The God Fruit (One Piece)

By Lillie1512

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The Straw Hat Pirates, after defeating Doflamingo, depart from their new found friends and make their way bac... More

Jade Island
A Warrior Worth My While
The Demon Within
The Past Arises
Moving On
I Have a Dream
Sake, Suspicions, and Spotted Seals
The Girl on Fire
Version 2.0
Remember Me
Am I Doing this Right?
Epilogue: Snow

Fireworks are Flying in this Heated Battle

642 20 23
By Lillie1512


Today might be the best evening of my life.

Everyone is having so much fun and I can't help but smile along with them. It has been so long since I have smiled this much my face is starting to hurt.

I look over at Law who has an uncomfortable smile on his face while Luffy is performing his impressions of all of his crew mates.

Now that I knew why Law acts like he had a stick up his butt, I actually like him quite a bit. He was very driven like the rest of the crew was.

I mental picture of Brook opening his head came to mind, "Brook!" I wave frantically at the musician too gain his attention, "What song is in that shell of yours?"

Usopp had tried to explain dials to me in some of our free time on the ship. I am still amazed that such things exist; they seemed almost magical. How could they hold sound or collect power and release it back on its attacker?

"Yohohoho! The lovely lady has a request! Everyone who knows Bink's Sake sing along with us! Yohohoho!" The skeleton starts to play the joyful tune with much glee.

I take a moment and look at all of my crewmates. Luffy, and Usopp have their arms thrown over each other's shoulder singing along poorly, Nami is singing along swaying her sake mug, Franky and Chopper are dancing on tables, and Robin is leaning on the table Franky is dancing on smiling up at him.

I hear a soft clink of dishes set down next to me. I look over to a smiling Sanji sporting a purple floral shirt and green shorts showing of is surprising hairy legs. He extends a hand to me, "May I have this dance my lady?"

I giggle. It was so nice to see him being a gentleman and not just a perv, I can't help but accept.

I grab one of Sanji's smooth hands and start to be lead to the dance floor when I thought strikes me, "Hey where did Zoro slip off to?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Why does it matter where that stupid moss head is? I am sure he is off drinking somewhere in the crowd. Come on my angel lefts dance!"

As I am being pulled away by a love struck Sanji, I shoot Law a concerned look. He just shrugs. I shoot him a glare and a relaxed smile spread over his face with a soft chuckle.

Fine Law you don't want to play help me. Than I am going to embarrass the hell out of you.

Sanji and I get lost in the music. With no surprise Sanji is by far the best dancer of the Straw Hats. He swings and dips me with grace as the song flows along.

Sanji give my waist a small squeeze with hearts in his eyes, "Arya you are an exquisite dancer! Why didn't to tell anyone?"

I guess Sanji could have been right about my dancing abilities. I used to take dance lesson on Jade Island to improve my agility and grace with my sword. I tried to dance with some of the swordsmen my age but they were always rigid. I was never sure if it was the lacked skill or if I was scary.

So I just tilt my head to Sanji and smile, "Thank you. I took lessons back on Jade Island to improve my fighting capabilities."

As the song slows a light blue barrier forms around the party area. I look up to expect the new element above me, "Hey Sanji wh..."

The presence of my dance partner changes abruptly.

Familiar rough hands sit on my waist and cup my hand.

"Arya? What the hell? Where is my sake? That bastard Law. When I get my hands on him. . "

In front of me stands a very confused and a very drunk Zoro.

*Zoro* -during the dance-

I finish my. . . Shit I lost count.

I finish off another mug as I watch Arya dance with Sanji.

That idiot was smiling from ear to ear just because a female was dancing with him. I hated to admit it but Sanji was a good dancer but that wasn't what I was staring at.

I hazily watch Arya be spun and dipped by the cook.

She dances with such elegance just like when she was fighting. She looks so happy, so free from burden, dancing with him. First Law now him.

I think of what Law said to me and shake my head of all of the horrid thoughts.

She is just happier with the crew. She has been smiling all night not because of Law or Sanji, because of the crew.

I continue to try to convince myself but the sake is making is difficult.

Sand comes flying towards me, hitting me in the face and contaminating my sake.

I lazily turn to see the ass who is making my wonderful night better.

Law has his boot in a frozen follow through position being the dramatic brat he his. "What the hell do you want?" I scowl.

He sets his foot down and gives me a devilish grin, "Why are sitting in the shadows drenched in self-loathing Zoro-ya?"

I take a sip of my sake forgetting about the sand in it, "Why do you give a damn? Shouldn't it be you out there dancing with her?"

He shoves his hands in his pockets and tilts down at me tauntingly, "Why should I be jealous of Blackleg-ya?"

I shoot daggers Law way, "Well if you two were kissing, you must like her or some shit."

The bastard squats down next to me invading my personal space, "What if I told you that she meant nothing to me?" He says emotionless in my ear with a sneer.

I throw my mug at him and he dodges it effortlessly, "Then I would wonder why she would kiss such a snake like you."

He sticks his hand out and small white swirl appears, "Why don't you ask her yourself Zoro-ya?"

In an instant I find myself locked into a dance with Arya. My hand on her slender waist and my other hand cupped in hers.

