The Taste of Blood [Fairy Tai...

By Dreya_san

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[C O M P L E T E] Fairy Tail gets a new mysterious member who catches the attention of everyone in the guild... More

The Taste of Blood [Fairy Tail FanFic]
Chapter 2: The Actions of the Girl
Chapter 3: The Given Chance
Chapter 4: The answer
Chapter 5: The bridge
Chapter 6: The DragonSlayer
Chapter 7:The sad and happy memories
Chapter 8: The Mission
Chapter 9: The Dragon
Chapter 10: The Threat
Chapter 11: The Past (Part 1)
Chapter 12: The Past (part 2)
Chapter 13: The Past (Part 3)
Chapter 14: The Broad Action
Chapter 15: The one who needs to be saved
Chapter 16: The Fairies
Chapter 17: The Five-Member Guild
Chapter 18: The Jack of all trades
Chapter 19: The Master of None
Chapter 20: The Puppeteer
Chapter 21: The Kid
Chapter 22: The Muscles
Chapter 23: The Father
Chapter 24: The Witch
Chapter 25: The Wizard
Chapter 26: The Monster
Chapter 27: The Predicament
Chapter 28: The Blood of a Dragon
Chapter 29: The Leader
Chapter 30: The Guild
Chapter 31: The Guild's Mission
Chapter 32: The Sacrifice
Chapter 33: The Voice in Her Head
Chapter 34: The Blood, The Tears, The Guilt
Chapter 35: The Hello's and The Good Bye's
Final Author's Note

Chapter 1: The Sound of her Voice

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By Dreya_san

"Hey there, Aka" "Good Morning"

The girl jumped when both Wendy and I greeted her, then she turned around with big surprised eyes.

"Don't scare her like that!" then all suddenly, Aka's friend, Kuro, jumped right in front of us wearing an angry expression, though she managed to stay cute "She doesn't like being surprised." Awww, what a caring friend.

Aka suddenly grabbed Kuro and pulled her into her arms, then her attention was brought to us. She tilted her head, maybe a gesture that asks 'can I help you?'

"Oh.. Um.. We'd like to get to know you... Mind talking with us?" I asked trying my best to keep my nervousness at peace. Somehow talking to someone you don't know makes you a little shy, don't you think?

She looked down at Kuro, and Kuro looked at her. "I'm sorry... but Aka doesn't talk much" and once again, Kuro spoke on her behalf.

"Is she shy?" then asked Wendy.

"I don't think that's the case." Kuro once again looked at her friend with such concern in her eyes then said something that surprised us "She's having a little problem, that's all"

Then Aka just nodded.

Both Wendy and I just looked at each other and I could see that she also felt a little sad that we couldn't have a chat with her.

"So how did it go, Lucy, Wendy?" Gray asked us and we just slumped on the counter. "Judging from the looks on your faces, it didn't went well."

"Kuro said she doesn't talk much because something might be troubling her" I answered as I toyed with the drink in front of me.

"Really? Did they tell you what was troubling her?" then asked Erza.

"Isn't kinda rude to be asking that?" Wendy asked back.

"Honestly, I have to admit that she's making me curious" said Charles. I have to say that I feel the same way.

"Hey Natsu, don't you have anything to say?" Happy's question got our attention all towards Natsu who looks a little bored.

"I jusy want to fight her, that's all"

"What?! You plan on hurting Aka?"

To our surprise Kuro suddenly attacked Natsu out of nowhere! This is like the first time I saw an exceed with claws!

"You brute!" It really shocked us that Natsu was getting beaten up by a flying cat almost one-fourth his size. It was kinda a disappointing and shameful sight. I couldn't help but facepalm and the others just sighed. Kuro is sure one protective friend.

"Get her off me!" Natsu shouted but noone came to his aid. For me, I think a trouble-searching guy like him deserves it.


A voice that called out to her was a cracked and dried out voice. Aka stood at the door waiting for her companion. She still had that flat expression on her face as if she doesn't want you to read any of her thoughts. Why was her voice so dry? Is that what wa troubling her?

