A Dirty Bar, A Dirty Life.

By Broadway--Babe

34.2K 694 98

(Rated M for Child Abuse, Molestation, and Sexual Themes.) A simple question leads to a not-so-simple relatio... More

1. A Little Mousehole.
2. A Date.
3. A Start
4. A Lead.
5. Something Amiss.
6. A Mousetrap.
7. The Prep, and Trial Part 1.
8. A Lovely View.
9. The Trial Part 2.
11. A Dinner Celebration.

10. A Hospital Visit.

2K 48 1
By Broadway--Babe

After Cadence finished with her statement to the Medical Respondent, she followed Olivia into a cab. They made their way to the hospital where Rafael was being treated. The doctor had said that Rafael was still sedated from surgery, but told Cadence that they would be alerted once he woke up.

Cadence and Olivia walked to the nearest Starbucks. Olivia ordered for both herself and Cadence, while Cadence sat, staring down at her phone. Olivia couldn't imagine what she was going through. She paid for the drinks, sitting across from Cadence with a small smile.

"Hey. I just want to let you know that what happened today wasn't your fault." Olivia set Cadence's drink in front of her, Cadence nodding her thanks.

"I know it isn't my fault, I just... I can't help but feel responsible, you know?" Cadence sighed, taking a sip of her coffee. "If I hadn't have gone to lunch with him, he would probably be fine."

Olivia glanced up from her coffee, shooting a quizzical look. "You realize that if you hadn't have gone to lunch with Rafael, you'd probably be dead, or forced to do things you would have hated." Cadence rubbed her upper arm, looking wistfully down at her phone.

Her lockscreen was a picture she had taken on the night Rafael had set up that lovely date on the roof. It was a selfie she had taken with Rafael, who was gently kissing her cheek as she smiled at the camera. What if he hates me forever after this? What if he can't walk again? What if it is worse than I think? What if...? Cadence was snapped out of her mind as her phone buzzed.

"He's up. Let's go." Cadence smiled, grabbing her coffee as she took one last look at her phone screen before heading out the door of the coffee shop with Olivia.


Olivia flashed her badge to the doctor, her and Cadence entering Rafael's hospital room. Cadence stopped in her tracks as Rafael looked to her with a smile. She dropped her purse, quickly moving and hugging Rafael, who let out a small "oof" of surprise.

"Rafi... I'm so sorry." Cadence felt herself tear up slightly, sniffing slightly as she pulled away. "I love you, I'm so glad you're okay." She pressed a kiss to his forehead, Rafael chuckling softly.

"It's okay, mi hermosa." They kissed for a moment, Olivia awkwardly stepping outside the door. Rafael scoot in his bed slightly, wincing as he allowed Cadence to lie next to him. Rafael slipped an arm over her shoulder as she lie on her side, an arm wrapped around his waist.

"So, what has the doctor said?" Cadence fixed her eyes on a chair in the corner of the room, resting her head on his shoulder slightly. Rafael gently stroked her hair, smiling softly.

"He said that the bullet only hit muscle, so after a few months of physical therapy, I should be fine. I'll have a slight limp, but I can live with that." Cadence laughed, smiling as she kissed his jawline.

"That's such good news! When do you get discharged?" Cadence's hand moved slightly down, accidentally. Rafael stiffened slightly, taking a small breath.

"Tonight, they said. Around 7." Rafael smiled, closing his eyes as he leant his head on Cadence's. Cadence looked down at her hand and blushed. Her hand was resting right on Rafael's groin. She moved it back up to his hip, Rafael gasping softly. "S-sorry..."

Rafael chuckled, shaking his head. "It's fine. Although, I would have much rather you asked next time, Bueno Niña." Cadence's blush deepened, biting her lower lip as she hid her face in his chest. Rafael looked down, gently patting her head. "Are you okay?" He knew she was still trying to get used to sexual contact, and didn't want to push anything. Cadence nodded, looking up at him shyly.

"M-may I?" She bit her lower lip, her pupils dilated. Rafael felt his face heat, nodding. Cadence pulled the blanket over them, shyly lifting up Rafael's hospital gown to reveal his member. Cadence his her face in his chest, slowly wrapping her hand around his shaft. Rafael's breath hitched slightly, feeling Cadence's hand still warm from her coffee. She lithely stroked up and down, listening to Rafael moan and pant slightly.

" Más rápido que mi niña buena..."  Cadence sped up slightly, Rafael's breathing becoming slightly ragged. Rafael gently lifted Cadence's chin, passionately pressing his lips to hers as she began to stroke even faster. Rafael broke away from the kiss for a moment, moaning slightly.

Cadence turned her head, watching as a doctor ran down the hall towards them. She suddenly remembered that Rafael was connected to a heart monitor, and removed her hand just as the doctor entered the room. Rafael appeared confused for a second, then became bright red. The doctor stood at the end of the bed, panting softly from his run.

"M-Mr. Barba, are you okay?"

Rafael glanced over at Cadence, who was trying her best to keep her cool and stop from laughing. He looked back to the doctor. "Yeah, I'm fine. Must have been a malfunction in the machine, or something." The doctor eyed the rather large bulge under the blanket, and became red as he quickly left the room.

Cadence snorted, laughing. "I-I'm so sorry, oh my god. That was so fucking funny." She turned back towards Rafael, nuzzling into him. "Do you wanna keep going?"

Rafael looked down, and shook his head as he calm down.

"No. I think I'd just rather take a nap with you." Rafael thought for a second, smirking. "Besides. When I get home, I'll be able to reciprocate." Cadence giggled, curling up to Rafael slightly, closing her eyes as she took in his scent.

"I love you, Rafi."

"I love you too, Cadey."

They fell asleep like that, curled together in that large hospital bed.

(A/n: How was that? A little bit of smut! Anyway. I figured out what I want to do when I finish this story. I'll do a little domesticity book, filling it with fluffy/smutty little things between Cadence and Rafael. Bye! See you all next chapter!)

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