The Unexpected

By GladysVanessa

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Book Two of The Guy Who Gave Up HIs Jersey. Juliana life has completely changed since she confessed she loved... More

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The Unexpected
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The Unexpected(8)
The Unexpected(9)
The Unexpected(10)
The Unexpected(11)
The Unexpected(12)
The Unexpected(13)
The Unexpected(15)
The Unexpected(16)
The Unexpected(17)

The Unexpected(14)

13.8K 714 226
By GladysVanessa

Jayden kissed my forehead one last time. He had been meaning to leave over fifteen minutes ago, but he didn’t want to go. I went to give him his goodbye hug and instead of letting go of me, he griped tightly on me. He was going with Alejandro for a short business trip. Although it was unexpectedly it bothered me that they would be together.

Ale had begun to work with Jayden’s company a little after we came back from our honeymoon. Jaydon said the company was a family corporation and although Ale wasn’t dating Arianna he was still his niece’s father. I couldn’t argue with him on that one, Ale was somehow part of this family.

“You better go now,” I told him softly pushing him away from me.

Jaydon pouted kissing me one last time. “Fine I’m leaving,” He sighed.

He was being such a baby. Before we had gotten married he had left to business trip all the time, and he never was this over-affectionate. Maybe people were right, getting married does change you. I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him towards me. Quickly I gave him one hard kiss before throwing him out the door.

“Now go!” I giggled.

He turned around and smiled. “Don’t forget to keep an eye on Arianna” He pleaded.

I nodded. “I got it. We made plans to go finish baby shopping tomorrow!” I told him.

“Finish baby shopping?” He yelled out as he got into his car. “Didn’t we make her a baby shower two weeks ago! “He cried out.

Jaydon just didn’t understand how much clothes the baby needed. Arianna would probably be taking her from her house to ours. So I needed to have baby things in the house to make sure the baby has everything.

“I love you!” I laughed closing the door behind me.

I reclined against the door taking in a deep breath. Even though I put a smile on my face and play with him to leave, I wish he didn’t have too. The house always felt empty with him gone. I went into the kitchen and began to clean up.

He had gotten the business call as soon as he finished eating. Jaydon just nodded hanged up the phone, and ran upstairs to get himself ready. I didn’t ask anymore who it was usually when he did that I knew why.

I placed the dishes into the dishwasher, and washed the bigger dishes. I went in to the fridge and grabbed a bucket of strawberry ice cream and a spoon. It already eight-thirty and by now Jaydon and I would be watching movies. I snuggled in my bed and began to watch Bridesmaid while chugging down the ice cream.

Eventually I ended up knocking out and didn’t wake up until my phone began to ring. I slammed my hand over to the night stand and grabbed it.

“Hello,”I groaned out.

“Julie!”I heard Arianna freaking out in the other line.

I sat up trying to figure out what was going on. “Hey, hey you need to talk slower I don’t understand what you are saying,” I told her calmly.

She took in a deep breath before speaking. “My water broke,”

“What? It just broke?” I shrieked jumping out of bed.

I stumbled putting on my converse. I kept my phone against my ear as I pulled my hair into a messy bun. Arianna began to explain how her water broke two hours ago, she thought she had just used the restroom on herself, but her contractions were pretty bad now.

“Okay, I need you to just sit down and breathe, I’m on my way!” I threw the phone on the passenger seat, hitting the gas as I made it into the highway.

My hands trembled as I tried making my way towards her house. Arianna didn’t live far from me but at that moment it felt like she lived on the other side of the world. Besides freaking the hell out it was nearly three in the morning. She should’ve called me when her water broke not when she is about to pop a baby out!

I left the car on the side of her driveway and ran into her house. She sat in the living room inhaling and exhaling deeply. She snaps up and her brown eyes meet mine. She was almost in tears when I got there. Grabbing the bags she prepared I helped out the house.

“Stay calm,” I told her as I helped inside the car.

She nodded, holding onto her tummy she made a queuing sound.

I buckled up and prepared myself. I couldn’t go fast, I had to stay under the speed limit and keep Arianna calm. If she were to go crazy on me while I’m driving it won’t help the situation. I nodded to myself. The little pep talk helped, but it only last for a few minutes, because next thing we know it was raining hard.

Arianna gripped tightly on her knees growling out in pain. “I need to push,” She cried out.

“No! Don’t push!” I yelled at her. The rain only kept pouring harder and harder, and I could hardly see anything.

I had no clue what to do.  Arianna was panicking and I was too, the last thing I needed was for her to give birth in my car. Just breathe. Calm down. If you panic even more you won’t think straight. I have to take her to the hospital safe and sound. The traffic light turned red, I turned around facing Arianna.

I took hold of her hand and made her look at me. “I need you to stay calm and breathe it out,” I told her calmly. “We are almost there,”

She nodded. “I trust you,” She whispered.

I smiled at her facing the road again. The light turned green and I pushed lightly on the gas. From my side of the window bright lights flashed in front of me. Suddenly, my left side of my body went completely numb.

I remembered the screeching sound of the car making and us spinning. Arianna screamed loudly and then everything went completely black. I wasn’t sure how long I was passed out, but when I came back to my senses my face laid on the steering wheel.

Blinking a couple of times I tried to make my surroundings. When my vision came back completely I saw Arianna holding on tightly to her neck. My heart stopped as blood squirmed in between her finger to her neck.

