Playing House

By MiraDay

48 1 2

Sometimes you have to do things differently in order to be happy. Hannah Bishop thinks her life is going alon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

5 0 0
By MiraDay

"Wow, this is dead—even for a Tuesday," Vickey, the other bartender at Tavern, says. It's eleven o'clock, and we've only had three people all night.

"I know, right?" I lean against the bar. "If you want to leave early, I'll close up. No reason we should both suffer for another three hours."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm already out here and have downed two energy drinks. I'm good to go. I have all day off tomorrow, so no biggie. Plus Lizzy and her man are coming in a few."

"You are amazing. I'll make sure it's cool with Paul."

I wipe down the bar and clean the bottles. At least closing will be easy tonight.

Around eleven-thirty a pair of businessmen come in and sit down at the end of the bar. "Hey guys! What can I get ya?"

"Two Bud Lights and two shots of Patron," a tall, curly blond in a grey suit jacket and unbuttoned white shirt says. They must have had a late night at the office.

"No problem." I grab the bottle of tequila from the shelf.

"I'll have a mint mocha cookie."

I turn around at that last order. Caleb Matthews is in the same shirt and tie as earlier, but now with no jacket. A smile plays at his lips.

"Hello, Mr. Matthews."

"Hello, Miss Hannah. I didn't know you worked here too."

"I need something to keep me busy at night." I feel my cheeks burn at my audacity.

He raises an eyebrow. "Besides cooking for the staff?"

I grab a rag and pretend to wipe down the bar. "Yeah, something like that. You guys want lime wedges?"

"Actually, can we get some orange wedges and maybe a little sugar, Sugar?" The tall blond winks. Caleb shoots him a withering look.

"No problem." I slice up an orange, rim two shot glasses with sugar, and pour in the chilled Patron while trying not to think about the two sets of eyes trained on me. My blush deepens. Damn it!

"Thanks, Doll!"

"She has a name, Lucas." Caleb's sarcasm makes me giggle.

I stick my hand out. "Hi, Lucas. I'm Hannah."

Lucas lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses the top of my knuckles. "A pleasure meeting you, Hannah."

"You too." I pull my hand away to grab a cookie tin from the small under-counter cooler, then turn back to the businessmen. Opening it, I hold it out to them. "Here you go, gentlemen. Enjoy!"

Caleb's eyes light up. "I've been craving these all afternoon—and I've never even had one."

Lucas peers into the tin, sniffing. "Holy shit that smells good. What is it?" He doesn't wait for my answer before taking out a cookie.

"Mint mocha cookie. My recipe."

"You bake too?" Lucas takes a bite. "Oh my God, I may just have to marry you."

Caleb chokes on his cookie. I flash him a nervous grin.


I turn to see Lizzy coming in the door, a grinning Mason in tow. Lizzy jumps onto a bar stool and reaches across the bar to hug me. "Roomie, I need a drink!"

"You sure about that?"

She throws up her arms as if performing on stage. "A glass of white, fair barmaid."

I roll my eyes at Mason.

Mason pushes up to the bar. "Don't worry about her. She hasn't had that much—just happy to be off." He looks around the bar, pausing to nod at Caleb and Lucas before turning back to me. "Slow night?"

"Yeah, I sent Vickey home about 45 minutes ago."

Lizzy notices Caleb and Lucas and cocks an eyebrow at me. I see the glint of mischief in her eyes, but am too slow to stop her.

"Are you stalking my roommate, Matthews?"

I suck in a breath, praying that my burning cheeks are not the color of a tomato.

Caleb winks at me. "If that's what it takes to get these cookies, then yes, I am."

My face is on fire now, and I struggle to introduce Mason and Lizzy to Caleb. Lizzy beams at him, and Mason shakes his hand. Caleb in turn introduces Lucas.

"Nice to meet you." Lizzy hiccups. "Hannah's cookies—aren't they awesome? I keep telling her to open up her own shop."

"Lizzy, shut up!" I hiss as I once again pretend to wipe down the bar.

She shrugs and sticks out her tongue at me. "Whatever, babe. Next round's on me boys. Let's make this a party!" She spins around, calling out several whoops.

Before she can fish her wallet from her purse, Caleb leans over the bar to me. "Add it to my bill. Your choice, Hannah."

His look is playful, but daring. I rise to the challenge, creating four cherry key lime shots.

Lizzy claps her hands. "Oh, boys, you're in for a treat now." She doesn't wait for me to slide the glasses across the bar, instead grabbing one and raising into the air. The others follow suit, and they click their glasses together before tossing back the shots.

Caleb drinks his without taking his eyes off me. "Your creation?"

"I like to play around with ideas."

"You like to play, huh? Lucky me." He licks his lips.

My heart pounds in my ears again as I wonder what else he can do with that tongue of his.

About an hour later, the owner, Paul, emerges from the back office and calls me over to him. "I was thinking on closing early tonight." He looks over my shoulder, as if making the point that four people are not worth staying open.

"No prob. They're just friends hanging out." I motion to the floor. "Everything's finished except mopping back here."

"You go. I'll take care of it." He turns back to the office as I toss out a quick "thanks." He doesn't have to tell me twice.

I spin around to the lively group still sitting at the bar. "All right, everyone, I'm closing you all out. We're closing up early, which means–"

"You're off!" Lizzy cuts me off, squealing. "Now you can drink with us!"

"If you guys are up for it." I hand out their tabs.

Caleb glances up from his conversation with Mason.

"I'm in." Lucas drops a twenty-dollar bill on the bar.

Caleb checks his watch, then nods. "I'm down."

Lizzy pounds back the remainder of her wine. "And I know an awesome place just a few blocks down." She jumps off the bar stool, with Mason's help.

