Burning Bright

Door sara_czarina

598 13 19

On the world of Pangear, there are five clans; the Water Clan, Terra Clan, Sky Clan, Earth Clan, and the Fire... Meer

Burning Bright
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Three

62 4 1
Door sara_czarina

 " Dari!"

  Dari pulled off her still damp cloak, laying her twin blades on her huge four-poster king-sized bed. She must have gotten back later than she thought, considering her mother was already calling her down. She'd have to change quickly.

  " Coming Mother!"

  She threw the black tank top and pants she'd been wearing into her closet, nearly hitting the jumbo picture of the her family that hung near it.  After tossing her boots under the desk, she grabbed on a red flowing shirt and a pair of coal black flannel pants. She grabbed a mirror from the vanity sitting near the desk, looking at herself. Her flame-red hair was still soggy, her face grimy and tired looking.

  " Dari, I'm coming up!"

  Dari's eyes widened as she heard footsteps on the stairs.Quickly, she grabbed a cloth, wiping the dirt and dust off her face. She brushed out her hair, heating the air around her so it dried faster. That was how fire elementalists could control fire. They could heat the air around them, summoning fire to appear from it. Within a few seconds, her hair had dried, and her face was clear of any sign of a fight.

  As she was tossing the boots, now coated in silt from the river, into the closet, the door opened gently, revealing Aldrea Lavat's tired looking face. As Dari's mother, she had the same petite,  yet toned figure, and hazel eyes laced in red flecks. Her hair was colored a creamy brown the same color as the chocolate Dari adored, pinned up in a simple bun with two jeweled black sticks plunged through it.

  " Dari, dear, breakfast is going to start soon. Are you dressed?" she asked, stepping into the huge bedroom. Her dress, a burnt orange color, floated around her ankles.

  Dari nodded, turning toward her mother and giving her a slight smile. " Yeah, Mother, I am." She yawned loudly. " Sorry, just lagging a bit this morning. I promise I'll be down to see the family in a minute."

  Aldrea smiled, her eyes twinkling in delight. " Alright dear. Just don't be too long. You know your father likes you to be on time to meals."

  Dari simply nodded again. " I promise, ok Mom?" She only called her that when they were by themselves, or with the family. It was a sign of respect to call your parents " Mother" and " Father" in public, and showed that they had taught their children well in etiquette.

  Her mother laughed, starting to close the door. " Of course, Dari, of course. Be down quickly." She closed the door softly, leaving it open a tad.

  Dari sighed as her mother left. She'd have to be down within the minute unless she wanted Father to be angry. Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, she propped open the door, taking the stairs two at a time so she could get to breakfast as fast as possible. Her father was not one to be kept waiting.

  As she came down the stairs, she entered the main hall, an elaborately decorated space painted in gold pictures and portraits of various family members covered by a glass ceiling. Pretty soon, my face will be up there, she thought to herself, smiling. It was almost indefinite that she would be the next clan leader. The eldest child of the royal family, the Lavat's, was nominated to be clan leader, no matter the gender. The public had the option to veto the eldest and elect one of the siblings to take control, but it rarely happened. Dari was almost positive the public would choose her. They had all agreed that she was the most powerful Lavat child, and the most capable for what was being asked.

  She stepped away from the pictures, starting to walk down the hall toward the dining room. Her head whirled in thought like she had in that whirlpool. She always stressed when it came to thinking about her future leadership. She wanted it, of course, she wasn't going to deny that. But it still scared her, having to lead a whole empire. Not only that, but she would be in charge of all the smaller Fire Clan colonies all over Pangear. She'd never had a responsibility this big, and with her sixteenth birthday looming upon her, leadership would come sooner than she thought.

  Deep in thought, she almost rammed into the huge double-doors leading into the dining room. She sighed, shaking off the sleepiness from not getting a wink of shut-eye last night. Putting on a huge smile to mask it, she pushed the doors open and walked into the room.

  The dining room never ceased to amaze her. Her breath was still taken away as she walked in. A huge dining table with a glass top and edges gilded in gold sat at the center. A chandelier draped with red, orange, and amber gems hung above it, glinting in light shining in from the glass windows that covered one wall. A fireplace sat in the far corner, holding pictures, tropies from Elementalist tournaments Dari had entered, healing awards given to her little sister, and the various other prizes. Dari's father had always liked to show off how talented his daughters were and what a powerful family he had. The family themselves sat at the room-for-atleast-twenty-people table, with her father at the head.

  " Dari!"

