She's Such A Nerd

By raerahna

518K 17.6K 1.9K

Emaline is what would be considered a nerd. She dedicates herself to her schoolwork and books rather than soc... More

1: Definition of Cool
2: Him? Me? Partners?
3: High Expectations
4: Don't Even
5: Your Actions Have Consequences
6: How Sweet
7: That Feeling
8: Didn't See It Coming
9: More Comfortable Than I Thought
10: I'm Not Complaining!
11: Coming Clean
12: Apologies
13: Family Dinner
14: Party
15: Being Suspicious
16: Two Left Feet
17: Treasure Hunt (Part 1)
18: Treasure Hunt (Part 2)
19: The Last Gift
20: Social Ladder
21: The Book Secret
22: The Project and a Slipped Secret
24: Explanations and Confessions
Author's Note

23: Dancing Isn't Really My Thing

14K 480 15
By raerahna

I'll admit, I had been expecting Jake to say no. Which is partially why I may or may not be freaking out right now. I already have my dress picked out. Should I feel bad that I'm dragging him to one of the boring events I'm constantly forced to go to? Probably. Do I? Not really. Honestly, I'm glad I'll finally have someone my age to hang out with that isn't a stuck-up brat. I've met plenty and I'm done playing nice with some of them. I just have to make it through a few more events, then I'll be done.

I finish getting ready just as the doorbell rings. Looking at the clock, I see that Jake is early. I'm not surprised, but I'm nervous. I grab the skirt of my dress, checking my reflection in the mirror one last time before walking down the stairs. My hair is up in an elegant braid, and the dress I chose is floor-length, pale pink, and wraps around one shoulder. I may be tall, but this dress is still too long. Even with heels on, it touches the floor. I guess that's how you know it's ridiculously long.

Maria beats me to the door. I blame the heels. As I come down the stairs, Maria scurries passed, holding a bunch of flowers.

"Hey," Jake says. I turn to see him standing in the doorway, wearing a tuxedo.

I smile at him. "Hey."

Before I can say anything, Maria returns with a camera. "I want to take some pictures," she exclaims. "Why don't you two stand over there?" After what feels like a thousand pictures later, we're finally finished and have permission to leave.

"Don't be out too late and have fun," Maria sings as she practically shoves us outside. This is going to be an interesting night.


There's one hotel that the company usually holds events at. As we pull up, I noticed that it's not as fancy as it has been the past few times. Jake helps me out of the limousine that my mother had insisted we take. I thank him and look up at the sky. "It looks like it's going to rain," I note. "Let's get inside before it does."

We hurry through the doors as the limo pulls away. A doorman tells us that the event is just down the hall. Thanking him, we head down the hallway. Walking into the event room, I can already tell we're at the wrong place. There are balloons everywhere and pictures around the room. I notice that the words Happy Anniversary are printed on several balloons.

I tug on Jake's sleeve and whisper, "I think we're in the wrong-"

I'm cut off by an old woman. From her white, curly hair and her outfit, I can tell that she's the star of the show. "Oh, you must be Mary's friends! Well, don't be shy. Come join the party!" She smiles brightly at me. "My, aren't you just a pretty thing?"

I blush. "Sorry. We seem to be in the wrong place. We-"

She cuts me off again. "Amber, is it? Well, Mary's just right over-"

"We don't know a Mary," Jake cuts in. "Sorry to be a bother."

She looks at us a bit more closely. "Oh, nonsense. You're no bother."

"I'm going to go call us a taxi," Jake tells me before walking out of the room.

Before I can say anything, the woman is talking again. "It looks like it's about to rain. Why don't the two of you stay in here until your ride gets here? There's plenty of snacks and we plan on cutting the cake soon."

I smile at the old woman. "Thank you."

Jake returns and tells me that it'll be about twenty minutes before the taxi will get here. We take a seat and wait.

After a few minutes of watching everyone dance and mingle, the woman makes her way back to us, taking a seat next to me.