The group heads outside as I run my ticket and check out. I finally grab my jacket and purse and head out into the cool night air.

Caleb reaches out to me. "Here, let me help you with that."

"Thanks," I smile, shrugging in to the jacket. He rests his hands on my shoulders for a few seconds longer than necessary, sending a small shiver down my spine. He lets out a slow breath, its heat tickling my neck. For a moment I don't hear anything else, only his breathing. I shake my head a little, trying to clear the spell he seems to hold over me.

I try to ignore the disappointment I feel when he releases my shoulders and steps back. It's been a while since I've reacted like that to a man—any man. A twinge of guilt strikes me when I think of Connor, but I brush it off. I don't want to feel guilty. Not tonight.

Lizzy calls out to follow her as she heads up Tyron. I know exactly where she's leading us to: our favorite little dive bar. Mason, Lucas, and Lizzy lead the group while Caleb and I shuffle behind them.

"I'm ready to play some pool!" Lizzy runs inside, pulling Mason along. Lucas, Caleb, and I follow.

"Do you guys play?" I ask.

Lucas buffs up. "All the time. We both own a table."

Caleb rolls his eyes. "But neither one of us is very good." He runs his hand through his black hair, looking ashamed.

"Uh-huh." I'm on to their game. Damn sharks.

Lizzy shoves a beer in my hands. "Drink and grab a stick—boys versus girls."

"I'll hang back on this one," Mason takes a seat at the bar table to watch. I set my beer down next to him, take off my jacket, then grab a pool stick.

Lucas tries to grab the same stick. He nudges my shoulder. "Should we make a friendly wager on this game? Losers buy next round?"

"Sure. Since you guys aren't very good, this should be interesting." I try not to laugh as Caleb shakes his head. "You guys break."

Lucas lines up with the cue ball and takes his shot. He sinks a solid. "Caleb, you're up."

Caleb studies the table, considers his options, and aims for the solid orange ball. When he completely misses, he laughs sheepishly. "So much for that. Ladies?"

I turn toward Lizzy to hide my giggle. She winks at me and moves to the table. "Stripes, right? Hmm." She examines the table, holding her stick in the air as if trying to make a shot. She frowns, shakes her head, and walks around the table, examining various shots.

When she starts to walk around the table once again, Lucas groans. "Come on, already."

"Okay, okay," Lizzie says, hiking her shoulders up as if he was yelling at her. "I'll try this one." She returns to the first shot she studied, takes aim at the blue and white ball, and strikes it hard and fast into the side pocket. "Ha! Did you see that?" She jumps up and down like a little school girl.

Lucas' mouth drops open while Caleb stares at the table, shaking his head. "We're being played, Luke."

"Oh, don't say that," I purr playfully as I pat his shoulder. What has gotten into me all of a sudden? I don't know, but I'm not slowing down. I lean in close to whisper into his ear, "I'll probably miss this one. Probably." I lean over the table and take aim.


The purple and white ball sinks into the corner pocket.

"My turn." Lizzy cradles the pool stick between her fingers and takes aim. The target stops just short of the pocket. She sticks out her bottom lip in a dramatic pout. "Guess you guys are up."

Lucas leans in to take a shot. When he misses, he shakes his head in disgust.

"I'm telling you, man," Caleb says. "They're playing us."

I sink my next shot. "Yes, sir, we are."

Lucas mutters to himself as he stomps over to the bar to get the next round of drinks. I laugh to myself as I sit at the small bar table next to Lizzy and Mason. My roommate is engrossed in drunkenly telling Mason how much she loves him. It's a scene I've seen too many times.

Caleb sits down next to me.

"You weren't lying when you said you're not good at pool."

Caleb winces. "Thanks, rub it in. Having fun?"

"I sure am. How about you?"

"More than expected." He leans forward slightly.

I lean forward as well. He smiles. Such a beautiful smile. I picture rolling over in the morning to wake up to that smile. His smile widens. Does he know what I'm thinking?

I clear my throat, trying to get control of my thoughts once again. "So, um, you working tomorrow?" Oh my God, was that a come on? Does he think I'm asking him–

"Nope," he says, interrupting my train of thought. "Taking a personal day."

"That's nice. I could use one of those. I think today was"—I start to count—"my eleventh shift in a row."

Caleb lets out a low whistle. "Eleven shifts?" He looks at me with wide oh-so-gorgeous green eyes. "Why do you work so much?"

I shrug. "Gotta make a living somehow." I hate that question. I sit back in the chair and cross my arms. "I've got plans that require money and no one's going to just give it to me."

Caleb slumps back and runs his hand through his hair. "Sorry if that was a little too personal. I didn't realize how hard of a worker you are."

"Had to be since I was sixteen."

Caleb frowns and cocks his head to the side. "Sixteen? Why so young?"

I scan the nearly empty bar, avoiding his eyes. "My mom died in a car accident."

"And your dad?"

I shake my head. "No idea. He ran off right after I was born." I don't know why I'm telling him all of this.

"So what did you do?"

"Lizzy's parents took me in. Lizzy, Mason and I went to high school together."

He stops the questions, and we sit in silence. When I finally look at him, I see the sadness etched into his face. I bristle in anger. The last thing I want is his pity.

Thankfully Lucas slides the beers and Jager bombs onto the table. I am quick to take both, grateful to have an escape.

Lucas looks back and forth between me and Caleb, then turns to me. "To meeting fun new people—cheers!"

We clink the glasses of Red Bull then drop the Jager in.

"Cheers, Hannah." Caleb looks me right in the eye when he clinks my glass. He throws back the shot, never taking his eyes off me.

I toss my shot back, feeling the heat burn down my throat and make my muscles all warm and loose. At least I tell myself it is the alcohol sending the waves of heat through me and not the man sitting across from me, watching me with those damn green eyes.

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