I blush or maybe I am just red from the alcohol, "Arya? What the hell? Where is my sake? That bastard Law. When I get my hands on him. . "

"Must of been Law's doing. Where have you been all night? I have been looking for you." Arya says swaying me so I would start dancing.

My heavy feet drag through the sand, "Why do you care? You seem to be enjoying you night perfectly well with Law. You're all smiles and giggles."

Creases form on her brow, "What are you talking about? I have been like that all night."

I scoff and look away, "You and Law have been pretty close and chummy all night. He had his arm and you and you guys. . . you know"

She digs her nails into my shoulder to keep her cool, "No swordsmen I don't know what you are talking about.

I look down at our feet, "Law said you two uhhhh you know. . . kissed."

Her face morphs into something between annoyance and rage, "He said that did he." An irk mark forms on her head, "He is going to die tonight."

"So it's not true then?" I ask rather dumbly.

She shakes her head, "No it is not."

My whole body relaxes and I give Arya a spin and smile at her, "What a relief."

She tilts her head to the side, "Why is that Zoro?"

Well damn. Said something stupid. Drunk Zoro you are a dumbass.

I try to back pedal and it comes out anything but ,"Well I meant. . . I really like spending time. . . I have never. . . ummm."

Arya gives me a strange almost curious look and giggles at me, "Zoro what is going on with you? Are you always like this when you are drunk?"

I quickly shake my head causing nausea to wave over me. I fight it off and drip Arya. I close my eyes and inhale deeply "Arya what I am trying to say. . ."

An ominous aura fills the air causing a chill to run down my spine.

I hear a low voice come from bellow me, "What are you trying to say Zoro-ya?"

I flinch back and drop the person I was holding.

Law is sitting cross legged in the sand smirking up at me, "Really going to tell her when you're drunk huh? Smooth Zoro-ya smooth."

Law brushes the sand off of his legs and backside and causally gins at me.

"You bastard," I growl out and I lung forward fist cocked back.


One minute I find myself with a mumbling Zoro and the next I find myself sitting next to a giant white polar bear who if I remember right is name is Bepo.

I look quizzically up to the bear, "Bepo since when are you over here? Since when am I over here?"

The bear looks down apologetically, "I am sorry."

I sweat drop. What low self-esteem.

Scanning the crowd, I find Law sitting in the sand next to a fuming Zoro. I observe as Zoro sets his feet and clenches his left fist. Awh Crap.

I sprint over as fast as I can, almost invisible to the eye.

Once I get in between the two, I shove Law back with one hand and grab Zoro's fist with the other. Zoro's power behind his punch made me move back a couple of inches, showing he truly meant to hurt Law.

I stare at both of them with a blank face, "What are you two doing?"

Zoro turns away sheepishly, "Law was being an asshole. Lying about you two and whatnot."

Law stands in his usually stony silence. I blink and turn toward him matching his demeanor, "Why would you tell the swordsmen that we kissed?"

He shrugs, "It is fun to see Zoro-ya get all worked up."

In cold silence, I stand for a few minutes and start to walk away. Law starts to follow what I can only assume is out of interest.

I turn and stare into his eyes with disgust, "I am going to the carnival alone. You are going to stay here and be punished."

"How are you going to do that?" He inquires with a smug grin on his face.

I place my hand over his heart and put my lips up to his ears feeling Law's body stiffen slightly. I whisper softly in his ear, "Mizu Mizu Blood Bend."

Law's eye's grow wide and shoot daggers and me as he flies away.

"Law! You're out on the dance floor! Did you come out to dance with me? Shishishi."

I can feel Law trying to escape my grasp as my captain approaches him, but I force him to nod and shove him into Luffy arms and release my grasp on him.

Luffy has a tight grip on Law now. Smiling and twirling around to the upbeat song playing. I feel Law shooting death glares my way but I think nothing of it.

I scan the crowd with my Haki to see if Zoro was following me, but his presence grew small as it retreated back to the ship.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the carnival to clear my head of those two idiots.

What was their deal anyway?

I make my way through the throng of people in awe. All of the colorful tents that line the gravel walkway, the smell of food fills my noise, performers wearing gold and silver outfits ordained with jewels dance through the streets and acrobats wearing billowy pants flip through the air and toss each other.

Everywhere I went something amazing was happening.

My eyes glitter with the reflections of lantern light, my heart beats fast with excitement, and I have stupid grin plastered on my face.

I step over to a turquoise tent that is selling masks of every kind: traditional, demonic, jokers, animals, etc.

A fox mask that has sapphire rimming the eyes, ebony stripes on the cheek, with a blue and black feather shape in the middle of the forehead, and sapphire ears, catches my eye.

I pull money out of my bra and hand it to the shore owner and fasten the mask over my hair clip. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and smile and giggle. So kawaii!

I stop at the Takoyaki booth then wander through the crowd.

The sound of laughter summons me.

I find myself sitting on a grey wooden fence staring at large circular, cherry wood stage. The stage has a red and white curtain tied behind it for just case it rains. Surrounding the stage is metal bleaches filled with dozens and dozens of people cheering and chattering with excitement.

I take a bite of my Takoyaki and the flavor lights up my mouth. I quickly take another bite.