"You two look nice," she comments. "What's the occasion?"

I smile and thank her, telling her it's for a dinner party. Before she can reply, a little girl skips up to us. "Everyone wants cake!" She bounces on her toes, clearly excited. I can't help but smile.

The woman leans forward, tickling the little girl. "Everyone? Are you sure it's not just you?" The little girl laughs and squeals before running off. She turns to us and asks, "Would you like cake? We have plenty to go around."

I look over at Jake, who shrugs, before looking back to her. "If you're sure," I trail off, smiling.


By the time the taxi arrives, I realize that I'm not entirely sure where the event is actually taking place. It's almost always at the one where we found the anniversary party. There is a place that it could be held at that we used as a backup if the first was already booked.

Before I can say anything, Jake beats me to it. "So where are we going?"

"Well," I laugh nervously. "I don't really know." Jake gives me a look that says you're kidding. "I mean I think I know where it is. We usually have it at another place if this place is booked, so we can look there first. I'm not really sure wh-"

I'm cut off by Jake's laugh. "You're rambling again." I blush. "Let's try the other place."

By the time we reach the next hotel, it's pouring outside. I head straight for the front desk, asking if this is the place where the event is being held.

"There's good news and bad news," I tell Jake. "The good news is that we're at the right place. The bad news is that we're over half an hour late."

He shrugs. "So?"

I give him a look. "Have you met my mother?" I start fidgeting with my dress. "She's going to kill me. She hates being late. Do I look okay? How's my hair? Maybe I should-"

He cuts me off again. "Rambling."

"Sorry," I mutter.

"You look fine. Let's just get in there before we're any later." I nod, following him down the hallway.

The room is set up with tables all around the room and name cards indicating where people should sit. Most people are standing around, mingling. I can only imagining how crazy it's driving my mother. If there is one thing I can say about my mother, she likes order and organization. There's a reason she does the place cards at each table. I already know that my seat is at the large table towards the front of the room where my parents will sit when they finish going around the room.

I try to spot my parents, but my mother steps in front of me, cutting off my search. Instantly, I try to stand a little straighter, keeping my shoulders back. Over the years, I've learned how to stand, speak, and act at these events. I've also learned how to be able to tell who in the room is important by the way they carry themselves and speak with other people.

"Emaline." By the way my mother says my name, I know I'm in trouble for being late and that I'll have to explain later. I never explain myself in front of other people. Anyone else listening in would think that she was greeting me like she would greet any of her other guests. "We were just about to get started." She motions to the front table. "I've placed you and your friend at the front table, as usual." She greets Jake quickly before taking off to greet more guests. I relax a bit as soon as she leaves.

"I guess we better get to our seats," Jake says, offering his arm. I take it and let him lead me to our table. I almost forgot that my parents think we're dating. I don't think Maria would have told them otherwise.


The dinner party passes more quickly than it usually does, thanks to Jake. He makes comments under his breath throughout the event, trying to get me to laugh. It definitely helps me relax. It's still raining by the time the event is over. I have to make Jake call the limo company to let them know that they had dropped us off at the wrong place and to give them the address of the hotel we're at. We stand outside under a cover as we wait for the limo.

I undo the braid, letting my red hair fall in waves around my shoulders. "I like your hair better like that," Jake comments, making me smile. Before I can respond, he says, "Hey, I have an idea. Let's dance."

I laugh. "Isn't it totally cliché to dance in the rain. Especially with no music?"

"Like it's right out of a book?" He gives me a look, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you making fun of me?" I ask with a smile.

"Not at all." He bows overdramatically, offering his hand. "Can I have this dance?"

"I'm pretty sure it's 'may I,' not 'can I,'" I can't help but comment. He rolls his eyes, and I laugh. "Besides, dancing isn't really my thing."

He takes my hand anyways. "It is now," he grins at me, pulling me out into the rain and into his arms. I'm beginning to really like clichés.

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