The 'Boy' Project

By simplicitize

4.2K 187 121


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten (PG-13)
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eight

310 17 12
By simplicitize

I sadly walked out of Chemistry, my shoes clicking against the glossy school tiles. My locker was on the other side of the school, and i'd have to take a shortcut to get there quick enough for my next class.

Why would Christian play me like that? Was he laughing with Hanna to make me jealous? Was I a bad kisser? Am I not good enough for such a beautiful guy?

I felt somebody grab my wrist and I whipped my head around.

"Hey, sweetheart," Collin Amber.
His hand slid into mine, and he started to walk me down the hallway. "How was your day?"

I gulped, sliding my hand away from his. "Let's just say I probably should have never came to school today after that party last night,"

"Do you want to talk about it?" He rejoined our fingers, forcing me to look at him up close for the first time.


I instantly got nervous, his handsome features getting the best of me. "Oh, um, yeah, I guess. I have to get to class." I tried to go ahead of him.

"How are you going to do that when we don't have any classes together?" he said, pulling me back and sensing my nervousness.

"I- I don't know."

"I'll text you." He let go of my hand and walked the other way, not bothering to look back or talk to anyone else. I realized people were staring, so I began to walk with my head low again to class.

As soon as the last bell rang, I immediately received a text.

Let's go out.

excuse me?

to talk, I meant. do you want to move this fast? because I could have you in my bed by tonight.

no, not really, i was just confused...

or maybe have you moaning in the school bathroom?

um, where are we going out to?

the mall food court. i think it'll help you out a bit.

do you know something I don't?

meet me there in 5

I shut my phone, shocked at how easily Collin speaks- so... so... in charge.

I walked over to the mall and saw Collin standing at the main entrance. He grabbed my hand and when I tried to shake it off, he looked down at me.

"I know you don't like me yet, but you'll start too when we begin to make conversation. Just fill my needs right now. Don't worry about anything else." His hand held mine tighter and I gulped.

We made our way into the food court, and I instantly felt like there were eyes on us. I looked all around me to check if I knew anybody, but I didn't spot anyone. Collin just smirked at me as we sat down at an empty table.

"So," I said.

"Tell me," he replied.

But I couldn't do that to Christian.
My eyes searched around the food court once again, looking for a reason to not tell Collin about my situation. Soon enough, a hard pair of green eyes fell upon mine and I stopped in my tracks, our eyes interlocked.
Collin turned around and looked between the eye contact.
Maybe I can do more.

I reached across the table, Collin's hand still intertwined with mine. I placed my hand on his built jawline and pressed my lips on his, and he immediately kissed back. He made out with me and started to pull me over to his side, and I walked around the table and sat on his lap as we kissed. I pulled away and opened my eyes to see both a wide-eyed Collin and Christian, who was now standing at the end of my table.

"Can I, well, um, okay. Sorry to interrupt. Can I steal her for a second, Collin?" Without hearing Collin's consent, Christian furiously pulled me away from the table and into the handicapped bathroom.

"What the hell?" He started off with. Not the greatest way, if I do say so myself. All I did was cross my arms and lean against the wall.

"I thought we had something. Really." He put his head in his hands.

"So did I," I said.

"You were just making out with Mister Douchebag over there, in front of me!"

"Yeah, so?"

Christian sighed.

"What? Now i'm the bad guy? We're not even dating, Christian. You thought it meant nothing, so I think it means nothing. There. Can I leave now?"

Christian put a hand against the door and put his finger all up in my space. "I thought it meant nothing? What do you think i'm doing here? Really, what do you think?" He yelled at me, and I stepped back.

"You're with Hanna." His face fell, and so did mine.

"Yeah, but-"

"But nothing. You're playing with my feelings, Christian. That's all, really." I looked away.

"Listen to me. I cheated on Hanna. With you. Not the other way around. I like you, okay?"

I croaked, "okay."

I looked up and Christian and I's eyes met once again.

"Screw Collin," was all I said before our lips met and I was up against the wall.
We slowly kissed, but were soon interrupted by loud knocking on the bathroom door.

a/n !
hey y'all wassup
this prob the last
update before
school starts :(
but i'll still update,
just not as much!!!
love you, remember
to vote & comment :)
- isa :)

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