 The second child of the family, Star, squeeled in delight as her older sister walked into the room, jumping out of her chair and proceeding to attach herself to Dari's leg. At seven, Star was, in Dari's opinion, the cutest little kid in the city, with her mocha hair tied into braids and her pink nightgown bouncing around her legs. Dari lifted her into the air, twirling her around  until she giggled maniacly. As adorable as she was, she was fast becoming a promising healer. Dari had never been that good with medicine and healing, opting out for studying her element.

 " Faster Dari, faster!" she laughed, "wheeing" in glee as she spun. With a final spin, Dari set Star down, shooing her back to her seat. Her mother smiled at her children, pouring more nectar into her cup. Dari turned, walking over to take a seat by her father, the current clan leader.

  At 6'3, Edric Lavat towered over the rest of his family, both in height and muscle. His eyes glowed a menacing amber with tell-tale flecks of red to match the hair he had handed down to Dari, cut military- short. Even as he was supposed to be almighty and powerful, he still wore a boyish smile on his face seeing his two daughters. Unlike many clan leaders before him, he kept an active role in his family, taking care of his wife and children. If anything were to happen to them, or if they did something foolish, he was always there to disepline someone.

  " Morning Dad," she said, hugging him before she took a seat. He was also one of the few royal fathers who didn't mind if his daughters called him "dad", even if it was just them. Most had thought it demeaning to talk to a clan leader with such informality, even if they were family.

  " Good morning, Dari," he replied, observing the dark circles under her eyes. "Not enough sleep?"

 Dari spooned a mixture of honey, yogurt, and firefruit onto her crystaline plate. " Course not Dad, just a bit of stress over an assignment due a few days from now, but I'm fine. Promise" She added the last part to reassure him. She swallowed, changing the subject before her father asked her any more questions that might reveal something about the night before. " If you ask me, Star looks a little sluggish."

 Star looked up with a mouth full of toasted bread with sugar, trying to down her sixth slice. "Mhuw?"

  Aldrea laughed, handing the young girl a napkin. " Dari, she's a seven-year old. She's never sluggish!"

  Edric laughed as well, slicing into a piece of boar sausage. After swallowing, he set his utensils down, changing the subject. " Now Dari, your birthday is next week, on the the mid-year solstice."

  Of course, Dari thought to herself. Each year on the mid-year solstice, the day she was born, her father threw her a party where everyone in the city was invited. It was enjoyed by all, a time with dancing, laughing, and eating. Her father had put one on for her and Star every year on their birthdays. This would be her coming of age party, like all Fire Clan kids had when they reached sixteen.

  " Anyhow," he continued. " We'll be throwing the party at 7:00 that night, giving you plenty of time to get ready." He paused, grinning as he told her the next part. " As of that day, you will be princess of the Fire Clan, next in line to be leader unless the people object."

  Aldrea, smiled, laying her hand on top of Edric's. " And, of course, you'll recieve the ceremonial crown to show your title to the Fire Clan leadership." Her eyes gleamed with pride.

  Dari gasped. " Wait. Mom, I get the crown?"

 " Of course dear. Your father received the crown at his coming of age party, as did the rest of the Lavat line at their parties."

  Dari grinned at the thought. The crown signaled everyone that she was finally old enough to take part in politics and out-of-city affairs. Not ony did it give her more respect, it gave her more freedum.

  Edric gave Dari a warm smile as he saw her glee. Star clapped her hands, nearly spilling the contents of her crystal glass. Luckily, Aldrea summoned a stream of fire that propped the falling glass back up.

  " Dari?" she asked innocently. " Do I get to be a princess too?"

  Dari smiled warmly at her baby sister. " Of course Star. You'll get to be the princess while I'm clan leader. You'll be my second in command and get to help me with everything I do."

Star smiled brightly.  Once Edric released the throne to Dari (if she got voted in), she'd become the new clan leader, and Star would be princess. In other words, she'd be her second in command and help her with anything she needed.

  Dari smiled even more as Star kept talking. " Do I get to see a water elementalist? All the kids at school say they have pointed teeth and gills and they drown people! Do they really Dari?" She bounced up and down in excitement, her brown braids  bobbing.

  " Yep, they sure do Star," she replied. She lowered her voice eerily. " Then, after they drown them, they drag them to their caves, and then they..."

  " Dari!"

  Aldrea acknowledged her sternly, shaking head. Dari sighed. Edric tried his hardest not to laugh at Star's wide eyes.

  " Actually Star, they're the same as us,"  Aldrea explained, trying to calm her down.

 "Just colder, and crueler, and arrogant, and have no heart what so ever."

  Both her parents stared at her with mouths wide open. Star looked at her queerly.

  Dari slammed her fork and knife onto the table, standing up in her seat with a loud screech from the chair.

