Witness Protection Program...

By ComplicatedStyles

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Witness Protection Program; a program that provides protection to witnesses of crime who are at life threaten... More

Beginning Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Four

114 3 0
By ComplicatedStyles

*Not edited*

Bryn's POV

I got out of the car as quickly as I could and rushed inside the police station. It was noon the next day and I was going in to tell detective O'Connor what happened when I got home yesterday. I was more rushed than I would have been because it happened again this morning, only the men drove away when my dad got home from wherever he was. I supposed that they anticipated for me to be home alone and came and ruined their plan.

Upon seeing me enter, the lady behind the desk smiled brightly, instantly recognizing me from the other night. I returned the kind gesture as I sped over to her, my anxiousness driving me crazy.

"Hi. Can I speak to detective O'Connor, please?" I asked her, waiting patiently as she typed something into the computer before answering.

"Of course, follow me."

I followed her down the same hallway I had walked through the other night, unwanted memories flooding my mind once again. We turned to a different door than we had then and she knocked softly before turning to me.

"He's in his office. Go ahead in." She sent me one last smile before disappearing down the way we had come from.

Taking a deep breath while assuring myself that everything was going to be okay, I turned the handle and went it. He was sat behind his desk writing out a few files, and he immediately focused all of his attention on me when he saw who I was.

"Miss Lassiter, what a surprise," He said. "Please, take a seat." He pointed to the seat in front of his desk, gesturing for me to sit down. Once I had, he continued,"Now, what is it you need?"

"Those men that you're searching for, they- They are watching my house," I told him, panicked.

"How do you know?" He looked shocked and very alarmed. Whether his alarm was for me or himself, I didn't know.

"I got home yesterday evening and two of them were sat in a dark car across the road. I couldn't see much of them , but I know they were watching me and I know it was them. When I got inside I was going to call the police, but when I looked out the window the nightly patrol officers arrived and so the guys took off," I explained.

"What time was this at, do you know?" He asked, grabbing a sticky-notepad to write this down.

"Around six-thirty, maybe a bit before."

"Was that the only time?"

"No. Again this morning. I woke up at about eight and went downstairs. My dad left to go somewhere shortly after and he was only gone for about ten minutes when I saw the same vehicle parked in the exact same place. I know that they were watching my house, it was obvious. I was home alone and I knew they were going to come over any minute, but then my dad came back and they left again." My voice was very shaky, and my knee wouldn't stop bouncing up and down as I spoke. I was nervous.

"Did you manage to get a licensee plate number? Anything?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, I didn't." I shook my head, feeling angry at myself.

"Do you know what kind of car is was?"

"A black SUV. The exact make, I'm not sure," I told him honestly.

"Okay," He sighed. He paused for a long moment, just taking in the sight of me sat in front of him so distraught. He wiped his hands over his eyes and took a breath before he spoke again. "Bryn, I think you realize as well as I do that you are in a serious amount of danger."

Hearing him say that really struck something inside of me. Of course I knew that it was true, but having it come from him made it that much more scary. He was a policeman and he had organized other officers to protect me and keep me safe, but now the game had changed. I wasn't safe with just a patrol car anymore, it was more serious than that now.

"I-I know," I stuttered, looking down at my hands that were rested in my lap.

"I don't mean to scare you, I'm just saying it how it is. This investigation just got a thousand times more severe and it now needs to be put at the top of the list. It has been a long time since I've had a witness in a position such as yours, but it's important that you are under the proper protection while this investigation is still in swing," He explained, a more stern tone in his voice.

"So what's going to happen?" My voice cracked a little, but I was hoping he didn't notice.

"I can imagine that you're not going to like this, but you need to understand that murder witnesses are the most targeted witnesses than any other crime case and you're at a huge risk," He said, looking at me intently to observe my reaction.

"What are you saying, exactly?"

"Miss Lassiter, I am going to do everything in my power to find these men before you are put into the program, but the chances are very slim. Our main priority right now is to protect you and the only way to do so while this investigation is happening is to admit you as soon as possible." He stood up from his seat when the last sentence left his mouth, and he walked around the desk to stand beside me. I stood up as well.

"Can you please tell me what you are talking about?" I snapped, my patience being cut short.

"The only option we have now that the suspects are aware of your residence is to put you into the Witness Protection Program."