Finally, Kuro stopped punishing Natsu and she just gave him a glare "Dare to touch a strand of hair on Aka's head, I promise I'll kill you!"

It sent fear to all of us. For a cute looking black cat, she's can be pretty scary. Natsu even gulped on her threat.

"Hmph!" she went flying to her owner as they left the guild house.

"Wow.." Mira was amazed for some reason "You were able to get a word out of Aka-chan" and she was extremely happy about it.

"She was scaaarrryyy" Happy was terrified.

"I kind of like that about her" and Erza looked interested.

"She's just protecting Aka, I kind of understand her" then Charles related, she was talking about the same way she wanted to protect Wendy, and Wendy just laughed.

"Hey Natsu! How does it feel getting beaten up by a cat?" teased Gray and Natsu just breathed fire in annoyment. "Don't Kid with me Gray! Of course I won't fight back to an exceed! I might end up hurting her badly"

And for me, I think Natsu doesn't have the right to fight back. He's the one who started it anyway, wanting to start a fight with a new member, a girl even! He's such an idiot!

"Aka's voice sounded so dry, didn't it?" Wendy circled back the coversation to Aka.

"I agree, it's like she didn't have water to drink for this past three days" I enterprated.

"Maybe her throat is just soar" said Charles.

"Or maybe she's experiencing puberty!" then Happy.

So many possibilities. I just hope she gets better soon because I really, really want to get to know her.


"What? Aka went on a quest again?" I was shocked when Mirajane told me.

"Yeah, she did. She's such a hard worker. That would be her fifth quest in four days!" WOW! Five quests in four days?! That's awesome!

"I really wonder what kind of dragonslayer she is, she seems to be powerful." I once again slump on the counter.

"We wonder that too, but the only one who seems to know is Kuro and Master."

"Master knows?!"

"Of course, Lucy. He wouldn't allow just anyone to join our guild, so he must know what kind of power and personality the applicant owns" I ended up being lectured. It was common sense, of course the Master knows.

"We're back!" I turned around to a familliar voice.

"Welcome back Levy, Jet, Droy and Gajeel" they just got back from a mission themselves.

"You guys are already back? How could that be? We left earlier than you!" Levy sat beside me and sulked "I couldn't expect less from your team!"

"Hehe.. We just got back yesterday so don't sulk that much Levy." I just patted her back.

"Welcome back Levy"

"Thanks Mira" she was handed a drink "So, what were you guys talking about?" asked Levy.

"Oh, just our new member" Mirajane answered.

"We have a new member?!" and as expected, that would be Levy's reaction

"Her name is Aka, and she has an exceed with her named Kuro. She's a dragonslayer" I explained further.

"Oh wow! What kind of dragonslayer is she?"

"That we don't know yet. She's a little shy, I guess" Mirajane held her cheek and smiled like a proud elder sister.

"I'm sure Gajeel and Natsu are talking about her now." I predicted "We think she's strong and she caught Natsu's attention. He wants to challenge her all the time but Kuro is an over protective cat"

"AWWWW. That's cute."

The three of us just giggled it off.

"I want to fight her too." "I know right?"

And as I predicted, the two dunderheads want some trouble again. What would convincing Gajeel do?

"Guys, I don't think fighting her would help" luckily Wendy's there to lecture them. 

"How else can we find out that what kind of dragonslayer she is?" but as usual, Natsu is as stubborn as ever.

"How about asking? Have you ever tried that?" I shouted at them.

"Oh yeah. Didn't really thought about that" I just facepalmed. The obvious just isn't obvious to them, I just ended up sighing.

"Boys, huh?" Levy just laughed and patted my back.

"Tell me about it."

Aka and Kuro, ended up becoming the talk of the guild, well, yeah she was the talk for the past three days, but now it was much more louder. Some questions like what was her age, her full name, her height and measurements -pervy wizards- and also, guesses of what kind of dragonslayer she was arised. Random guesses like water, thunder and rock but I feel that her power isn't as simple as that.

There are also possibilities that she might also posses the same powers as the three present dragonslayers here.