A loud roar catches my attention. A golden leopard stalks out onto stage. He scans the crowd with feral eyes trying to select his pray. I assume it is part of the act but my legs are tensed just in case I have to use Soru.

The leopard springs at a small 7 year old boy whose expression changes from a pure innocence to completely terrified.

Before I spring into action the leopard is stopped short of the edge of the stage by a golden staff that seemed to materialize out of thin air.

The crowd erupts with cheers.

I relax back onto the fence deciding the situation was secure for now.

The golden staff actually was a Khakkahra and the wielder was a man with a large frame, a wild pink mane, white body paint, and one eye winked shut. His sharp staccato laugh pierces the air.

The man with the wild hair fending of the leopard seemed to be the opening act, after he successfully made the leopard cower back, and large rather round man with pale skin and green hair was making a wolf jump through a flaming hoop and balance on a ball.

"Don't see to many circus performers anymore. Still don't understand how people find this entertaining. Watching animals jump through hoops." Says a slow monotone voice beside me.

Before I turn my head I remark with disinterest, "Yeah I agree. If I wanted to see animals jump through hoops, I would join the marines."

"Oooooooooh? Is that what you think of the marines?" By the time he finishes his sentence I finished my Takoyaki and am twirling the stick in my fingers.

I turn to the stranger and cease my fiddling. Before me stands an inhumanly tall man with short black hair and matching beard. He has age lines on his face, a relaxed smiles, and lazy eyes behind his amber sunglasses. The man is wearing a yellow pinstriped suit with a green button up and mauve tie underneath and pristine white shoes.

My eyes however are fixated on the admiral coat the hangs off of his broad shoulders. I let out a nervous laugh and scratch behind my head and give him my best fake apologetic smile, "Sorry. I guess I shouldn't say such things around someone of your status huh?"

"Weeeeeeeeelllll maybe you have a good reason Miss. . ." I jump of the fence and stand in front of the admiral barely reaching his waist.

I bow, my hair pin clicking slightly against my mask, " My name is Shoshiryo Rei. Pleasure to meet you."

The admiral takes is time to reply."Shoshiryoooo. Hmmmm. My name is Admiral Kizaru but you probably already knew that didn't you. Now tell me why don't you like us?"

I lean my butt up against the fence and cross my arms over my chest, "It's not that I don't like the marines, I just don't like how they changed my father. He used to be such a fun loving farther and such a caring husband. But now. He has become cold and harsh. He treats the admirals and Shichibukai like they are Gods or something. His career has taken over his whole life."

Part of the statement was true. My father did become what seemed to be an emotionless war machine and believe it or not I really don't hate the marines. Some of them have the right intentions to save the world from evil but they are clouded with ignorance, but is that really there fault? Maybe. Maybe the higher ups pretty much brain washed them into thinking they way they do; warping their personalities.

Same thing could be said for pirates. Not all of them are bad. I don't think Luffy has an evil bone in his body, but some of them are just heartless and cold blood killers.

The world is anything but simple.

The languid voice invades my ears, "Mmmmmmmmm. Well I guess maybe I can understand that. Your father is just doing his job though. I can take a lot out of a man. What did you say his name was again?"

I do my best to keep my story at an even pace, "Keiji. Last time I heard from him he worked under a man named Garp, but that was years ago. Who knows where he ended up. He was just a lackey nothing special. Haven't talked to him in about two years. I ran away from home. Didn't like the way he treated me. My mother was a hopeless case. Always telling me that he was such a great man for serving the world government. Pfft."

The admiral advance toward me leaving the gap between us about three feet now. He chuckles lightly at me, "You should be careful how you talk about the world government girl people might start to think you're an enemy of it. Maybe even a pirate."

He said the last part of the sentence with almost a questioning tone. Maybe he knew. He is an admiral after all.

I forced a laugh, "Pirates are far worse. You have seen the things that Blackbeard as done. Despicable. Monstrous. I rather take my chances with the marines."

I give him a sideways glance as he chuckles, "Why is an admiral on this island anyways? Taking a break from the job but I guess you wouldn't be wearing your uniform them." I hush my voice and try to make my eyes fill with fear, "There isn't dangerous people on this island is there?"

"Well actually I picked up the trail on some fugitives that the marines have been trying to track down for two years. Found they were hiding on this island but now that you mention it, maybe you can help me with something." I watch as Kizaru reaches into his suit pocket, "Have you seen a girl like this. She probably has different color hair and eyes but she should look similar"

Between his large hands was a wanted poster.

My wanted poster.

Luckily, it was me in my water form. The picture was from the waste up before Micah removed my clothes.  Part of my blue stomach was exposed in the picture and my black tank top was tied tight under my breasts making them look bigger than usual. My hands we pressed in their usual circle against my chest. My deep navy hairs frames my face and falls way past my shoulders. My golden rose chip gleaming proudly. My face is stern, emotionless just like my father. My sapphire eyes look like the depths of the ocean: vacant and lonely.

Under the picture on the tan parchment was printed Wanted Alive: Sea Goddess, Dracule D. Arya 300,000,000 Beli.

I blink dumbly for a few seconds, "What did she do to get a bounty like this? She seems so young."

