My Life is a Lie(a Princeton...

By jboo133

6K 108 9

A 17 year old girl lives the life of an adult when she finds out that 2 of her favorite tv shows where create... More

My Life is a Lie(a Princeton love story)
Play it cool
Getting along
jboo note #1
Make Up
so the plan
i'm sorry a what now
no you can't
getting the feeling
another skip
worth living


186 3 0
By jboo133

hey guys!this whole "put a part up every day"thing aint workin.antyway here is part 12.and remember this is 2 YEARS later!

Tina's P.O.V.

it's been 2 years since i last talked 2 prince.i see him all the time cuz i still work at division.i asked nathan if i could have a new trainer and he agreed but that was long ago now i dont need a trainer!i really miss him though.i had 2 change my identity now i am 19 but i am now a 25 year old widow w/1 child,graduate from college,and my b-day is 7/28/93.i feel so stupid.leave it 2 me 2 fall 4 a guy in like 2 days!whats worse is he is always around.i can feel him.demons can do that.there spirit can go somewhere and touch stuff 2 but no one will see them.its something they all can do like shimmering.our daughter is now 1 she is my angel.her name is jasmariee.she has hair just like him!i just comb it,fluff it,and slide a head band on.i hear there songs on the radio every now and then but i just turn the channel.2 bad i didnt get 2 meet roc,ray,and prod.

me:hunny come here


i picked her up walked out of my apartment building and into my car after putting her in her seat belt.

me:guess where we're going!

jaz:where where where!!!!!!?????????!!!!!???????!!!?

me:aunt tamera's house


we drove 2 tamera's house which was right outside of town so it didnt take long.right as we were about 2 get out of the car keep her on the low came on.i quickly turned off the car and got jaz out walked up 2 the i was pissed,that brought my whole day down.then my little angel had 2 open her mouth and say...

jaz:mommy,where is daddy?


jaz:can we go see him?


jaz:what do you mea-

tamera:hey hey hey!

jaz:ahhhh*running 2 hug her*hi!!!!!!!

tamera:hey sweetie ure cousins r upstairs

jaz:k*running upstairs*

tamera:hey t!

me:hey tam*hugging her then walking 2 the couch 2 find tia*oh hey tia

(a.n.-tia is the one w/the kids upstairs)

tia:ok now whats wrong ure not ure usually self

me:*looking down*nothing

tam(tamera):oh now is my chance 2 use my new power*trying 2 read my mind*

me:*knowing she could do it and starting 2 feel prince near examining me*STOP!

tam:*gasps*u miss prince!?!?!?

Princeton's P.O.V.

i was walking around the park when i thought about tina and my daughter.i read there mind from time 2 time.tina misses me alot and jaz just wonders who and where i am.i thought i should visit them,so i did.they were at tamera's house.her sisters never liked me.this was there fault.if they wouldnt have said anything the guilt would have just got 2 me untill i calmly explained this 2 her.but they way they told her they ruined everything that should have been.i went in and watched her bawl and i men bawl her eyes out.but why?

tina:*crying*i...just...m-miss...him...s-so...much right...wait me!?!?!?! she misses me!!!!!!awwww.i walked over 2 her and sat im front of her because her sisters were on both sides of her.i knew she knew i was there because when i sat in the floor she flinched really hard.i knew now was the perfict time.u c i found out how 2 do this thing where i put my hand on there fore head and i can pass them a message.i put my hand on her forehead and she didnt even move.i gave her this message

tina u know who this is so i just wanted 2 clear this up.2 years ago when i told u i was suposed 2 kill u u didnt let me finish.i was going 2 say also that i turned it down when i fell in love with you and there are demons 2 this day still trying 2 kill me because i "betrayed"them.i hope this will make u forgive me.and 1 last thing i still love u,think bout u and jaz everyday,and come 2 check on every day as well!

Tina's P.O.V.

prince just gave me a mind message and it was so sweet.i cant belive what he just said i just grabbed his hand off my head and kissed it as i started 2 cry again.i lloked 2 my left and right and saw my sisters with confussed looks on there face...finally they said "ohhhhhh"at the same time as they went upstairs i guess 2 let us he finally became visible i grew anxious!he gave me a long hug and said "im so sorry"i felt bad and sat him down and got on his lap.

me:look im so sorry i should've let u explain and i-

prince:no it was my fault i didnt tell u sooner an-

this time i cut him off by kissing him.he seemed really surpried but soon he pulled back shaking his head "no"

me:whats wrong babe?

prince:i dont want 2 hurt u again

me:i dont care,right now i just need u now


me:*laughing*come on

i got off of him and grabbed my purse with my stuff in it walked back 2 the couch where he was still siting i grabbed his hand as we made our way 2 the car then 2 my appartment and we made the best love ever.

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