Broken Beyond Repair

By Valton7

757K 12K 15.8K

"I have a wish." Percy Jackson announced to the Gods of Olympus, some nodded and some smiled and some just ha... More

Thirty Two


31K 491 127
By Valton7


"Someone enjoyed being in the water, huh?" A voice said as Percy emerged with a wide grin on his face from being in the water.


Percy looked for the voice and saw Hera and Hestia standing on the shore. He swam over to them and bowed. "Lady Hestia, Lady Hera, what are you doing here?" He asked. "No need for the formalities Perseus, and stand up. We came here to check on you, after all you are staying with Artemis and her hunters." Hera stated. Nodding Percy stood up before a small smirk appeared on his lips. "Well if we are going to be skipping formalities then you may as well call me Percy." The two goddesses nodded, smiling slightly, he seems to be happier and getting back to his old self since they last saw him. 

"Do you like it here?" Hestia asked her champion softly. Thinking about it, Percy actually didn't mind it here, it would be even better without the bullying and all the chores, but he at least gets to spend quality time with his cousin and his secret!. Yes off course Percy was slightly off around Faith at the beginning. But that was expected. He just found out he had a half-brother, and he ended up being a jerk, killing his family, turning his friends against him, the list goes on, and on, and on. 

"Yes it's okay here, better than there." Was Percy's reply. "Good, we have gifts for you." Hera said and held out her hands, summoning the said gifts. First appeared a bow and a quiver of arrows. "These aren't your ordinary bow and arrows, and you shall find that out in time." Hestia explained. Even by the looks of it Percy knew they weren't, they weren't made of wood and celestial bronze like back at Camp Half-Blood, nor were they made out of silver like the hunts, or gold like Apollo's. Instead, the bow was diffrent shades of yellows, reds, and fire and the arrows were diffrent teals, blues like a peacock. Percy took out one arrow and inspected it. It was lighter than any arrow he has ever held. He tried to bend it, only to find it un-bendable. 

"They can't break, and can cut through practically anything." Hera explained.

"Thank you." Percy said sincerely. The two goddesses chuckled. "We're not finished yet." Hestia told him and handed him a sword. It looked exactly like Riptide, only instead of a trident it had a flame design on it and the handle was red also. It seemed to be made out of silver, celestial bronze and imperial gold. "We saw that you didn't Anaklusmos anymore, so we decided a sword would do you good." Hestia said. It was true, Percy stopped using Riptide after Camp Half-Bloods betrayal. The sword was almost like a constant reminder to him. Every battle he fought with Riptide he had his 'family' by his side, now it felt like his sword betrayed him also. So now it just lays in his tent collecting dust. 

"If you ever need a place to stay you are welcome to stay at our palaces, and off course, your fathers. Good-Bye.....Percy." Hera said and hugged him, then gave him a kiss on his forehead and flashed away to Zeus knows where, probably back to Olympus. Hestia just gave him a hug  and whispered. "If you ever need a place to think, the hearth would be the best choice, or the water." And she also disapeared in a burst of flames. Percy took his new weapons and left, going back to the camp site. Thalia saw him and ran over to him. 

"Where were you, you were gone for four hours." She said then noticed his new weapons. "And where did you get them?" She pointed. "Hera and Hestia gave them to me." And handed them to Thalia who seemed eager to examine them. "Dinner is about to start kelp head." She smirked when she handed them back. "And I want the usual by the way." 

To say the truth sometimes he hated being able to summon home cooked meals.

Percy didn't understand why they would give him a bow with arrows when he couldn't shoot to save his life, Thalia and Faith tried to teach him but almost ended up in the infirmary because of it, so the gave up. At least his life seemed to be looking up again.

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