The admiral's voice grows dark, "She killed Dracule Mihawk the Shichibukai."

My stomach drops and the world falls from around me. The world killed rings through my head is an awful loop.

I try to swallow but my mouth is dry, "She killed Dracule Mihawk? How is that even possible? Isn't he supposed to one of the strongest Shichibukai?"

Kizaru lifts an eye brow and takes another step forward, "She has the power to control water. She can control the seas itself hence her nickname." He bends down to look at me straight in the eyes, "I heard you can even control blood. Now is the true Miss Dracule?"

I start to panic and shake, "I don't know what you are talking about. Just because I said something bad about the government doesn't make me some high bounty criminal. I am not that girl in the picture. We look nothing a like!"

He didn't even flinch he just stared at me with lazy eyes, "Soooooo if I do this, it will harm you?"

He points his index finger at my left shoulder and a beam of light shoots from it and barrels through my shoulder.

I shriek out in pain and collapse onto the ground groping at my bleeding shoulder. I glare up at him and yell, "What is your problem!? I thought it was the marine's job to protect the innocent not harm them!"

A crowd of on lookers start to form around us murmuring about what the Admiral has just done to me.

Slowly, he shrugs his shoulder and bows slightly, "I am sorry for the confusion. Let me get one of my men to patch you us?"

I glare, "I can find someone else thank you."

I storm away in furry.

I soon as I am out of sight, I straight up and control my bleeding and mentally thank my mom for teaching me how to control my blood.

I take a moment and do as much work I can on my arm. The most I am able to do is control the blood so it flows across the gaps in my arteries and veins. Chopper would still have to patch me up later.

Quickly I make a clone of myself and wrap her arm up with a scarf from a nearby booth and send her out to be among people. Just in case Kizaru is following me.

I set my feet and push forward flashing out of sight leaving a single tear in my place.

My father is dead and I killed him.


"Zoro what has gotten into you? How much have you had to drink tonight?"

I brush off Usopp and collapse onto a chair by Robin.

"I thought you and Law were on good terms swordsman?" Robin asks breaking the minimal time of silence I was enjoying.

Grunting I turn away, "I am completely fine. I don't know what you are talking about."

Robin grabs my chin and turns my face towards her and smiles softly at me, "So this has nothing to do with a talented female swordsman coming aboard or the fact that she is beautiful?"

I jerk my head away and prop it up with my hand, "Nope, not a damn thing."

Robin's eyes flicker to the side, "So if she came back with blood running down her arm you wouldn't care?"

"That isn't funn. . . Arya!" I rush to her side and grab her by the shoulder and shake her, "What happened to you!"

"Zoro my shoulder is bleeding can you not squeeze me." Arya lets out a shaky breath and turns to the crews surrounding her,  "I ran into Admiral Kizaru."

Usopp clutches the sides of his head, "An Admiral we are screwed!"

Law smacks Usopp upside the head, "Quiet. Let the lady speak."

Arya nods in appreciation to Law, "I was watching circus performers and he came right up to me and started talking. I tried to act causal. I asked what he was doing here and he replied saying he was searching for some fugitives. He also showed me a wanted poster of a girl he was searching for. My wanted poster."

"Shishishi! Way to go Arya! What is your bounty? Is your picture cool?" Luffy seems way more excited than I was when I found out.

"Luffy now is not the time!" Chopper scolds as he dashes over to Arya with his medical bag, "How did he hurt you? You're a logia type."

Arya doesn't even flinch as Chopper starts to go to work, "I turned it off. I had to try to convince him that I wasn't me, but guys I think he knows. I don't know how but he just does. I have a clone trying to throw him off my trail. We need to get out of here."

Law smirks, "Miss Dracule are you really scared of an Admiral? We have two of the strongest crews in the seas here right now. There is no possible way for him to beat us."

Arya looks at him with dead eye, "Law he knew my name. He called me Dracule. He told me. . ." She adverts her eyes to focus on Luffy, "What do you want to do?"

"The guys is crazy strong but I have gotten a lot stronger since our fight on Marineford! I bet I could take him!" Luffy replies with the up most confidence.

The air has an unusually thickness to it. I couldn't quiet put my finger on it, "Guys do you feel that?"

Sanji lights up a cigarette to my right, "Yeah Usopp and I were just talking about it. Do you think it is just the heavy aura from an Admiral?"

Law pulls his hands from his pockets and looks around, "We should figure out a plan if he comes so we can take him out quick. The log post doesn't reset until tomorrow. Will have to find a hidden spot on the island because if they know Arya exist there is going to be a hell of a lot of marines here trying to capture her. Hell any of us would be a prize with how high are bounties are."

Before anyone could speak, Arya flickered out and sight after a few moments she returned sword in hand and a cloth bag thumping at her feet, "It's too late."

I watch as Arya quickly draws her sword but I am forced to close my eye due to a bright yellow light.

"Wellllllllllll. Looks like I was right about you after all Mrs. Dracule." Admiral Kizaru stand with a blade of energy pulsating vibrantly in his hands.

They break away from each other and Arya stands firm and blinks emotionless at Kizaru, "What gave it away?"

