The Boy Who Saved Me

By ashtonsacklesx

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Okay, so I suck at descriptions! And the beginning of this story is shit (actually this whole story is pretty... More

Chapter 1: Time To Get Out
Chapter 2: Saved by the Curly-Haired Idiot
Chapter 3 - Meeting Harry and Telling My Story
Chapter 4: Bad Dreams and Meeting the Doc
Chapter 6: Meeting the Boys
Chapter 7: Our Little Big Secret
Chapter 8: A Big Lie and A Big Announcement
Chapter 9: Being Released and an Eventful Shopping Trip (AUTHORS NOTE)
Chapter 10: My New Home and A Talk With Liam
Chapter 11: I'll Never Get Used To This
Chapter 12: Meeting Simon Cowell
Chapter 13: It's All Because of Twitter
Chapter 14: I'm So Sorry
Chapter 15: Secret Revealed
Chapter 16: Drama and a Movie (READ AUTHORS NOTES!)
Chapter 17: He Doesn't Remember but I Get Some Icecream
Chapter 18: I Forgive You, but Do You Forgive Me?
Chapter 19: Pool Fun, Fajitas, and Girlfriend's
Chapter 20: Breakfast and A Sad Girls Day Out
Chapter 21: Why Didn't You Tell Us You Have A Sister?
Chapter 22: I Confess, and I Finally Break
Chapter 23: Flashbacks and Feeling Happy
Chapter 24: I Shock Them all and They Want Me to Sing?!
Chapter 25: Sing For Simon and Drama Time
Chapter 26: Apologies and Being Late
Chapter 27: Shopping With Louis and We Meet Again
Chapter 28: We Talk and Thank You Louis
Chapter 29: An Unpleasant Surprise
Chapter 30: We All Find Out the Truth
Chapter 31: Starting School and Preparing For a Change
Chapter 32: We Say Goodbye... Sorta.

Chapter 5: And The Truth Comes Out

229 7 0
By ashtonsacklesx

Well Ello there! 👋😊 I love you all so much for getting me to 52 reads and 9 votes! :) THANK YOU SO FLACKIN MUCH!!! 😊😘🙏👏 Anywaayyyys...enjoy the new chappie :) xx


"Well....your step-parents are... dead."

What?! They're dead? Oh my... well, of course why should I even care? Well, to be honest, I really don't know. They've made my life a living hell for 7 years, but they have given me a place to live, food to eat, (very disgusting food), but at least I haven't starved. They've helped me survive, while at the same time almost killing me. I really don't know what to feel right now.

"W-What happened?" I ask, now on the verge of tears.

Dr. John sighed. "Do you really want to know? It's a pretty long, sad story.."

I nod my head quickly, wanting answers desperately.

"Okay... well, your stepdad attempted to escape from the police. Apparently, he ran back home after his encounter with Harry, leaving his truck behind. He ransacked his house, grabbing whatever belongings he could and left a note explaining everything to your step mum in a not so nice way. He left on his motorcycle, but he didn't get very far though.."

He pauses for a moment. "The police caught up with him before long and there was an intense wild chase. Your stepdad had a gun and was shooting at the officers. In the process, he ran off the road and crashed into a small ditch, but it didn't slow him down. He quickly recovered and took down 2 police officers, killing them both, and injured one. But, the police eventually shot your stepdad in the arm, making him drop the gun. They ran over and handcuffed him, and they rushed him over to the car. Sadly, he broke free from the officers ushering him to the car and he tried to run... But, umm...they shot him again... in the back... and well... I'm sorry for your loss sweetheart."

I'm crying by now. I don't want to, because now I know I'm safe from Dave, but at the same time... He's dead. Bitten the dust. Life fired him for good.

I still have to know about my stepmum, so I quickly ask, "What about my mum? What happened to her?"

Dr. John looked at me with tears in his eyes. Then, he pulls out a crumpled up envelope out of his coat pocket, slowly handing it to me. "This should explain most of it."

I lift up a shaky hand and take the envelope from him. I slowly flip open the flap that's seal had already been broken, and take out a tear stained piece of paper.

It's a letter from my stepmum.

Dear Carrie-Lee,

I know this letter is late, but I have never been sober enough to tell you this myself. I want to apologize for being such a horrible mum to you. I wasn't a good example at all, I was never there for you, I let your father repeatedly hurt you, I barely kept you fed, I let you suffer and almost die, and I was never, ever there. I couldn't bare to watch anything happen to you. I loved you so much, but Dave didn't want you. I wanted to take you and leave, but I knew Dave would follow our path and somehow find us. I found depression with time. I turned to alcohol and drugs because they made me feel better, in a way. I became a prostitute so I could get away from Dave, and you as well, because it pained me to see you so broken. Now that Dave has left and you are gone, I have no reason to be here anymore. The damage has been done and I have already ruined myself. I wish I could turn back time, fix everything, and give you a better life, but I can't. By the time you read this, or if you ever get to read this, I will be dead. Before I left this world, I wanted to make sure you had a chance of knowing that I really did love you. I'm so sorry, so, so, so very, truly sorry. I love you so much. Please grow up and be the beautiful and lovely, sweet girl I know you are. Grow up and live your dream of becoming a singer. I've heard you in your room singing and you definitely have a true talent. Again, I love you so much and I'm truly, deeply, sorry. I hope you will find a place in your heart to forgive me one day, and I'll be watching over you.

With Love,


I'm practically sobbing now, not able to hold in anymore tears. She loved me. She actually loved me... and she cared. I wish I would've known.

"She loved me... she really did..." I mutter, barely audible.

