing, rather than Google. Making a mental note to himself to change the search bar settings, he then erased his name from the Bing search bar and typed 'Google' into it. He clicked on the first result, which unsurprisingly was the actual Google URL. Maybe Bing wasn't as bad as Zayn had thought. Or maybe Google was just too popular. His mind wandered to a conversation he had with Louis - according to that joker, typing Google into Google crashed Google. Which is what Zayn decided to do. But it didn't work. Making another mental note to himself to type Bing into Bing to see if it crashed, Zayn returned to the task at hand: Googling himself. Once again typing his name into Google, he clicked search and began flipping through the results. Finding the articles extremely boring (most of them were extremely over exaggerated), he clicked onto the images tab. The pictures pleased him indeed. Especially the one of him and Niall smiling at the camera. How cute we look, he thought. Many pages later, he was surprised to find a picture of Liam and Niall posing together, where some crazy fangirl had written 'NIAM' in massive letters. Jealousy overtook the confusion of why Liam appeared when he searched Zayn. Had the fangirls shipped Ziall more than they shipped Niam, perhaps Zayn wouldn't be so bored right now. Yes, he, like many people, was in love with their Irish band mate. Curiosity took over as he began comparing Ziall to Niam. 


Niall too, was incredibly bored. So, he decided to...Google himself? No, Zayn was the vain one, and with Harry becoming more and more vain, he couldn't risk himself being influenced by them and turning vain as well. He'd stick to being the Irish one. Instead he Googled, on his phone, everything that popped into his head.  







There was no risk in searching that.  

Reading through the results, he came across a fanfic titled 'Strange Little Things: Ziall'. It began with Zayn Googling himself because he was bored, being annoyed with Bing, typing Google into Google, then comparing Ziall to Niam. Niall mentally laughed. The things people write these days. Then it changed to Niall. He was bored too, so he started to search random things into Google. Except, everything the fanfic said Niall had searched, he actually did search for before he came across this fanfic!  

"ZAAAAAAYN!" Niall screamed, as he knew Zayn was next door, "This fanfic is really freaking me out! Come and see!" 

Realising that Zayn wasn't going to reply, Niall took his phone and jumped out of his room, into the room next door. There, he saw a frustrated looking Zayn, who was shooting daggers at a computer screen.  

"ZAAAAAYN! " Niall screamed again.  

"Oh, hey Niall" Zayn replied, followed by him slamming his laptop shut and, "Holy shit! When did you get here? err...didn't see what I was doing, did you?" 

Niall shot Zayn a questioning look, but decided to show his phone to Zayn first.  

"Look! Read this part!" He pointed to some text on his phone screen. It took Zayn a few seconds to skim read it - he didn't really care if he was honest, all he saw were some food related words. 

"...done. And...?" Zayn was annoyed at how pointless Niall was being. Until his heart missed a beat. Did the title say...Ziall?  

"All the stuff it listed, I googled! Don't you find that weird?" Niall asked.  

"Nope" Zayn smirked. "But you do realise what you've just read?" 

' turn to say nope...?" 

"Niall, you were reading Ziall!" 

"Hehe, that rhymes. Oh wait, no I wasn't! I mean, I didn't realise! Anyways, what were you doing? It's not every day you swear at me when you see me." 

Niall's eyes moved to the laptop and back to Zayn. It didn't take long for Zayn to realise what Niall was going to do, but Niall was faster. With one swift movement he grabbed the laptop, opened it and this time he smirked.  

"Reading Niam, eh? Does the thought of me and Liam get you a little...hooornehhhhh?" 

"What!? Ew, no! Actually, I was kinda...conparingittoziallbecauseithinkitsbetter?" 

"Hmm Zayn, you what? You know, Liam might be a littl-" 


Zayn blushed more than he had ever blushed before. He definitely didn't want Niall turning to the 'dark side' - the side where Niam sat.  

Niall, on the hand felt...happy? Zayn had admitted he preferred Ziall...he didn't say he liked it though.  

"Zayn...I want you to answer me truthfully. Do you like the idea of us being...more than friends?" 

Zayn hesitated. He wanted to say yes, but was afraid Niall would hate him. Looking into the blonde boy's eyes, he knew he couldn't lie to him. Well, as they say, YOLO.  

"Yes Niall. I do." 

Before he could begin to mentally curse whoever invented the phrase, he felt a pair of soft lips crashing onto his. And with that, Niall completely forgot about the strange fanfic he'd just read.

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