My King

By always_clever

660K 28.2K 6K

A time when King and Queens lead a whole country and servants was punished to even look at royalty. Akia Buha... More

My King....
Chapter Two: Letter and Wage....
Chapter Three: Breath of Air....
Chapter Four: The Ball....
Chapter Five: Arrangement....
Chapter Six: Journey...
Chapter Seven: Tonight...
Chapter Eight: Queen...
Chapter Nine: Tempting...
Chapter Ten: Heart&Soul....
Chapter Eleven: Whispers...
Chapter Twelve: Cold Green Eyes....
Chapter Thirteen: Taming the Beast...
Chapter Fourteen: Friend or Foe?...
Chapter Fifteen: Daniel....
Chapter Sixteen: Confuss...
Chapter Seventeen: Missing...
Chapter Eighteen: Absent from the throne....
Chapter Nineteen:News...
Chapter Twenty: Long voyage back home...
Chapter Twenty-one: Theodore...
Chapter Twenty-two: Moon...
Chapter Twenty-Three: False...
Chapter Twenty-Four: Kill the silence...
Chapter Twenty-Five: Lifeless...
Chapter Twenty-Six: Delusions...
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Cherish...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hope...
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Signs...
Chapter Thirty: Not till the fat lady sings...
Chapter Thirty-One: THE END is only the Beginning...

Chapter One: My Lord....

36.2K 1.6K 683
By always_clever

Akia woke up at the crack of dawn, so did the other servants. She did not dare to eat the harden bread, warm porridge and cold beer that sat outside in the cold night air. Akia has not yet settled her stomach for the food choices as she is still use to the food back home; fresh grapes, watermelon, pomegranate, strawberry and her favorite, sapota with old bread and milk from their old cow that her father dare not to sell since it is the only cow that produce excellent milk at her age. To bad the old cow passed away two days before Akia left to her new home.

Akia changed into a old, ruined dress they gave her that makes her breast push up and her behind plump. She instantly became self-conscious. The corset, another servant help tie up was tight against her small-gut stomach.

It felt like she couldn't breath.

"We should get going." The servant that helped her, which Akia learned that her name is Olivia.

Akia nod before walking behind the young lady. During the walk to the castle; Akia admired every scene. The morning fog surrounded the statues, the sun barely showed thought the clouds, the swans flew into the large yawn as the male servants walked out of their cottage.

Akia and Olivia walked through the back door leading to the kitchen where numerous of cooks was running around; trying to cook a perfect breakfast for the Council, princess, soldiers and King.

The smell made Akia's stomach growl uncontrollably. She ignored her hunger and kept waking

Once Akia grabbed her supplies, she headed up the stones steps that lead to the King's hall. She instantly spotted Lady Adorn polishing the armor statues.

Akia bowed. "Morning Lady Adorn."

"Morning Akia." Lady Adorn greeted without looking at the young servant.

Akia set her bucket full of water on the stone ground before getting on her knees. She grabbed the old brush that was settled in the water before scrubbing the ground.

"Akia." Lady Adorn called.

"Yes Lady Adorn?" Akia stopped and turn to the middle age woman.

"Go back to the cottage and fetch us some more rags."

Akia nod and stood on her feet. "Okay my lady."

She hurried down the stone steps and scurried through the crowded halls that was filled with servers. Luckily the kitchen was empty and did not cause her stomach to roar.

Once Akia was outside in the foggy air, she walked along the path that lead her to the cottage.

Akia walked inside; hoping to see the rages immediately, but she didn't. She searched everywhere, but there was known.

"Oh no." Akia said.

"What are you doing here?" A older lady with gray hair, wrinkles and green eyes walked into the cottage. "Everyone is supposed to be in the castle."

"Sorry my lady-"

"Oh lass, I am no lady." The woman chuckled. "Call me Martha or midwife." Martha walked towards Akia for a better look. "Such beauty. What is your name?"

"Akia... Akia Buhari. I'm sorry to shorten this good conversation, but I must find some rags."

"Rags?" Martha looked around. "They must be washing them. Go deeper into the woods and you'll find a huge cottage with a wheel on the side. Tell them that you need rags and Martha sent you."

Akia bowed. "Thank you. I must hurry, Lady Adorn expects me back."

Martha scoffed at the name of the higher class servant. "Lady Adorn. She thinks she's better than everyone. If she is your guide, then good luck to you. She is a very tough lady."

"Thank you, once again. Have a splendid day."

"You too lass."

Akia walked out the cottage and speed walked further into the woods. It wasn't long until Akia spotted the huge wooden wheel that was placed in a huge pond.

The brick walls of the cottage was covered in vines and moss. The fog around the cottage disappears slowly as Akia stopped in front of the wooden door that hovered the most moss.

Akia knocked on it twice. "I am here to receive some rags. I was sent by Martha."

