My Best Friend's Dad - L.H

By tryingtoohardagain

1.5M 40.1K 37.9K

It was not a secret that my best friend's dad is the definition of hot, but he is my best friend's dad, and I... More



45.8K 1.1K 1.4K
By tryingtoohardagain

!Smut warning!

I promised Tilda that I would come over today. I really don't want to, I don't want to see Sebastian.

He has been acting like a total child, ignoring me in school, talking about me behind my back (probably saying I'm some kind of slut) and "accidentally" tripping me in the hallways. Like what the fuck is his problem?

I pack my bag to stay the night, but decide to bring more clothes just in case I want to stay longer.

I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower before sliding into a pair of skinny jeans and and a loose-hanging grey tank top.

"David! Simon! I'm leaving now!" I yell at them from downstairs. I grab the door handle and slowly open the door.

I walk out the house and then began walking over to Tilda's house. I texted Tilda a few minutes earlier just to let her know that I'm coming now.

I walked the short distance over to her house and finally stood infant of there front door.

I took a deep breath and then opened the door.

I was welcomed with the sound of Tilda's voice yelling something at Luke.

"Why do I have to go?!" she yelled at him from upstairs.

"Mathilda its your grandmother and she wants to see how you are doing " He said calmly back but his voice slightly raised so she can hear him.

"But Milla is coming over" She complained

"Yeah she can come another day" He said back.


"You are so annoying! Why do I have to go and Sebastian doesn't?" She continued to complain.

"Because Sebastian saw her last weekend. So now its your turn" he reasoned.

"Fine" she huffed and slammed her bedroom door.

I walked up the stairs and headed towards Mathilda's room when Luke stopped me.

"Tilda has to go to her gran-" he started, but I cut him off.

"Yeah I heard" I say

"Packed my bag fro nothing" I shrugged

"You can always just stay the weekend, it would only be us two" He smirked, walking closer to me.

"I would like that" I whispered.

"So would I" he whispered back, his hands resting on my waist and his lips only centimetres apart.

I leaned in and connected our lips, but before anything else happened he pulled away.

"wait until they left" he whispered and I nodded my head.

I turned around and walked over to Mathilda's room.

I peeked my head in and saw her packing a weekend bag, throwing clothes all over the room to stuff into that mini suitcase.

"Hey" I smiled, now taking a step into the room.

"Hi" she grunted in frustration.

"I have to go over to my-" She started but I cut her off.

Second time I cut someone off in the last five minutes.

"Yeah I know, Luke told me" I nodded.

"You can come next weekend" she suggested

"yeah" I simply said.

"You need help with anything?" I asked pointing at her messed up suitcase.

"I think I got everything now" she nodded, looking around her room.

"My dad already bought the train ticket, so I am leaving for the station in like 10 minutes" she said, trying to close her clothes-filled suitcase.

"okay, should I walk you to the station?" I asked, picking up her suitcase.

"nah, Seb is giving me a ride" she said, walking out the door.

I nodded and followed her down the stairs.

"Tilda we are leaving now!" Sebastian yelled

"See you at school?" she asked, giving me a hug.

"yep" I laughed and pulled away from the tight embrace she had captured me in.

The front door closed, leaving me and Luke alone in the house.

"so we should be alone for a few hours. What do you want to do?" Luke asked coming up behind me.

I turned around and smashed my lips to his, fisting his t-shirt tightly.

"Alright then" he laughed, picking me up bridal style and carrying me to his bedroom.

He placed me down on the bed and crawled on top of me. He wasted no time grabbing the hem of my shirt and lifting it over my head.

"You are so god damn beautiful" he whispered before attaching his slightly swollen lips to the skin of my neck.

He found my sweet spot shortly after, making me moan out in pleasure.

I took hold of the hem of his shirt and lifted it up over his head, throwing it someplace in the room.

He connected his lips to mine once again and tugged on my skinny jeans. I lifted my butt up so it was easier to pull the jeans off of my long legs.

Next was his. I tugged on his jeans and attempted to pull them down but didn't succeed.

Luke chuckled and stood up from the bed, pulling his pants down.

He soon crawled back on top of me and connected our lips once again.

His tongue asked for access and I gladly granted it. Our tongues were dancing with each other for a few minutes but we both knew what we wanted.

Luke's hand came behind my back and unclasped my bra. I slip the material off my arms, leaving me totally topless in front of him. Something I have only done a few times before.

Next came my underwear. He pulled them agonisingly slow down my legs and threw them to the ground, joining the rest of our discarded clothing.

I did the sam with his boxers, making his erection spring out and hitting his stomach.

I laid my head back down on to the pillow and waited for him. I closed my eyes so I could enjoy the feeling, but after a few seconds of nothing happening I looked up at him in confusion.

He chuckled and then slammed into me. I groaned as his large member spread my walls.

He grabbed onto the headboard of his bed for support before repetitively slamming into me.

I cried out in pleasure as I felt a knot in my stomach begin to form.

"Fuck Luke" I yelled.

He just nodded and continued to thrust into me but picking up his pace a little bit.

I was so focused on Luke I could hear or see anything else going on around me.

All I could see was Luke.

All I could feel was Luke.

All I could hear was Luke-

"What the fuck is going on here?!"

Both Luke and mine's heads snapped in the direction of the voice.

It was Sebastian.



I know I'm evil

but even though I am evil I would love if you guys check out my new story! Its called The Hunt. Luke Hemmo fanfic

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