Kizaru sends a beam of light toward Arya's head and she doesn't even flinch. The fox mask on her head shatters and her golden rose pin is revealed, "I heard you pin clicking against your mask."

Chopper and Usopp star dumbfounded, "That's all!"

Light blows up the sand at Chopper's and Usopp's feet, "I wasn't talking to you was I? She also used the last name of her sensei. Rookie move."

He turns back to Arya, "It really wasn't that hard. Micah told everyone about you at headquarters. Most people didn't even think about it when he showed us the picture. It wasn't until they brought back your father's corpse that people started actually paying attention to him."

Mihawk's corpse?

"You're lying," I step up to her side and watch her closely, only seeing her eyes quiver for a moment.

"Pirate Hunter Zoro. Your whole crew saw it happen. Why don't you believe that he is dead then?" Kizaru fixes his attention on me.

I pull my bandanna tight around my head, "Because even though the bastard works for the marines, he isn't that weak like one."

The admiral makes an O with his mouth, silence thickening in the air until he begins to drone on again, "Last time we met you were taken down rather quickly. A child probably would have put up more of a fight. "

"Bastard, "I growl around the sword in my mouth. I slip out of my kimono sleeves and draw my other swords out of anger and charge toward Kizaru, "Three Sword Style: Rengoku Oni Giri!"

I charge forward as fast as I could but it was no use. The bastard was made of light after all. I sensed his presence behind me and quickly about face.

The anger in my face drops to a concerned and confused look. Kizaru is causally holding Arya by the waist idling resting a his light sword on her throat.

I can hear my heart beat in my ears. I whisper quietly to myself, "What are you doing Arya?"

Nami lets out a shrill cry, but Arya didn't even glance toward her. She just stood there with a blank expression on her face, not even fighting Kizaru's hold.

I mindlessly walk towards her, "Arya what are you doing!" A hint of panic underlies my speech.

Arya's golden eyes turn towards me and she gives me a defeated smile, "I don't want to live."

You just became part of the crew. You were just beginning to enjoy life. I won't let you die. The crew won't let you die. This bastard is lying. What has gotten into you?

Whether you like it or not, you're not dying here today. I refuse to let any of my crew die, even if that means dying myself.

Arya I am going to save you.


What is the point anymore? My father was the only thing that was keeping me going. Keeping me alive. Now he is dead. Kizaru's heart rate didn't even increase slightly. He had to be telling the truth.

Even if I did kill Micah, what would the point be. I have no family to go back to anymore.

I feel my eyes cloud over and a cold darkness envelopes me.

I hide in the back of my thoughts curled up in a lonely ball. Memories of my family project against the inside of my skull. "Daddy daddy! Sword fight with me! I am going to win this time! Use you big sword. I know you're not trying when you use your necklace one." My 6 year-old self puffs her cheeks at my father, who is beaming with pride that his little girl is following in his steps.

"Shut up and fight me!" A very angry teenage me lunges at my father with her sword. As I look back on it now, my father wasn't as good as I thought with his emotions. There was pain in his eyes and sadness as he watched his little girl disappear.

Memory after memory flood forward both the delightful and depressing. My father taking me fishing, camping out with my family, and sharing a bed with them when I was scared. The pain on my mother face every time he left, the boiling hatred I had for him, and running my sword through my father.

I have no family left so what was the point of living anymore.

The black cloak the shrouds me, is infiltrated by a pinhole of light.

"Snap out of it. What are you doing you moron?" Zoro?

"Let go of my beautiful angel right now!" Sanji?

"Careful! Her wound hasn't completely healed yet!" Chopper?

"You should be shaking in terror! I am a God!" Usopp?

"I would really appreciate it if you let Arya live. I rather not have her dead" Robin?

"Man you ruined such a super party. I guess I will just have to beat your ass" Franky?

"I will have to ask you to kindly let go of Miss Arya or I just might have to run you through" Brook?

"Leave her alone. She is part of our crew. We won't let you get away with her" Nami.

"What are you doing with my nakama!? Let her go right now or I will have to beat you ass Light-guy!" Luffy?

"Arya listen to me! You need to come back to us. Government officials always lie. I know I was a part of it for a while. You need to fight to see your father again. You need to fight to stay with us! If you die now what do you think will happen to the crew. I personally will kill you if you give up this easy." Law?


Every voice I hear, the light in my world grows with much magnitude. Hands, bone, and hooves reach in and pull me out into the light. Luffy's and Law's crew stand before me all looking pissed that I am in danger. I just don't understand these people.

"Why does it matter? You only have known me for a short while" I manage to croak out squinting against the burning bright light.

Luffy looks at me like I am stupid, "You're our nakama. You're our family. When Ace died I promised myself I would never lose anyone again. That includes you."

"Luffy" My voice catches in my throat.

The rest of the crew choruses about how I belong with them. That no matter what they would always come after me. That the crew was the only family that they had.

"Arya you have so much potential. I am not letting someone like you go to waste." Law twist out is three fingers and a sharp white swirl appears within them.

"Stop." My voice stony. Law is slightly taken aback but give me a hint of a sly smile.

I turn my head up to the admiral, "Is my father really dead? If he is alive I need to hunt him down and kill him."

