The Billionaire's Assistant...

By Negeari

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Chris Brown is a young billionaire playboy until he meets the beautiful gorgeous Rihanna Fenty who starts as... More

Ch. 1 Meeting
Ch. 2 - Flirt
Ch. 3 Work & Play
Ch. 4 - Fooling Around
Ch. 4.1- Fallin/The Gala/Audition
Ch. 5 - Office Quickie
Ch.6 - Style on em
Ch. 7- Barbados/Meet the Parents
Ch. 8 - Lost in Paradise
Ch. 9 - 1Love Club
Ch. 10 - Last Day/Cookout
Ch. 11- Back to Business/Stalker
Ch. 12- Flick
Ch.14 -The Plan
Ch. 15 - Is it Mine?
Ch. 16 - The Test
A|N: Short Chapters
Ch.17 - The Results...
Ch.18 - The PhotoShoot
Ch.19 - Ride Or Die
Ch. 20 - Blessed
Ch. 21- NYFW
Ch. 22 - New Beginning
A|N: Important Message!
Ch. 23 - Power Couple

Ch.13 -Leaving | Confront

1.3K 49 3
By Negeari

Chris POV

Two weeks later

I was at the studio late at night with Robyn she wanted to do a collaboration with me. Ever since she's been signed to my label we've been putting her to work on recording songs.

We did four tracks before we left to go home in my Porsche. On our way we stopped at the McDonald's drive-thru window to get some food cause Robyn and I didn't wanna cook anything. I order a Big Mac, large fry, and a coke. Robyn ordered 10 piece chicken nugget, medium fry and a Minute Maid Pink Lemonade. We drove home parked the car and took our food in the house.

"Mmm it feels so damn to get these damn boots off." Robyn said as she unzipped her Chanel boots slipping them off her feet in the foyer. She walked in the kitchen as I followed her with our food in my hand. I smiled at her and put the food on the table. We ate our food and had conversation. I wanted to bring up the stalker situation but since I send that email to that crazy bitch nothing else was happening, so I just decided to not say anything. But I'm still keeping my guard up in case this person tries to hurt me or worst Robyn. We finished eating our dinner and soon Robyn was sleepy.

"Baby I'm tired can you carry me upstairs." Robyn said with her eyes half closed.

"Yeah babe lets go to bed." I said throwing away our trash then picking her up bridal style as her arms wrapped around my neck. When we got up to the bedroom my eyes couldn't believe the scene that was displayed in front of me. Somebody vandalize our bedroom there was broken glass everywhere and my spray paint cans were all of over the place and on the wall in big letter displayed:


"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shouted which startled Robyn out of her slumber. She looked at me like I was crazy then she saw what I was looking and her eyes grew big."The Hell?! Chris put me down now!" Robyn's voice grew loud. I did as she said putting her down she walked and stood in the middle of the room shocked. She had the angriest look I ever seen on her face as she spin around and looked at what was written on the wall. "Chris who the fuck did you fuck and who did this shit to our bedroom." She spoke calmly ah shit! It's about to be World War III in this bitch. I hated when she spoke calm cause I know that she was 5 seconds away from killing somebody.

" I've been meaning to tell you about this." I said coming near her. She put her manicured hand up to stop me from talking and than give a look of death. I took a step back as she was coming towards me pointing her finger in my face. "I know damn well you not about to tell me you're fucking some chick cause if you are I'm raise hell like you never seen before." I stepped back more till my back was against the wall; let's be clear I'm not afraid of Robyn when she's pissed I give her the dick and she get over it by an hour or two. But right now my face was horrified by her. She could kill me at any moment.

"B-baby I-I'm not cheating on you I promise you." I stuttered a little.

"Then what's up with I fucked Chris Brown written on the wall what is this about and tell me the truth no secrets!" She yelled at me.

"I should've told you sooner I didn't want you to worry though I thought it would all blow over when I sent that email to that bitch."