I pushed myself back and swung the door open. The rain was still falling above me as I dropped myself on the cold wet concrete floor. A sharp pain emerged from my stomach as I placed my hand over it, a sharp glass poked out of my stomach.

            I couldn’t make sense of what was happening. One minute I was passing the light and the next I woke up on my steering wheel. My heart raced against my chest at full speed; I took in a deep breathe, and took out the glass.

            “Fucking shit!” I cried out. I rolled over to my stomach and with all my strength picked myself up. Stumbling and bleeding to death I went to Arianna’s side and opened the door.

            “Oh my god,” I whispered putting my hand over my mouth. In between her fingers a medium size piece of glass poked out.

            “Hold on Arianna!” I cried. “I’ll go get help!”

            I ran to the street screaming out for help. I needed someone anyone to help me. A car pulled up beside me and two guys stepped out the car. Once they say me they ran towards me.

            “Are you okay?” One of the guys screamed over the rain.

            “My sister-in-law she’s pregnant and she is seriously injured!” I cried out.

            The other guy placed his phone in his back pocket. “I called paramedics already,” He informed me.

            I ran over to sobbing. I didn’t know what to do, she was dying right in front of me.  She looks at me and smiles at me.

            “I’m not going to make it am i?” She asked me.

            “No, you are! You just have to stay strong!” I yelled at her.

            The guys stood behind me shocked by Arianna’s wound. I turned around and stared at them. “Do something,” I begged.

            “We can’t move her,” One of them said.

            “If we do we might end up killing her,” The other one added.

            They had to at least try, she was pregnant. She was going to have the baby. Dropping to my knees I took a hold of Arianna’s hand and sobbed.

            “J-Julie,” I heard her say.

            “What?” I responded looking at her.

Her brown eyes slowly lost their beam; her face has turned whiter, and her lips dry. “I can’t feel the baby moving,” She stuttered.

“No, no the baby is fine.” I assured her. “You and the baby will be fine!”

            “If the baby and I die Julie Ale is going to die of sadness,” She whispered. Tears began streaming down her face. “This baby can’t die,”

            “And it won’t!” I argued with her. “I won’t let you or my niece die!”

            The guys hovered over me. “I called the paramedics again, they said they are trying to get here as fast as they can, but the rain is pouring down too hard for them to get her quicker.”

            Arianna closed her eyes and laughed softly. “This is karma. I’m paying for all the damage I did to you,” She whispered.

            How could she say that? It wasn’t her fault we were in this mess, if only I was paying closer attention then maybe we wouldn’t be here. She wouldn’t be here dying slowly in front of me.

            “Don’t say that,” I whispered.

            She disagreed. “It is I took someone you loved dearly away from you. I was a total bitch to you,”

            “And I was the same way, so we are even now stop talking like that!” I yelled at her.

            She told hold of my hand and made me look at her eyes. “I need you to promise me something,” She said.

            “What is it?”

            “I need you to leave my brother and go with Ale. He won’t be able to raise this baby alone, not without you.” She spoke out.

            “No. He won’t need me because he will have you,” I told her.

She shook her head. “I’m not going to make it, so promise me you will do what I say,”

I couldn’t agree to something I didn’t want too. It was Mindy’s promise all over again. I refused to have another person die in front of me.  I wouldn’t be able to live with the burden of Arianna’s death on my shoulders.


            “Please,” She whimpered.

            I stared at her and nodded. “Okay,”

            From the distance we could hear the sirens of the ambulance. A huge relief came over me as they proceed their way towards us. Arianna pulled me closer to her and I could hardly feel her breath.

            “Forgive me,” She whispered.

            “For what?” I demanded.

            “For everything,” She responded.

            “I don’t need to forgive you,” I told her. She had been forgiven a very long time ago. I no longer blamed her for anything. I would admit she was never the nicest person to deal with, but she was herself. She did something I was never able to do, she loved Ale. She loved him with all her heart and I took that away from her.

            “You forgive me,” I responded.

            “I forgive you,”

            “I do too,”  I whispered.

I turned my head over my shoulder and saw the paramedics running towards us. “Arian-“Her head tilted to the side. She no longer held on to her neck and her bloody hand lay on her lap.

I shook my head. “No Arianna!” I shrieked. “Don’t do this to me!” I shook her begging her to wake up.

Paramedics took hold of me while others went to look at Arianna. I tried to escape but they held down tightly on me. I kept yelling over and over again pleading for her to wake up. Then suddenly it hit me, the urge to vomit came to my throat. As I hurled I didn’t throw up food, but blood.

So as the paramedics picked up my shirt they saw the deep hole in the side of my stomach. One of the paramedics sweeps me off my bum and carries me to the nearest ambulance. They began to inject needles in me, and tap these circle patches on my body.

I had blocked everything out by then. The only thing I could think about was Arianna was dead, the baby was dead, and soon I would be too. The taste of metallic invaded my mouth and the pain only grew stronger. My toes began to tingle then they slowly turned cold. The sensation traveled to my upper body until it hit my neck.

My eyes became heavy and all I wanted to do was sleep. As I closed my eyes right next to me I heard her voice, that voice that I hadn’t heard so long.

“Keep fighting,” She whispered.


O_O ß I know kill me now.

Ah so I cant believe I finally uploaded:D





Thank you for the long wait:D


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