"You know you are an interesting girl, why would you want to kill her father?" Kizaru questions me.

"Like I told you before, the marines brainwashed him. He killed my mother and he gave me this damn power that is causing everyone in the world to chase after me. What is wrong with just wanting to have a happy family life, go to school, and become like doctor or something?"I try to turn toward him but he holds me firmly in place.

I strike my head against is firm chest and look up at him, "So if he is alive, I would just love to kill him. Is he alive?"

He ignores me, "Why not just join the marines and kill him that way? Not too many people would be annoyed if you killed a former pirate."

"Because all of the marines are arrogant assholes like you are. Answer the damn question or I will make you tell me." I growl out.

"My, my I think I have the upper hand right now though. You have a sword pressed against your throat not the other way around." He mocks me.

Micah didn't tell him everything.

"Do you?" An evil grin crosses my face.

My body burst into water with the goal of surrounding the Admirals body, however the Admiral just flickers in and out of site.

I grit my teeth. But I was touching him. He shouldn't be able to use his powers.

"Are you surprised? That I could use my devil fruit powers?" He smirks at me.

I extend a hand and my sword and sea prism stones fly to my side. The stones quickly take shape around, my calves, thighs, forearms, upper arms, and on my neck.

I tilt my head sideways playing dumb, "Why wouldn't' you be able to use you powers?"

"Just when I thought you might be an intelligent women. Playing dumb with me isn't nice. Micah told me everything about that power of yours." His body becomes consumed by Busoshoku Haki. "If you can't touch me, you can't cancel out my powers can you?"

"Too bad Micah doesn't know everything." I grasp my sword firmly between my hands, "Shall we."

The admiral chuckles, "Young lady you don't have a chance."

I blink at him with a flat face, "Let's make a deal. Since you are so confident with your abilities, if I last 10 minutes you tell me what really happened to my father."

A languid pause fills the air, "Deaaaaal."

Kizaru grips the pale blade that nearly matched his height, "Never heard of you using a real sword before Admiral. Why the sudden change of heart?"

The blade is swallowed by black Busoshoku Haki, "Now now, you know that wouldn't work on you. Now are you going to droooooone on or are we going to start."

Before I have the ability to answer, the gap between us is closed and our swords hiss together. I let out a small grunt and slide back half a foot.

He may have speed and strength on me, but I have the power that my mother gave me.

My body quickly is shifts over into water, by black blade darkens, and Haoshoku Haki erupts from every pore in my body.

"Looks like you are not playing around Miss Dracule, but it seems that your Haki doesn't have effect on me. You seeeeee I have been in this game a lot longer than you have. Just because you are the daughter of the world's greatest swordsmen doesn't mean that you are a match for me."

Everything around me starts to shake violently as if an earthquake was splitting the island into bits and pieces.

A few of the weaker members of the Straw Hat crew collapse to the ground but grip to their consciousness as if it there we holding on to a fraying rope above about a 500 foot cliff.

Even my legs start to bow with the weight of the admiral's Haki beating down on me.

"What did I tell you young lady this isn't a gaaaaaaaame. Now come quietly with me and  your friends won't get hurt. Okkkkkaaayyy?" His voice was slick like oil.

I laborly inhale as another barrage of lightning fast acts strike me blade, each one becoming harder and more challenging to block, "Now why would I go with you?"

He jams his sword into the dirt and uses at as a lever to increase the speed of his already invisible kick. I had no choice but to try to block with Busoshoku Haki, there was no time to dissolve into the air.

In the blink of an eye I am sent flying an easy 300 feet and colliding with a palm tree severing my body into to aqueous masses.

As the water pulls my body together a heavy black foot is placed firmly on my chest and a blade rests on my throat. This man was on a whole different level.

"It would be so much eaaaaaaasier to just kill pirate scum like you but I am afraid that the World Government wants you alive." He adds pressure to my chest and I feel my ribs strain to stay together. I let out a gruff grunt.

"What do they want with me? I will not become an obedient dog like you." I hiss as the wheels in my head quickly turn.

"Vegapunk wants you alive for his own purposes. . . "

Franky's blunt voice makes both of our heads turn right, "Vegapunk what does that bastard want to do with our Arya. Unless. . . No you don't mean. . "

Chopper's high voice follows, "They can't that inhuman! She would lose her mind!"

"Welllllllll, your crew is a lot smarter than I thought they were Straw Hat, but I promise you she would live she just might become someone a little more. . . understanding of the World Government ways." A slight smirk covers his face.

I do my best to weave water and sea prism stone around his leg when he is distracted and luckily a few catch on.

"Just like you did to Kuma, right Admiral Kizaru?" Law smooth voice fills my ears, "That would change this sweet young lady into a mindless cyborg now why would you want to do such a thing?"

I squeeze my open fist tight clamping sea prism around his ankle. His body falls limp like a rag doll and I quickly rise to my feet and my crew and Law's join my sides.

Zoro's heavy hand falls onto my shoulder, "You alright? I thought you could handle an Admiral?"

I roll my eyes, "He is on the ground isn't he?"

"Aren't I~?" chills run down my back as I feel his warm breath on the top of my head.

In a moment's notice both crews have their weapons at the ready.