Email?! Bitch?!! What the fuck is going on?!"

"Baby calm down I'm trying to tell you what's going on," I sighed heavily before speaking.

"Somebody is stalking me and threatening to do harm to us. She keeps telling me she loves and sent a note and a video to my phone."

Robyn's eyebrow was arched in interested. "Video? You saw this person?" She questioned.

"Well.... not exactly she was doing something and hid her face from in front of the camera."

"Some...thing something like what Chris?"

"She was masturbating moaning my name in
O-our bed." I looked at her and saw disgust.

"How long have you been keeping this from me?"

"2 weeks....but baby I-" She cut me off cutting her green eyes at me.

"2 FUCKING WEEKS CHRISTOPHER REALLY?!!?" She yelled at me. "You kept this from me for what? When somebody is in our bed masturbating breaking into our house destroying shit and on top that threatening me. You keep that shit a secret?"

I came towards her. "Baby let me explain." "Don't touch me Chris. Matter move out of mi way." She spoke angrily her accent coming out strong. "Can't believe this yellow cunt rasshole." She mumbled under breath. I saw her take down her Louis Vuitton suitcase.

"Rih where you going it's not even that serious." I said coming near her as she stuff some clothes and shoes into her bag.

"Yes the hell it is serious I'm being threaten by some bitch and you wanna keep shit a secret for what? What are you hiding that you kept this from me that long. Something not right either you sleeping with this hoe or you're not being honest with me about everything. Your hiding something I can feel it in my gut and so until you can be completely honest with me I'm not staying here with you." She said as she stuff more clothes in her bag.

I didn't know what  would do if I lost I didn't want to but she's really upset with me. Something had to give I needed to know who this stalker was before it ruined my relationship with Robyn for good.

Robyn zipped her bag up and grabbed her purse and iPhone she dialed a number to get a Uber. "Baby you can't leave me here by myself." I said as she ended the call. She looked at me and picked up her bag and walked downstairs putting back on her boots. "Robyn stop where are you going?"

"Why do you care Chris huh?! You didn't care to tell me I had a stalker out there!"

"Baby I seriously thought I could handle it. I know this looks fucked up; but I'm not hiding anything from you I didn't fuck another chick. I don't know who this is baby I'm so sorry I didn't tell you that was a mistake. I'm getting to the bottom of this I promise please don't leave baby I need you." I pleaded.

Robyn sighed and shook her head as tears came down her face. "Until you find who this is I'm not staying here with you so that I could be put in danger." She opened the door as the Über pulled up and she grabbed her bag. She walked out as I called her name she didn't stop I called her again and again. She got inside the car and 2 mins later it drove off.

I was a in state of disbelief like did this happen tonight or was I tripping cause that escalated quickly. I slammed the door in anger "Fuck!!" I slide down the front door with my hands on my head as I slide cross my face blinking. "That did not just fucking happened?" I spoke out loud to myself. I took out my phone from my pocket to call Robyn but she wasn't answering I called her two more times but she put me straight through voicemail.

Frustrated I got up and went inside the kitchen and grabbed some alcohol Hennessy, Ciroc, some juice out the fridge and brought to the living room where I started to drink heavy and I smoke a blunt. I was drunk and so I called Robyn and as usual she sent me voicemail where I left a drunk message. Soon I passed out on the couch. Seem like my world is crashing down already with her not here.

Three weeks later

These past few weeks where really fucking me up I was drinking, calling Robyn, and just stayed on the couch. Today I was doing the same thing not even bothering to go to work or check on the office. I heard keys jiggling at the front door. My ears perked hoping that it was Robyn coming to change her mind and stay. I got up from in my t-shirt and black pyramid basketball shorts and socks. I stood in front of the door with grin on my face as the door opened. "Baby I- oh it's you." My face instantly went flat when I saw Mijo.

"Yeah its me did you forget what today is?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Oh shit Sevyn's video shoot was today. Damn it!"