The door slowly creaks open; revealing a small child with blonde hair and blue eyes. "You are friends with Martha."

Akia nod. "Yes."

The girl smiled. "Usually grandmother does not have many friends. Please come in." She said politely as she moved aside.

Akia walked in slowly, unsure of what to do.

Her stomach growled once more when the smell of fresh baked bread went through Akia nostrils.

"Are you hungry?" The girl asked.

Akia shook her head. "No. I must get back quickly."

"Oh, well here's your rags." The girl went to the back room and brought out five rags that is folded neatly.

"Thank you." Akia grabbed the rags in her hand and held it against her stomach. "What is your name?"


"Well Mary I am Akia. Hopefully I will see you again."

Mary smiled. "You will. Have a splendid day."

Akia bowed to the young lady before walking out the cottage and towards the woods where the path starts off again.

But before she step on the dirt road that was created carriages and horse stomping their feet; Akia stumbled. Weakness in her knees made her drop the clean rags.

Galloping was heard from afar as Akia tried to collect the rags in her hand.

"Are you all right?" A deep voice said.

Akia looked up from the ground to see a fine gentleman on his black horse. Akia stood up quickly, not caring about her horrible headache.


"What is your name?" The gentleman looked down at the young maid. Observing her beauty.


"Akia? Where are you from, Akia?"

"Angola, a country in Africa. My home land."

"Hmm." He hummed. "What are you doing out here in these woods?"

"To receive rags." Akia lifted up the rags to show him, but her stomach protested and shot pain through her body.

Akia hissed. Which made the gentleman hop off his horse and walked to Akia.

Akia looked up to his face. His green eyes burned into her face as well. His hair moved to the small breeze, his stubble gives off a tough deamnor. His stance spelled out power.

"You look ill." He spoke.

Akia let out the breath she did not know she was holding. "I am fine. I must leave." She did not move. Akia was to afraid she will fall and embarrass herself in front of this fine gentleman.

"Walk." He demanded.

Akia gulped and looked down at her feet. "I-I can not sir."

"Why not?"

"I um- I have no reasoning."

"Then walk."

Akia took a step to the side, but stopped. Her head pounded against her skull, her stomach growled and her knees buckled beneath her. Just in time the gentleman catches Akia in his arms.

Akia looked up at the fine man as he slowly became blurry until it went dark.


Akia flutter her eyes open to see the sun shining on a large painting of the fine gentleman. She slowly sat up and looked around the large and foreign room; to realize she is in a royal room, on their comfy bed.

The red silky sheets wrapped around her body like a cloud.

"Where am I?" She thought as she looked around some more.

"Good, you are finally awake." Lady Adorn said as she walked through the door with a tray of fresh bread, cooked duck, fruit and clean water.

"What happened?"

"You fainted. In front of the King."

Akia's eyes widened. "King?" Akia sat up fully so her feet was dangling on the large bed.

Lady adorn put the tray beside Akia before huffing. "You embarrassed yourself. You better pray he doesn't punish you for being a fool."

"Punish me?" Akia grasped in fear. "Please Lady Adorn, please don't let the king harm me. It was a mistake, I didn-"

"Is she awake?" The King barged into the room with a concerned look on his face.

Lady adorn bowed to him. "Yes, My Lord."

"Good." The King walked to Akia; eyeing her to make sure she doesn't faint again. "Leave us." He ordered.

Lady Adorn stood up and looked at the young servant. "My Lord, she has to fulfill her dut-"

"Don't you see she is ill!" He interrupted before turning to the older woman with a glare. "Leave. Us." He said through gritted teeth.

Lady Adorn scurried out the room while shutting the large door behind her.

Akia gulped and bowed her head in a sign of respect for her new king. "My lord, I am terrible sorry for this morning."

"Why are you sorry? You feel ill. You should eat, your stomach kept growling as I carried you to my chambers."

"Carried me?" Akia mumbled in disbelief. "I must leave."

"You must eat first. I will not let you leave without anything in your stomach."

Akia took the bread. "After I eat the bread, I must leave. My Lord."

He nod. "As long as you have something in your stomach."

Akia took a piece of bread and put it in her mouth. The King kept looking her; watching her eat the bread.

When he first saw Akia, he thought she was another peasant girl. But up close, he was captured by her beauty. Her obedience was still rocky, but it's nothing he can't fix.

Akia was was finally done eating the bread, but she didn't stop there. Akia grabbed a piece of roasted duck and shoved it into her mouth; not caring that she in the king's presence.

She kept shoving food into her mouth until she was full and exhausted. "I must leave. My Lord." She stand up on her feet and grabbed the empty tray.

"Theo. My name is Theo."

"Goodbye, my lord." Akia bowed before walking to the closed door. She opened it and walked out.

King Theo smirked. "She must be mine."

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