I whisper, "A reflection. You switched yourself out so quickly. Even faster than my Haki could comprehend."

"Now see this is where your power puts us in a predicament of sorts. There is no way to bind your body and even though I am an Admiral, going against two pirate crews with captain each worth half a billion, you'd probably get away. Do you all mind waiting until I think of a solution?" The admiral rest his hand absently on his chin.

I feel a heavy aura appear to my right, "I am not in a waiting mood, so I will just kick your ass now. How does that sound?"

"Roronoa. Last time I remember you were down before I could count to five." Kizaru mocks.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see Zoro rush forwards with the ferocity of a tiger with his onyx blades, the start of the fireworks show as his battle cry, lighting up his blades.

"Maybe you should be more vigilant Roronoa." Zoro attempts to block Kizaru approaching blade but is too late.

The Admirals blade runs through my lower right quadrant and I shriek out in pain.

Zoro doesn't stop and I smile softly to myself gripping the Admirals midnight blade tight.

Zoro manages to deal a decently deep wound to his dominant shoulder before he can retreat.

I join my crew not a drop of blood escaping from my wound, "I think I far exceeded your time limit. Now is my dad dead or alive."

"Well I guess I am a man of my word. Your father is dead like I said before." The Admiral states matter of factly.

I grin inwardly. Liar.


"Hey light-guy. You hurt one of my crew. I am going to have to kick your ass now." Luffy tightens his grip on his hat, showing his anger.

"I won't let you get away after you treated my Angel like that!" Sanji fumes to my right.

Law is already springing into action creating a light blue room around us all.

"We aren't going to let you escape that easy," Yells out a confident Nami.

Kizaru slides his sword back in his sheathe, "It not a problem. I wasn't order to capture her yet anyways. The information discovered here will be helpful for Vegapunk to find a way to capture you."

I glance back to see if Arya is alright after her suicidal idea. I can't help but have a small prick of irritation as I watch Law wrap an arm protectively around her with her hand placed over her heart and his. Her eyes closed furrowed with concentration.

The crew on instinct knows they need to keep the Admiral occupied. I waste no time and following suit.

This goes on for about 5 minutes. Usopp using his plants, Nami conjuring storms, Brook with his ice cold swordplay, Sanji's red hot leg, Chopper in karate point, Franky shooting lasers, Robin's limps sprouting up like flowers, and Luffy already in second gear.

Between the two crews we are landing a fair number of blows but not dealing enough damage because of his logia status.

Suddenly a wall of water splits the dome in half forcing me to watch the battle unfold behind the distorted wall.

In front of me the water swirls into a message. Grab the fruit users and run out of the barrier.

I bark out orders and toss Luffy over my shoulder, "Sanji grab Robin and Chopper. This dome is about to cave in with water."

Sanji nods knowing the moment is too serious and gladly picks Robin and Chopper up.

As we approach the end of the barrier it starts to quickly shrink towards Law, Arya, and Kizaru; the sound of rushing waterfall approaching.

"Hang on and swim to the outside." I order.

Franky towers behind me, "I got this. Everyone grab on. It going to be a super ride!"

We all pile on Franky and hold on for dear life as he prepares himself, "Coup de Vent!"

Pressurized air builds as Franky waits for the water to rush over use. Once we are swallowed up, he releases his attack and we escape the 7 foot wall of water.

As we hit the ground about 50 feet away the crew stands in a moment of awe.

A huge bubble of water is surrounding the area where we were fighting.

As the bubble swells to its max, a limp body is pushed out and falls toward the ground.

"Traffy!" Luffy shouts out and is off like a bullet along with the rest of the Heart Pirates with the Straw Hats close behind.

We approach a coughing Law as Bepo ask, "Are you doing okay boss?"

"I am fine Bepo. We should be worried about Arya right now," Law replies staring intensely at the water.

"Sorry" withers Bepo.

"Can you inform us on what is going on Dr. Law?" Robin politely asks.

"She is going to try to drown him. She tried to build up as much water around them as possible but she can only get about 10 feet in all directions. I am not sure if it is going to work. She was on her knees when she forced me out." Law turns and stares hard at me, "I don't have a good feeling about this."

We all watch in stagnated silence. A few, including myself, pacing back and forth.

Why is it taking so long? What if something went wrong?

A loud splash catches all of our ears, Kizaru's large body flies through the air and he shakily lands on his feet.

The arrogant bastard smiles, waves, and flickers out of sight.

"Damn it. He used his power to propel himself out of the water like a missile. Knew it wasn't going to be thick enough." Law scowls.

The water starts to ripple. I hurry and grab on to Luffy, Sanji snatches Robin, Franky holds tight to a small Chopper, and Bepo stands firmly next to Law.

The water crashes down with the magnitude of a tsunami.

We fight through the water for what seems like an eternity, struggling against the powerful currents that Arya made. When we finally breach the surface, I watch Arya's motionless body fall to the ground.

I lug Luffy to the beach and rest him in the wet sand calling for out for someone to check on him.

I fall to my knees and examine Arya's body. Her wounds now slowly trickling blood, her stomach wound soaking through her dress, but mostly she collapsed from exhaustion.

"Hey can you hear me, Arya hey." I gently shake her.

