A New Unexpected Exorcist (D...

By 4everaddicted2anime

7.3K 247 15

This is my very first D.Gray-Man fanfic! A girl named Iriki suddenly arrives at the Black Order European Bra... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Lost
Chapter 2: Shocking Arrival
A Note About Iriki/ Authors Note
Chapter 3: First Failure
Chapter 4: So-Called Allies
Chapter 5: Savior
Chapter 6: Terrible Secrets
Chapter 7: Hide and Seek
Chapter 8: Saviors Betrayal
Chapter 9: Lavis POV
Chapter 10: (Lavis POV) Mai
Chapter 11: Earl's Decision
Chapter 12: Tyki's Offer
A/N: Possible Hiatus
A/N: I'm Back
Chapter 13: Precautions & Fears
A/N End of Hiatus

Chapter 14: Encounter With...

185 6 1
By 4everaddicted2anime

After I gave into being his pretend girlfriend, he grabbed his shoes and put them on. When he was done, he intertwined his fingers with mine and we walked outside. He lead me to the same bar we were at yesterday and opened the door for me. When I walked in, out of the corner of my eye I spotted someone.

Oh God, why today of all days to run into him? Tyki walked over to me and saw who I was looking at. He gave my back a nudge over into the guys direction. I turned my head to Tyki, glared at him, and then walked over to where that guy was sitting.

"Would it be okay if I sat with you sir?" I politely said this in a way I would never have done if it was a normal day.

"Of course you can. Here have some of this." After I sat down, he handed me a glass of what he was drinking. I took a sip of it and a thought immediately went through my head. Yep, this is definitely him alright.

"Th-Thank you umm..." He looked up to me with a smile and then spoke once again.

"Ah. It's Marian Cross. Your welcome." I smiled back at his response.

Isn't this fun?! What a dumbass, he doesn't recognize his own daughter!

"It's nice to meet you Marian. I'm Ayame... Ayame Fueguchi." He suddenly looked at me in a way he has never done before. A shiver made its way throughout my body, but I refused to show him it. That look of his is one that he has given to his little flings, which scares the shit out of me.

"Your name is beautiful. It is the same name as my daughters mother." Cross sounded like his usual flirtatious self. To play my role in this conversation, I felt a little bit of blush appear on my face. I decided to take advantage of the situation to get information on my mother.

"Really? Could you tell me more about this woman called Ayame, Mister Cross? I'm a big fan of storytelling." I forced myself to say this in the most flirtatious way I could, but wasn't so sure if it worked. He took another sip of his drink and then smiled.

"Do you know about the Black Order, The Bookman Clan, and Noah?" I nodded my head and he went onto telling me the horror story of how my mother died. He began the story with sweet and motherly moments, but soon it led to betrayal and a bloodbath. I was completely disgusted by the sad story, but I had to show no signs of being related to her.

"What a sad story. I hope your daughter is okay." I had a sorrowful look in my face while saying this to him. Deep inside, I had this flame that was only fed by his story. Soon after that, I felt a pair of hands sitting on my shoulders. When I looked up to see who it was, I was greeted by Tyki's soft smile. I looked back to Cross and gave him a polite farewell along with a thanks for his time.

After Tyki led me out of the bar, I stormed off with anger still swelling inside of me. As I was running off to who knows where, I realised that if I didn't have these shoes on, I could go faster. I quickly got to a corner of a building, unhooked the shoes, and took them off. Instantly, I grabbed the shoes with my left hand and began running on the gravelly sidewalks, to hear someone catching up to me.

Out of anger and fear, I didn't turn around to see what or who it was because it could be anyone. The gravel dug into my tender and soft feet with every step, eventually making my feet extremely sore. I could hear a voice coming from a little bit away.

"Wait up..." It was a guys voice, but I was unsure of who it belonged to. The possibility of who's voice this one belongs to is almost limitless. But remember, I did say almost.

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