As soon as he said those three words my face dropped and presumably lost all colour. I was in shock, refusing to believe that this is what it had come to.

"What? No, You can't." I shook my head, tears welling in my eyes.

"Bryn, it's the only choice we have left in order to keep you safe. Whoever it is that committed the crime is after you and not moving you from them is out of the question. Until we have every last one of them sitting in trial, ready to be put behind bars, your whereabouts cannot be known by anyone," He finished sternly.

Your whereabouts cannot be known by anyone.

"What do you mean by anyone? Not even my family can know where I'm going?" I rushed frantically, raising my voice. I couldn't believe this.

"No, not even your family." He shook his head.

"This can't be happening!" I screeched, forgetting all about the fact that he was standing right there with me. "This isn't fair!" I yelled.

"Please, calm down. This isn't as bad as it seems at the moment, alright? This is for your safety and it has to be done."

I stood in my spot and ran my fingers through my hair, breathing deeply. He was right. This was for my safety and it was the only thing that could be done. If I wanted to make it out of this alive, then I had no other option. The police were doing the best they could, and I realized that finding those guys wasn't going to be any easier with the worry of me on their shoulders. It was best for me and the investigation if I just agreed easily and accepted what was happening.

"Alright," I whispered. "When is this happening?"

"I've never had to sign anyone into the program so quickly before, but the safest thing to do would be to put you in today, if possible. I am going to send you home with two officers and they are going to park right directly in front of your house until we have this all sorted. I'll have them discuss the matters with your parents and yourself further, and I'll have them bring you down to the organization's building as soon as everything is set up. This is an on-demand case as of now, so it shouldn't be a problem for them to admit you."

He escorted me out to my car, along with two officers. They both got into separate cars and followed me all the way home, where they parked along the sidewalk in front of my house, before coming inside with me to talk with my parents.

My mother was in tears, full out sobbing, while my father was the angriest I had ever seen him, demanding that something else be done instead. When they finally understood that nothing else was of option, they gave in as quickly as I had. This was what was best for me, and for everyone really. Things would be safer and the case would run smoother, and I would stay alive.

"Do either of you have any questions?" One of the officers asked, directing his curiosity toward my parents.

"How long will she be gone?" My father spoke, looking at my mother quickly before turning back to the men. He was worried about how she was taking this, and they were both worried about how I was taking this.

"We can't say," The man begun, "It depends on how quickly this investigation gets completed. I don't mean to worry you, but you could be looking at several months, if not more. Worse case scenario, of course."

A gasp flew through my mother's lips, her mouth dropping a tad. "What do you mean several months? Is it really going to take that long to ensure my daughter's safety in her own home?" She demanded, her voice stern and clearly angry.

"Miss, I'm terribly sorry that this has to happen, but nothing else can be done. It is what it is. And, like I said, it could very well be a lot shorter. Your daughter is going into an extremely safe environment; you have nothing to worry about."

"A month is a rather long time for Bryn to be away without contact. How will we know if anything goes wrong?" My father asked, jumping back into the conversation.

"The lack of contact is, again, for her safety. It is a necessary part of the program, just to ensure that no one locates her. As of you being aware of the things going on, we will be keeping you informed with everything, as well as the Organization will keep you updated," The second officer said, sending my father a small smile. He seemed to be more into making sure the citizens - us - felt comfortable in this situation than the other man did.

"Are you sure that we can't know where she is?"

"Positive, Miss."

"Can't you just make this one exception? I won't be able to cope with not knowing where my daughter is in a situation like this," My mom pleaded.

"My deepest apologies go out to you all, but there is no way we can allow that. Anyone knowing, even yourselves, where Miss Lassiter is, is a huge violation of the rules. We understand that you are her family, but it still risks word getting out. It would cause an unnecessary havoc," The first officer said. I still hadn't bothered to learn the names printed on their tags.

"I would just like to add that from the moment your daughter leaves with the Witness Protection Program, she is immediately classified under their care; not ours. The police won't be in contact with her directly, either. The Organization looks after her, and we keep in touch with them. It isn't only you who can't speak with her," The other man pointed out, taking a brief glance at me.

I wasn't sure of how I felt about that, as I hadn't been introduced to anyone other than the police force and I hadn't shared this experience with them, either. I didn't like having to trust new people all over again.

"Those people will be in contact with detective O'Connor?" My voice surprised even myself, not having expected to speak up at all.