I lay, wrapped in Harry's arms while drowning in my own tears. All he does is hold me, letting me grieve. Dr. John left me to mourn alone and went back to his work. The tears seem never ending. I just can't believe all that's happened, in such little time. Dave is dead, Susan actually loved me... But now she's dead too. Gone forever. Now I have nothing left, and nowhere to go. It matches who I am perfectly.



It's been a week. I've cried everyday and night and Harry has been here every second of it. He has comforted my broken and damaged figure every time I've broken down.

Harry had just left, telling me that he was bringing me a surprise.

"I promise I'll be back soon, love. I'm bringing you a surprise that might cheer you up a bit. But we can only hope..."

He gave me a small smile and a kiss on the forehead before walking out, leaving me alone.

Alone. I hate being alone. It reminds me too much of my situation. I might have Harry, but they are releasing me from the hospital soon, so I'll probably never see him again. I have nowhere to go. With both my step parents gone, I don't have a home, food, clothes, or anything left. They'll probably send me to an orphanage or something. Which means no more Harry with me everyday. No more Dr. John. No more last hopes of happiness.

As I'm thinking, I suddenly feel tired and lost in my own dark thoughts, so I lay down, curling up into a ball and drift off into a much needed sleep.

Harry's POV

I was thinking about something that would possibly make Carrie-Lee cheer up a bit. And then it hit me. Why not let her meet the lads? They always know how to cheer me up when I'm upset. I mean, it's worth a shot. I promised Carrie-Lee that I would be back soon, so I run out of the hospital and get into my car. I shut the door and pull out my phone so I can call the boys. I haven't seen them in a few weeks because I've been with Carrie-Lee. They knew everything about that happened since the night of the incident. I haven't heard from them in a while, and today feels like the perfect day to get in touch with them.

Louis is the first to answer the phone.

"Ello, this is Louis speaking!"

I spoke into the phone. "Lou? It's Haz."

"HAZZA!! What's up?"

I hesitate a moment. "Can you get all the lads for me please, I need to ask you all something."

"Sure thing, mate!" He replies, sounding excited, yet confused. I hear some yelling and a few crashes in the background before I hear 3 other, all too familiar voices.

"HARRRRRRY!!!!" They scream. And by they, I mean Liam, Zayn, and Niall. And of course, Louis was back on the phone too.

I laugh a bit before replying back to them.

"Lads! Can I please ask you all a huge favor? It would really mean a lot to me." But I don't think any of them heard me, except maybe, hopefully, Liam because all of them had started arguing with each other.

"Leeeeeyuuuuum, give me back the phone!" Louis whines.

"No, give it to me, Li!" I hear Niall yell.

"No, don't give it to Mr. Fatty Sir-Farts-Alot, it's my phone anyway! Liam, if you want to keep that bit if hair growing on your head, I suggest you give me back my phone!" Louis states matter-of-factly. Oh, the sass...

"Would you all just shut up! The lad is still on the damn phone waiting for you idiots to stop yelling rubbish at each other!" Zayn snaps.

Thank you, Zayn! I sigh a breath of relief. This happens way to often. But now is not the time for pointless games.

"Thank you, Zayn! Now please listen, all of you!" I yell, trying to sound as serious as I can, but obviously failing at it.

"Aww, wittle hawwy is twying to be sewious. Ha, not working for ya." Says a probably smirking Louis.

"I'm serious, Louis." I take a deep breath, "Now please listen to me. I need you all to come to the hospital and meet Carrie-Lee for me. She's really depressed right now, and she needs some cheering up, and if anyone can do it, you lot can. If not... I'm at a loss."

The line was quiet for a moment with a few whispers not loud enough for me to hear. Then Liam spoke up.

"Wow Haz, you really care about her, don't you?"

I think for a moment. I really do care about her. A lot. I mean, I am the one who found her and saved her life. I feel as if I'm responsible for her now. I feel it's my job to protect her and keep her safe. "Yes, I really do care about her. A lot..."

"Well... then we're on our way. We'll see you in a bit, Harry!" Niall states happily.

Thank goodness! "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much it means to me! I'll see you in a bit!" I smile and hang up before they can say anything else, or change their mind.

I sit in my car and wait for them to arrive. It's probably a good 30 to 45 minutes before they pull up in the parking space next to mine in Liam's car. I get out and greet them all with a smile and a bro hug each.


Then, none other than Louis Tomlinson, runs over to me and hugs me tight. A little too tight.

"Louis... Lou... can't... breathe."

He lets go and apologizes quickly, muttering a 'whoops' before laughing.

At this point, you probably can't wipe the smile off his face. He's jumping around like a 5 year old who has had too much sugar. Oh my...

"Yeah, he wouldn't shut up all the way here." Zayn spits through clenched teeth.

"Oh shut up, Malik."

"Make me, Tomlinson."

Louis and Zayn start smacking each other until we're all yelling at them to stop. Liam smacks them both upside the head.

"BOYS! STOP! We need to go back to the room! Carrie-Lee is probably wondering where I am and why I'm not back yet! Can we please be calm for at least 5 minutes on the walk to her room, then you can act like your normal selves? Please?"

They nod their heads and put on their disguises as we walk through the hospital. Don't get me wrong, we love our fans more than anything, but we don't need them to mob us today.

We make it through the hospital without getting recognized, finally reaching Carrie-Lee's door. I turn the doorknob and the door opens with a slight squeak. When I step inside, I can't believe what I'm seeing...


HAHAHAHA, cliffhanger! Again. :) I know you love me so very much, haha. Ik that this chapter is rubbish, but I'm trying my best. I promise, there are some better things to come in future chapters, I am just having some trouble thinking about what to write. Sooo, I kinda have writers block! :( and it isn't fun! But things will get better, I promise! :) I hope you enjoyed the chappie and remember to vote and comment! :) I love you! 😊😘

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