Mijo walked inside the living room that looked a mess. As he took off his jacket and stood by the couch looking around. "What happened to your living room? Looks like a tornado hit this motherfucker.

Chris walked into the living room looking at Mijo "Nothing man. Tell me what happened at the video shoot?"

"Nothing happened cause you wasn't there to handle your business like you were suppose to don't worry I rescheduled we doing it next week so be ready; anyway what's up with you where's Robyn at usually she up and all over you."

I sighed, "Man I fucked up big time. She left me." I plopped down on the couch and rubbed my overgrown curls and beard.

Mijo sat down need to me. "What did you do Chris?" He stared at me. I sighed heavily laying back on the couch and told him what happened.

"I can't believe you didn't tell her. She had a right to know Chris her life could be put in danger." He said shaking his head at me.

"I know man but I thought I could handle this I mean I thought it would stop after the email. I don't know what to do now-" Mijo interjected "I know what you should do now clean up this damn house, take a shower, get dressed, and look into this stalker shit so you can get Robyn back."

I sighed and got up, "I'm go take a shower can you help clean for me."

Mijo nodded and got up to get some cleaning supplies as I took my lazy feeling sorry for myself ass upstairs I stripped out of my clothes and got in turning on the semi hot water letting the water cascade down my back; I grabbed some Irish Spring for men soap and start washing. I put my head down rid of the soap suds that trailed down my tattoos closing my eyes feeling the water drench my face and the whole time I was in there I thought about Robyn. I can't lose her not to this.

Few hours later

Me and Mijo were cleaning up this house including my bedroom to which he was shocked at what he saw. "Damn bro this is one crazy bitch." He shook his head as looked at my wall. "I wanna know who this person is for real somebody's trying to ruin my relationship and I can't have that shit."

"You still have the messages and email right?" He asked as he was throwing the last bit of trash into the white hefty bag. I nodded and looked at him. "Confront this person. Matter a fact set up a camera and catch that bitch on tape. See who it is first before confronting." I nodded again taking in what Mijo said. After Mijo left an hour later I grabbed my phone and laptop rubbing my hands through my new haircut I did myself and sat down in the lemon scented living room no longer smelling like old pizza.

I couldn't believe I was about to face this stalker on my own. I went to google and typed in surveillance cameras and found a shop that had the equipment in downtown LA. I called the store and told them who I was and wanted them to put in a special order for me. They told me that everything would be ready for pick up on Thursday I also told them that I need someone to set it up for me and that I would pay extra.  After I got that situated. I went to my phone and emailed the stalker I needed to make them believe I wanted to see them. So I just wrote this girl a message:

You wanna see me you got me. Thursday night fuck with me at the crib. You should know where that's at I saw your surprise and I have to say you crazy but I like it and my girl not doing something right; show me what you were doin in that video in person.

I cringed sending it my face was not happy about seeing what I was writing to this crazy person. 5 mins later my phone goes off indicating I have a email. Reading it pissed me off.

I knew you would see things my way for a change. I knew you loved me and not that bitch I saw her leave you and I'm so excited that we get to spend sometime together alone without her breathing down your neck. I'm so happy that I didn't need to kill or hurt her like I wanted. I can't wait to feel you baby. See ya Thursday. 😏😉

Wow this bitch was indeed crazy I couldn't wait to find out who this person who was on my dick so hard. I need to tell Robyn what's going so I texted her:

Baby girl, I know you don't wanna here from me now but I want you to know that I'm handling this stalker Thursday night I'm confronting them. I need you Robyn ugh! Baby I'm sorry I promise that I will never let this person hurt you ever. I want you by my side again. I'm going crazy baby I miss you and love you.😔

I sent the text. I just had to hope Robyn would show up for me and that we could confront this stalker together this plan on Thursday needed to work so I could get my girl back. I'm confronting this problem head on. Playing no games.

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