 " Excuse me. I, um, need to get some air."

  Before Edric and Aldrea could say anything, Dari had run out of the dining room, and up to her room again.

  As soon as she reached her room, she slammed the doors shut and ran to her closet, throwing off the red top and coal black pants, pulling on an orange shirt and brown shorts with her favorite boots. Writing a quick note explaining she'd be out in town, she shoved a pack of coins into her sock and opened her wall-to-wall window, jumping off her balcony and into the garden.


 Note(I was gonna end here, but I decided what the heck, I'll upload somemore! enjoy)


  The sun shone down as Dari headed down the cobblestoned street that ran down the center of the city.Today was the kids of the Fire Clan's day off from schooling and classes, so the streets were flooded with teens and little children chattering and goofing off, making the most of their freedum. Dari received waves from multiple people, smiling and nodding back respectfully.

  Breathing in deeply, Dari smiled warmly at the smells of roasting meat and fruity perfumes wafting from the various shops. Vendors yelled out prices and haggled with citizens. The crowd was thick today, the noise increased tenfold on a day like this when everyone was out of school and work. Dari felt trapped in all the people, the body heat pressing in around her. She'd always liked being out in the open more than being engulfed in a sea of people. Pushing between the people wishing her an early happy birthday and good luck at her coming of age party, she pressed herself against a pair of glass doors, pushing them open and entering her favorite shop in the city, " Lydia's".

  Dari had been coming to "Lydia's" ever since she was little. It was one of the best shops in the city, selling the sweetest candies and cakes, the trendiest clothes, and the most well-crafted jewelry. The owner, Lydia, was one of her mother's oldest friends, like a second mother to Dari. Aldrea was originally born in the the shopping district, her parents owning one of the most prominant apotholcary shops. Star had learned all of her healing powers from Aldrea. When she had grown up their, she had met Lydia, whose parents used to own a dress shop near their's. At 18, she'd met Edric, and they'd been married a year later. That was another thing about the Fire Clan Dari had always admired; unliked other clans, an official like her father could marry anyone, not have a forced marriage from the parents.

  A shrill bell rang as Dari swung the doors open, indicating to Lydia that there was a customer. The walls in the store were painted a warm red, the floor laid in hardwood. Racks of clothes were hung around "Lydia's", shelves full of shimmering jewelry inlaid with different colored stones and metals. At the front counter, a glass covered cabinet was filled with colorfully  iced treats and berry cookies for the festivals this time of year. Behind the front counter, a tall slender woman sat placing dainty little cakes iced with a sugar glaze inside the the cabinet. Her blond hair shone like sunlight on her back. Her green eyes brightened and her pink lips twitched into a smile as she saw Dari in her shop.

  " Strawberry!" She exclaimed happily, stepping out to wrap Dari in a hug. She'd called her strawberry ever since she'd seen her  violent red hair. Dari hugged her back, burying her head in Lydia's shoulder. She smelled like warm vanilla root and and flower perfume sold down the street.

  Taking a step back, Lydia looked over her, raising an eyebrow at her simple shorts and t-shirt.

  " Really Dari," she sighed, smoothing the apron over her red dress. " You couldn't act like a girl for one day of your life."

  Dari rolled her eyes.

 " Come on Mom, that's how she always dresses."

  From behind one of the racks came Nicklus, Lydia's son. His shaggy red hair hung low on his forehead, his golden eyes colored with bright red flecks gleaming in amusement. Everyone had always said they could be siblings, they looked so much alike. When they were younger, they'd looked like twins. Nicklus was a only a year older then Dari, but always acted superior to her in every way. However, they told each other everything and were best friends.

  " Hey Dari," he said arrogantly, smirking at his long-time friend. Dari rolled her eyes at him like she always did his mother. He punched her lightly on the shoulder, receiving a kick in the shin back.

  Lydia stifled a laugh as she watched her son groan and clutch his ankle.

 " Mom!"

  " Sorry sweetie but you asked for it," she replied, smirking.

  Nicklus groaned again , but Dari knew he was faking it. The pain would have subsided by now.

  " Mom, how about me and Dari go look at some of the jewelry you just got in from the southern Fire Clan cities," Nicklus cut in. " Didn't you say you had some blaze-stone necklace?"

  " Oh, I love blaze-stone!"

 Lydia nodded at the two, giving them a smile. " Of course dears. I have something for Dari, too. Wait right here." She ruffled Nicklus's hair, hurrying to the backroom of the shop.

 Nicklus broke the silence that had set in first.

 " So, had a nice sleep last night?"

 Dari gulped, looking away from his prying eyes. She'd never been good at lying to Nicklus; he knew her too well. Nicklus just looked at her innocently, playing with one of the shirts laying on a rack.