"Of course. He will know of everything that happens, but he most likely won't be aware of your location," One of them answered me.

His words gave me some reassurance, making me feel the slightest bit better about this.

A shrill ring cuts through the air, causing me to jump in my seat a little. My confusion as to where it was coming from was short-lived, as one of the officers pulled out his cellphone and held it up to his ear.

"Officer Canyon," He answered, dismissing himself into the other room.

We all sat in silence for a few minutes, contemplating all of the information that had been discussed. It was hard to take in and try to be okay with, but I had to accept it.

"That was detective O'Connor," The officer broke the silence, entering back into the room. "Everything has been sorted out and we are to take you down the the Organization building now."

We all stood up, reality suddenly sinking in. It was time. I was leaving, now.

My mother was the first one to embrace me, sobbing into my shoulder as she rocked us back and forth. It almost seemed to hurt her more than me, but that was hard to believe one I really thought about it. I was terrified.

My father was next, pulling me into his chest firmly. He told me a few reassuring words, telling me that everything would be okay and that I would be one hundred percent safe; even f I didn't feel like it. He gave me a kiss on the forehead as he pulled away.

I grabbed my suitcase on my way to the door, lugging it along behind me. I had packed it shortly after I had gotten home, being told that I should be fully prepared for when the detective called. I still didn't understand how a few short hours were enough to get everything organized and set for me to be admitted into the program, but then again, I didn't understand much of anything that had been happening.

I got into one of the police cars, since I wasn't able to take my own car to where I was going. I saw no sign of the gang outside my home as I settled into the leather seat, which gave me some piece at mind. I had hopped that they wouldn't waste anymore of their time scoping out the place, as it made me uncomfortable knowing they were stalking my house and my parents. Something told me, however, that it wouldn't take long for them to figure out something was up. It would eventually become apparent that I was no longer living there, and I was taken into more professional care. If they were as smart as a gang should be, considering they always got away with everything, then it wouldn't be difficult for them to become aware of what was going on. That thought did scare me, and made the assurance I felt a few seconds ago disappear.

I uttered a few more goodbyes to my parents and waved as the car pulled sway from the sidewalk, the other one following closely behind.

We pulled up to a very tall building after what seemed like forever. I was gaping as I entered; it was massive. Just the lobby alone seemed to never end, with multiple check-in desks scattering around. I supposed each were for a different purpose. The floors were a dark, rich brown coloured hardwood, and the ceilings were quit high. I wondered if all of the floors were this stunning.

"Miss Lassiter," I heard, turning to the voice. Detective O'Connor was walking toward me, a few men tagging along.

"Hello." I smiled.

"I'm very sorry about this being so sudden, but I'm glad we were able to do this at such late notice," He apologized, returning the small smile.

"I've got to accept it, I suppose." I shrugged, looking down at my feet.

"I almost forgot," He spoke, causing me to look back up. "This is Wren Heston, one of the main directors in the Witness Protection Program."

I looked beside him at the man, smiling brightly as I shook his hand. My guess was that he was only about twenty-eight, thirty at the most.

"It's nice to meet you. This will be your full-time body guard, Niall Horan."

As I turned to see who he was pointing at, the breath was knocked from my lungs. I hadn't noticed him before, but there stood the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He stood tall compared to me, short blonde hair and bright blue eyes, a muscular form. Everything about his stature was perfect.

"Hello, it's great to meet you. I'll be looking after you for the time-being," He explained, reaching out to shake my hand with a kind smile. I was shocked by his voice, a rich Irish accent apparent.

"Hi." It was hard to find my voice with all three men looking at me, as I was already nervous enough.

"Now, I need to get back to the case. From here on, you'll be in their hands. I wish you the best of luck, Bryn, and I will speak to you soon. Don't forget that I will be doing everything in my power to find the suspects," O'Connor said.

"Thank you, a lot," I said, meaning it. I would be forever great full for all of his help. I knew that he would be working hard to get me out of this.

After a goodbye, he left the building, leaving me alone with Wren Heston and Niall Horan.

It was very brief, but Niall was brought in, finally! I'm not used to keeping the main character out for so long, but I'm really trying to pan this story out correctly and take my time with the storyline! Things are picking up from here on out and I have tons planned for this, so stick around and I hope you enjoy!

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