Her eyes flicker open but just for a moment, "Did I get him?"

I brush her wet hair back, "No I am sorry."

The corner of her pale lips turns up, "It's okay. My father is alive. He thinks he can lie to me. His pulse picked up when he told me my father died. Just needed a wound to lessen his skills."

"I told you so." I give her a sad smirk.

She lets out a light laugh as the others file around, "Thank you all. Without you I would be being dissected."

Luffy has his big old grin on his face, "What is nakama for?"

With that she drifts off and Chopper starts the healing process.

"I think we should part ways tomorrow. Try to get as much information on this as possible. You might want to ask the other crews that follow you Straw Hat-ya. They might know a thing or too." Law tries to instruct our unruly captain.

"But we just got to see each other again," Luffy puffs.

Law sighs, "You will be fine. We are bound to run into each other again. We always seem to."

I pay no attention to the rest of the conversation and follow Chopper to the ship with Arya in his arms.

Trouble follows her around more than it follows Luffy. I wish I could do something.


I find myself once again waking up in the infirmary on The Thousand Sunny.

This minus well be my room.

I look out the window and see that we still are docked but I am watching the sunset once again.

Only a day this time. Getting better at the whole unconscious thing.

I pull the white kimono around me tight and head toward the deck.

I observe the crews parting ways on the beach bellow me. I hurriedly jump of the side of the boat to join them

"Don't I get to say good bye too?" My voice comes out hoarse.

"My Angel you are up!" Sanji greets me with a swoon.

"Miss Arya are you wearing panties under there? If so may I see them?" Brook inquired.

"Didn't want to leave without seeing me again Arya." Law's smooth voice comes from above.

I try to laugh sarcastically but only manage to hurt myself. Causing Law to fall into a fit of laughter.

"Why do you laugh at my pain?" I moan dramatically.

Law gives me a relaxed smile, "We are going to grab a few more things for the ship and try to leave by night fall. If we learn anything about what Kizaru meant we will call you immediately."

I nod," The same goes for us."

Law extends his hand out to me and I graciously take it, "I am glad that Straw Hat-ya has someone like you on his crew to watch him."

His soft hand rest a moment longer in mine, "I am glad Luffy has someone like you as an allies. It has been a pleasure Trafalgar.

Law squeeze my hand and looks at me with a mourning farewell, "You too Miss Dracule. Take care of yourself."

When we return to the ship, Chopper won't allow me to help pack so I sit down and stare at the beach with my feet dangling over The Thousand Sunny.

"Need company?"

I nod without turning around knowing the familiar presence.

Zoro lowers himself down and puts his right leg through the same gap as my left; the pressure sending a warm comforting feeling down my spine.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Zoro asks as he plays with his hands.

I rest my forehead on the rail, "Of course anything."

"I am sorry about how I acted the other night I was really drunk. I didn't really know what I was doing." Zoro sputters out.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "How is that a question?"

He scratches the back on his tan neck, "What is the deal with you and Law? You guys were best friends in a matter of hours."

I lean on my palms and give him an apologetic smile, "Law has been through some bad stuff. He still has that numb look it his eyes. It reminds me of myself. I figured if you guys could help me maybe we all could help Law."

Zoro shifts positions uncomfortably, "That's it?"

I lean over to his face and look at him from bellow with beady eyes, "What did you think it was?"

Zoro's face burns red, "Nothing."

I giggle knowing the answer to that.

Zoro starts to speak but I put a finger on his mouth first and glue it there.

On the beach the two captains stand alone. Luffy being his energetic self and trying to throw his arms around Law and Law being his awkward self and trying to dodge it.

I can't really make out the words but I think I piece what the overall private farewell is about. Law finally gives in and lets Luffy hug him tight.

The calls, the worry, the dancing, and now this.

I lean over to Zoro and my lips brush his ears when I whisper, "Watch this."

As Law starts to pull away I focus my power hard and push him back at Luffy smooshing their faces together.

I quickly let go, but they fall deeper into each other's arms embraced in a farewell kiss.

Law spins Luffy around and hold up his middle finger tall and proud at me but doesn't seem to mind the predicament he is in.

I giggle like a child and look over to Zoro removing my finger, "Wouldn't it be nice to find someone you could be like that with. Just lay it all on the line. Be so vulnerable with."

Zoro lips part but quickly close again.

After a few moments Luffy disappears I cup my hands around my mouth, "Woooooo! Way to go Onii-Chan!"

Law flips me the bird one more time but has the happiest, most carefree smile planted on his face as quickly retreats to the ship.

I giddily turn to Zoro, "I think I am getting a hold of this whole people, emotion stuff again."

I lay down on the hard deck, "You think I could have that one day Zoro?"

He lays down and turns toward me, "I know you will."

I follow suit and face him only inches apart from his face, "What makes you so sure?"

He pauses for a moment and then flicks me in the forehead, "Intuition."


Woot! College life is kicking my ass but finally finished another chapter! I threw a little romance in there figured people wouldn't mind a ship or two. I am sorry the updates are going to be farther apart from each other, but college life is hard.

If there is anything you want to see let me know!

Like, Comment, Vote, Share, whatever you people do!

Thank you all!

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