  " Well, actually..."

  " Hah!" Nicklus laughed, pointing at her guiltily. " You snuck into the Water Clan capitol!"

 Dari immediately threw a hand over his mouth. " Don't say it so loud Nick! If your mom heard, she'd personally get mom and dad to chain me in my room until I'm clan leader! How'd you know, anyway?"

  Nick groaned, holding his head in annoyance. " It's obvious. You always go out to the Water Clan capitol, and the huge bags under your eys give it away. I'm surprised Mom didn't say anything, it's so noticable you got no sleep last night. Besides, I knew you couldn't resist fireworks."

He ran a hand through his hair. " Dari, what is wrong with you?! Why would you even think about going there on Peace Day? Do you know how much they would love to hang a fire elementalist?"

  Dari turned, narrowing her eyes at Nicklus. " Don't tell me about wrong, Nick. I know for a fact that you still sleep with your stuffed Drake the Dragon. That, dear Nicklus, is wrong."

  Nicklus's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. " I only kept him for sentimental value," he mumbled. Dari laughed evily, giving him a smirk.

  He grabbed Dari's shoulders, looking her in the eyes. " It still doesn't excuse you from what you did Dari. You know how dangerous it is. And even if I think your other little excursions to the watery city are fun and games, this wasn't. Water elementalists are all hyped up on pride and fury from the war, and, if, which they COULD HAVE, found a pyro, they's do awful things to her. Awful things Dari. Considering I just ate a pretty big meal, I'm not going into detail."

  Dari shook him off, waving away his arms. " Nicklus, I had it under control. Even if those guards and that psycho water chick did try and attack me, I had it all under control!" She immediately clapped her hands over her mouth. Oops.

  Nicklus's eyes widened even more. " You fought a water elementalist and guards? Dari, you could have very easily been killed. Not too mention are now probably wanted all around that forsaken city of arrogant, water-brains."

  " Yeah, I guess they would be pretty ticked off if I killed one of 'em."

  " You killed a Water Clan guard!"

  Dari shrugged. " Kill's a strong word Nick. I only surrounded him in a fire wall and boiled the liquid right out of him. It was a fifth degree burn at most."

  " There's no such thing as a fifth degree burn!"

  " Yeah, I know. I'm just using that to elude to the fact I burned him to death. It's the nice way to put it Nick. Wouldn't Drake the Dragon want you to be nice?"

  Nicklus was about ready to punch something right then. " Dari, listen to me. I didn't want you to get killed, that's all I'm saying. If you would listen, I would tell you I didn't want you to kill yourself because me, mom, your parents, Star, the whole city, we'd be heartbroken. Understood? I've known you since we were tots, I don't want something to happen to you now. Not like what happened to my dad."

  Dari gulped. Nicklus's dad had been captured by a group of water elementalists while on a hunt. They'd tortured him to give them information about the surviving Fire Clan before weighing his feet and drowning him. It was the cruelest way to die for a pyro, being crushed and surrounded by the dark liquid on all sides, suffuring until the end until blacking out forever.

  Nicklus looked her in the eyes again. " Do you understand Dari?"

  Dari gulped. " Yeah. Thanks Nick."

  Nick shot her one of his blinding smiles. " No problem, princess."

 At that moment, Lydia came back in, carrying a huge box wrapped in metallic paper. " Here it is. Finally found it wedged back behind a shipment of nightgowns." She handed it to Dari, smiling in her motherly way. " It's for you, dear. For your coming of age ceremony. I thought you could wear it when they crown you. I know they will."

  Taking the lid off the box, Dari gasped as she saw what was inside. She could only describe it as the most gorgeous thing she had ever laid eyes on, more perfect than anything she'd ever seen.

  She looked up Lydia, almost tearing up. Nicklus gave his mother a huge smile of approval at the gift.

  " Lydia, it's gorgeous!" she breathed, running to give her a deep embrace. Lydia hugged her tight, giddy at Dari's happiness.

  " Thank you Strawberry. I thought it only fitting for the future clan leader."


 Hey, sorry the chapter was kinda long this week, but i really wanted to introduce Nicklus and Lydia. Hope you liked it!

  So, what was in the box? I'll give you a hint, it's an item of clothing. When I release the next chapter, I'll post a picture of what I think it looks like. Leave me a comment of what you think it is. I might dedicate a chapter too you if you get it right (if i figure out how (;)

  anyway, hoped you like it. Keep an eye out for liquid life by lyricaljade, which tells calliann's story. thxs for readin and don't forget to check out my other book, aula storm. ILY





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