Though, all of them are all just posibilities and not one has a strong enough evidence to be proven true.

"Hey! There she is... We could ask her now!" I was shocked when one of our guild members shouted. All of our attention were directed to the door, where Aka and Kuro just entered.

Amazing, she's already back from her mission, it didn't even take her a half day just to finish it.

Wait! But now she's back, she's more endangered to be trampled on by curious guildmates!

"Hey Aka!" 

"Aka dear, we have a question!" 

"Aka can you give us some of your time?" 

"Please answer all our questions!

Our curious male guildmates ganged up on her until we're unable to see them in the crowd. I didn't even have the time to see her reaction, all I know is, all the girls in the guild are shocked.

"T-they just charged a little girl....?!" Levy gasped.

"Why is this guild full of idiotic men?" Evergreen hissed.

"Do you think Aka will be alright?" Wendy was concerned.

"I'll stop them" Erza stepped forward and tranformed into her fairy queen armor and was about to attack-

"You don't have to."

-But all suddenly Kuro flew to our side, looking all calm like nothing's happening.

Am I seeing it right? A while ago, she attacked Natsu just because he threatened to pick a fight with Aka, now that she's actually being attacked, she's not freakin' out.

"Why doesn't she have to attack?" I protested and Kuro just sighed.

"Aka can completely handle such a crowd, especially now that she's full, so there's no need to worry."

She's full? Has she eaten a piece of her element? Does this mean she's going to use her magic? Is this the big reveal?!

We just watched carefully as the boys went crazy with their questions. The intense atmosphere made me sweat. I concentrated at the sight..

"Excuse me"

And Aka went flying into the air! Landing softly on someone's head the jumping again, it was as if she was leaping on the crowd! On her final jump, she did a backflip and landed on the counter, looking composed and calm as usual. Amazing!

Her voice... it sounded different.

"Forgive me but I won't be able to answer all your questions."

It sounds like an... angel's voice.

"My name is Aka, and only Aka. I'm 16 years old and that's all. Nothing less nothing more. So please don't gang up on me next time!!" even though she was obviously shunning us, her voice was soft. It sounded so sweet and wonderful.

"Hey wait!" Seems like Natsu just wouldn't give up "What kind of dragonslayer are you!? That's what I wanted to know all this time! C'mon Aka."

A curious mind will do anything just to get it's answers, even I'm very quite curious, but didn't Aka say that she won't answer anymore questions?

"I told you I won't answer anymore!" see? But I wonder, what is it about her power that she doesn't want others to know about?

"C'mon spit it out, little girl" Gajeel joined Natsu in convincing her, but Aka just looked a little frustrated and she shook her head.

"Um... It's not like I'm forcing you or anything, but we are a guild so I think it would be better if everyone knew your power.... B-but... I'm not forcing you to answer or anyyythiiing!!" and I couldn't believe that Wendy joined in too!

But Aka was not moved. She just smiled "I don't have to tell you guys what type of dragonslayer I am. Master Makarrov said so himself." and it shocked us all.

The Master said that?

"He said that you guys would accept me even if you didn't exactly know my power. So I won't tell and see if what he said was true."

She gave us all an amazing and flawless smile after such a heart-moving speech. She's right, we don't need to know what type of dragonslayer she is, cause whatever dragonslayer she is, she still part of Fairy Tail, our family.


"I thougt you were going to give in to those people" said Kuro in my arms as I climbed a tree. This is where we're going to sleep tonight.

"I know better than to do that." I answered as slumped back on a branch "I told them exactly what Master said, they would probably forget everything about my magic by tomorrow.. So Let's just get some sleep, please? I'm tired." I just sighed and finally closed my eyes.

"Good night, Aka." Kuro tucked herself in my arms then she was easily swept away by slumber.

Early this morning, two girls talked to me, and I was sad that I couldn't talk with them because of my dry throat. That's the side effect for not having to eat my element for days. Luckily I was able to eat some today and explain everything. I hope they won't get me wrong... I really want to be friends with them... but I don't want them to know.

"Good Night"

I just don't want them to know.

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