Space Bound / An Eminem Fanfi...

By slimsxady

1.1K 27 2

At 18 years old Maria Vega still continuously gets bullied at her high school. Living as an outcast in the ci... More

view || chapter two
hold on || chapter three
night || chapter four
light || chapter five
looks || chapter six
all eyes || chapter seven
show it || chapter eight
that's how it goes || chapter nine
welcome || chapter ten

how? || chapter one

211 2 2
By slimsxady

Maria's P.O.V
July 1st 2000
another day at this stupid school. Why can't I just die already, I hate being here so what's the point? If I don't enjoy being here can't I just go and leave? I usually walk around school with this stupid book in my hand. Everyone here calls it a diary, but I don't. At my school, I'm the loser, the loner, the wallflower, the fucking outcast. I'm just relieved schools over in a week. "Hey? Whatchu writing in that diary? What are you the FBI?" A kid said to me and walked away. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to my next class. Which is English. That was the class where I mostly get called out and made fun of. Every day before I go to bed I always promise myself that I'll finally stand up for myself. But then I don't, and it's back to the same pattern.
"You're late." Mrs.Carcadi said.
"I know I'm sorry it was ju-"
"No, enough with your excuses Ms.Vega. You've been late for two weeks straight now to my class, if you're late again I'm going to have to contact your parents."
"Parent." I corrected.
"Please take a seat." Mrs.Carcadi commanded and walked back to her desk.
As I sat down in the back everyone turned around and stared at me for 5 minutes straight. I take my phone out and pretend I'm doing something.
"Someone's on their phone!" Kelsey shouted. I hate Kelsey, she bullied me since the 5th grade. She's the reason why all the others bully me too. I'm 18 years old and its still this way. I have no idea why she does this, all I know is that I want her to rot in hell.
"Maria late for class and now using her phone? Ugh, she's trying so hard to be a bad girl but it just doesn't work out right?" One of Kelsey's 'members' said.
"Enough everyone! We have to focus, this is your last year in this school one more week and you guys are gone. Next Thursday you guys are graduating, do you guys know that?" Mrs.Carcadi asked

"Who's cares, all we're doing is gonna be walking around a dirty ass stage grabbing some cardboard piece of shit." Joshua stated.

"Hallway now!" Mrs.Carcadi screamed.

Since we were seniors, we had the option to leave at 12:00PM or 2:00PM. Sadly I have no choice. I have to leave at 2 since my mom thinks seniors deserve to be at school longer because we might miss something. I totally disagree with her. All we do is sit here all day hearing the teachers blab about graduation.
"Everyone take out there notebooks and start writing a 1500 word essay, if you don't finish, do it for homework."
Everyone sighed, including me. As I grabbed my book bag I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and a girl I've never saw before begins to stare at me. "Go head insult me." I said with a fake smile.
"I'm Keisha." She says and puts her hand out giving me a, 'I'm not them' face. I smile and shake her hand. "I'm Maria." I say.
"How come I never see you around here?" I asked
"I've been skipping English since the first day of school, there's too many assholes in this class."

"Wow, you're totally right. What makes you come here today?"

"I just need some info about our graduation next week that's all."

I take a quick glance at her notebook and see a drawing of a man. It was beautiful.

"Yeah." Keisha laughed.


"You like my drawing?" She asked

"Oh sorry! Yes I do, it's beautiful, who's it suppose to be?" I asked

Keisha: "Marshall Mathers"
Me: "Who?" I laugh
Keisha: "Oh my god, you don't know who Marshall Mather's is?"
Me: "Nope, never heard of him, what is he an artist?"
Keisha: "A music artist actually."
Me: "If I had that name and I was famous, I would just give my self a stage name."
Keisha: "Yes, he does have a stage name, Eminem is his stage name."
Me: "Oh! Eminem! Yeah I heard of him. The Real Slim Shady am I correct?"
Keisha: "Correct!" Keisha laughed
Me: "Wow I'm sorry, I don't know everything about him. I just know those two hit singles he had."
Keisha: "Let me guess, 'My Name Is' and 'The Real Slim Shady'?"
Me: "Err yeah." I laughed
Keisha: "Jesus Maria! You have to listen to his music, it's amazing!"
Me: "I'm not into music about abusing women and making fun of gays."
Keisha: "Cut the shit, you're coming to my apartment after school, let's leave at 12."
Me: "I can't, my mom forces me to stay until 2."
Keisha: "Just tell her that we weren't doing anything."
6 hours later
Me: "Woah this isn't an average New York apartment."

Keisha: "Yeah no shit." Keisha laughs. "You want something to drink?"

Me: "Coca Cola?"
Keisha gives me a smirk and grabs two coca cola bottles and throws one to me.

Keisha: "Nice catch, cmon, we're not here to fool around, we're gonna do some music homework."

Me: "Ok then." I laugh

I follow Keisha into her room and it's absolutely beautiful. A bright baby blue wall with a king size bed. You could hardly see the blue paint on her wall since her entire wall was full of Eminem posters.

Me: "Woah."

Keisha: "I get that a lot."

Me: "You ever been to one of his concerts?"

Keisha: "No, but my mom got me 5 tickets to the VMAS I don't know why she got me 5 though, I don't have friends at that trash school."

Me: "Yeah same here, I'm guessing he's performing then if you're going right?"

Keisha: "Hell yeah, I would love me some Slim Shady, especially since it's front row seats! I could see all the stars after the show, but I don't give a shit about them, I want to see Eminem girl."

Me: "You don't like Brittney Spears? I heard she's performing."

Keisha: "Lord help you Maria, I'm gonna get one of his albums be right back."

Keisha opens her closet door and walks in it as it was a huge room. I decided to get up and follow her, and I was right, her closet was literally a huge room.

Keisha: "Welcome to my closet!"

Me: "Holy shit."

Keisha grabs a box and drops it to the floor.

Keisha: "Oh! I forgot I have a radio in here, let's just listen to his albums in here."

Me: "How many albums does he have?"

Keisha: "only two right now, but I definitely know he's gonna make more music."

I come closer to the box and she gives me one of his albums. I read the front, 'The Slim Shady LP' it said.

Me: "I don't know how to use you're fancy radio Keisha."

Keisha: "Oh give me that! By the way, we're not listening to, 'My Name Is' since you already know that song."

One of the songs began to play and I had no clue what it was.

Me: "What's this song called?" I ask

Keisha: "As The World Turns, come on let's dance!!"

3 hours later
"Cause I'm, just Marshall Mathers!" I yell as I enter the cab

Keisha: "Yay! Now you're officially an Eminem fan, anyway, I'll see you tomorrow!"

I waved Keisha goodbye. It felt good to have a friend. I haven't had a friend for such a long time, it's unbelievable.


"Thank you sir." I said giving him my 10 dollar bill.
I unlock the door to my apartment and smell something that made my stomach growl even more.
"Hey mom." I walk over to her and hug her. "Don't play that game!" She yells.
"What game?" I ask
"Is something going on?"
"Mom what the fuck! Nothing is going on!"
"Watch your damn language!"
She walks away and proceeds to cook the food. I walk in my room and throw my book bag on the floor. I sit next to my book bag and cry in frustration. I don't do anything wrong. Why does this have to happen?
End of Chapter One.

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